OV'ýED ro- ýýEM ISESi IX STREET )NTARIO BANK apbIe WvorK8. eoturers e1 lenlts, tIod8tOfl8s nxeiery Work. Am ortert; of i,8h, America n and nl Grandtes. ig work would do weil trohesing.- teed &,Pid puîces of tbe nd Sale Stables St., Whitby, RT, Proprietor iiberally dea t with' reasoniable 1prices. 'Zgage hauled at ieR s01 lcted. ,ST, WHITBY, Jr Shep in connectio ýo iateiy carried on ly f il Saints' Church, and Repaining. Sewing Mâ- Lswn Mowers, Bicy- Locke, Scaies, Clothefi F Machines, &c. Saw Lsers, Knives, Clippers repaired. Ail kinde of Lé and reaired. Shop uts' Church, Dundas .PEAT euds visiting Whilby once t clothing frein' gent s te nents when finished wil . If thay fail Ioebeso I ny trouble. If they suit 5 tor cleaning snd nicely othing ; for dying a sit ieaned and pressed 75c, o' cleaniug or dylng gents OS. M4cCANN, Agent. Whîtby 26. 18gg SU RANG E. 0- e'Lit & Accident Co., Toronto 3tock Lifa usuran C £Nuaty per cent. of ai irplus is returned to th Il dlairs ara paid witho on priof of death me nt J. B. POWELL A W itby N Tl1S 'F. F'onge St. Toronto. ree nonths I am giving ta patielnta frai a dib- maing plates in rubber Gold and 8ilver filing y firut-class operators ai ale rates in the city. cati in and let me elain. nimake no extra chiarge. lentiist, south eaet corner Its., Toronto. 'R STATIONER -IFOR»- RTICA MITING PA.PER, -ANDb- WO OTHER. w T4rme Table 1 1 ter the uRsof enê bottin of A ver' Rfair Vigor im Lair was restored8to its original cvr anîd ceased falling out. Ani c sional application Ilits since kept tt htair in gond conditin."-Mr. IL1. F.FENWICK, Dgy .S GIrowth of Hair. .îgbt vcars ago, 1I had the varin- vý a&1d1fost 111),liair, mwich previ- i :!- Nv:.sqiito abund.c:îl. 1 tvied :i,'-iv of preparatimns, but witlî- iîe1 lel1restit, tili 1 began to 1 S'iouid bc pernmaiiett1bald.. .,, t ,* ivnths ago, ni N,11husband 1'. î..Y a bttie 'or Ayer's 1 1 ,, id hgan at once to a sl,'orL tUnt,,rew hair t1 I qp w: 1, ",0l w' 1 . s.- OR. 1. C. AYER& CO., L FZ&,! .. A .'r la Pilla cure Sick ledco à Tale Froni WÙipeg. 110W TWO PR0MIINENT CITI. ZENS 0F THE PRAIRIE CAP- ITAL BEGAINED HEA.LTH. One Suffered from the Effoote of Ma- laria and Indigestion, the other from Nervous Prostration-Their Story as Told alIribune Reporter. Frt)m the Winnipeg Tribuine. il W. Feinwsk, o! ,aigbyl W.N.,,amez fîA lttl(à more thaii two yoitre.ago POaT PERET (Tee late for lest issue) Thé funeral of A. Plattén waa large- ly sttended lest Fniday. Thé Sousol England sud True Bines, of which Mr. Platten was s membér, took charge of the funersi jointly, sud the. ceromonies at the grave were very impre8sivé as weil as instructive. Bort Jameisen sud Miss Scenes have retuned fres Preacott, where tliey have beén sttendiug thé grand lodge of S. of T.* Business aroand our fonndry looks prornisine. The capacity of théir fur- use not beiug large euouizh, théy are ptLiug in a uéw eue of thrée tiseis ils cepacity. There has more propérty changed banda this season in town than bail Thé moder n d ia décidédly skep- been thé case in thé aset fivé yeare, and tical, sud in thé case et cures by sdver- good priées havé been realizéd. tised medicinea, it is somotimes ré- - xarkéd that they oceur at long dis- tance. Recéntly, howevér, thé Tri. bune was teld that a Winnipeg gentle- man hsd paeeed threugh an expérience -- as rumaîkablo as any of thèse publirli- éd, sup inqniry into thé matter réveal- éd the fact that aérerai prominént citi- sens of XV'nnpeg had beén greatly bénefiteti by thé usé cf Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla One et thèse citiLens je Mr. W. A. Chaniéaworth, thé weLl1 known eontracter, who during his rési- dence in WVinnipeg