f lhat Opolook? M question liai brngs humiliation ,ne who hais a jvatch that lies, lu ngs satisfaction to the owner of oe Barnardm. -Firsu of aIl these, the came wiih lu is a thing of beauty and a joy to show. Then theres the honest face that you neyer look loto without getting a truc aswer. g:E' We u'ant yûu (o enjoy ail this. l'ucan do bro ai a rt'diculon.sly 10W p-"Ce. THE QUARTERED- OAK' Grand Rapids Bedroomn Suite sud Sideboards we exhibited at Port Perry Exhibition were ad- mnired by everyone for the beantiful potish, finish sud artist.lc designa. We made several good sales which proves fine goods cari be sold lu a Country Town il the But ha' wood extension table, ouly $,.oo at El J. johustou's. The. Ct<RONICL.E le the oui y paperin the county which cçube the Empire wlth iseif1 ai $1.25. Woven wire bed-sprlngs full size, wttf steel corded wire and bardwood (ramiý Only $2, ai W. TiIl's. Pure Home-made Bread. Parties wlmhlug the above can be sup- plled by calling ai the residence of Mrs. Henry Gould. *Watt for Klelser, the great radrand lmpersonator ln thc mualc hall uiiuay Dec. 3rd. Reserved seais ai Howielas wiîheui extra charge. St . Andrewva sermon Will be preached lu St. Andrew's cburch here nexi Sunday aiternoon by the Rev. Mr. Frazer of Bowmanville. A fui-i atten-f dance. of the ruembers of St. Andrew's society la requesîed. Service ai 3:30. Prices go up Dec. ie. E. R. Blow lias just received and dis- charged fromn schooner Fiora Carveth 315 ton No.i Scrauton ceaI. Prices are ex- pectad to advauce Dec. zut. Now lu the urne te secure your wtnter supply before the rime. Tbsnksgivlng Day- Passed off quieîly lu town. Many attend- cd church lunithe Moruing sud îhankfutiy partook of rosat îurkey sud cran berry. sauce lu the afiernoon. Several youtbfM".- Nimrods tramped up and dowu the coiniw cession hunes and ocrosfields searcinlg for game that their grandfathern eittier killed or frightened av ;easag.B chance the day wass fine but the date la raîher laie lu the ycar te ssure good weather (or a holiday. Clubs at $*125. *1for25 roiejl "zd Weely *1.25 for Cbroweasnd Weekly $125b for Chrociole and Farmers Sun' for 1895 $1 5 for Chroulele, Weekly Globe and Farme-ru Sun 1cr 189. for Chroniole, Wekly Globe p186 Frmer's Sun and Lamies Jour ul for l«0. NoTu-Alm1omt. al other papers a "mre rate", The Ohronlele i. given free tu the. end 02 the year ini al cases. Sample copie sosnt viien requested. WovelwtrWv~,g mt~Isonly t*f*c at E. J ohnson's. FIVe c'ciock tea fat the, W. C. T. U. sale on Wedbesday, Dcc. 5th, tu aid of the Free Reading room, .4- '1 e U-NDERV IVEARO You canet repaire fer every stove and furnace mède ln Canada (rom J. 'Mc-. untyte. 85 cents Per week lC For iuartiqglu CxIOM'éLEadvetse. zienti cf (4imna (et su, larme to rent, or farine wsttd te, rent. -Or any other amali ady. Sel( Dendl. The Savtonits expeCt te raise 820,- Soo between' he lut and Sth of Dec., as the resuit et seCientai on the. part of he peo- ple of the Dtmtq*on. Here y=u hav4 IL. Elîher the Weekly Globe EmptÃi-Par- mers' Sun Or Ma iwtb tii. CHIROWICLE3 foir SI .23. Intendiog subacribers wiould do weli te remnber ihat the Farm sand Firebide do«i not go with the Weekiy Matil in the. 51.25 clubs. The Globe or Empire with CURONICLE: comprises tweui- typages a week ln ail, and la a good bar- gain-ai 01.25. W. C.- 1. Notes. The meeting of the literary society on the 215t was well attendéd. The pro- gramme partook of the nature cf the sea- son snd nearly ail the itemse were of a thanksglvtug charau.er. Mr. Hogarth occupied thé chair and Mr. Silcox g ave an addre on a scieutillc subject, "Good renad maktng." The. g Io club contributed twthanksgivlngecharuses in a very acceptable manger. Byron Dave' sd Chas. Simith teontrlbuted readtugs \1ss Minute lhat -au Instrumental solo, and Misses Ber-tha mnd Bertrice Tamblyn -and Blanche ?#icholson a trio. The. crtc r d an exhaustive report of the Items on e tant programme. Professer Goldiog amused the audience with lsm nuaic selections. Fifteen New subscribers every day. From the zut to the 28th of November the CHRONICLE msubscribtion liatIincreased ai the rate of fifteen names pet day. These are ail genuine subucribers, fDot couning a min gle sample copy or doubtfui man. From the saine localities we shahl have as; mauy more sent in. Present appearances indicate ibat the CHRoN- ICLE'5 liste for 1&)5 Wll be increaned by fully fifreen hundred names. We can guarantee them ail a fitmt clans paper. Every week the CHRONICLE bears to its readera a budget of news front forty to fifty places. 