224 CEEELMAN. COEBY--COREY. Sch., and in 1894, passed the second exams., but has not yet gone up for call to the bar. He was apptd. Mackenzie fellow in Const. History at Toronto Univ., 1895. Before leaving the Univ. he had done some meritorious newspaper work, and in 1892 became connected with the MacLean Publishing Co., as ed. of 3 of their monthly trade papers. This position he resigned on his appt., Sept. 1895, to the editorship of the Can. Magazine (Toronto) where he still is. Since 1893 Mr. C. has been Secy.-Treas. of the Can. Press Assn. He holds a lieutenancy in the Queen's Own Rifles. He m. June, 1896, Agnes M. (B.A. Queen's Univ., 1895), eld. dau. of Capt. J. Massie, R.C.A., Kingston.--SO Nanton Crescent, Toronto. 209 the Deaf and Dumb, and an Exam, latter body. Politically, a Lib. ; in for the Med. Council, N. B. In religious faith, he is a Presb. He religion, a Bapt., he has filled the m. Nov. 1878, Margt., dau. of the offices of Secy., V. -P. and Presdt. of late Rev. John Jennings, D.D.--13 the Bapt. Convention of the Mari- Queen's Park, Toronto; Toronto Club. CREELMAN, George Christie, edutime Provinces. He is also a dir. of the Maritime Bapt. Pub. Co. cationist, is the s. of 'Jas. RuthMr. C. has written largely for the erford Creelman, by his wife Isabelpress, often anonymously, on edu- la, and was b. at Collingwood, Ont., cational topics, the temp, question, May 9, 1869. Ed. at the Coll. Inst. matters of Christian doctrine and there, he entered the Ont. Agrl. practice, etc.; and has also prepared Coll., Guelph, Oct. 1885, took assoc. a variety of matter for school texts diplomas 1887, and graduated B.S. A. and other books. He has taken an 1888, at Toronto Univ. - Since then active part in the work of fraternal he has taken special courses in Biolorders and societies, and has reached ogy at Cornell Univ., 1891; at Univ. the highest offices and rewards in of Wisconsin, 1892; and at Mich. their gift to bestow--Freemasonry, Ag. Coll., 1893. He was apptd. Oddfellowship, Temp., United Work- Asst. Prof, of Biology at the Mismen, and Forestry, being all included sissippi Agr. and Mech. Coll., Jan. in the list. In Forestry especially, 1, 1889, and was elected Prof, of his services have marked him out for Biology therein, July 1892. He special honour at the hands of his I was V.-P. of the State Teachers' brethren. For 5 yrs. he was the Assn., 1892-93, and was largely inhead of the order (H.C.R.) in N.B. ; stramental in having Botany introhe was Supreme Vice-C. R. for 2 yrs., duced into the public schs. of Miss. and he finally received the Grand As a mem. of the faculty of Peabody Cross of Merit at the close of his Normal Sch., 1894, he delivered a official career. He m. 1867, Miss series of lectures on Botany and Jessie S. Masters, of St. John, N.B. Physiol. to the public sch. teachers of the State. Prof. C. m. 1892, Ada, --Fredericton, N.B. C R E E L M A N , Adam Rutherford, eld. dau. of Jas. Mills, Presdt. of Q. C., is the s. of Jas. R. Creelman, the Ont. Agr. Coll., Guelph, Ont.-- of Stewiaeke, by his wife Isabella Agricultural Coll., Starkville, Miss., C., dau. of the late John Patterson, U.S.A. CREELMAN, James, newspaper of Pictou, N. S. Born at Richibucto, N.B., Sept. 21, 1849, he was ed. at correspondent and litterateur, is the the Grammar Sell, there and at the s. of the late Matthew Creelman, for Presb. Acad., Chatham, N.B. Called many yrs. an officer of the Steam Into the Ont. bar 1875, he entered the spection Assur. Co., Montreal. B. firm of Crooks, Kingsmill & Catta- in Montreal, 1858, he ran away nach, Toronto ; but in 1877, joined a from home when 12 yrs. of age. He new firm formed by D'Alton Mc- started to walk to N. Y., a feat he Carthy, Q.C., which now bears the successfully accomplished by virtue name of McCarthy, Osier, Hoskin of a ride now and then on a ry. & Creelman. He was