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Whitby Chronicle, 30 Nov 1894, p. 10

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t t e t111.i \% ,t.nurse. respondetit savst .oNICLE with sage ast week's columil sorne thirnk t nmust have been for i othts vicnity htts two great .e.One IS to ronvert jews dists, and the other is to pre- -.e 'Who have had dlphtheria ffrm a1t¶eý ng school. He is aftaid his will take it. 1h y9ung ladies of t0is vicinity, must be ta .ng this for leap year when they see the yofxng gentlemen of fort Perry home, when tLhey corne to church here. They seem t6 enjoy the occupation greatly, judging ti-om their mirth coniing home. If Scugog is seriousiy troubled by that gentleman wh,) is searcbing for informa- tion about the muskrat industry, the peo- ple will do Weil te tack a placard witb 'Diphthenia" upon it on their gaLes. Several around here say that tbey be- lieve they could distil with such a slgn up, and our constables aud private detectives aie pretty sharp. GE.EENBANK. There is an omrnieus silence in regard te the municipal election. Perhaps it is the calm before the comning stermn. There will be ne services or Sunday school in the Presbyterian church next Sunday, ewing te the anniversary services at Wick. Misses Maggie and Maud Perkins, who have b>een spending some time with rela- tives bei-e, left for heir home in Ohio laît week. They have made niany frieuds during their stay Who wlll regret Lo bear ef theirdeparture. 1 11%. wef association met on Friday evening last and reorgaigie4 flr anothel' year, with John flearé, tesi., s president, and George Lee, sec.-treas. Those %isb- ing te take shares In the association are requ ested te hand in their application t- fore the first otJanuary. The anniversary services -iu counection wlth the Methedist churcb wil1 taire place as usual on New Vears day, and the pi-e- ceding Sunday. We understaud tbe côm- mittee in charge have been se fortunate as te secure the Rev. Dr. Carreau, general superintendant of the church, te take the services on Sunday. As for New Year's day ue annouticementS have yet been made.- Greenbanrk Division S. cf T., altbcugh stili the banner division of the Province lu respect te members. has failed to bolti the silver competitien cup given by the Grand Divis'ion for increase of muembership dur- ing the year euding October,, btut Zepher division will holti the coveteti prize fer the year, having increased i o9 in membership. Greenbanlt cornes next at 78, anti wbsle we will net have the houer cf holding the cup this year, there is net a little satistac- tien in knewing that it is te remain lu this district cf Ontario, and if every member dees theÎt duty it can be captureti agalu. WIOL. Our minister bas ruoved jute Levu aud will soon assume the charge of the flock- Robt. Leask, who lias been absent from us for a few weeks bas nov returneti. Many friends met hlmn as he left the train and enjoyeti a genial shake cf bauds. Blackwater seeniet to have taken ou a fresh ceat of paint as Bob's smiling phiz lit up its ct-wevdt streets. Almeat the whole of eue afternocu last week occupieti by a numnber of gentlemen ef this -place, viz- Tom, the wisc, jack, the fat, Ned, the wld, anti jee, the happy, in putting up a steve at the manse. The werk was supervised by the Mayor cf Wick, wboeaskill lu building roatis is ex- emplifiedti t the north ef us. It la neeti- lesn to say that the work vas well doue by îuch worthy individuals. Who bas net beard cf lady tiocters anti lady lawyers in our large cities? But / Blackwater, small as it a, can boast some- tbiug