Mayor A. McLean Haig, Reeve Harry Morrow Officiate at Opening of Coca-Cola Plant '·Belleville," he smiled, "had of Belleville's most upalways basked in the reflected to-date industrial plants made its glory of Sidney township, which,'* inaugural how to an admiring he added, "might some day bepublic yesterday afternoon when come part of the city." the spacious new building of the Newly-elected "reeve of Sidney Coca-Cola Ltd., at the corner of -township. _Harry Morrow, who Sidney Street and Marshall Road, claimed "Sidney to be the best was officially declared "open". township in the country" said he High-ranking company officials was proud to see the fine new with civic, municipal and politicCoca-Cola Ltd. plant added to the al dignitaries and their wives atT fine array of business and industended ribbon-cutting ceremonies, trial organizations within its conwhile a large cross section of the fines. city's business and industrial life . "We have RCAF station, Trenton, looked on. Afterwads the guests the Bata Shoe Company, the Onwere taken on an inspection tour tario School for the Deaf, the new of the plant and its operations 1 Hastings County Home, the Glen j while from 7:30 to 10:30 a dealers 11 Miller paper mills and now this I "open house was held. fine" new building and business. Cut Ribbon Of course/' he added, "we have the city of Belleville on the east; Following a formal but^warm with which we are very pleased ; welcome by branch manager, to associate ourselves." Aubrey Coe, the guests saw Mayor He wished the Coca-Cola Ltd., A;**MeLean Haig, of Belleville arid AUBREY COE success and prosperity in the years Reeve Harry Morrow, of Sidney to come. . Splendid Host township, cut the white satin ribbon that symbolically opened the Presented With Gifts doors of| the new buildingx^ " Mr. ft. H. Keast; compamy vice- he said, was appropriate to the At this point-Mayor Haig and .Jbusi ness .and pttt!ic Reeve .. Morrow ; xvere presented. prccident, Toronto^ in «-brief post growth* of ccrcmcny address said tlmt C:>CM- city. ! with handsome gifts on behalf of Mayor Haig speaking on behnU j his company by Manager Coe. Cola Ltd. and Belleville had been jold friends since 1922 when op- of the 'city council, welcomed the Lovely bouquets of flowers were erations were conimenced in a new addition to the district's fine presented to Mrs, Haig and Mrs. Morrow* modest way. . The new building, new industrial plants* ** On* One I 53 i