Lionel tram, CNR Despatches, Retires, 50 Years of Servke About 150 friends and co- workers gatheml at the Cluto Canara yesterday evening to 'pay honor to Lionel the "Big" Train on the occasion of his retirement from the Canadian National Railways following a half century of service. Born in Kinmount 65 years ago, "The Big" Train, as his friends are won't to call him, joined the CNR as an assistant agent in 1911. Shortly after this he was promoted to oper- ator and agent and, in 1917, became a train despatcher. In 1927 he became an assistant chief despatcher, followed by his advancement to chief despatcher for the Belleville division in 1937, serving in this capacity up to his retire- ment at 4:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon. In introducing the guest of honor, Alex Wilson, operations manager at Belleville, noted that the banquet was being held in a building which Mr. Train had been instrumental in bringing into being, the CNRA Club building. A number of CNR execu- tives who had worked "with • not for," as W. JV Rupert, oper- { ations manager of the London division emphasized, Mr. Train during their career in the com- pany were on hand to express their appreciation of his work and guidance. Much mention was made of 1 the assistance, direction and advice which Mr. Train was always ready to give those working with and under him and of his ability to recognize talent in a person and recom- mend that man for advance- ment. MANY PAY COMPLIMENTS Amongst those paying these heartfelt compliments to the guest of honor were J. J. Campbell, superintendent of transportation at Toronto; J. A. Lomas, superintendent of transportation at Belleville; C. E. Goodenough, assistant su- perintendent at Port Huron, Michigan, wsho also brought the best wishes of a number of Mr. Train's friends in the Detroit and Battle Creek divi- sions; W. E. Tate, general superintendent of transporta- tion at Toronto; V. E. Morton, retired assistant superintend- ent from Toronto; J. Smyth, superintendent at Oshawa; C. E. Shaver, operations manager at Toronto; J, J. Robertson, building master at Toronto; and Newt. Thompson, retired chief clerk from Belleville Following the presentation of some gifts for himself and Mrs. Train, who was unfortunately absent because of a forthcom- ing operation, Mr. Train thank- ed all those present and ab- sent, who had given him their co-operation at all levels aad in all departments during his 50 years of service with the CNR. He noted that at the time he was first employed with the railway the goinig waige rate was $30 a month with no assigned days off- He expressed his thanks to jhose whom he had served un- der for the practical education which he had received from them ainid. urged those whom he was leaving behind to carry on co-operatively to keep the CNR operating as efficiently as possible to keep her "in the black." Following the presentations, TVic ** "peeves those as- took part in the dance o give "The Big" Train in a bag send-ofif. indeed, as many iaae humorous reference to during the evening, the 34-car pile-up, blocking off the C3NR mainline and the Tfrerat Canal cefveT send-oft any retir- I Li* ^1 T *Lionel Iraiir * At His Home Mil .̂ •,.,,.,,,,x.,v-«B6S»wW::-xvx-:-:«K-:-:<:«B« A prominent local railroader, Lionel Train died suddenly at his Purdy'Street home in Belle- ville last night. He was in his 67th year. Mr. Train retired in May 1961 from Canadian National Railways, whom he had worked for most of his life. He came to Belleville in 1926 as chief despatcher for the railroad from Lindsay. Born in Kin- mount, he v\»as the son of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Train, His association with the rail- road also included a leading role in its local social activities. A past president of Club Can- i, he was still serving on the club's executive as its secretary- treasurer at the time of his death. A keen golfer, he was a member of the Bay of Quinj/2 Country Club. In other com- munity activities Mr. Train also was a member of the 10OF. He is. survived by his wife the former Marian Argue, three brothers and two sisters; Percy, Toronto; Vivian, Toronto; Gar- net, Calgary; Mrs. Donald (Phyllis) Webster, Australia; Mrs. Blake (Audrey) Howard, Toronto. Resting at the Bush Funeral Home. The funeral notice ap- pears elsewhere in this edition. m