bat; sddéd Le the beauty sud wéslth et tÂté Prairie Cap- ital by erocting seméeof Lta finéat sud moat substantial buildiu2s. Nsturally what Mn. Cbaniéewortb wouid say as te thé 'mérite of a médical préparation weuld bu road with intéreet by thé mauy citizeus who have met is in businesssnd socislly, sud a Tribune re- porter wafl detsiled te geL from im eose particular in the setter. Mr. Chariésworth ws seenast hie beauti'ful and cosy home on William stréet, a few daya sincé, snd wiLe unwilling to et- tract publicity, yot, fer thé benefit cf thesée suffering as lie once was li con- seutéd to give e simple statement ef has casé. About thirteen yeare age, whilé living in thé southeru part cf 11h. nois, néar Cairo, ho had sévéral attackhe cf malarial fever sud egue, whic lo lft bis biood peer sud thin, sud se do- rangéd hie systes that for about ton yeara affer ho wua suenférer fions clirenic indigestion. He case north after reaidiug there for semé years in order te try te shakoé off the effecta of the malaria, but witbont mucli sucooss. He has flot had, while in thé noilli, an- othér real sttsck of ega., but evéry eeéaiiin hé bas hsd incipient attacks, whîch were oaly warded off by thé prompt use of quinine. Bilions féver aie thnéatened in the sae way. Ré aie suffered sevez-ely fies indigostion.. Determining te make a décided effort te geL nid cf hie complication cf disor- ders, hé began in the fail of 1891 to, use D)r- Williams' Piuk Pilla, thé advertise- meute ef wbich héolied réad ini thé névapapérs. Mr. Charleswortli began te use thé pisain October, sud for thbe first imouth aoarcely feit eny improve-j ment. Ilowevér, fris that tume ou improvemoent vas rapid sud théeof marvelîe-s Tko - "f thé winter ' 1891. ~ v r' t Municipal aspirants are beginniug te make thetmelves kuowu, Fros pré- sent appearsucé Réeve Curts will net meet with an2y opposition. Messrs. Pnrdy and Wiilcox are apeken ef for the depntyship, sud ý-Moisi-. Davis, Joffrey, Bateman, Bundle, Millesuad Nott for côuucil, but ne telling how many more will pop up by nomination day. iDr. McDoweli sud wifé lcft towu last Tuésday te réside in North Toron- to, wheré hé inteud8 prsctiaiug hie pro- fhBsion. It i. reperted that Mr. M. William. bas purchased froua John Blong the property opposite the Catholic church where hi. dweliing was burned semée time ago. PFuzy Thiiigs Wiuklé-The dootor told se if I wanted te cure writer's cramp I muet stop using a peu sud dictate te s type- writer, bit I don't know as I am muoh bettér off. Nodd-Why net ? Winklé -'ve gel a pain in both arme nov. Hérdso-Did 1 tell yen that ente ré-- mark my littlé boy got off the éther day ? Saidso-Bight tises. Tlhére ta s mach responsibity in ioeparting ycnr own secrets as j» kéep. ing thèse of your neiglibora. "4Why do yen malté sème cf your dumptingea mali snd oéthers large, Pieu Hub.er 'r' "Beosuse sy husbsud lias been omplaining la.tely cf liaving tee litîle changé in bis diet.-' Figýu&h Fogg 1 bow are yen ? Fogg-"llFine as slk. Neyer botter in my 11f.. Gel weighed and fonnd I'd geined five pottnds. 18 la toue 1 put ou thioker olothinç this morbing, sud had on my mutler overcost, and the soe" tbey say malté everything weigh twc or thrce peundii more than il dees weïgli; but- that dèemn't malté any dif- férence. I havé fait like e fighting ok evér since I. gèt off thosé sosies. t'. in of fi 0 pounds, YOD kuow, lan't sneee4aI." hms. e-s l thsuwssuu ,nep low'. ri SAarid that if ho hâa4 M» 86 hnrrledy I ilgit hbave r noor l'f' vey twafir t.o anelt E t. foud gutbondft fions'their use and contliud taklng theni until testoreit to heshth. Hnelbas no heitation ln ré- oominending thom as a great