V 9v^^ <3*&$&-- ^^^>\Z*r Local man appointed to Canadian Opera Co. By Sue Dickens Gazette staff Larry Tayler ...moves to the big time which did summer children's theatre seasons in Prince Edward County and adult community theatre at other times of the year. A quiet modest man, he hasn't lost his enthusiasm for people and what they can do, while deriving pleasure by bringing them closer to the arts. In his new role with the opera com- pany ensemble, he sees a chance to be- come involved with a group that has very high standards. His duties will be to "sell" or promote the opera company ensemble in com- munities and to organize its tours. Uniqueness seems to be a tradeword in his field. One example is a proposal for "opera under a tent" at the harbor- front in Toronto. The opera company's administration offices are located at the harbor front. Although stepping into the world of another art form, Mr. Tayler believes his skills will be the same ones he has used in the past. "I want to stay involved in the arts. It's interesting and the people are willing to take risks, explore and expand them- selves," he said. "I like that ambiance and I like being with them." His goal to make these art forms avail- able to smaller communities so they be- come "accessible and approachable" is one he carries with him to his new job. 11 ' ' V