1dm tbe oniy paer ln the count# wbich does flot print hallt'pmgea fromn patent readtng matter. We set u every lime of the paper, and t y to fil 1 elgbt paesweekty. wlth county uewat alone. TheCHRONICLE cdaims to be out-. spoken, fearlng neither ricli uer poor. Occsonally wc loge thc patronage of crooked pieu, but lu the long run the ad - vantage of such a source han been dem- ousî.rated by our mubeription liai. 1Deati<ifMms.Tlos. i)ow In the desth of Mr î Thomas Dow tant week another of the ol resideuts of Whit- by bau pansed asy iluyears, and leaviug a respect meory behind ber. Her ma44en rame, *as Eliza Harriet Chesebro, sud - s aë-ýof kuritan stock, sud a native cf WhIitnwwu,,Oelda Co., New York state.She was marrled te Mr. Dow at Wiiitby lu 1845, and for a few "easthereaftir they - ived ,aetOahawa. Then they teck u thdcr.ïCC'ldeuee lu Whlt- by, where tbey Iived'tit1h was -dlaabled byý sickuess. nos 'tyo yeasai*. After that, sud up-,to use -,of their deatb, they llved wUIti beir dauglte-, the. wife ci rthe. Rev..1 M. blacGÃŽIlva> t Kingston, 1fMr. de luit Ap îand Mrs. Dow oUwe us, m -him lu4,lu. 1r. ou 'the dûtiesof tâ Wiù -e efficient, sad. Dow was lu every b à Pth elppist. She teck 'a Wartalti* a Utaitr ested hi, wiiamb -4t er1 Yý home, wellu n. èleidng- -, cf the day~ a~u * s l, l ._irî Wf t ue obiiWrd-Te-,M abope e#. 1 bùt-ý.-adp" Fur Capes, Muffs, Caps, Et c2m SNAPS.-We are now prepared to offer some great Bargains in Ordered Clothing, Gents' Furnilshings, Hats, Caps, etc. Step in and inspeot aur stock. Me 9note t-Our, clubbing lst if yU want ane ot ýr kcat weekly besicles the CHIRONICLE. A seodid paper. This weeks' Il trated American bas nandsomely pictu _qrticles on -foot-bail, U.e eastern war, a Ives blRiard match, 01 l~,e d'bote dinner and an ^aborbing ini- 0% t tsint woma' epartmnt. Fermons w1llmve neyer en the Illustrated , Arican, the7mgon**hbof the wepkies, can 4etùilé copie ,o,« _la beautiful >hbli- cati~ free orf charg by wrtingtthe o 5hc . and 7 East Sl t, New z York.. E-D., RoNICLE:tg b. p ted Wto the &Y night by oun. Smith a y~ 1 fflat sef The astilte. fe scheme ar, seeki 19 pull,. over the. eyes oftheir ne IY dn they are In $à vor o ltà ucng tii twn's limita. -Such, 1 believle, is nt h1 ~lh or intention. They wimh to epétei - wn t#x but want the town tp owu snd ep*Jr [iii.batrects ançi .eldp*»Jkop weIt 0 awhhgtetownship will not dijt. Wby tbe' o define the limilta of the future ci-il'Why do hey rto keep us Inthe d : 1i heir intentionsare honen? The f ý teday are the. lems taxed part cf ou r'.payers. I will cite a case with wb l'arn somewhat- acqualnted. The oldr farm, now owned by Mr. Pare- w r Ilat told il s oniy sssessed et l pe ,With a rebat. on sldewalks aud UgAdtolnlug tii. (arm- but farther (rom toWU la cue fourth ý:f au acre oWi y1Mr. G. Robinsoit wbh l asses. sed or at the. rate 0f#$x6opr ret 'the fô and :eate. Nov, air, wbthrof th, mmi twal-theMont uz$uutly .taxed' ? If 1F. pie How >I.atd 1fr. FarewelI are -to -ho re0- ]D r lev, cil towa tax, and ail thie oo i -mcxit L sCorners are to have t41ZitD. cor 1llcresae4 .iil b. a fit e* am, n,Thât ou,, orporation - aùý HO8I~R~ Our Boys', Girls' and Children'a Hosleryb now so thoroughly known that we erdZy have to mention lines. See our Ladies' fine Cashmere Houe for 20e, r. uar40 Seo our Boys' Ribbed Hose for - 40c., regOx' , See our Ohiidren's Plain Wool Hose for 15e., rgilr25c M1LLI1N E RY. Novelties are daily arriving. The latest faghion froake as wel I as the standard styles. Pretty good. at ue vol-%, owve.t prices. at: grcc7t/y reduced price8, Ce Te STEWART@ GRAÂNT's~ Ladies' Ribbed Veet for 25e. Bgular 50c. Ldies' Bibbed Veifr St.-Iegular 75c. L *e' ibed, DraweB for 50c. IRegular 76c. Lss'Ri~eDrawers for $1. flegular $1.40 Chi1 en'fi Ribbed and Plain Shirts & Drawers. Meîfýrï* Underweà r 'in ail best mks.~. Mèn'é*.Ribhed Draweris for 50c. Regular 75c. Mens .Ribbed Shirts for 50c. Reanlar 75c.