f KINOWLEDGE Brings conifort mand huprevement a tendis te personal enjaymnnîW] rigbtly used. The ma.y, w'ho live b ter than otheru and enjoy lile more, wi loes expenditure, by mors proinçl adepting tiie world's beet producte the noeds of physical being, will attl the value te beealth of the pure liqi laxaitiveO principflea embrao.d iu t remnu'dy, Syrup of Fige. ]ts excellence la due ta its presentii in the forin miet acceptab'e and pli mutt t talete, the refreahingand tri beneticiîtl pnrîrtios eof a perfect la et i-e ; effectualhy cleenaing the. syster disîmuliiig coide, hewacheis and fe%,e and pureraeîîiy curiîîg censtipatici It has gii-en satîsfectimn ta millions a! met with the.ap of tl i he medic p)rofes iii, beenuse it acte on the R-ic iley-9, Lt iet. Sind Bo wes wstit w tl eîîilîg limalid it t e ifeeîilv froc frui every bPCli M c:L, o iIt-i.e riv' (If i- sf r emic by al druf n 77. 1 î5but it >i5S tl;: f. 'ic f - r' la igSn i.'. 51cc t c~ 1V5V', p ifFigt nid î~'sg .. ~ i' ". K Uwll tsi aecelit im. ' Dr.-iH. F. .V,rrilL Resuits Ast2Onjsh MEN 0F SCIENCE. J J ERÇJSparilla A MEDICINE WJTHOUT AN EQUAL. StLttelmîerîtof il well Kuoa2 o~ as a '1usd : iieran.! -.pririg ni v il c:slI lt Il ['a eernugli. 1Ihle %N, aiîelit- ILs eftects 111 ccron1' cases, vwber-o ot; r trtatrn.cs.în of crio avait, and lhaveb-n asn LIc t tlih results, No other bIc- t1 rn'cIt-i,'.t 1Itave s-ier used, and 1 hp.ve i i t-il 1 (- : i11 s s)thorough ln Its action. mist1 y S :h' -permanent cures as Aý Y s.rî lalla"D H. F. MERRILL, Augusta, Me. Ayeî' s O Sasaarl Admltted at the Worid's PaIr. Ayer'la Pills fur liver aitd bowen.. OORRESPONDINOE STOUTFVI LLEC. Judge Burnhain, of Whitby, will be in Stouffiville at to a.m. on January 24thh, '95, to finaliy re vise the Dominion voters, list for West Ontaria. Ail notices of objec- tions, ec., must be made by registered letter or be delivered ta Judge Burahamu at Whitby, before January 9th, 'Sg?5 Al interested ahouid hereby take notice and govern themeselves accordingly. Christmas is approaching and thie whe intend to make presents sheuld place in their lius a ticket or the mechanics' insti- tute. No more useful or profitable glft cou id be bestowed upon a iriend tin aa ticket lor the beneficiai institution which affords a choice eut ai 3000 volumes and the reailing af ail the best leadÃng perledi- rront 'parît toMinsand Ieaving the remr portion &'Most intact. MoDernud Was U ,.a.' Liniment Cures LaGrippe. genttly landed on the. platforin above the. oow-oat.cher of the engin. and with oe viieci of the wagon was caruicd Tii. New York Policê-Oommîasionera ha quite a distance before the rain - , eatered Oapt Oreedouto duly temporsril brought toma stop. Ho va. uuinj ured Pli" 1 t PteS I Iohing PlU, save Item stiff.u. causcd by the shak g But ro e-à rfoatul*;ý intense ihng and ing up. One of the herses vas seD bad. Itiagin ;Muat at nie"tj:)r o by scratch-. we v tated, the eallvau a close onew1ei5 fton bls.d '%d aiea-te besoring mand Mr. MoDermid iw receivung thi e'yr seria lu'siarv:wp, <hwu congrtulatonof many fied oe febn adbisedinf , StOand in t I~on mumes oe, the. tUne s. At dr* his mpe.