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Whitby Chronicle, 30 Nov 1894, p. 8

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presi, id the uit d ohosen net. &he Meeting waa id of many whe wer-. that it resolve it- s Meeting, whiCh waî The preéident thon ject of the Meeting .rpo f utifg . a ean- ,old,fas the ime might no~ .stant when vo may h. calîsu fight th. battie at another Domninî election, and vithout taking Up the titue of the meeting stated that h. was prepared te nocive nominations, when the foliowing gêntlemen woe nominated: Dr. Gunn. J. H. Long, W. F. Cowan (Mayor cf Oshawa), Robert Miller, Peter Chriatie, Arthur Johnston, James Rutledge, (Mayor cf Whitby), Waltor Conîthard, Win. Smith, M. P., W. H, Thomas, J. L. Smith, Dr. Warren, J. B. Dow, John Smith (bayaide) James Munroe and Dr. MOUillvnay, when the ohairman declared lhe nominations closed. Dr. Gunu vas final oallod upon te addreaa the meeting, and on ooining forward read the following resolution: Moved by Dr. Gnnn and seoonded by John Burns, liat in consideration cf the. fact tuat our country is nov pasing through an important criais in ils his- tory, we, the Libenal Conservatives cf South Ontanie féal iL Le b. our duty te i ýve a unanimous expression of eux nfidence in the. wisdem mad diacre- ion displayed by Sir John Thompson aznd hie geverumont in thein unoeasing efforts Le promoe the w. elfare cf tie ]Dominion, and in onder te meuit in funthering their aime in this direction, wë' hereby express oun entire confid- ence in eux esteemned member, Mn. Wm. Sinith, and nesolve Le use eux beet endeavors te netunn hum tb nepresent ni; in parliainent, having every confi- dence in hie honesty and ability bo as. sist in advanoing Lb. best intereste cf oun country." The fenegoingz resolu- ion was paaaed with much enthusiasin when Dr. Gunn offered Bomne vise ad- vice, stating thal h. hmd for aemeyeans dropped eut cf political hif., yct Le foRt oalled upon te o present at snob an important lime te contnibute Lia assist- ance toward the. object cf the meeting. lHe oxpresed himaeoif as extremnely Bat- isfied with tb. course puneued by Six John Thompeon and although Le (Sir John) wae quit. unknown te him ho had found him tb b b. a man cf greal viedorn and weil csleulat.d to carry on the werk left unfinished by eux lament.- ed leatder, Sir John Maodonald. Con. idering the grave criais the venld wue paasing through aI the prosent ime, we shouAd be caroful in the mnen whom w. ohoose te be eux representatives and wb.n choson v. sbouid support thern wiîb ail our might. He refenred te the importance cf ieoking wel *0 the culivation cf eux tnado withLBniL ian, ais we oouid always finti a market for our su rplus in lhe mother country. The. Dr. retired in favor of Mn. Wm. ,. Smith. Mr. J. H. Long vas nent calleti on and- thanked tb. meeting for hie nominaion. eHe believ'as in equal rights o SU-mon antifavors te none. H. vas doidadly oppoWet t exemp- tions &Bas aoouury vas tee inuoh tgoverned by eonpnulioni who contri- buted littlie« on etaxes. H. believed ini li in8titutiols payin$ Iheir ahane cf tho taies 'cf the country andtinz a word be asserltd that tLe pensons vho paid the taxes cf thie or auy other country ahould gcoveru It, a sentiment wbich thougbt il woulti hema alamity le this eounty if ve abould ose the service of se mlle a fluancer, andti hougitt il wouli b. impssible te find a dupliost of the. finance nunistor. * Ini clouna veny nemI speechhoLeaaed tfiat h.ovas net a cantiate anti rotiret inlu (venof eux weil tnieti member Mn. SmlthL Mr. Robt. Miteir vas nomxl od s= wua greeteti vluh onthuuim aube look the platform. les took , thiq th ff l ' opportunilyaffordefi