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Whitby Chronicle, 21 Dec 1894, p. 6

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Qognoil of Tp. 'of Whitbty mt t6 vint! up bunlu a nd! Poepa». e- ment. U thé-mmbes enL " Né. John HameinelMcdo. -appliostion' 'fe'r Pay for oue lantb ki1gpd by doegîs.9o, léctuor tmade- rotu ru eft on, sboving $68,1 tesiuncolleoôted for 18U. IH wus requeste t e'oculun immédiate coollection, as &U meules due by tevu- aip arâ payable duriûg titis monu-th, On motion of Mr. Smith,- soocudet! by Mr. Ket.éhéu, ' thé rosie grantédl hie eider in favor of Wm, Robinson for $2 rebat. dou tax sud $8 for répairnag 'nulvért ou 7th cou. Mr. Kétohén vU spoited cemmissioer wiîh J. -E. Dlsuoey te examine gravel pit beivéen 32 snu3, con. 8, and ocause saune te b. £rotected if adviseblé. On motion cf Pr. Rogers, secondod by Mr. McTag- gart, thé reove granted his eider ou thé ireasurer in favor cf thé felleving personas: D. Holliday, lumbér, coal, etc., as pot sec., 85.33 ; Wm. Kout, rebate taxes, $1.37 Wro. Kerr, ré- baie deg tax, $1 ; John flammnitt, 1 valus 1 lamb killed by doge, 82; C. Calder, services board cf healtit, 84; A. Ketéhen, do., 84 ; J. L. Smith, do., 84 ; M. McTaggart, do., $4 ; D. Holli- day, do., 84 ; D. W. Macdonald!, nails for sidawalks, 87.35 ; tréasurér's sa- tienery sud salary for 1894, 819.65. Mr. M9cTaggart and Overseer Graham vers réquested te examine bridge ou 9tb con. opposite lot 24, and repeir sae if ueoeseary. Counoil preceeded to préparé annual statémént ef receipta and éxpénditures. asseta and liahilities for thé year te Déc. iStit. Thé follow- ing in an abstraet statement: Total ré- céipts 815483 48 ; cash on tend from 1893, $292.79 ; taxes f rom '93, 8480.48; municipal grant, 8287 ; license faind, $151-07 ; bill receivable, road allow- suce, 8132 ; législative grant, 8271; morigage, $37.20 ; notes diecounnid, 03,000; poundage fées. 88.70 ; taxes collected, 1894, $10823.24. Expéndi- tures.-R.oadB and bridges, $1280.27; indigents, $332.13 ; sheep killed, $56.98 salaries and commissions, $798-75; miscellanéoué cc., 8132 71 municipal grant achool sections, $287 législative grant echool sections, 8271 élections ac., $56.75; printing sud etationary, 839.83 ; law comte and ires- eurer's déficit, 81441.11 ; board cf héaith, 839.50 ; echool sections sehool rates, 866.74 ; debeutures redeémed, 81640.52 ; discounts on notes, $M.95; notes rédeeméd, $2400; total 88912.24. Asets.-Cash on hand, f6571.24; taxes uncollected, 8667.11 ; 3 per cent. on uncollécted taxes, $20.01 ; mort- gagé, 835.40 ; real estate, $1000 total 88293 76. Liabilities.-County raté, $2184.60 :echool section taxes, 84292 37 ; note Dominion bauk, #GW00 s3undry accounts, 8125: total 87201.97. Ontario Fruit Growers' Associa- tion. Thé Fruit Orowera' Asoelstien an-, nual meeting in Onillia lest week was sncceeeftiJ beyond the Most sanguine expéoLatioOs.- of eihér thé Directore cr the local commuatéee. Neyer in thé hiatory cf that fiourishing association, sas we are assured by men who are in the habit cf attending the meetings, had euch complète arrangements been made, and neyer had a town given théin se enthusiastic a wélcome. From, thé firet meeting on Tueday evening, when Shaftésbu.ry hall was comfort ably filled, thé sessions. were welI at- tendéd, and the papers and diecussions entert.aining and instructive. On tat événing i-rof. Panton dealt in a popu- lai way with "'Fungi aud fungicidés,' showing with thé aid cf charte the characteristice