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Whitby Chronicle, 28 Dec 1894, p. 3

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wy 80 iofard àrtnmgdxit itntl$UP'-- pled for drain lu Pice - g vlbig.un e n- glneertiaward 45.77. Allof Wblpu in zeopet- j = u1 on cf â&r. .Gerow, chalmu, r1pOut was ado pted. Mir. Ge=o, 6ecndetd by Mr. Pôncher ltat as Mr. R. R. Mowbir.q. Eaq.. re#-ve. Is about to retire fren' the aaid, position alter it1 long and successful career, aud being aware of the very higb opinion entettaîned cf hlm by the residents et titis municlpallîy heby tender jhim the most hearty thauks cfsiis counscil for the vcry efficient services rcudered the inunici- Dality aud fer his courtesy 'ad «encrai de- meanor tcwards every memnber during the past two years. The press representatives were tendercd a very harty vote of thanks tor having se correct- ly and fully reported the doings eftihe board during the year. The varaous municipal officiais are congratu- lated upon h 'ving so efficiently filhed tbe varn- eus positions. The clerk particulariy receivcd the warmest commendaticn frein every meim- cf the board. Mr. Richards seconded by Mr. His smeved that thte council do now adjoun Sine Die. *BILLIA. Cued at the high sehooL Principal J. Ryerson was caned at the high school ai 9.30 this morning b>' the pupils. This was noita case of insubor- dination, although for the urne being the pupils had the floor, and the principal meekly submitted to irealment ai Iheir' bauds. The article used was flot of the birchen variety, so corumon iu institutes cf learuing, but was of ebony, and sur- nsounted wiîh a massive gold head, in- scnibed wiîh tihe words, "Presented 10 J. Ryerson, BA., by the pupils of Orillia high school, Xmas., 1894." Thrown frein hie buggy. .Tuesday arlernoon Mr. James Paisley, of South Orillia, met wiih an accident which left him badly bruised, and the effects of which ha will feel for some lime. He was leaving the lown 10 return home, but some mispiacement cf the harness caused the herste to become unmanageabie, and when opposite the market rau away. On Col- berne streel the bugy was completely capaized, and Mr. Paisley îhrown oui on the bard road. He was taken ie Eaton's miii and medical assistance sum- moned, but ofter an hour was able bo be taken home in a cab. No bones were broken but the gentleman is badly bruised. TheIr Suadlay ilfa. On Monday haif a dozen men, some cf thein young, but al eld enough to know botter, wera belore Mr. G. J. Booth, J. P., aud fiuod $2 aud cess-abedl 35 eac- for being in bar rocins on Sunday. Tbey pleaded guiiîy, sud ail wishod it te be un- derstood titat they did net gel liquer. Mr. Booth cautioned them n sd said they would do weil te avoid such places ou Sunday at least. Inspecter McKay was prosecuior. Severai more are yeîte appear on similar charges. Thero bas beau an open disre- gard cf the iaw forbidding the sale cf liquor and firequenting bat-recuis on Sun- day, whict was discreditable te the authorities aud liquer dealers alike, and which we are pieased to sec the inspecter ondeavoring te put down with a sîreng itand. Getinzg ready for the hofldays. On Monday afternoou last a man was seon coming out of a hotol on Mississaga 3treet. The fumes of aicohol wera in his ~- haad, aud brand naw boots ou bis feai. He started towards Peter streal, but the combination of wbiskey,, sippery soles, and lcy pavement, was toc mucit for him. aud after proceeding in a more or les devieus course for a few yards, be sat down-amphaticaliy--on the middle cf the sidewalk. After a few moments, realizing ltai be was mskiug ne prograss lu this position, ha attempted te tisa. He suc- ceeded lu getting on te his bauds and feet, wbicb latter, however, persisted in sliding sud strikiug eut in ever direction. A kiud hearted citizen assisted hlm te bis teet, sud led him a few steps te start hlm lu the ighi direction. Ou being