created a Q. C. train. Attracting the attention of by the Earl of Derby 1889. He is a the Rev. Dr. Muhlenberg, he obdir. of the Can. Landed and Natl. tained employment in the office of Invest. Co. Mr. C. takes great in- Church and State, then the official terest in athletics and all manly organ of the Prot. Ep. Ch. in Am. sports. He is a mem. of the R.C. Y. He learned the business of a printer Club, the Ont. Jockey Club, the thoroughly in various establishments, Country and Hunt Club, the Ath- finally drifting into the office of the letic Club, the Toronto Cricket Brooklyn Eagle, where he met Thos. Club and the Toronto Golf Club, Kinsella, who encouraged him to and was for some yrs. Presdt. of the write, and to whom he submitted and is a prominent Freemason, Oddfellow and Son of Eng. He has represented West Hastings in the Ho. of Commons, in the Con. interest, since Mch., 1888, and is Presdt. of the Con. Assn. of the 6th Dist. He m. Sept., 1872, Maria, dau. of the late John Courtney.--Belleville, Ont. ; Eideau Club ; Albany Club. "A popular and honorable man."--Mail and Empire. COREY, Rev. Charles Henry (Bapt.), educationist, was b. at New Canaan, N.B.,Dec. 12, 1834, and is of U.E.L. descent, his ancestors having come from R. I. at the time of the Am. revolution. Ed. at Acadia Coll. (B.A., 1858; M.A., 1861), he pursued his Theol. studies at Newton, Mass., graduating, 1861, and was ordained pastor of the 1st Bapt. Ch., Sea"A man of ability and force."--A. H. U. brook, N.H. This position he reColquhoun. signed, 1864, to enter the service of CORBY, Henry, distiller and legis- the U. S. Christian Comii., and he lator, is the s. of the late Hy. remained in that service until the Corby, M.P.P., a native of Hanwall, close of the Am. war. After 2 yrs. of Middlesex, Eng., and was b. at mission, service in S. C., Dr. C. was Belleville, Ont., May 2, 1851. Ed. apptd. Presdt. of the Augusta Inst., at the public schs., and at Rock- Augusta, Ga., an institution existwood Acad., he took a commercial ing under the auspices of the Nacourse at Toronto, and subsequently tional Theol. Inst. and Univ. In entered his father's office. On the j the following year he was transdeath of his father he succeeded to j ferred to Richmond, Va., as the his business as a miller, distiller and Presdt. of an institution for the importer of wines. In his hands training of coloured preachers and the business and works have grown teachers. In this work he has been considerably, and they are now eminently successful. He is now among the largest and most pros- Presdt. of Richmond Theol. Senry. perous existing in that line in the Dr. C. has travelled much, and Dom., a village of considerable ex- not long since returned from a tour tent having been built up about the through Egypt, Palestine, Syria, works at Corbyville in the Tp. of Greece and Italy. He is the author Thurlow. Mr. C. is Asst. Chief of of "A History of the Richmond the Belleville Fire Dept., a dir. of Theol. Semv., with Reminiscences of the Dist. Agrl. Exhn. Co., V.-P. of 30 Years' Work " (1895). He has the Bay of Quinte Bridge Co., reed, the degree of D.D. from RichPresdt. of the Cricket Club, Presdt. mond Coll., Richmond, Va., from of the Yacht Club, Presdt. of the McMaster Univ., Toronto, from Bicycle Club, Presdt. of the Forest Acadia Univ., N. S., and from Bayand Stream Club, Presdt. of the lor Univ., Texas. He m. 1865, Natural Gas Co., and Presdt. of the Fannie, dau. of Hon. Jas. Sanborn, Belleville branch of the St. John of Seabrook, T$M.~18%3Bast Main Ambulance Assn. He is also the St., Richmond, Va. " A man of the finest intellectual qualiowner of Massassaga Park, and has fications and attainments, as well as of high erected a hotel and a number of Christian character and pheasant personality. cottages for the public convenience, He has practically devoted his life to educa.15