Sally Ann couple for Zaire l̂ 1M<A//«* f^S^^^J1^ ByMARGHAYLOCK Staff Reporter PICTON - New Year's Day 1987 will mark a new beginning for Lieut. Kester Trim and his wife, Kathryn, of the Picton Salvation Army Citadel, as they board a plane for Zaire. The Trims and their children, Rachael, 4, Paul, 3, and Emily, their newborn daughter, ,will spend four years in Zaire, the former African Belgian Congo, where Kester will work as a Salvationist extension training officer. Kester and Kathryn Trim - both of- ficers in the Salvation Army - leave Picton at the end of July to travel to an ecumenical college at Le Chambon-sur-Lignon in France, where they will brush up on their French. After four months of study, they will fly to London, England for a final briefing at the Army's international headquarters, before leaving for their duties in the French-speaking African state. "We both felt a call to make ourselves available for overseas ser- vice within the church," says Kester, The church wants volunteers, rather than conscripts, for overseas service, he says, because of the com- mitment that must be made by the in- dividuals. Kester, who has studied modern languages at the University of Ot- tawa, speaks German fluently, and also some French. He holds a Master's degree in Divinity, as well. "With this training, and my background I felt I could be useful to the Salvation Army in overseas work." The Trims regard the posting as an educational experience for their children and an opportunity for them to become bilingual at an early age. Packing for the trip has proved a major task, particularly with a new baby, says Kester. Many of their per- sonal effects will have to remain in storage in Canada, until their return. After two years in Zaire, the Trims will receive a two-month furlough in Canada, in addition to annual vaca- tions in Africa. Next post: Africa This Salvation Army family is leav- ing Picton for Zaire, in central Africa. Army officer Kester Trim, and wife Esther are here with their family-who'll also be with them on new assignment-Rachel, Paul and infant Emily. (StaffPhoi