let te bis own resotirces, however, ho accu came iu contact witb a telophone polo, sud tbe hast seau ef hlm I-e was cliuging afiectionately te bis uew feund support. Vaine ef "aam eting .ximo. Mr. Race la au excellent stony teler, sud enlivenod the proceeding ataithe earlier meeting cf thte Fruit Gnowems' As- sociation wîb mauy amusing anecdotes. Penhapa tise test vas ttc relation of a ne- cent experlene of bis ovu '<up uort." He vas disatlng on ttc ativantag.o f et fariner tavlng a sinail fruit garden if ouly for bis o*wu use, and as a climax ctalhcug- cd anycue lu tire audience wbo wonld net eujoy a disit of Itnawbemnbes growu ln bis owu gardon, çpvered vitit creain frein bis owu dalny, to put up biseaud To bis surprise sud discoifn fue a solitary baud vas raiscd. The audience noared, vitile Mn. Race was lu. a quaudary as te bey to get ont of thse tight place Gaiiseriug binm seif togetiter, as sccu as te could ho beard, lie sad : "As Che cy in luthre Mititist am met,, l e bretiieu corne km- ward sund Wc'l pray wltb ibis brother.1» Tite baud vent clown prcmptly. As tte, mintwblcb tiis ully provoked,ubsdp4 a Scotchminno-berved lu a voce ia ccnid be beard aIl over te reon, "Mon,ý If It badua'l beou for yer camp mceteg lep~ perlouce te wad ha' ficoned ye."-Packei 114 egos9W urîlmgebdag' tld lathe Fricuda' obus-ch tileweek bave be*i tlmlywalt attended. WS. Allo of 014o, . willbé he'ina Thse Ds*a-.DtI bW ea cuulig Co> ..hia .5i..a. m t~ammhm, "d,,, an address, accompanied by a tangib1e-4eIen cf their esteem, Thursday afternoon 'at tua close of te rezular school exorcises. Three men accompaniad by thiriy-fottr herses, ohd eoeugh te vot e, passed throtWbg the vilUaga te tbe west on Wadnasday. N'OW if out informant beocorrect these old ahd broken down animais are fad te hopu afiar eý ing ralieved of ibair hidas sud shees. e Il nay be a cbeap way of fatteuîng pork. but te us it seains rather a peculiar eue, Wo stouhd de- sire 10 see the goverument appoint au inspecter whose duty it would be t0 see that ne diseased animais were used in fatening swina. If the present condition of things exist for any langth of tima, the resuit is toc apparent. Wc should like te see thse city press take the mat- ter up aud deal wiîh it properly. There is vary little Lalk se far on municipal eiections lu ibis township. L'sst yaar ai nomination Reave Mowbray siatad ibai if alected for another tarin he would titan retire. The îerm bas expired sud cf course ite faeis like fuifilliing bis promise. Titis net being the case il fa likaly we sbould net have had an election for 1895. Geueraily speaking thte council cf r84 bave mansged tiings pretty weil. as but few faulis are found. Thete own- ship rates have beau reduccd by onie quarter of a miii, wtichi l very convenient these tard unes, yei ihe roads have net beau nciectcd. In fact we bave ioday botter roada titan any muuîcpality in te county, sud wit few ex- ceptions, in tae Province. Should Mr. Mow- bray retire. Mr Gerow will stand for reeve. sud tecuter ibrea mombers, Mes. Pench- er. His sud Richards will stand as thc dop- uty reaves lunlte order named. Shonld the couuciilorship be contesied, there wiUl ikely be a u ai around. with the exception. perbaps, of Mr. Gerow, wbo la iikeiy te geltishe reeve- stip by accgmation. Tiis is as we sec ihings now. terhapbOtore nomination indi- cations may change considerably. -News. wZXTECvL. Miss D. Liddle, cf Toronto, is visitiug ber parents bore. Titos. Tran, of Victoria Square, was iu the vaie on Sundayr. Mr. sud Mra; W. S. Major are spending a few days this weok vitit frieuds lu Tor- onto. We are pieased te set Mrs. Elliscu able te drive eut on fiue days now. Hon con- dition la staadtiy imupreviug. Mrs. A. C. Trasbam is speudiug a fcw weeks witber parants ai Belford before laaving for ber home iu London. Mrs. J. C. Major, ef Aunera, bas returu- ed frein visiting friands lu Whitby, and wlll remain