-%re«. int o b z4 r50Sut. D.Swayne The followunz is from the Oobourg Br.Leu à , teseher i heToronte Sentinel Star: Mr. Johl I. a 'i" icolcf a tstlg Lndo's is of Haldmand, buasreetly Plrhso cats [rein Mr- i:hos, GuY, tQI Oshava, 4h. I Ed. Irvin g who vas puttlag la eleclric 'vOtet  yrhiro breedo, la ne yo.ug vîtes for the new incandescent systei bull, Royal8S8=n41M8. w masre whlch George Brou. expect tle have la Baron cf Par* fI, 8m78, tc eperatlon lu a few days, lo evldendly Dol ise ..at the WrIdt* -Pair 1a yomr. serlaualy affictod vitih oaesty. On r.- Ili& d=i ceiving paymeat for ils services (ton:1 Uw. dam Atjoeb -e George Bros.. lnsîead cf paylng bis 1bill at MU<roa l dhigrand daxi vou Leu tbe Mansions houa.; he, late on Tuesda>. p in, 12d*iy hsflaS<dl*UIYbW 4 eveniag, hiced a bora. ad ri(zoinYakes MLDafidien à ato b. ooogratosglon livecy mand iaviag slip; bis trunk hie pUross. lirough th. hoîci vladov, he In compas> vîh SiL Walkec departed or parts 'un.*Ksl am kon osalC rien lias been sent OtlhUSQib te hunttiem up but up to ithetime of g-pw9iive eui '800*1»-# lag le pres îey vece net cmptured. Mi. iiouiflg Vake recovercd bis bor an d rig at Uit-. bridge and Il la -supposed "t<batome.-Dt ~ ~ '~ avays vent noribvar. Rchardson lodgo A. F.& A. X. o 136, Met hlaVit evnhn-la uular oem- mnunicaioen.D. ID. G. M. , MGlIIvry. ofUxbrldi a p t o Msdd wrofthsee vouing wus porrmt&d, 'ln be tiv. lodigw -et tUn orsft, . coinlSuaoW, reudered tie labora of the, eveningvey -- J~1T lntereaîlùg. After the lodgre waadcm tail repalred té tie Mansion hoûuwhtea -4re i-"ipu l hl recherche spread waa lu readiiesa.r là >~ UIy tOIOnltWhlGere ICompany wlth a goodly number of friend# 85~ f01î eteiid Mli tr. R.., Bl in tlown ail esatdown and satisfied tih 'ln- U wiita 0c1u belonging , Mr.. C. Bart. ner mans wlth tic savory viande. Thon etIt mà mdhtn er r WI. â asa oc Lnîe the usual round of toasts Incident, Iae k rsadt e oud. oict MU te suci nsasonlc occasions, whlcli wero , uüol ddeseltewu h ai heartlenwe are glad IMM, les agoltl a lOIig ail wiartly responded te, at the close of jriglhî, ~ whlh ai departed to their several homes, # Narrow esePe. ' a p o m e , sorry t e p art, h app y to j t kSr a v u a t e H l b r e Lest week's market furnished a good walkiag on the track. The englnemc aw illustration ai whet will be the resuit un- hum aioead but couid net steop la tite avold cless the co-operative systein be adopted te uilg l. We faly1~ rI a gel rid of the product ai the cow. The brought te a atandstilîlthe man wsus feoin butter bought t wo weeks ago by the deal- Ithe front of tic engine, 0OmparativeIy u dniur e rs had te b. held over lu large quantlîy 1 ed boyond a bad siaklng UP. Chotigham anda lrgesupply ai ancient and turnipy; heard the wiaîle, batsanys ho tioughîtie came freintlb.far north togoether with an train was on the allier traci, tiers bolng a aid- almost countless number of eggs that were iag ai that plac.-Wardor. and not very translucent, which caused a Deputy Adit.-General Cotton inspectec4 the hou seriotns depression lu the prices af these 1 armsanad accoutrements cf the local militia on twa commoditides. Had they been sold Tuesdsylest. Ho exprossedil inseîf as well etO. when fresh botter pricea would have been aatsfiedlwith is inspection. Ho Was enter- rith realized. It le a mîstakre, and a seriotis tained ai the Beason loieu nl the Ovoing by one, te imagine that better prices cen be the local militia officers. h ad by holding for a scarce season. The Li. o. uii f omnlho et tofailure of grain as a profitable article aifmanert.ol.e CuhBttî,,f indmya beenom esiprouctonlia casedvey nanylu n-retired by Gen. Herbert byrequest, and