of thé différent speciee cf thé numerons énemies cf thé or- chardiâi, aud the besi means cf cern batting thém ; Prof. Cra.ig gavé a ehort papér on thé résulta cf expérimienta on new variéties of fruit at thé Ceulýra] Expérimental Faim ; Mr. A.M. Smith, et St Cathtarines, spoke pungéntly ci "Fraudé in Fruits," and Mi. J. H Tedl enumerated soeéof thé bet ap, î lés fer ibis district. Thé principé] esinures cf Wédnésdsy's afteînoci meeting wsre a paper from Professe Ciaig, ou "Expérimente vitit Fungi cidos," in witich hé put cleerly boforg thé audience thé marvellous reenîta o persistent and jndicioue eprayîng c fruit ties8; a etirriag appoal for bette counutry roade, from 1Mr. A. Pattullo cf Weodetock; and an addres fron Mr. Jamaes, Depnty.Miniétar of *gr culture. Shaft.esbury Hall proved al toeéthét toc saîal to, contain thé larj nuruber ef country and town peopi who wisbéd te attend thé évening meei ing. many being turned away. - roc thé popnlé.r standpcini it waa the bei session ef thé convention. Thé' udi ence woîe in thé,,boit cf humer, th spe(eches vere crlsp, widty, and p*i1 éd, snd thé musical part of the pnc gramme was exolln.-Paoket. Markham ForgMry a.m Théeme of David Kosfdrick =*.rofa once te thé charge of tof mg $2»M aganst Nelson Conor.oft. tli i r re of of or ni li1 ho Presutation to J. IH. soki. On F'riday eveniug et lest week, a nuiter of Mr. 1. H. Mackle'sfriends gatbered at the resîdence cf Mis. Speara to bld 1'John" gond: bre, previens te hie departure for Terontote next nmrng. A. enjoyeble émie vas spet. and durlng- the evening Mr. ogha Chian, on bebalf of Mr. Mackie's many frende. présen- éd hlm with a handeome witet cellulold cuff and coller box, a hendioerchlef box and e f ent's <ompenlon. acopanylng semé wlth a lw well-chosen werds. Mr. Meie waa cmr- pleteli taken by surprise, but made a snituble reply. expressing Ia regret et leevlug e n any old and tUm friends. Mr. Mackhié1, a pyong teau of sterling vortb, and bas for semélime puta. taken an active inttermeein larwch lààte. and by hi. departuré thé Mauhbodist chnrch choir bucs a valuable momberand- b ' - worh léaffs its presidédt-. Mr. a"bi mmy variafilent! lu UXbrldg, Who, tbMîgb cman j aTogeto. J<iSL. 8m of-ýr&uSoemér- ,cbalîT«=>, issL.. Bo hbestp pob" té a t . 611Mi. es Fî $al asfr.ldeat Quie Àuhineréling oMui ô=--1<op Ithe poié r e .Tueaday béfércal-l&e mag. Aa.wad wih &àwlâgWa a ovuslm Wm. Lodna icg theéchesse trade1y ihe motion eut sOo, 9 f.the, 08w41, qËK- potià Te lcu"on tafwtakn nlcfiô# cnaftéd to ee frui, but wm. -brdi by mllthé ieading. bougs. They ie uygigtihat Oauadian législa tio shuldbu sssd rovidiug forthé markiir on coSese cfthé, month iç whioh ittà made, sud theY oiaim thal "u vili b. sno -hardship te these sIp- ping vWhe sot fairly and aqîaarely. i;t yul euly affect these wbo have been adiug evor Jutto sud Jnly cheesos for thoe cf Soptember and October; sudj in thé intorest cf this large'*and grow- iag trade it la meut important ihat thé confidence which je nov feut in Cana- dise oheese, aud thé réputation h hau acquwrod lu British markes, should b. maintainod. Thé question je net a nov oe. Lt bal been diseuaaed ever and over again during thé peut few ysars, sud wes hrought te thé notice cf Piof. Robertson whén hé lest viaiied thé United Kiugdom. Thé Australiasa are éudésvoriug te seurs a portion of thé British chéesé trade, sud thé minis- ter cf agriculture in New South Wales in devoting tnuoh attention te thé mat- ter. It je announcéd in one cf thé