hnm'cf lshn bis miylndy ita be' noble iaoü- they Lad giron hlm t the lla ri p clii elocon, bna~g14t*ôd often lte oaeLitaï~fu4s4d* 'waasoon oget (ouonolnol bu he wo 1duy lh Sruht.s had reoîev.4 more mtdlIly -s0" fiendahh fi i frs -wue,#* e veut titi lie ]W., l Is* h rocolv t,4p, a, w i IIOte, paiti hmforte. Ï o SirSu os0, made by hlm=lu l44 tntâ dtop vinoe., -Mn. Miller stas*1 *«WSI IFp position wu * pur o U"retoe - fU is r » fott PUeliY lAitVenU cA, otïhé n at of BritôairIed baiod on i. owi furmer. of 3rl. off today- ailS %Au hati bzoug v of the imrp groator ex- 'd h. being -(whioh ho scaîing Ihaî ho 5,enerally mot by .aie pclicy cf their gey. Antin merîcan farus .ee vi5 injnring thêw hbuai. Mr. Milier cenaurod th. British goverument for cbargiog eur Canadiau cattle with being aeffeoed with pluie, pneumenia. a facl which had been con- tradict.d by the bout authorities in botb Britain sud Canada and believedti tat the embargo was placeti ou oun cattle at the instance cf the farinera cf Great Britain whe vere safferng frein th. competition cf oui cattie, and thought that the governmont sbonld have beeon more bhonest in the matter, and pro- tected the fariner in a moere honorable way and net have alandered oui caIlle in the znarkols cf the wcrld, as oui American tniendo vexe net slow t0 tako advantage cf it and find an excuse for placing funthen restrictions on our cattie going int their market. Mr. Milier cioeed a hall heur'. speech1 which wua manly and Btnaigbtforward, reiring in faver cf Mr Smitbi. Mr.. Peter Christie wu as oalle on. but did fot wish t'e oecupy the ime cf1 the meeting and netu'ed in faver cf eur old candidate. Mr. Wm. Smnith, M.P., w as font cal-1 led te the platform and wà. received1 with great enthuziasm. Mtez the ap-. plause had oeased Mr. 8mit4-othanked the electors for such a fine zdpreenta- tive gathering, and heught hoe could look with confidence into th future when bie fonnd se many cf long experi- once as Dr. Ganu who were active in politicallife when Jie vas bhem stand. ing up for the policy cf eux govern- ment, a polioy wbich vas admixed by the most highly civilized nations of tb. wonld. Throata heti been made against hizn at the lite provincial election by our opponents, but he hadl heard suc threats before, and surronded as ho wua by sob a stutnneb urrîy 0f support. ers, andi supportiing a governmninelof ene policy and tRial oee learly deflueti, Le coulti vel effordtotetreal suoh Ihreate with indifference. Ho referreti te tb. varions policies proposet frein ime Le ime by tie opposition, calling thein by their various namnes anti LhougLt thc lu as s lat cf "Tarriff for revenue only" wbich be pronouncet a blintisas iL vas vbolly impnaclicable. He hua beon blameti by bis oppouente fer bis vote againe free. corn. H. Lad ou sevenal occasions beeu conenîteti by the government ou questions affoting tb. agricultural cimes, ant believet bis epimion wva lays regardtas valu- able, as il vus kuovu that hLewva farmer, anti uethiug else, andti Iat Le ropresenledth îe beat agriculturai se. lion lu Canada. He va. consulltdoce tLe question cf fro. ceérn 'anti hâd'o-'- posed il andi batinover sein uzty reasn te change Lis vieva. anti vas propred te take tLe saine standti on the public plmtform in tbe future. He ventunoti te say tbat nul oeeof Ibose wbe fonti faunIt uLis vote woulti buy American corn if iL Lad been madie free. Our perk Lad a gocti repulation in the Brit. isht market as ,comparedti vithîe Axneican produol cwing teou oark' being fod'on herd ýgrains, ani if Ihoso wiio oppesei hum on Ibis question aLh- cd to tiestroy tL.e reputation of our perk in Britain let tbei jusl introduce anti feeti Amenican cern. Rof.rring