Lieut. uid tario ta abandon it and go lariceiy juta Col. Deacon, of tlie saine battalion, lais l E tebutter and cheese as well as ot ler pro- 'permmtted te retire, with raak. ducts. No oee uw thinks ai makin g0 horne-made cheese for ex port noir even for 00Thceuest fh et ran( d Tukfir brigade1 ing omeconsmpton.simply easona- net hc okpcelSpemrls s cou ut ai the superior qualiiy ai the factory that tho local brigade wresls tho, prise frein article aud ils merchantabte quality th e their opponients, the Allandale brigade, there- u home-made would remain dead stock. by winuiag $xe lancauh. We congiratulate the f l' Now this is preçisely what isgrdalybeys on ibeir success, achieved under unfavor.g Ms, takiug place ln Onitario as regards butter.-al icmsacs-ot era Too niuch ai the 'tlairy praduct is heiu g The court bouse bas been wired and is Dow :).m do aud the. market le giuîîod with 1 iliuminated by electricmy, The goal and I n.thausands ai pou nde afiti which la very registry office will be wired next week. The t Ind iefrior and much thal la toîaîîy unsale- Victoria Electric Light Ce, have the contracg. l mel able. Our creamery cannaI begin ta sup- Last Sundey, just when Mr. William Haud- d- ply the demaud ci-en ai the high figure ai cock arrived lu fremn Caoebray, his littho grlay 'k 24c. per lb., while miuch ai the dairy but- mare accideutally broke ber ieg. O)n Thesday ,ru -r ofiered lasît Thursday had ta be taken it was decided that neîhing could be done andF back home for iack of purchasers, Stick the animal wassheî. a to your creamery and run it ta ils full The hea vy re in onuSaturdoy eveuirfgbrough t g- capacity. There la good money lu it and with in lots of labor for .Ihe liue minuceuuected U- a litte engineering ou the part of farmers with the telegraph, telepboue aud'electric light ýpin securing first-class cows and preparing companies The hunes dwere covered with ice, re food for them wîll soon make il apparent. and the extra weight brought the t t thef D)en markc ai anc ti me was almost swamped tround lu mauy places. Those people haviug wîth fermi mortigages but by iuauguratiug ?unt andshade trees lied te go eut in mauy and developing the co-operative syte cases and shake off the lce lu order te Save the fr of creameries il is now lu souud and trees front breaking down, the airain bouig se al healthy fluanciai condition. Fermera great that mnauy trees were beut unti the higb. nc ,must study their business thorotyghly, er limis al4nost reacbed the ground. Mauy s work on a systern, kee posted on the trees wece broken down as it was. Spruce n markets and what prod ucts are beiug1 hedges presentel a mest attractive appearauce bE growu in other countries, thoreughly fer- 1'beiug caeted with ile and pendant icicles. ti tilize what they cuilt aud probably inj The trçps were oerteiuly a study.-Watcbman.b I rany cases have lesa land ta cuivl-ePREINCE ALDEET. and do it ou the intensive svstemu. Much labor is lost in tilling large areas of land We regret te state that our interessîig Vil. that fermersa kuow will ual ou acceunt of' lage canuot present a dlean bill ai healîh, we its îiertility produce a quarter ei a crop.i have a virulent type cf that most bated et ail Better put icrîllizers ou thoroughly as far diseases. diphtherla, in aur midst. It is now as they go and let the rest ai the farmin igo! la îwe familles, ihat of Mr. lanmes McBrtsu, ta grass." There