@ > 5 > iro Leh obl Cpl ill a0 F) oko’ p Artist weaves religion into fabric of her art pores how ow Belleville artist up her pee of iturgleat art in the Bridge Street ae has “about 50” items on of Biblical tae mol from clay. In others, she uses various fab colors. Paints may be oils, acrylics, crayon or watercolors. Boyle says her own the T were surprised, 1 ee herself, when io Arts Council won a a een some months ago to find out how many le were involved. And some talented from. across Canada and even in the prs United States came “out of the ae also of special : Seige i Boyle has been ps roe tate Pete in her work, ei doing for years. It isnot her sole Morgan, for arranging the