. " 'Jj*n\ ^^^ < .̂- l Sn * | Colleagues Honor Principal Cerjbenoial S e c o n d a r y School's retiring principal, W. S. Musgrove, wais honored at a testimonial dinner and social evening last week at the Legion Hall. Mr. Musgrove is conclud- ing 26 years of teaching in Belleville with his retirement at the end of June. He came to BCI in 1946 to organize its guidance depart- ment, later became vice-prin- cipal of Quinte Secondary, first principal of Moira Sec- ondary and finally first prin- cipal of Centennial. Leo Holland, chairman of Centennial's teaching staff was master of ceremonies for the evening. About 250 people were present, including Don- ald Williams, dhairman of Hastings county board of edu- cation and D. C. Stirling, a superintendent with the board. Also bringing greetings was Clare Perry, executive secre- tary of the Ontario Second- ary School Headmasters' Council. Mr. Musgrove is a recent former president of the association, Gerry Rreraian, president of Belleville Kiwanis Club spoke on behalf of the club. Mr. Musgrove was one of the founders of the local club. On behalf of those present, Centennial vice-principal Ger- ald Boyce presented Mr. and Mrs. Musgrove with a lawn swing and other gifts. Mrs. Ronnie M e a d e s, head sec- retary at Centennial, present- ed Mrs. Musgrove with a bou- quet of roses. Three of the Mus groves' children attended the gather- ing. They were William Mus- grove of Ottawa, Susie Wilson of Dollard des Ormeaux, Que- bec and Mary Dewar and her husband William of London, Ont. Two others unable to at- tend are Martha Pratt of Lon- don England and George Musgrove of Trinidad. Entertainment included a sing-song led by Centennial vice-principal Murray Irwin and a singing tribute by an en- semble of five Centennial tea- chers. Mr. Musgrove is a graduate of Victoria College, Diversity of Toronto and the Ontario College of Education. He be- gan his teaching career at Queen's College. Nassau, Ba- hamas. Returning to Ontario, he taught at St. Andrew's Col- lege, Aurora, Hanover High School and Watford H i g h School before coming to Belle- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Musgrove will retire to Wishing Tree Lodge in Prince Edward county where they will continue their wort: of restoring the main lodge and nearby guest hous- es. € I g € ZTu ne