la more money aud less public seheo inspecte0r. and lu thal ai %,mca. lebor lu Ibis method. Don't expect a -Foy, widow of tie late Mr. B. Foy, there are suddeu change ta $2 wheeî, tbat day may two cases ln the former fantily and two ln the bc far distant, but makre goMt use ai latter. Superier medical skili and exrtr tmouey and method and we bave no iear nursing are se fer successiluy grappling witbh&J i of he rsult-Triune.thia second attaek of the plague. We thiuk ai te reuit Tribnethis second atteck migbt have been aveided ORILLIA. had every neoessary precutuain been taken ta 1 Mc. Wrn. Russeil, who hias lived prevent the- spread af tbe infection, Dipb- wethetia la net te he played with and when it en- lmany yearsa at Washago, andwe- ters a fantily al the members of tiat family known in tawn, died on Monday evsn- and ail athers i-eiding in that dwelling or fre- îng et tbe reaideuce af his nephew, Mr. quening it shoutfd b. entireiy isolated frein the J. R. Eaton, af 1er an ilinesaf about jrest of tbe contmuuiîy. AIl sympathise with treweeke. Ho wae 78 years of âge. thoe-families strioken by the horrid disease, three but ne memnber cfsuch famly sbould inix.u Mr. Edward Lloyd expired suddenly with the people lu any way la churcli, mchea,' at hie residence on Wast street, Wed- Post Office, maerket or even on the. street, les nesdey evening. He had been arornd they spread te inféton and gi-e the destroy- towa as usual1 during the day and w er a huiher hold on the conamunity.--Otur- enjoying good; bealîh. About 6 o'cleoir. ________ while sitting ait a table ho breathedêa oimnà os jheavy sigh, a, if tired, hie iiead drop- Sb ola b.nsd n irpigt uela pîng a eonhiama. Hpoig e aiîrveru disagreeable cieease, oatarnb. As- Edit, rn t~ hes, uppsia hohadcatarri orginats la. npurities in bis blood, faintred, and made every effort ta re- local applications cea do ne permanent goeo4 jvive. hum. Hie son juat thon happen- Tii. cotnon ese mebod of treatmen ia <W ing in et once sumnmoued Dr. Corbeti,, purify thbe blood, and- for this purpose tiee, tWho pronounced ijie extinct. D e1 no Preparmiion supezior ta H-ood'is Sarsapa. ceaeed was 73 yeare af ege and leaves rlIa an inve]id wife, îiiree sons and anse odaPil ue osiato yretrn deugh- -. - NXws-Letto.. postaki ac o t haflentrm canal Mfr. Chas. Steef e St Catherlne's, Oùt. ýC. I. Heod & Cm., LoweIl, Massz: IlF,- - -"'mber of joars I have been troubled rith a. general tlred feeling, shortness of breath, ain lu the back, and constipation. I could get nly lItte rest at nlght on accouaI af the pain nd braIne appettte whatever. I.was that tlred >i y rlmbs that I gave eut bofore hal! the day a3 "zons.1 ried a great number of medicines Lt UÀt net get any permanent relief from any ource until, uni recnmmend atl tafrled peurchased a bettie of Hood's. Sarsaparilla, lehx made me feel better at encS. 1 bave con. nui Its use, haekng taken three'betties, and t Feel Mke a New Man. tave a geod appetite, feel as streng as ever.] Id, and onjey perfect rest at nlght. I bave iueh ploasuire ln recennnendlng Eood's Sarsa. arlia" CEAiLEsB TEELEr-, WIth ErlePro.- r.rng Ce., St Catbertne's, Ontauio; 144ood's Pille are prompt an&I effiient, yett .%, u action. Soli by ail 4ruggist. 