"Since BeJJeville may not be able to provide serviced industrial land of the character, size and location required by a potential industry . . . sites must be found in adjacent townships rather than have the industry establish in other parts of Ontario . . . "Belleville has a trained and competent staff in its industrial commission. It's my opinion that their talents and quests for industrial promotion be not limited to the confines of Belleville alone." To this end, "conversations" must be held with municipal .neighbors. Such joint effort was deem ed "desirable" by Hastings County officials meeting last year with himself and Indust r i a l commissioner R a y Brown, Aid. Joyce said. The benefits of new industrial assessment to a single municipality must be secondary to over all economic effects. "Desirable as the new assessment is, J feel it's second to the jobs which it provides and the resultant economic impact on the community," said Aid. Joyce. "I feel it's high time that the elected representatives of all councils in this area recognize the fact that they have a responsibility, not only to this generation, but to the generations which are to come. "In this time of expansion nnd development, we must hart the future of the Quinte