THE INTELLIGENCER, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1974 Renegade's "Silent" Auction The "selling out" sale at The Renegade shop is unlike any other sale ever held on Front Street. The three-day auction which began Thursday has been organized by owner Jim Carr, who is vacating the premises with style. The items for auction come primarily from the John Goodwin Lyman estate in Barbados. Rather than sell them individually, cir at an open auction, Mr. Carr decided to hold a silent auction. Posted on a large board is the bidding system, which keeps track of the latest bid on each item. Buyers, who each have a number, place their bids on slips of paper, and submit them to Mr. Carr, who changes figures on the board as bids are raised, over the thiree days. Not your everyday auction - and not your everyday pieces for sale. Included in the Lyman estate are paintings and drawings by Lyman "If this auction is the success himself, and by his friend Sir I think it will be, we'll try Mathew Smith, whose painting "Breton Baby" is expect- to hold this type of sale more often," says Mr. Carr. ed to go for a large sum. On most itms Mr. Carr , Today at 12.30 p.m. he behas placed a ticket estimating gan to close the bidding, their value. A sapphire ring, working across t'he board colfor example is worth approx- umn, until the 360 items are imately $4000. A sting of or- sold to the highest bidders by rientol pearls has a certified 5.30 p.m. On Sunday, (he'll value of $1,500 and is ex- open to let successful bidders pected to sell for near that pick up their prizes, and by Monday, the Belleville Reneprice. The room is lined with rare gade will be closed, after a and beautiful things, ranging year of operation. The immediate response from ebroidered silk shawls to coins, crystal, and furn- has been excellent, according iture. Particularly attractive to Mr. Carr, who thinks that are a collection of old Per- Friday night and Saturday sian plates thought to be over morning will be tlhe. busiest 700 years old, and a shawl time. Although he is closing this inlaid with silver. Mr. Carr came by this col- shop, he'll continue to run The lection by chance, when one Renegade on Highway 2 west of his buyers heard about the of Trenton. At the moment Lyman estate being for sale he's building a home on tcp in the Barbados, bought what of the store for himself and he could, and brough it back his wife Joyce, and their two isons Chris and Mark. to Belleville.