lu this hune far lu ativance cf these. We bave been well informeti that a couple ef lady detéctives were accu parading its streets a week age Tuestiay night. One ef tbem la an olti timer ant islakuowu to us ot yere. On the eveuing ýmeutioncti she seemeti to bave locateti the object of ber aearch, aud ncw we ai-e l in aly cx- pectatien cf heariug the crime, for whlch she shadcwed tbat petôf, lnalal its de- talla. Such pet-sens do net act like gev- erriment officiais, anti se ve couclude-thal it must b. a private affair. Wotuld 1i.ucA be a gooti thing fur the connty were tb1ere a law providing that ail profesinal eaves- droppers ahoulti have their tongues cut eut? It lu always the pomons wbo are thic least perfect themalies tuat continu. ally try te expose the imperfetions ci others Out school teacher, M48,s mna Pai-kin, has beeu engagedt t offidsate lu tueheo at Sbaw's nelahborhc>od. ,And ccert wt'- e tetnperanoe hall t .~wers tbrautuIg, eehundred people gather- Lie youth ot Enied per- Dse preseut were Mr., S.1 1 m ackey aud Rev. Mr. F41-9 r. W m. Ricardoscnand T. y; Dr. J. 0. Mitchell aud iniskillen 1 Ail the teachers r Miles arcunti. The concert îat 7 30 p.m, and evs'y pat e programme was carried out, as follows :-Chorus-"Raise the hy the pupils ; opening addtess. Mr. )e; selectlon, band; concert recitatiou, I;motion song, -'Here we Stand "'; re-' n, Oliver McCullo«gb; waud drill' Rme the presosltatlon cf certificates. Mitche*'. and T. N. Davey per. hiç P)eàsant duty in a very acceptable Kintdergarten sang, clansI ; recita- -eiei McOullcugb. match cernpoui- tiont y Albert Niddery ; viollu solo, Âlbert Niddery ; tableau; selection hy band ; chorus 1 Tramp song "; recitation b y Lizie McCul- lough ; doîl drill by ten ittie girls; farmer boy's &ong ; recitation, Wesley Poweli; wand drill; recitatioa by Charles McCulough ; con- cert recitation by boys ; concert recitation iiy giris; club swngng; recitatien by Mabel McCullough ; selection by the band ; recitation Frank Campbeill; combat,'"Sir Roderic and Fritz lames; match; cornet duet by L. Pas- cee and [.Huribut; tableaux; (3od Save the Queen. Mr. Mackey is te be cougratulated on hlm success as a teacher. From au average atteudance cf thirtyfour he succeeded ini suc- cessfully passing three candidates at the pub- lic school leaviug exams. last summer. The fortunate cnes were Ellis Pascoe, Willle Mc- Cullough and Cephas Campbell. Ouiy those who bave a knowledge of public school work have auy idea cf the amount of work a teacher bas when ho undertakes te prepare- a fifth clans for examinaticu. The gecti district fathers. having recognised, Mr. Mackey's ser- vices, gave hirm a haudsome raise lu salary. He happens t e ne eeof the favoreti cnes th'i ear.naEnfield may cousider ltself among the fortunate lu havlug sucb au efficient young man te engîneer ber etinoationat Institution. The originality shows lu the production cf such novel exercises andi the precision which marked every action is well worthy cf our highest commendation. GRZEMNWOOD. Mrs. L. Mecke;, Mrs. B. Meen andi Mr. Pred Meen were up te the city on Friday- T. Gleeson and daughter cf Toronto, formerly residents cf this vtllage, were here on Saturday attending the funeral of jii# nçjçe. Dotili hàs again appeared amonipt us, P'earl, infant daughter cf Mr. sud Mrs. M. Gleeson, ou tl'e 6th inst., ageti 4 meos., 6 days. Tbe funeral was belti on Saturday 8Lh te the R.. C. Cemetery, Pickering, and was attendeti by a large gatbering of ser- rewing frieuda. Our football Club bas dîserganizeti sud gone inrto wiuter quarters, ready to appear lu the