MSdnéy papers thai an analysia made cf seé local citéese, which was éold in thé Sydney umarket ai id a pouud, coutained 1.25 per cent. more fat and 4.78 per cent. lés ater titan cheese seul frem Ontario as e spécimen cf high clans anadian make, which sellé f reely in thé Engliab market. Lu point of différence cf qualuty a report cf thé inspecter cf agriculture statés thal thé Corunna eheése was pro- nounced by many wbo tested b9th te hé superior te lte Canadian. There je ne feer, howévér, that Canadian eheese wlll net continue te hold uts ewn iu Gréai Britain, and that thé market for ht wiii h devéloped ; but tère muet hé entiré confidence beiveen thé ex- porters aud importers if thie resultini te hé attaiued. [Note. -In counectien vitit thé above we may sea that thé week préviens to the arriva! cf thé Engliah despaicit cencerning thé fraudé in cheése WE vers imfermed cf thé tacts ef thé case whiée in conversation with a gentle- man lu thé employ cf eue cf thé larg- est cheesé bnying firme in Ontario. In anavér te, a question as te thée sacio thé cheese market, héo sid thé priejr England ted fallen lu conséquence cf soe 500,000 or 600,000 boxes of Cana. dieu cheose boing dumpod upon t market withju a short period, beeust Septomber and October makes fetcee s higiter price titan early cheese. La, neeently euough vo inquired why th( output wal se large for those twî menthe, ad thon thé secret came eut Lt wua custemary with mauy cf th, large exportera, ho emit!, te placé tht choesepurchaset! dring thée io 9and selithe sae later off s théeS'e atomber snd October articre, t.hug r taining a higiior price ihan they othez 9 ise would. Te thé question, ,11 tère any cheese ef Juné, July au, 1 Auguet makes seld in EnglendI,ho it 4pliéd, 1"Véry little--enly mt as in pui achaéed hy thée maller exportera, vi w acanuot afford te shlow their money t hé blooket! up se long." Whinu ekedi thé various county chtes. boards vos avare oetthes tacts et' thé casé, hé-maig John Nottit la srding et Mr. Town's ai présent. Mi. Richard Brauning altended Sons cf Temperance division et Greenbank lasi Satur'- day evening.- Mr. John DeGeer, cf Oakwood. visiied ai G. E. Astine's lest week. John Blythe is boarding ai the Centre bote 1 ai preseot. oupid. A wetlding on thé tcwn line le îa]ked of lu thé near future- s, a. AnnivoesTaY At a meeting cf thé Sundai actool officers and téachers il vas decided te hoid théir an. nuel annivérsarY on tte 23id and 27th Decem' ber. Thé business passed off very smoothly excepi eue little hitch, which iti wuld net be wise te name. A. fine stock tarm. As newa is rather scarcé I thought 1 would givé yen a bni cuiline cf cone cf aut maguifi. cent stock farms, naméely, thé 'Hornestead ferm. " Oui correspondent called there thé otter day and vas coîdially received by thé génial sud affable proprieter. Mr. 1. F. Mal- yen. Tbéy are sitnated about eue mile east cf Sejntfield. in e beautilul and commanding lo- cation. overlookiug for miles thé country aiounid. Mr. Malycu le e noted breeder cf boga, and poultîy, soeéof lus stock taving carried cf meny prizss t thé leding shows cf thé country. Mr. Malycu veiy klndly showéd us tbrough thé stables. and as we pîeparéd to take oui départure lu thé gleamitg vé véré in- spired te sey tat thé fcrmer is thé mos fie sud mosl independeut cf mankind.