withtfriands bore until. Wn. Major's returu from Scotland, whiteoho went a short timo since. Miss Irwiu was absout frein the scisool on Thursday. aîtending the woddiug cf har brother, W. W. Inwin, of Chenmywood, te Miss Minnie Dimma, of Codan Grove. The centnacting parties.are bot wll sud favorable kucwn bore, sud va wish tise happy youug couple many years cf happy wedded lîfe together.1 Bit-At Wbiiovalo, on ttc x7th iust.,, tihe wife cf Mr. Thos. Boaro, cf a daugbter. Our genenal marchant doos net go lInto naptunres over the, amvah cf, bis ittie gil fer site doos net bappen te be tte firai ôue..j- Neventheles ahsitel ocomo, and t! ad te be aveet enougi tote e a fit Christmras gift for any parents. Council uli pussuant te adjourumeut in Townahip hall, Broughtam, ou Satwrdayâ Dec. 1,5. Metubers ail preseut. Reave lu tise ebair. On motion cf Mesars. Hiltsansd Poeee ttc minutes cf previeus mueetings weme accept- cd as read.1. Mr. Poucher, sécnrdsd by Mir- Richards, moyes tisatIbohs. Pugit be refnnded thre sum. -of $aou proof cf havlug disposei of ýbi# dog.- Ms-. Gcrow scconcled by Mr. Iflts ancre taathtie eeve grant his eider ou bttc nssaio por f thse vsion tang eomfllui astý9 peetibis day. Mr-. Gerow suded[ by Mr. Richad, auser u's, Muesad liàWWl~es and uueol- Iectedta=eslor tas mPortion ofth S b' *à oue»0ft e aud Is bereby in <bm t Zoo cope, bofoeulwkiU p ted la Tunny Thinga Swift-What' yer runnin' fer, Light- nin' 7 1 nover saw yer mnn in me life afore. Lightning-I atole six shirts aht inch toc amali in the neck, au' I'rn trajinw down to 'emu. Tommy is an awfui fellow to play swindling sohemes. What'a he odnse now ? fHe get an accident inaurance policy and thon joinod a football team. Mra. Quigg-Your husband reminds mie of somebody. Mrs. Neighbrs- Ho reminka me of hie methor overy tiine the cooking dooa&'t suit~ him. Bruder-Mr. aud Mns. Greenleaf are very happy now. Thickheed-Indeed? la it a boy ? Brudr-Of course net>. L'a a divorce. Treetop-Now, jea look at thet ign, "Deu't Blow Out the Gaz." Hayrick -What doos it mean ? Treetop- They probably want uste eo al a boy te do it, se they. can charge fif ty cents more on our bill. EmplQyer-How did you break that vase ? Office boy-I had it in my hand when 1 heard your bell ring, aud drop- ped it, because you told me yeaterday te drop evarything sud answar ypur bell whonqver yen rang. Mm. Meeker (tmundling the saventh down the street>-Tbis baby carnage exorcise, Lucinda, is a nuisance, and I'm getting blamed tired cf it. Mn. Meeke-How ca'-s yen talk so, Orlan- do ? It'a a good thug. Puahiî t along. Custemer (getting liiis air eut)- Didn't you nip off a pieceocf the ear, thtan ? Barber (reassuringly)-Yes, saIt, a smail piace ; but net enough te effeot de hearin', sali. Scena : An Irishi cabin. Pst àil l. Docter lias jusi callod. "lWell, Pst, have yen taken te box of pille I sent yen 7 "Yen, air, ire jabers, 1 have 1 But I dou'tifeel any botter. Maybe. the lia iraa't coma off yat P, A littia girl was ovarheud, tâMki; tq hem don wvlose arm lhad corne of,ex-' posiug the sawdust stufilng. 66Yoit dear, good, obedient deliy, 1 knew L- irad told yen te ehew your food fine, but 1 didn't thîuk that you would chew- it se fine as that." "tNov, yen young acarnp," said Blinka senior, as ho led htie youngsfer eut inte the wooehed, aud prepamed te give hin a dressing, 'il teach you vhat i. what." "1No, pa," f'eplied the incorrigible, "lyen teacli me which is aviioli."' She-Is this a tender turkey ? Dealer-Ytiç. She-Râow do neyer osions it. Dealr-Thataj maie te hil Bei lie vas tender. yen know ? You'veè' se. But 1 aeieï or six years ago, sudl ,B,,w-list. e -Mani te by Ma. Etoolloney te lori a now ' min- ietry, aSUd the folinwing distribution of the uffloeEi ahowa ho w he hui.3coni plotedî thre tak Premier and President of tira Ooun- cil-Hon Mr. Bowell. Postoutetr-General - Sir A, P. Caron.