Duncan McDonald: Served total of eight years as mayor after 10 years orvcouncil ~ Trenton mayor CPR executive dies of cancer ; r Toronto Star special \v ̂ ^ TRENTON -- Mayor Duncan McDonald died Sunday of cancer in Kingston General Hospital at age 65, He had been mayor for the past four years and also served from 1970 to 1974, when a job transfer took him to Ottawa. He retired f r o m Canadian Pacific Railway in 1978 as gener- al manager of passenger service. McDonald was first elected to town council in 1960 and ran for mayor in 1970, defeating incum- bent Jim McDonald. He returned to Trenton in 1978 and was elected mayor againl with a landslide victory oven incumbent Robert Patrick. In November, 1980, he defeat- ed Alderman Bob Wannamaker. McDonald was born in Toronto and married the former Joanne Filion of Trenton. A funeral mass will be cele- brated Thursday at 10 a.m. at St Peter's Catholic Church in Tren ton.