-Jourual. ciruzEWooD. John Davidscn speut e fév days in thé City. Ge. Galant! ted thé first voot! becf the seasea lest wéék. ~uubvfrmhere utteaded- bï *blispead eWhitevle lest wéék in coWi. neciien vitit thé Forester>s iodge wbée théy seni a good timée. I have been eskéd te anucuncé thnat Ibère wilI hé baud practice Tuesday and -Fridav 'evenings, as rumor bas il afleai thai tibère is to bé a wéddiug around titis bnrg. Wé notice Johuny fromn Scarboro vieit- iug us quité often n0w. Wonder wty te takes sncb e round about way home. Lt muat bé because he thinks thé longeai vay round le thé saler. Thé fine weathér and good roads ve havé had for se long a uirne havé béén thorougtly appreciatéd, but rain bas conue et lest whicb vas badly needéd te replige- ais lathie empiy wells and cisierus. B Thé annivérsary services cf ibis place B ilI hé héld on Snnday, Decémber 23rd, and on thé foliowing Friday événing theré will bé a grand dinuer and a fine enter. latuméni. Do net miss ibis gréai tient. Sée bille just issned.-News. A. ciu.enili e" can neyer rest on a body frail f romn diseaise any more tian the lovely Lily au grow in the stérile isgIl. Wben Consomption f astens jts hold upon a viOtian, the whole physical structure commences is decay. At suct'.ý «erode bef ore the diseasé is tof r ad vancd, Dr. Piarce's Golden Médical Discovery ei arrest and cure it So certain is ibis, that an offer in made te retund the money paid for it wbçn a failure cen be found under 'the con- Miton ot a fair trial. Once used Dr. Pises'. Pelleta are -alwaya iii tavr, 5'pcific for constipation, pile, bilions», and headaobes. Thé euclergymen of- Baw rncisco tur. arranginer for the orgenization of a ruové- - ment isimîlar te the, Léxow plan for the lin- ptoveinent cf municipal morale @slUa's romtut Furutture Doauer D4. il epp ver, [r.JohiFBrii, Té Wghsb lahiér Mo.Pu# esetbavé lwed'a coltitio n la Don- 11ithr er. ,no@ cyutéra -thée t 0 eblng, 'Setwpursçns'amet have ba4'a toast. 11ev.MLSk i at n chuicli bore -for., te Put'tew' y-èerst ef town lest nîghtfor bis aov chegeat na. brook, eàpIaCêibout S8o nir1..7l'6ota Mont- rel. Mrs SlcoX wsu romte d *',wlth e farewvell edîess by teWÃ"ten'îission Circle a few. à 0 U. icxré- maMnin n iitoté itit0éhot, stiadies et thé hlgh uchool. Thé Woméns' tGeild o! St. ?aUl'schurcit havé been shlpplig ibheir annuel suppliés for mnlsmona M -purposob te thé porhh-wémt. A couplé cf large boxes contlnlng dot- lng end othér. necessarlés veré sent lest 1wéelc. On Nov. 3th a pound social was held ai Mis. Reines, et whl.ch about forty jpercels we coatrlbuted for ihis purpose. '-journal. Orea.e r wopeoe. IA Stouffrllle papér étaies that durlng thé moitît cf Ocioer Mr. Charles Goutd ci Ux- bridgé sent thé créaM froM 8M00 Ibscf mllk te thé Stouffvflle ctèanierY. Other Uxbridge Imen are madlng mllk te Stoutiville aud are net very partîcular ucw vitether a'cîeamery la started hère or not., If thé farmert want a vreamery bere they cught te make soe mnove ln thé malter. The board of trade of the îown bas eppolnted a creaeréy-commîttée, cf which Mr. 1. 1. Gould te chairrqan, and ibis commit- tee would be pleased iQýhear from n nerémtéd farmers on thé subjet. tPatron lotiges mlghl discuss the malter ait teit reguler meetings. Thé Farmeî's Institute vill probably meet esr- lv lu January and could alec speud îine pro- fitably in dlscussiag.the mattAr. Lt e elécted prsident cf lthe'Federaticu cf abor by the Denver convention. A Dinner Pîll.