2ft. Au esuy iurib DEAFIESS* la g a ral eu Ours fer Deafuesa, Singing in Bars, &o., ne mattérhew severe or long. standiug, will b. sent post fres--Artifi. OWa Bar-druins and- sinilar appliances entirei uprseded. Addresa -THOS. KBMPR, VIoTonrA HAMUME, Southi- hampton Building, Hoîbora, London. WM, TILL, TESURER'8 BALE 0F LA NP FOR, T XES.c U)Y-virtue of a warrant undei the and f the, Wardet and' the seà l of tie Corporation of the £>JCounty f Otario, dated the 5th day f Sptemfber, rTP4, céoalIlnding me t levy upoa the landa mentoed la the following flot for arreara of taxe» îfereoâý,*ad' css as hereia set forth ; I herehy give notice tint unless such arrears and cosIs are sooner paid, I shall, ia coin. pliance wth the Asessient Act, proceed te ssII by Public Aucto, thé* said lands, or so mucli thereof as May ho necessary fr the taxes, at the Court House, in the Town of Wiiby, on THURSDAY, te TWENTYSEVENTH day of DECEM ER, A4 D., 84, at the ur of Tn o'clock i the forenoon.1 --WSHP:O0MR- Wb are à onitwaU being aaked what th. law le regam\hng &rà y stoc. Hors' il; if/' and farinera and others would 'do well to preserve this for future refer. enees:-The Iawn of Ontario povide ,that anyone takng up stray etoà kshi ýgive -notice of usnoh taking up by pub Iiebing a'notioe three tUnes in a weekly newspaper if one is publiahed within thé section where the estray je taken up; and if the property is not called for witbîn three weeks after tbe first insertion of the- notice the finder will go before a justice of the peace and takeoath to, the findiag and advertis. ing.' If the property is flot claimed within on. year and should not exceed 850 in value it then belenge te the party taking the. same up ; if over.50 it shall be advertiued by the justice and sold, and the excees of ail expenses ohall b. pald over te the treamurer. A.ny person takiag up an estray and negleoting to cause the saine te be ad. vertised and ape>raised shail be liabe te a fine of #20. The. estray law applies aloo te any other personal property which may b. fouad in a like manner. PAIN KILLER is a purely Vegetable preparation, safe te lceep and to ase in every Iamily. The. uimplicity attendiagr its use, te. getber with the. great variety of dissase tbaî may be entirely eradieated by it, and the Frent ameunt of pain and euffering that Oaa é. alleviated tbrough its use, make it impers- tive opon every person toe uppiy themesivea ivith tbis valuabia remedy, and keep it ai- ivays near at bad. Aak for the. New Bg 25c. Bottie. Mr. Randali was fiasd $100 by Judge [piiot at London for asisaniting Nir. Sun Fax at a Spirttualists' soance a few days ago. "ound as a DoUai,. Seisppe are lucky in finding the riqht remedy at tii. rigbt time. A caein point followg, and le wortb reading: About thrse montbas ago I was ain uedd up witb rbeumatiom, auffering more than torture from it. I took tbree bottles of vour valu- able rndicine, Burdock Blood Bitters, and nowf sel ailO.KÇ. Soins six ysars ago Itook afew botties of B.B»B. and faund it the best medicine I had ever nîsed. I bad the very best of bealtb tintil this attack nt R.heuma- sin,touInow I a.uglad ta say that B.B.B. as made tas s aund as a dollar. A. MoUONAOHIE, Kenabutch P.O., Ont. Broken in HeaIth rhat Tired Feelinig, Constipation and Pain in the Back kppetlte and Neaith Restored' by frood's Sarsaparilla. 3 200 29 98 5 8 8 58 7 72 22 10 22 75 17 34 12 2 46 12 6 1 29 12 54 26 78 12 5 2 01 TOWN~SHIP 0F SCOTT. 2 Part South hall---------.. 1 Part South alf-. -... .----.s e P art N orthi ba l - - - - - - - --. . 