J. F. Thomson Given Post in Rideau Area J. F. Thomson has been ap- pointed Superintendent Express Freight for the Canadian Nat- ional's Rideau Area, with head- quarters in Belleville, it was an- nounced today by R. G. Mes- senger, Operations Manager. Mr. Thomson held a similar posit- ion for the Company at Mon- treal. A native of that city, Mn Thomson commenced his railway career in the Express Depart- ment there in 1918 where he| held a number of clerical pos- itions until 1934 when he was! transferred to Moncton, N.B. He) was appointed Traffic Supervis- or there in 1943 and Agent irt 1947. In 1961 Mr. Thomson was named General Agent and fol- lowing reorganization of thct Company the same year he was! promoted to Superintendent of) Express at Montreal in 1962. In; 1964 he was named Superintend-! ent of the Express Freight De-\ partment. Mr. Thomson is marJ ried to the former Margaretj Milligan of Barrie, Ont. and theyi have two children.