-Mauy peisons suifer ex- oruciation 6,0Ygon6fier partakina cf a héarty dinner. Thé foccd partaken cf is huék a bell cf led upen thée tomset, sud instead cf ho- i ng a teitby nutriment it becomes a poison te thé system. Parmeiee'é Vegétable Pille are wondérf ni correctives cf sncb troubles. They correcit acidity, open thé secretione aud cou vert thé t ccd partaken cf loto tealtby nutriment. Théy are just thé thé medicine to take il îroubled vith Indigestion or Dyspepsia. wi th ras drownéd ou Suoidav froin breaking hiough thée iite thé Kaministiquia river. Worms dérange thé vtoîé systém. Moter Graves' Worm Eteminaioi dér- angés worme, and givés resi bo thé aufferér. It nnly coaue twénty-flve cents tb try lb sud be convinced. c] 1, p c I I TO REmOVE WORMIS cf&al kinda frcmn ildrén or adulis Dr. Low's Worm Syrnp sa seésud sure rémédy. Sir Otaries Tupper will probably accim- )any the romains of thé laie Premier to ibis unry. [t.nard'm Liniment la thé Boat. 810K HEADACaRE and Constipation are promptly cured by Burdock Pilla. Easy te Lake, sure in effeci. 'Talre a hole and put somoe dougli around it, then fry in lard." This simple 'recipe lias brouglit thousands te grief, just because of the frying in lard, which au we ail know hinders digestion. In ail recîpes where you have used lard, try Cott4lene the uewvegetable shortening and you -wil be surprised atth delightfsil and healthfhl resuits. It is 'witbnut unpleasant odor, uinpleasant flavor or unpleasant resuits.. With CoTToLMNX in yotif kitchen, the young, the delicate anid the* dyspeptic can ail enjoy the -'regular fatnily biU of fhre. Cottoitne lu' aold in a sud à pound pale, by a&lUgo««&a Xa" onlY by The N. K, Fai'bank Company, Fév are thé remédiés vitose bénéfiia quailés sud rosi mérii bhavi made. tem'se popnletwltb thé. -publié, sud lncreaed- trom year to ear t'tou irctt5Wlptlin, hieh, vbilst po5555îg lte mbst v&luablé' remédiai propétties, aut yst se simple la théit Coin. und. and se opuy te take, se Thé Qui ana gïne,*p'pad by Northrép & Lymnan et Torontte. This article lu prspsrod f rom thé uts ulpate f Qinine, -cotabimétvit 6ýnE3Serry Wimp, ced choios atomatiés, viticit reliev'mthé quinine ot 4s bitter tuai., sud doou net imP*atinl théebIfftdégréé thé éffilowof is action upen tePatient ; v hile suai1 dosée& treqllontly repsatod, sti'ongthen thé pulse. incisas e musénlat forcé, au d la- vigottothé toesof the-nsivotuj ystsm, sud thus , by thé général viget viit hisparis, croates mn appétito, vtiéb guvea te thé a tom- &oh tons sud eaérgy1 sud fortifies thés3ys- tem against al Infectindiséaes. Ask fer Northropf & Lyman'a Quinine Wlné ; sold by& ruggiste. Ba( vol sou Bl of Br At Oci ly l D. P. BOGART9 R.D.,L.D.B. 'hsia, Surgeon and Accoucher, etc. )fice and Résidence nexite oAIl Saint'a ihurch, Dundas St., Whitby. N. B. - )ental Surgéry in ail its branches prompt- y attended to. W. B. YARNOLD, D. L. S.. Dounty Snrveyer and Drainage Engineer Port Pérry, Ont. A. A POST, Architect, laté with Langley, LangléyJ Burke, Toronto. Désigne for Churches Villas and Cottages a specialty. Drav ings prepared for remodeling existin, structures, Office-Firet fiat over W.1 Iowse's drng store. LýrP O Box 202 Whitby. WM. CALVERLEY, HARNESI MAKER, WHITBY. Tiller,. Oouuty O rovu A.torney, m"à mle obélitor. Omfcs.- south Wing eof mt eue, Whltby. J&EE U£TLEDGUE, Wrjster, etc. Office formerly occupied ,aréWell & Iktl&ge, neit Fhoyal Hotel, rock St., Whltby. DAVID OIRNIBTON, B. A., borny-at-Law, Solicitor in Ohanoery, )nvsyancér, etc. Office-Im the Office ath o1 the post Office, in momillan's lok, Brook Street, Whltby. 