lec iTTon New\ ays Retiring as general manager of BUC Neil got started oe holes, climbing poles By:Tom Gavey —————— Britton points to an incident | : y The Intelligencer that happened first PL AA EIOES For more than 30 years it has hap elven verted CHE rh Lf} been Nel on soeate “There was a wind and electri ans. water and elec- tricity whenever nee kc cal storm. I came in at 5 p.m. on flodag Baars that task over weekend and I didn’t get home | alae: Maa 2 at 4 until 2. a.m. on the Le Bate of Sie pelleviie pu uittics around the clock ta return serv. | ick to point out ice,” he says. that while he may have headed iition: rentieatiors teteman,:| up the utility, it is the staff and | Charlie Hiles standing on a lad- the elected commission who are der attempting to return service jopmene for the BUC’s excel- to the last customer and telling it track record. him to go home and sleep. eases poreah, the staf “Charlie wasn’t leaving until anything fees: rink been fortunate to have a good wie sis), = ! staff in my time here. And, the that’s indicative ee ‘when ion has been excellent to there’s a problem,’ work with,” says he prep: ee ith his retirement comes an Britton says he would have liked 40 in t contract for the utilities field. Se 63, the rehabilitation and i years with Oni of the city water treatment plant Hydro before joining the BUC in awarded before he stepped 1968 as assistant to manager ; Er. “All of the approvals are in nie Burnham. In 1972 he he as : place and I'm confident the first sumed the top job. . contracts will be signed in June ‘Icame from a utilities family. or July,” he says, My father was the manager of - ee et u ene Rela he ana | got started licking stamps says he | fille ar thesn there I dug holes, doesn’t expect to have any prob- poles and wired houses,” busy during his re- mn. eo) vseninhs BUC | The presi of the As- alien sachuding fargo nterized : <j eee » pean he worked to have that group accounting, electronic billing and amalgamate with the Commis- ome fecha he’s sioners’ Organization, oy ee es gop tee sneer TE the citys ee Mune lectric As: ‘liste pear of aie le Rotary Club and a ‘el ae of the Masonic Lodge 1 4 ea ome Foundation of On- 4 ier hy if. i eg (on —