te the franehise mt Mn. Smnitht saiti Le fancieti ms.king tLe minnimanuz te qualify $250 inateati of 8800. Mn. Sitlh atated, that if ho voulti ho choson as lte eau dinate ho would go to Ottawa unpledg. ed anti voulti cla.ime . ight te mut as Le bat lu tLe paut according te iùs jutigmenî after having a kuovIetige Cif ail tLe circumstenoeu un any question vhich might coin. Lfoe.the houa.. The othon nommne.. ail retired lu; (aven of Mr. Sithi. When tbe meeting matie Lis nommair. lion unaninions hy a glindiug vote,, Mr. Smuiit &gain lhankcil bis fion3dt fo$lte nenewaà cf Iheir confidence. anti :hoped ho voniti nover boIra7 tL. ooqftdeneeo lhey Lad repoiet i hu. Mr. J. B. Dok belng «Uaon - oume- oi te follow!ug reselutiou andiupport- ed tLe samin ua nemi speech. Moveti by J. ». Dow andi seconded by Arthur jobuaton that vo are very musl pleaseti viti lie houer conferred ou our fnienti J. S. Lmnke.' Esq., by bis appoint- tuent by th1e Dominion governmuent as cmmlmssioner tp Australia,. beliing tlet thoy coWd.:i no: bave appoluntot a more sultableasefficient porion *0 fin lie posi- tin both wltb houer te iomd tésudtei counlry, snd wbilevo eret lits depar,ý unefrein amonge us w. #« re oie luntlie thought luit ho iàs béen ealWho a pc1 lion wbhich vii enable Mmt o mak use ocf ouzinont sud ptrctical quhcl isbt. vance lhe Interests cf lb. conntry WMil hle so e Il, and wboft iotcrestj lio via ever anniopa te aamice. Clileti l, Moved. lyPeton Christie and.ocendedf by jon Sum, tbtthis as~sdtion of, lbé opinion ttheii. utaï,g-Itmsistemzt le the only s.! und -p abléub eue orý tecanada, pandlcI as i;eeyu £~oter wlnlr, Look Out For Hlm. Aà Man Callsata Your Bouse and A@1s for' Yonr Âddreaa. Ayoung marrieti lady cf P@eorboro hat acaller a few days ago thal eh. vil net forgel 1er some lime. The Min lu question reprosenled himsif a a traveller for a mupie bouse and show- eti socle cf the latel omopositions, whieéh h. vas selling st 1the enlremeiy 10w pricecf-5 cents -per shoot. The whole seoniis 'onld coal 41-80. TRie lady did fol like te contniot for t1à music vithoul consulting ber bueb ant, aud ahe. put the "4age 'nt" off iu Ibis vay. Bo±on, eaviug, however, he aský, odbet give hiai ber atidreas, andti h.' wrote ber came on a pninled form, and theught no moreo cf the transaction e cept te Çëontion the cheapuesof thé mnusic *0 ber' hbuebaud when hocame home, andti lling hum sho had giron, te ma* ber addreas. Tehuband thought aHlwuas noSf righ andwaa ot mcheurprlsot*., day when ho neoeived a eIer acowoý lodging therece t )f a r4r from l wifo fer amôetiÇ"alf Ho'ùne 1btho Composers" iu thirty numbera t60 conte a number. 0f course the printed form signeti by lie lady vas a note and the amount of 818 2iiihave tobeb.paiti. Bbc vi think Ivice bofore signing ber naine again. TEXPI.ANCE, A COifMON SIGHT' 1 saw a Christian, a temperance man, Casting bis ballot eue day Bt the polis. One wbo belleves that ho dees whaî 11e cen ToWards the neclaimlng aud saving of louis, And may bobo does-aud may be he ons1 i don't say b. doesu't, but may be he dcci 1 .I saw bis candidate sippinir hie b..?, Wiping bis moustache and lapping his jaws And 1issud tW myself, 'lî'a decidedly queci, If tbis la tbe man vie shoul4 belp mnake Our lava."l But may b syb b. e! 1 vun , 1say it et=gh, but may 5e ha le!1 .I sav an old drunkard fali in the atreet 1 saw My Chiisan min mnournfully pass, And mournfully Seay te 1the wreck et hie foot, III bave doue what I ceuiti for sucb wrecke, but aRas l'I Well may b. he had-may b be h ad 1 1 don't say he hadn't, but may be h. bad 1 -EllaWbeeler. A DIRLYNARD'8 APPEAL. A Young mnan onteroti the bar-reoin cf a vil- lage tavern, and cailed fer a drink. "eo" said th. tantilord, "you have hadth 1e deiium tremens ence, anti I can't 5.11 yen an ymore,"e Le stoppeti meide te maie roin for a couple of Young mon wbo hati jus: ontereti andth le landiord vaiteti on them very poUtwRy. The' otbqr hati stooct. by, silent sud-suloen,; and vion liev bad -plsaed ho valiied, op to, jbe landlerd andi tiusaàdreosod bli i9B5Wyean ago, :thénâge. 