spring against ail corners. Capt. Law says that hee bas secured for next season at a gi-est expeuse smorn f the best football talent that could be procureti guarauteed te bu pumely domestic anc1 able te play lu hot weather. Mr. S. Adamson carne very near meet- ing with a serjous accident ou Fri- day last whilst returuiug from the city with Messrs Ricbardson anti Cochrane. Attem pt- ing te jump eut cf the moving waçgon, hne caught bis foot ini the rope. tbrowing him eut of cf the w agunder the front wheel, whichepassiover hlm leg, causing a severe spi-ain. He bas been going aront with a lame leg for a day or two, but is gettiug alU rigbt again uew. The annual sbooting match of Greem-. wooti was helti here ou Frlday 7th itist, iu the fieldrjust west cf the creek. Thore was a large crowti bore as usual, andi sous gooti shcoting was matie. A few wenotice that. came fi-cm'a distance were Mesars Caumpbell, Mothersill, Robinson anti Kirk- patrlck, Oshawa, Mesars. Golti and;facl, Whitby anti Mr. A. 'White, Wbltevae. The score vas as fellows xc Bird- sweep- stakes :-zst Campbell, Oshawa, 9 ; ant White, Whitevale, 8; 3rd Robinson, Osh- awa sud Golti, WhitbY. 7 birds eacb. 7 bit-ds sweep :-Tatcb, Whitby, Wbite,, Whltevale, MetherfgU anti Camspbell, 0mb- awa, ties 7 bit-dm ecd. 5 birds sweep- ust Golti, Whitliy, anti Mothersill Oshawa, 3rd Hatch, Wbiitby. Iu this sweep four men tieti for ist witi teur birds eacb anti shotoff for places as above. The pigeons useti in this -match were ac.kuowledèdby ail presotut te be the- finest lot cf birds tbey bati ever seen at auy ahooting vaatch; There was sorte trouble experleucet.by- outsiders shootiug at the pigeons befre they hati reacheti the limait, -but that- is a bard muatter te remetiy, SCUGOýG-TOOT. Mm. C Taylor Reader, They vas dtc bas bec Mr. j reerve to be a 1cr. That fulîl anc withoul camefisi Mr diPih betwee Litile 1 on the Meu bouste ninv.a Quite a nuutber ateuded Mrs. Tics. oi Stepbensonls sale on Tuesday. Every- Myrtei thiug oiti at a faÎiry goodýIprlce. i We, are pleaseti te ndte that, ui- olti tendhb frieuti anti citizen, Mr. Eti. Remeeof To- spe rente la making Out burg a visit. cipated Doent forget tue Son'a frce conerft 10 the tuere. towu hall thia evenlng Frlda). E Lvcry- Ouri- body comne, as -an excelleut ptogmmÇmp by H. bas been prepareti. 1,aakIX4 Council moee ou Satttrday. beu latelY. tue lest mee-tint cf ths e ar ft vis noces- effoMti sary te postpoae tue e vgualIm e t bs Bide date lu ortior te mte-sp litsinonlafuIt. A faitrerpmecitgionf fusubure au=ed.4 1 tue ominatloma M tue Coe0imivesmss ciatiomi bcld Ii Wbitby oft salaiday. AU -W couic home 1bubhe and happy# ful r si- Co"s cd t Mr. Smtbus Mresai1P~. viii 0 I Mach an ée sa ées entetalmséd Iere cd C<*0 Brot, cfGrmeibouk. Attiusm h eo i<S tiiough bl e o i g ad Ubastg*lý>i. 0w la touch verse- I tla Istiestioui ultàce Yuut 1--- tuai h. u,UOOubeweU ud ogalu 4de a =Rt MW amâd l ow mtu: . imtZ unk- __t «<'d h*Mr. C.Stephenson bas me-ced lnto thse bouse lately purcbaped by john have net founti Mr-.]Burke wýbo owueti on Nov. 14th yet A revaràdl en o«fée ofr the bodiy. iackaou's new; bouse on thse Ini"a is nca.rly completeti. It la golag, fine structure. Geog-as #b'ust-, tman who gees te t ou andi gets d atartaayna bout i egbot, ýt any -fouti nbd etr hé [or -ie viiiget'jute trouble. j omeph Pogne 'la sti«Mvety -fin vltb lila. A COnUi1tt u bas b e ldt Bruait. Their Idea" vere ibe 5auI ams Wllsou sud Charlies Gcrow, are Pgmn~. Tie .fermer bas, elu eus- 1 *tb bis uçie, »lin Vau Neàt f i, ad thse l;tter vtb Mi-. Bray of, eT1I.took hale i"dbearty. Patros$fIdustry