INTELLIGENCER / ̂ SS Rev. R.D. MacLean Inducted As Minister at St. Andrew's St. Andrew's P r e s b yterian Church has a resident minister for the first time since Novem- ber. He is Rev. R. D. MacLean, for- merly of Huntingdon, Que., who last night was inducted into his | new ministry at St. Andrew's. Rev. MacLean succeeds Rev. i J. G. Hornsby, now of Picton, to 1 the resident ministry, who resign- \ ed from his Belleville call last I November. Since then Rev. R. C. McLean, Trenton, has been act- i ing as interim moderator. Rev. MacLean now takes up residence in Belleville with his wife and two daughters, Iris and lona. The assembly last night was attended by several local and dis- trict clerg}-men and was pre- sided over by W. H. Walker, of Stirling, moderator of the King- ston Presbytery. Former minister Mr. Hornsby, preached the sermon during the service, taking as his text, St. Paul's second epistle to Timothy, chapter two, using the quotation, "The Word of God is Not Bound." Once Paul, as Saul of Tarsus, was a student who specialized in mysteries of his people, the He- brews. He knew his people had been led stage by stage into the full awareness of what God was and what was due that aware- ness. After the many sad and weary experiences the word of God had remained steadfast and had not been affected by changes that marked the nation's devel- opment. Saul recognized this and regarded Christianity as an attempt to change the Word of God. "So he became its persecutor and for a time things went very well. "Saul worked very hard for the funeral of the Christian church. Then the tide turned and it reached its high watermark on the road to Damascus where Saul met Christ Himself." Then Saul found that the word of God could not be bound by the Hebrew theory. Mr. Hornsby also pointed up the example of seventeenth-cen- tury England's John Bunyan, who steadfastly refused to s t o p preaching in the face of contin- ued imprisonment. SPREAD THE WORD "Try as you will you cannot bind the word of God", Mr. Horns- by said. He emphasized the necessity of spreading the Word. "If you have a faith let it be known." "There is nothing whatsoever in the workings of the Christian Faith that you and I need be ashamed of." "It is still the truth that can lead to salvation," he said. If one is faithful in living by the Word of God, practicing it and propagating it then a great benefit will rest upon our spirits, much good will be done the Church and great honor to the name of God, he concluded. Interim moderator R. C. McLean then narrated the steps in securing the new minister while Rev. H. V. Walker, supervised tne induction ceremony. Rev. M. C. Young, Gananoque, delivered the charge to the newly- inducted minister, reminding him of the opportunities, duties and privileges of a minister. The task of the Christian min- ister is in many ways the most trying of all tasks," he said. At times it can be discouraging, but the privileges of the calling | far outweigh any temporary dis- i couragement. He reminded the | new minister what a congregation j j expects of him. Important were j the qualities of sincerity and men- tal alertness. It is the duty of the minister to hear the Word of God and to tell the people what the voice of God has to say. Today "the people are fright- ened. People are looking to the Word of God.1' "You are called as a prophet to speak the word of God to our ped- pie,"' he said. The charge to the congregation was delivered by Rev. E. Dunn, RCAF station, Trenton. "If you are a Christian you have a job to do," he said- THREE DUTIES A Christian has three duties to perform: (1) He has to give wor- ship publicly and privately; (2) | He must give witness, and, (3) He j must labor in Christ-like deeds. The new minister closed the service with Benediction. Afterwards a reception was held in the Sunday School Hall, where members of the congregation met with their minister. Chairman of the reception was W. V. Fairbairn.