1 steei bed tisse Ivo Young mom stand now. 1Iwva Young mm u iti a iiglu prospect. Nov, aî, Uic age cf tventy ogt, I amn a wreck--body andi mmd. Ye .dimoto drink., lu lif reom I formodthedz.habil that bas beeti ' rmin. Now, seli me a fev more glasses anti yeur wrk wiilbcdoue 1I. 1villhtoon bc cSof tho way-4hcro misne hope for me 1 But thoy can be saveti. Do not sell h te theun- Sou It te me, andi loi me due, anti the venld vould br nrid of une, but for heaveu's 4M*»M <hem." ' nê&- Mal Theésniodustne. ,.aqsdtremnbling Settiug dovn hie decanter 11e exciamt, le holping me, it lse 1elist tdrop I wiii selheëany- one 1" anti he kept bis vend. Weaho 11evVaIS, Hond'ri Sansainlla bt*ds up lie siattered sytemâ y givîng vzproua action le Ibedagos tive organs, creating au appelite andi punify. ing tbe blod L It s prepmred biy modem moetiodi, pseess m e greateel curative povers, hanti asîe mneat vnd.nful record cf aclpi cures cf mny Inedicine ln existence, Take coly Hood&s Hoont'. Plls are p"fsy vgtbsaddoi net purge, pain or gripe. 25c. The Montréal Exhibition Conmpany bas endondth le projeel cf bodng »Wnld's ]Nin lt Cty clu n1896, "doa.vg n" or. n o$& A Quebe PyaoinWho (orrobouites Dr. Roeuopinion. PORT" M, Dec. 8-Tii.letter of Dr. A. G. MOConznek 'OfRlcbrmod, Quie., testlly. 9n tn bis oompQeeAnd permanent eure frein Bnighît's diuea by Dodd's Kidney Pille, bu been remd wltb much intereet bore suwt ing sa Itdes.thé,recepî letton of br, B. A., Rose, cf Mis pieÏ, vbho Wuvas rd ef diabêes bv thoeuseof 1h... pille. 0f ceurs 06 fneber orrobenatiou cf tb. curative qualdities cf todd's Kidncy Pilla vas r.qnlr. id other than thei. ttlmony of Ur. Rosbut Sl fa a satisfaction te know thal othen uzedi- MI insu ireibile oi lb.theDr . ln tes:ifylug t» the- Wortb of !the Pilla frein peracual trial Sreoýrt that Iid Mihi Yamaat, ommander cf tle ral japanes an& y r d smd, lau off cily d o laedt o f. ho n u Bureook Blood Bittera cres Dysppea. am00 ockBloodBitteres Constipation. fo.k Blood Btescure. Billeuss. Burdoi BlootiBitters ours Headache. Burdcooli8100d Bittera unlooksaall lbe eogged aSOol Onte l.Bowels, Ibu ourlng RIdÏand adsilar compaints. Ridil, lhebelligerent "spinit,, whe le alled te bave thumnpod Sim Paz lia Lon. don$ biu bean committed for trial. TO P-EMO)VICWORMS of a&l kinde frein cblldren on adulte Dr. Low'. Worm kyrup 'B ab safe and sure reanedy. Lord Egrassy in speken of as 1h. coming Gevernor et Victoria, Australia. £ cautllouJ 'A Wamulug.1 If, on blowing lis nome lu the inennlng, lamps and fiake.s are discbarged ooloned Witb blood. especlally onAoe aidé, lomm ne time la aPPlYing a remedy. Citarh cf the veny vorat kind bas bsoom osated, the wails are sore anti full of amail ujcrs mmif net seon cured wilkbe bard te cure and eradioato. 4"A Btitcb lu lime e.ves nine." tUse Chas Mr. James Stevenson. genni mansaier of the Quebeo Bm ins edeaiL nunarO'a Liniment la the Ba". A beavy snowstorm bas oeppicd rallway buuinSs il Carson. Nevada. 