6. YOUNG SMITH- LL. eBo, arrlster 'etc ,-Money to Loan. aner 1MarrIieéLicensée. Office - Smith's look, South of Market, B) ock St., Whitby DOW & McGletLIVRAY, arristéra, Bolioltors in Chanery, etc. IRcé in Mathison & Hawkén's new block ýrock St.. 'W hitby, south cf Ontario bank. we are prepsixéd te extend thé range cf business. Ail voit pereùn'inq tethé ha- ness-making sud ssddlery business vili hé loue te satisfaction. Collars a specially. Jaîl and se my shep and stock. W. CALVERLEY, Second dci vé et cf cld shop. Dunas Street, Whlthy. New bouse, 8 recuis; acre of garden, well fenced. Good locality on Front street in Southt Ward. Apply te, B. WORFORK, on the adrjoining lot, or at the CHRONICLE office. Wbîtby, March 7th, '9. GOA L GOALa i The undersigned bas just re- céived a large quanlity cf Final Class Ceal direct frcu thé mines, and is pré- pared to furnisit aU i iss, dry and clean, inclndiug several bundred tons et thé OEBLEBRÂTED 'NO. 41 a Most populai size béiveen Steve and Chestnut. wLeave:your eider et oce and gel very lowést quetetien. Terms Cash. H. B. TAYLORi Office Howse's Blockr. Whitby, jnly 12th, 189%. Dr8, Warren à Moore., D1 a. R EWPREMI8E8, ON SROOK STIREET ;OUTH 0F ONTARIO BANK I I I r, & s' r- Lg R 2, MAIBISOI & HAWK[Fl Ifarbie Monuments, Head8to ne8 importte0 8cotoh, 8 w eedl8h, AmeriOafl and Ail parties vishing vork vonld do vel] Osil on ns belote parchasing. All vont piaranteet! and pzlcés cf thé loeét. New Livery and Sale Staliles Dundas St., Whitby, Commercial mon libsrallydéalt with Teami.ug doue ai reasonable pridéS . Freight sud Baggage hauled ai re able prices. A oel solicited. WVT.-J. LJ Y KE: MACHINIST, WH:ITBY, with thé Cooper Shop lately carnied on by hie father, opposite All Saints' Church, and Will do ail kinds Of Revpairing. Sewing M a- chines a spécialty. :Lawn Mowérs, Bicy- cles, Firéarins, Locks, Scalés, Clothés Wringers, Washing Machines, &c. Saw Filin g Skates, Sciseors, Kuives, Clippers &nI ~ enéd and repaired. AIl kinds of Cooper Work made aadrépaired. Shop opposite Ail Saints' Churcit, Dundas Street, Whitby . THOS. PEAT 0f Bowmanville, intends visiting Wbi tby once a fortnight, te collect clothing f rom'# gent s te dlean or dye. Garînents when finisbed will look as good as new. If tbéy fail te be se I will net charge for mny trouble, If they suit my charge is $1.25 for cleaniflg sud uicely pressing a suit of clotbing; for dyiug a suit gi.5o. Overcoats cleaned and pressed 75c, or dyed for $x. For cleaning or dying gents hais250. THOS. McCANN, Agent, Bovmauille.uly bi 189 LIFE INSURANCE. -: o: Manu±acturers' Life & Accident Lnsura.nce Co., Toronto Largeet Capital Stock Lité usuran C on thé continent, Ninéiy per cent. cf al accuml~tionsc0 ot surplus is rettirnéd tb th policy toldére. Ai ldaims pie paid witho dela3' or discount ou proof ut déatit maturiti' of udovunént J. B. POWELL A W itby a0 i-i RIGGS. DENTISt. Cor. King & Yonge St. Toronto. For thé next threo menthe I arn giving spécial attention to ptienite hem a dis. tance. Amn OlR ma .Ug plates ini rubber 8% célluloid$10. Goldanad mUrer filling work crowning by firat-clase operators at thé moet reasonable ratés in théeCity. Wbén in thé City cmli in ced let me e xam- ine your teoili. I make ne extra Charge, O.. RIGGS, Déntiét, éouth éet Corner King ana Yofge St5., Toronto. A8K YOUR STA TIONER -PoR- SPÂRTIOÂ TEE INEW WRZTq PÂMPE TAKE NU OTHER. August 34st, 1893. \ýAiND I f 'fi ~ii If k of', HOfl ZI One Canadian Granite8, Railwpx 9m-fme 1 - Whitby Marbie WorKs. 1. Pl La 02 lutbitl Of SAIDMFIZLD. BOWManVille, Uly 26, 1892

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