buider up and purfer of theéblood. The.PiM are manufa.tured by the Dr Wiliam'a Medicne Company Brook- Ville, Ontario, and Sohenoecty, N. Y., a»d are sold on'Iy ln boxes beug the fini'. tredewmrk 'and wrapçer, et 50 cents a box or six boxes fer 82.50. They nay be had from -any dealer, or wlflbe sent by mail on reeeipt of price.. Dr. Williums Pink Pilla may b. ied of a&U drugMà ta or direct by mail fron Dr. Wiliams" Medicine EUbmpany frorn oitlier addreuegThe, priée et whloh pille are aold make a course'Qf treat- ment oompsratively iuiepenuive as compared with other remedies or medi. cal treatment. Dr. Wiliam's Pink ieare sold oniy lu boxes bearing th. ffrm!îe trade markt and wrapper, (printed ini red ink) Bear in mind that Dr. Williams' Pink. Pille are neyer sold in bolk or by the dosen or hundred, and any dealer who offers substitues in this fonn is trying te defraud you and ahould be avoided. The pblic are alio c aationed againet ail othr so called blood builders sud nerve tonios, put up in similiar form in teuded to deceive. They are ail imita- tions whose maltera hope to rcap a pecuniary advantage frein thé wouder- fui réputation aohieved by Dr. Wil- lias' Pink Pilla. Ask your dealer for Dr. Wiliams' Pink Pille for Pale Peo.- ple and refuse aIl imitations aud sub. stitutes. GenereflY Preaewnbed Thé ides that Bnlght'a Disease caunot bé cured Proven te hé a FaUlsoy. QtTEBzc, Nov.-Lccal physiciane are tnuoh gratitied over the -letter ef Dr. A. G. Mo- Oonuiok. of R.ichmond, this province, te8tif y- iug te hie cur-e of Bright's Dismae, by the use of Dodd'e Kidney Pills. Sincé thé in- troduction of tha remedy lu this city; many physiciens bas net hesitiated te preacribe the puIs, andb nuterous cures have beau the ré- e a 8., This laterd testimouy, eoming frein se Ael1ýIcuewn a medicai man, proves that the local mnu were riglit in chauo gthe eld- timé remediés for Dodd's Kidncy Pilla. Hieuce thel' jubilation. Thé Vies-Président ef thé0. P. cl., denlea thali bis company luansd intereet whatever in thé Radiai Railway enterprise at Hamil. ton. I WAS OURED ?Of rbeUuatio gent by MIN- ARDS LINIMENT. Halifax. ANDREw RiNG. I WÂ5 cuRIMof cf sete Brouchitis by MIN.- ARD'S LINIMENT. Sussex. LT. -CoL. C. . Czwz Re.. I MAS OURMI? of sente Rheurnatism by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Markhsm, Ont. C. S. BILLiNG. MKr. Wm. 1, Ohemuey cf Seaforth vaa in the sot of cleaniug his shotgun wheu it wau aceideutly <isobarged, 'biowwng. the aide cf hae bead off. Singera, public speakers, actera, anotion- era, teabrs, preachars, and ail who are, a~uuw uo 1 fto dr p~il t4k the .-Oreani of Cod-liver 11e.,No otherrem- edy~o uLo1yalld efte&ivly mniches and purffies th feblood and gives nourisnt to the Whole systepi. It ia pleasat to talce -and easy on, the i tomaoh. Thin, Einaiated Portons a dau uuffeing frornWaating Diseases are re- etored to health by Soott's Emulaion.4 Be sure you get the bottie with our4 "4%09 Mxà lq tradel-mark -on it. Refuse oheap substitutes! 4 Scott & Bowne, BeIIovlilte. Ail Drugglets. 50o. and C. Dashaway-You sairyour sister wilI b. do"wn l a minute, Willie. That'. goba uews., I tlioqght, perlp, that she wanted to be' "excuse '. as she dia the other kay, WýMillie-Not thia lime. Zpayed a trlok on lier. Dashaway- Watdi you do P Willlèé (triumphi- antly)-I sald yen wera another fellow. The lady was makinqg ome remarks &bout the klnd of clotaes sons. other ladies at ohuroli had on,. "The 11nsI 9 arment & womna awear,",s aid be nsband, las the mentie of, obarîty."