& Marine and Fishories-Hon. John Coatigan. Finance-Hou. Mr. Foater. Juistice-ir 0. H. Tupper. Railwaya and Canas-Hon. John Haggart. 1 Public Work-Hon. Mr. Onimet. Miitis-Hon. Mr.: Patterson. Interior-Hlon. Mr. Daly. Agriculture-Heu.. Mr. Ivea. Seoretary of State-Hon. Mr. Die- key. Ministera without porifoio, z- Sir Frank Smith, Hon. Donald Ferguison and Dr. Montague. The above forin the Cabinet. SolicitorGeneral-Ron. J. J. Car- raD. 'Qontreller cf Cutom-Hon. N. Clarke Wallace. Controller of Lnland Revenue-Hon. J. F. Wood. A Great ]Batila ls cootiuually going on in the hâman sysisin. The demon of impure biood strivea te gain victory over the conçititution, te ruin ,beatb. te draq victime Le the grave. Hood'a Sarsaparilla ts the weapon with whiob te defeud eue's self, drive tbe deaperate enemy froi te field, sud realore bodily heaitit for mauy yoars. Hood's Pilla cure nausea, sickness, indi- gestion aud bilionanesa. 25c. Rev. M. P." Tallingpator cf St. James' Preebyterian Church, London, teudered bis resignation at the close of the service laut aveniug. Wazzt ne Othar. Dodd's Kidnoy Pilla now Asked For by every Sufferer frein Bnigitt's Diuse. Q uzBe, Nov. 19-Oontemporaueons with tiepublication cf the letter cf Dr. A. G. Me- Ccrticflk, cf Richtmend.- wth respect te bis permanent cure frein Brlgbt's dieuse by Dodd's Kldney Pilla, every druggiat lu this oity ordered a genereus supply cf the Pilla, but se great bas beeaute demand as the ne- suit ci ibis testimonial frei noseminent as authority, thattheta mn busbeau lu axceset the supply. Ailcter prcprietary medicines have beau relogatod to thse shalves and it ,would appear frem thse demanda madeaupc» thse dmug 'atsas if eveny sanférer frein kidney Diseus çu teceity wusbound te try the remedv reoomménded by Dr. MoCormick. A yonng vomau drcpped ber purse whilo gettlg" on a train ai Hamilton and ih was L uÏd on tise drawbar cf the carat Dunda&. Thoma was $200inuthe puise. EfnaWs ULniment, the besi 'Ra Bs- The fiw tmutw'ortby aceunts of evants in PaMt show fur that Frouat sapicoo and hatrad of Germuny are.4pgan aitha befood.' A- W fAt"l,*l Ofk bi Orep fîa airaqunt vMO ý ail4 g hele. ery boùse- PCtOBI ~ inamat baud'..It br=~u co ng o b, crqsup, athata end brouchtia, ina :bie mauner. Goledtuothe aoutof $2.250.000. bag boa» eugaged for shipient frein New York 'Sat-' 'NORWÂY PISE SYRtTP cures opugbe Oods, and- àU Thrent and lungr Troubles. Prica 25 and 5WC. P àasproved bty its sae thatitis The best ..value for the Ooîisumer of any soap m tIre markcet. Millions of women throughout the world can vouch for this, as i is they who have proved-its value. It brings them les. labor, greater comfort. What Castorla la Dr. Samuel PltcherÎs.prs Uo orIfat and (Jblldren. It containe neltiier OniimJfrpn àe other Narcotlc substance. Itle.a a 'harmilesa ibttt for Paregorlc, Dropa, Sootlng Syrups1aa CastorOU Itla hpleisant. Its gurant. ttirty IyeaW -tusé ly MMlonsofEothers. CastoriadestroysWWrms ànailafr feverlabuess. Castorla pýrévents-- omttlngSou r r cures Diarrhoea and- W1nd ol..Cso1~tI~e teething troubles, cures constipWoi~nid nIJatuency. Castoai1a aslzilates the foo4 .regula lb. tthe and bowela, glvlng healthy Me fq4,I ~p.C-Ou toiUlehthe Children9s Panacea-thê X]-othSgse'A ~ead. "Osstoe18 au xcsllUinedlfe for chil- dieu. Kethm ha" êrepeatsdly tol eI et It po effece UtO hefr<tteLi., DI. G . Cee0» Cut,*eIabb5ie te edm d7foehdm, whi& lem aoqitid.Ioptodàf5e ilastorli "aoflusowuadlems Ocare Th. Caataua' Cas ÂmtAt-Were yotn a sucesa ou thre stage, Miss TOpliito Mdl- WeCltdont kuc virai ycu aff it-I made tihe tenon, tire Buet -low cour. andtire stage ima'hager all wiIdly- jas ocf oaci other. Mre. Central Pamq West-Tbst borne- ly cook of cura ta vontir lier veight mi gold.- Mr. Central Parq Wat-How g..ý ,s iey did i ufhouma i i te la4s- yoam, *hirsu -our kitchen vas -lia hage cf tirai Svadish-blonde. The pt f B Ku intilàr 'f 4,

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