oftleaplaue In- oldiag a grand cbncçît sud opt~er ý nD,rs adime îsa,*ý i. GradPredcnt mory wll be >-Look out foris. r ortliy gAM watthccompsm$ed L.R Tros in le io k G. WALERS'ý ,'SArTRD-ra~ ATTRACTIk Thetiieslesm is to buy goode on Saturàay that you need for SuL Tràdeportion8i itieoif off among such Stocke as Readymade Clothing, Manties, Fur Goo( Haitt, and with partiotilar-empliasi oèn- Childrèn'a needs. We have whatever you want -youl or your f&amily-and this store news points oudt the beet in eaoh department. These goods, can be boaglit a those prices any-day in the week. L0nnie tt a te Luis Xzu OLAEL wo «'oick opsu and bbset. It l 2m Ml' or me to thoq the latena pain au a uffimng whch 1 endtrd iw>t ad iU .&tsr takina six botUe the e'ooa ivau entléy careti. 1 annot pralue Dr. Plerosu Golden Kiedical DleYOvrY .nOugh.- Soid by Desiemu Wu He WARNER. DEAL;ER IN LATHI BEINGLE99 OORDWOODo SOLE AGENlT in Whitby for the "'Celebrated PLYMOUTH' GOAL. Office and Yard just East of Uptown Station. Whitbyt Oct. 2Sth, 1804. IAUER'S WZEKLY. IN 1895. HARPER'S WEEKLY is a pictorial hîstory of the times. It presents every impotnt event. proumptly, accuratey andezahaustively la Illustration audtede- etex±fthehbifhest order. bas treated theChicago Rallway Strikee and the Cbino-apauese War, and the amount of Iight it, vas able to throw ou Korea the Itant attention was dlrected to that lile-known country, are emamples of its almost boundless iesources. Julian Ralph, the, distinguishe writer aud cor- respondent bas been sent to the seat of war, andithr joluèti by C. 1). WE.LoN, ~the well-kuowu American. artist, now'1br many years resideut lu japan, wbojliô.f been engagedti teco-operate ewiib-,1et. RALPH in sending to HARPERIS_.WEEÇ- LY exclusiveInratoadIlurtis ile poul Thir lv. cce sose"both hauiduomely. ilînsrafeçi- led Ceekede, a silugrmac tisys by ST4NLEY J. WsiMAK,ý4'l nevel cf New York, entit, et-The, Sb Hlm Father,, byBRÀ"îtit MATT«5i several novelettes, anti many'shortstý by pepular vi-itera. amd tr flUatraed - %tW Tbe Volumes cf tue BAZAR. the fi-st nutuber -for japiiary.ýo When ne time la mettoned, at viti beglu vith the N~uber cIê dime cf recelp of ordr Clctb Cases for ecd volum for bizidiug, wil bè sent by ma ou rcitc iSoeclY Tille-oage and Idx *ni Remittuces 'hould be -nedi h Money Order o»r DWif. te avd Ncezpfters are isot Q o;cop> tjsment itlsul Ue ei CLOTHINO. Men'e Biue Napp Overcoats, q$6-.00. Men's Frieze Uleters, deep Storm Collar, . , Men'a Liglit Weight coate in Fawn, Youths' Fawn Frieze deep Collar, $p17.50. Over- Uletere, $6.00-1 Little Suits Little Boys AT Lâitle Prices. Menis Heavy AU' ,Wool Shirts and, Drawer8 at 50e Ladies Rib'b Merino' "Vests . only 2,510 lMen's, So0k, CLOTHIN G. Men's Navy Blue Serge Suite, $3.75. Tweed Suite, This Ct represents orm Proof Ulster at t to $12. out 7.51 i ~ q - for IMen's -Very Heavy Youths' 3-piece 28 to 92, $p7-50, Frieze $8I&.500 Suite, sizes $4.00, MANTLES I MANTLES I YOUR ÂP1'EARANCE in to yen and and your frienda sin affair of import- ance. Dresa WeU I1 The COST las amail whenjoyenau y an ail-wool, J Jacket for '04, $5, $6, $8, 810 to $12, with Fur or Braid TrImmings. jt Shaker- Flannels only 5ô. per-yd. English. , aker, Flannels 7 yards Grey Wool Flan-. nel for -$i.oo. Ladies' Black Cashmere Hose 20d'. pr. or 3 pr. for Ladies' Fur ae from 00O t O I tays.Movwy if t4 Jln-Pove or ,Winti ii >e of<( .Lte a -good- awlà t HAUPER'8 PERIODJ~J - Uax'por'a Magazine, - ou.ye.~ Harpara WoekIy~ - Uaçp.x'. Bazar - M OroasRÂl y, ~1 Canadian suité p . 1 1

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