810K HEADACHE and Constipation are promptiy cured by Burdock Pilla. asy te tae, sure in -effeot. qryou m ust "draw4,thelUne at food 'preparedwth it, thus is to remind yonùthgat there Wa lean, delicate anid healhfulvegétable short- enig, hkhcahi be. uqed COTTILFNE iiistead, of lard, -you ,can eat. pipastry and the othier godtigs " which other foksenjoy, withont-fear of dyspeptiç consequeuces. De, 11Vçraiefrom lardhascme Buy a paiX, ttry4i your own -kitchen, and be cou. vinced. Cottoiene is -sold iiu 3 and, 5 1pails. by al grocers. Madogr-L' iA»M3'0 KUTLEDG3,'- Ba*iotere etc. Offce formerly ocupieti >y,Varowell &L Rttledge, fnt Royal IHetel, *Brook Sb., WhitbY@ DAVID ORiSlTON, B. A.9 Attorney-at.Law Soloitor ln Chaneery, Couvoyaneer, eéo. 0Of ce-m 1the Ofice South oft1he Pott OfIRce, in mcMiiIan' Block, Boock Street, WlItby. RE MO.V To- NEW PREMI8L ON 1390191 STREEIT 8OUTH 0F ONTARIO BAi Whltby Marbie krorK8. 1G. YOUNG SuITII. LL. .,# Marbie monuments, Headetoný Iaârrfister etc.,--Money te Loin, Iguer of Marrge Licenses. O o mith's Block, South of Market, »z oek St., Whitby DOW & cGliLLIVRÂAY, Barristers, Solitorsin, C hanoery, etc. OffIce in ïKabhison &L Emwken'.new blok Brook 8., V% hitby, sonth of Ontario bank D. P.-IIOGART9 ..LDS Physioaa, Surg.on anti Accoucher, etc. Offie su ]Reid o et tb AUlSaiut's Church, Dundas St, Whitby. N. B. - Dental Surgery in ail ils branches promit- Iy attendeit *. W. E. YARSOLD, D. L. B., County Survayer anai Drainsge Engineer, Port Perry, Ont. A. A POST, Architeot lite with liar4dey, Langiey Burke, ']oronte. Desiguis fer Churchos, Villas andi Cottages a speolalty. Draw- luge prepared for remodeling enlstlng structures, Office-Pirut fiât over W.Re Howee'e drug store. 9&P O Bex 202, Whitby. WM. CALVIMBLEY, Having movedto ute ux ew preiies we are propared t~o entend the range o business. AU work pertaiinq te th. har- ness-makiug andi saddery biàuou iiib. don. to satisfaction. Collaris a spooialty. Caii andi ueermy îhop ami stock. W. CALVEBLEY, Second deor west ef oltishe.. Dundau Street, Whit-by. New bouse, B recis;», acre cf gardon, von fenced. Good locay on Front sreetlin South Ward,. ppl toi B. -WORFORK, ou the adjoining lot, 'or at the CRItONICB, office. WhlbY, March 711, '94. COOAL COALI, The uiesgo bas juet re-ý ccd a are ualty ofFirs Cmes Ceai direcft (nom the mines, ant.islepre paredttefureta aUil aies, dujand cdean,' lnciudlng severa Ixhudret toua cf tic OELEERATED -N9.,4, mes: ppuln ase boîveenS$ve ý=d~ Cheunt. 'LemM,>oun rtir tii aud gel vcry lowos quotatien. Terms Ca'h. gatial ether Cemetery Woîk. As importera ef 8ootohpS8ieedlsh,Ameploan and Canadian Granlte8. Ail pilles wiahlug work woulti deo wel cail on nabefore purchating. AU work guaateed sudamile.. of 1110. low.i*. No v vry anid Saie'Stale Dundas St, Whitby, J. T. NEWPORT, ]Proprio Wr Commercialmon liberallydealtwih, Tsaing don. astreasenabie prico. Freight anti Baggaçe hauledaItrea abi. prices. A ciii soizoteti. WT. ILT-UXE MÂOHINIST, WHITBY, Hel oponed a Be p*irOhop*luconnectie Wih theCoprorh1,7a021yo=don by hie father, oppositecAilI Saints' Church, andi WU'l doi auilm:aof Revairizig. Sswing maà- chines a spcclsty. Lawu Movers, Bicy- cles, Firearizs Looki, Sosies, Clothos Wriugers Wasi Machines, &o. Saw PlUng_. âkates, Snissors, Kuivois, Clippeors Leatened and ropaired. Ail inds ef Cooper rork =&e anti repairoti. Shcp opposite Ail Saints' Churoh, Dundas Street, Whitby THOS 0f Bovuzanville, inter a fortulgbt, te collect dlean or dye. Garme Rock as gond as new. viii net char ge ter mn- My charge Io$12 Prsiga suit Of CIe greSc. Oge c , l dyod fer $x. For c .bats 25C. TT Bovmnvllle, nI Lj F E7 PEAT ..."Iv o p InsifranceC< Larget* Câpital Stock 1 on the, eoutinent Nine aeOtifluons cf surplus policy holdors. Ail dlam jelaY or dlsoount on r. muturtty cf ndow6ent J. B. C. EL R Cor. Zingi & Tonge eorl. ent titree. mc apecll attentionte i rdà« nqby lfret- lthe , mieé ressonîbie r - WCnfa itly caR iri inakeurle. lImae Ziug td YLe S.. Tc ABK OUR 8Ti I

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