L? is L.K. Tompkins Of Bell Retires On September 23rd, Mr. L. K. , !"Cooney" Tompkins retires aft- er 46 years service with thej ! construction department of the| iBell Telephone Company of| Canada. Most of those years j were spent in Belleville, King- 1 •ston. and the surrounding dis-J ; tricts where he is well known, j I He now lives in Ottawa where ,he has served as supervising 'construction foreman for the past seven years. Mr. Tompkins i joined the Bell in 1917 as a line- man, was promoted to foreman in 1927 and became a supervis- ing construction foreman in 1928. In 1947 he became con-j struction superintendent at the Kingston office and in 1953 was transferred to Ottawa where he held his present position. He was honored by over 500 friends and colleagues at a ban- quet held in the Coliseum at| ;Lansdowne Park, Ottawa last! I Friday* Thomas Studio « \ \ * & v<*» : ,