Insurance PHOVE S62. Real Estate ST. J. W. DAVISON VERNON'S DIRECTORY PHONE: us. NO BETTER SHOE SERVICE THAN OURS. THE J. J. HAINES SHOE HOUSES, BELLEVILLE:. NAPANEE AND TRENTON CITY OF BKLLEVILLE +Dafoe crosses 32 Mrs John Lazier Whelan & Yeomans 44 Frank Hitchon 46 Col Philp Hambly R.EAL ESTATE 48 Eobt S Sills AND INSURANCE 52 Frank W Rutherford 29 Bridge East. 56 Thos Grazier Phone 4C7. 56£ Chas J Fisher 62 James Smith ALBION, north from 64 Eobert Tuite Pine to Station, 1 e 68 Miller Mott Charles, e side 72 Donald MacLean 74 Vacant 13 B E Leeming74i Thos G Smith 15 Clarence Dudley 76 Wm Minzies 29 Geo E Madden 76 Jno H Robinson +O T R tracks 53 George Brown 55 Edwd Winters ALEXANDER, s side 57 John Stephenson 5 Davidson Carl aw 59 Jno Taubman 7 Albert Jones 61 Hiram Brown 11 James Colling 21 Geo Keith ALBION, west side 25 G S Bolder 27 Frank H Doran 12 Wm W White 31 John Ron an 14 Jas Mclntyre 16 Prosper Freschette 37 Wm H McGregor 39 Clement French 18 Neil Woodcock 47 Jos R Hitchon 22 Vacant 47 John P Hosie 24 John Pepper +Ann crosses 60 Jas St Louis 55 Louis C Poscoe 57 Jos Tilley ALEXANDER, east 61 Mrs Robt Davy from head of John 63 James Reid to Charles, n side 71 Wm J Givins 4 Stewart Masson 10 Mrs John Howe ALEXANDER, north John Symington from 32 Alexander 16 John S McKeown 15 D M Waters 22 Mrs John Doyle 14 S A Lockwood 28 Thos H Gushing Chas. Whelau L. G. Yeomans ANN, north from Dundas to Porin, 4 e Church, east side 135 Mrs Wm Thompson 139 Wm B Horie 141 Wm Ferguson 143 Jos Jolley 151 Jas Brown 157 Bruce R Lang 165 John Newton 169 Mrs Rbt McCuaig 179 E F Dickens 187 Isaac J Frost 191 F C Clarke +Bridge st crosses 215 Morley A Day 219 S W Vermilyea 225 Mrs J Moyn-es +Queen st crosses 245 Henry Lewis 247 Mrs Jno Bowling 249 Miss M Gardner 251 Gilbt Seemes 257 Ernst Martin 257! Henry Wickson 259""David*Kerr ^Victoria av crosses 263 Jas H Turney 267 Jas S Peck 271 N P Fleming 273 Danl Donaghue 275 Geo Easton 281 Jas Jackson 283 John S Pratt 287 Wm F Peake 303 P G Denike ANN, west side 168 Wm R Denmison 174 Jas M Farley St Agnes School "··Bridge st crosses Park 224 Harry Earle 230 Thos A Gardner +Queen st crosses 244 Douglas Snider 246 D Batchelor 250 Chas Semark ·^Victoria av crosses New house 270 I S Hegle 278 D R Purdy 280 Robt Burris 282 Ernst Ridley 286 Fred Mott 288 Mrs Geo Watson 290 Chas Storey 292 Henry Taylor 294 Herbt Shane BAY, east from Fos- ter av GEENS' IRON BLOOD PILLS A convenient and satisfactory Tonic at all times of the year. Slightly laxative. 50 pillt in a box. 2i ··nU, 5 boxts for one dollar. 12 John Penney 13 Mrs Chas Kizer BENJAMIN, w from Ponton to limits, 3 n Bridge, n side 12 16 20 28 32 E B Mullet W H Crabbe Geo S Kerr Vanamburg Cook John Kennedy +Yeoman crosses 62 Henry Bedell 64 Patk. Hynes Ella Brown Mrs Ethel Brunton GEENS' PHONE 131 Established 1871. ASHLEY, south from BENJAMIN, s side Mill to Gt St James, 19 Wm Badgley 2 e Church 29 Harry Ayling 37 Lathan Bowers 12 John Rittwedge BALDWIN, n from Stone to Limits, 1 w of Moira e, e side 41 Andw Tounsley 47 Timothy Hogan 55 Geo Jarrell "H)live crosses 93 Mrs Nancy Balcanquel BETTES, north from Myers to Station, 1 e Bleeker av, e side 5 Richd Snell 9 Mrs Peter Young 19 Wm E Clare +Emily st begins 31 Nelson Storms +Brassey st begins School house ·Hr T R tracks cross 45 Jo'hn Ward 47 Theo Carey B Biscomb Leonard Wood Wto W Smith Edgar Elliott +Emily st ends 28 Wm Symons 34 Mrs Hy Gorman 36 Alex Bremner 40 Geo O'Neill +G T R tracks cross BLEECKER AV, n from Dundas to City Limits, 8 east Church, east side 137 Job Davis 155 Henry Crossland +Bridge st crosses 241 L Helperin 235 B< Wilkinson 257 John W Evans ^·Victoria av crosses 263 James McGrath 285 John M Truaisch 287 Stephen Burton +Pine st crosses 355 Matt Wilbee Vacant 361 Alfd Skinner 14 18 20 22 BALDWIN, west side 32 John- Follwell HKStone ends 42 Vacant BETTES, west side +Olive crosses 52 Ben Mather 10 Phillip Robinson Furniture, Rugs, Carpets, Oil Cloths and Linoleums DOMINION BEDDING COMPANY PHONS 40. H. T. THOMAS, Insurance, DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS 306 FRONT STREET.
Belleville History Alive was created through a partnership between the Belleville Public Library and Community Archives of Belleville
As of January 2016 the Belleville Public Library is the sole contributor to this site The support of the Ontario Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Sport is gratefully acknowledged