~ "Yes," she snapped, "#and iiis abouit the only one sèmne linbanda want their wives té wear." ALL MEN Young, ol d or milddle aged, who find them- solves, nervous, weak and exhausted, wbo are broken down from excesa or overwork, resuling tn many cf the followlng symp- toms- Mental depresslon, pi-emature oid age, ls cf vitality, bs et memory, bad dreams, dimness of' algbt, palpitation cf the heart, crmissions, lhick cf energy, pain' ln the kldneys, headaches, pimples on the face and bedy, itching or pecullar sensa- tien about the scrotum, wastlng et the orçans, dlzziness, specks before the eyes, twtching et the muscles. eyellds and else- where, bashfulness, deposits in the urine, bass of wîli power, teniderness ef the scalp and spino, weak and ftabby muscles, de- sire te sleep, fallure te be rested by sleep, constipation, -dulness e1 hearing, bass of voice, desire for solitude, _excitaility et temper, sunken eyes, surrounded with LEADEN CIRCLES, olly-ieoking akin, etc., are ail symptema of nervous debility that lead te insanity unless cured. The spring or vital force having lest its tension every funiction wanes in consequence. Those who through abuse conimitted iu ignor- ance, mnay be permanently cured. Send your address and ioc. in stamps for book on diseases peculiar te mnu, sent sesled. Address M. V. LUBON, 24 Macdonell Ave., Teronto, Ont., Canada. ILAMEBACK NiEuImLGIA;PopURSY,SCIATICA CRD VRYTM AN RIIEUMATISM EEYTM Tit UDe &L"MENTHOL PIASTER 'O. XFORDCOAL RUPNACES--. ..,II ALL SIZE8 OP BUILDINGS. ~apaciW- from Io', 000 o000Ci 5e1 WOAU FURN>ICr lMaVYg -Çfflustonïeauyer So a Pire Pot m D teE P Stoi I Dù-4ý OXFOR WO~~. FRNAC~ _______Uttar._ ~~~~~~~- ~~~~9 Fi uaate Caa ty:'TA o f-YoedTerTMnIA 05 >'-Th CURIEY FOND~Y ~W COLaFTR2t. OEAUTIFLIL AMER-PAN: WL-,PAPER, Borders toMatch LowFEST -:PRICES. Coma sarly -and getfir.t ohoice. P. B. WARAM, Bryan's 'oid -Stand, Brook St., Wbitby SITTINGB of the. DIVII51OIN COUET COUNTY 0F ONTARlO, liqé, Wisrna,-D. 0. Mgaodonneli,Whi8by C1er k Jan. 2; peb. 2 -Mar. 2; prlis.$8,, June 2;*July-8; Oâ.; .2; Nov. 0De. s* OszwÂ-. C Maecnfl.Whitby Clerk, Feb.8;,Âpril4 *Juue4; 0 et. 8; Dée. BiÃŽQUGi&ÃŽÃ - .Gleeson, Greenvoud .01,r X -Jan. 8; Mareh 8; May 8,3uly 9; Sepl.4 PosT PurJ W. Burnham ,PortPerry , Clork-Ian. 29:"Ifaroh 9; May 9; Jtzlyl Sept..7;ý,Nov. 28.' t!mzi»o-Jo.Z.Gonld, Uzbrlage,Clerk -Jn. 80; Ifarch 14; a 5 ul 2 et 19,, Deal 17. ,eMa15 uy2;Spt 0aà rmooeoN-Geore smith 1, oannlngto il Clork-Jau. 81; Marcn 15; Mayi 1; July la; Be.2;Dec. 18. EIYETon-0. P. Bruce ,Beaverton 01ler b -march16; May l7 Sep t.21: DecÃ".19. Umnenovu- 7. ..Gifl:empe,Uptergrove Clerk-Xerob 17; May 18; Sept. 2;De« 20, -By order, Neveber158, 198. Clerk ofth1e eeace. ois A Ârecent, dWvey by an 'old phymician. Sucasa- MidY U0e4 Monthly by sandrs Ladies. la t*eonlypoe-tctiyssand reflale niedicine dlucov- ered. Bewareofnprini- cIpled dirugglstWWho -offer Wnenior medicines in place cf this. Aik.for (b00kiU <JoUeRa Root Conpound, take no substitute;, or Midm .$1 sud 0G co ntafpostffl nlettor and we wil send, assied, byýreuis iL Fui sealedpVartcular lu plain vérlopé, to ladi" ouly, 2 Manips. Âddress, The Cook Company, Windsor, Oat. Sold in Wbitby by W. R. Howae, druggist. DO DT-OESPA IR WILL ~TREYO Wc garanee Udti' glcuey'uIsr' neau DR.~ ~~O L-A MT-t&<OToirouito..,: IL Purilfy. h. BlCO&od oret au Disorder. f thê LIVZR, BTOX*OE, KWXIreYUAXD BOWIgLe. They Ifvlgorate and roee to health Debitated ConstitutIons, and mreinvaluable in %Il OoPpIaints incidentai to Femaies of aIl ae.Frcide n 1ea thay a&e P= Pr heà maeate g. Manuiactured only at 78, NEW OXFORD STREBT (ate 588, Ã"XFORD STREET), LONDON, and 8014 by ali Medicine Vendors .hroughout 8the WorIld If Pur'chmm ou hould look to th.e1*111on 8the Boxes and Po& U t8h. addrus la no858.Oford ObtrotLondon, tbey are apurions