2 Part North half ...........21 Part N orth hall---------...21 Part South baf----------...21 Part South hall---------...21 Part W est hall----------..8 Part South West---...- 35 Est bal-------------...31 îIIj t' v$q<s'o'J Uupet'd pat'd Couts. Total. Uupat'd 32 40 10 53 24 36 19 48 2 41 3 24 29 15 16go 2 13 19 03 7 18 1 95 9 13 Io1 3 30 195 5 ÃŽ5 Pet'd Pat'd P art W est ba l - - - - - - - - - --..2 2 5 7 32 1 95 9 27 North West Cerner - 4 C e n tre p a rt - - - - - - - - - - - --...1 TOWNS191P 0F RAMA. Pat'd W est parts-------.16 and 17 14 S o u th h a l l - - - - - - - - - - - --...t 6 Part- North hall-------....14 Centre part .... .....2 ~2 12 12 K '9 18 74 K 21 40 TOWNSHIP 0F PICKERIING. 6 A A 36 48 4 87 1I 38 38 30 17 67 31 05 4 82 9 39 16 72 2 62 I95 I99 2 66 2 15 2 48 r 95 Il 95 2 12 2 o8 3 62 1 95 5 490o 195 6 4 90 1 95 6 39 Io 6 82 13 37 40 9)6 i9 82 33 53 6 77 11 34 18 84 20 82 23 84 Iiupat'd Pat'd Unpat'd Pat'd Unpst' d Pat'd Fairport Waîer lot-....2 3 Pickering Village Il P.p . 1 TONSI OFoEAST95 TB 4 o 82 43 3 70 86 13 Pat'd DONALD McKAV, Parts Lots...- -. o, andi Couty Treasurer's office Whitby, 'Sept. oth, 194. E [E OWEN BELT. [TRADE 'MARKI] DR. faThs Oay Soientiflo and Practical Elecrie Bit for General use. Producing a Genuine Curet ai Electicity for the Cure ai Dis- sass. entains fullet information, list of diseass, eut of Belte and Appliances, prices, swora testimonial. and portraits of people who bave been cured, etc. Publisbed in Eng- liah, Germas, Swedih and Norwegian an- ?nages. Tii valuable catalogue or a treat- ise on rupture cured wth eerie Trus will b-set tb ny addrese on receipt« of sx cents postage. 4S'KING S'rEET; WEST, TORONTO, ONT. 201 ta 211 State Streett Ohicgo, MI. Thie Largest Electric Béit Establishoeent- in the World. When visfting, the world'd- NuiT do net fail te se Dr. A. Owen'@ Exhibit in, Electrieity Buildingi Section Ul, Space I. MENTON TElIS Prà Sm RASDAM'S MICROBE KIL LER REMED Y.. ~~~~~o S.:G R ecIat id M.K.ac(dmavesr: n cMc K.m ad ael ouble. WM. MAORAE, LD.8, OCook- - Was given up to die frein a cmlication cf Dysppsia and Livr troublevt- consam. t e . A m n a s veli au ever n o v; 1< la r ul>. vWonderfu. à srulagosfrm tbe 0 to au ca-y grave ýas wel es'eem. Couny Teesrer Ouar1 CNSTIPATION, BILIOUSNESS, DYS«PEPSIA, " SucK HEADAGiH'E, REGULATETHE UV OEPILL.AFTER -NE INSURES GOOD DIGESTION.1 PRI CE 25 C.TiEDODD'S RW Tc any suifer -from lWcrvouu DeblUtnv EfftVliter FaIling >lanhe"o. Results af Yout&ÃfnAi nd.isetiona, Excessive I~gnemEtc ., whe wil sendtas a plain lue O 81'p t nf thefs ptome.I wl snd Froc, lforffiatioflea Mr n erf affng means f of- cumwhih, fte bega wndled anad mpoSd <u pon JaY, " u sk" a»d flu bu g f 0?, jea r e ured mee lt a f e w er e s . P is s a sd o n ' e n iu n iss e n e d b . ~ o r e p o n d e n c o e d l c o n f i d e n t i l ILV5i7tiklnentsocurol ealedfoiobein Toronto, o(nt NEGLECTE] $AFELY AND8SURWV Lung &,tisame EsROusOF YOUMGêOLO $TN Wcakncssjalnn~ '-urod l~y j f~Ill~8Ij t or st Met Friday lasi Tbe board of 1' N,,umber of case typh d lever '4ý scarlet fever 6.ot therîa r, not fatal ita inpector hed bouses and schoo found the former dition, while mo closets are in a faý accoi lItSs-Te sel W, V.Richardati ig , i ,napect (5o o.Philp atter specting S12.70o atterri ng four rm -4 w' 'i 4 k v -----71 Part.Lt oWnSAcre0F Maes. TOWNSHIP OF UXBRIDGE. TOWNSHIP OF REACH. "V Y4 Y4 -Y4 Our Illustrated Gà talogue case of 1 TH