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Whitby Chronicle, 28 Dec 1894, p. 4

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w '~. ¶ 1F'0 R CO8~~QTI( £ýjjV VV O. Ai filrax jm wagre a ittl nup tut îaw THE MôÈ suar, whlle the persou coueticedbyislw AIDS' TO, VISIOI 11e .1àtu , -ý . e t evn know there hsd beeit a -violation of labut-those *wls, Motice hoy,tâ«U_ Ba tauei~~s Spectacles _e_____ ne a ée't iâ-àe va kk uiof iÊ, E yeglasses. Several tirnes lateiy w. have had letters tram te Torante Ëvening News request- WH OUARANTEE ing the editor- ot the CHItONICLE te for- .......... .............ward bis photograph snd an ezterided PERFECT SATISFACTION, sketch ofour career. Our ihyslgcomy, ..................... as verybody kîewist woàl d gr.atly enhance the beauity and attractivenes eo a Toroteaiy newapaper, but tber,.arc ' 8 peints in aur car eer nôt quît. ao edifytng. Of course whec one writes up bisewvn J. E. vvIL LIs blography be bas a great. chance te elaborate, as is illustrated by Brt' Par- O h m/s c Drggit, sons cf the Port Perry Observer, hs Chenis-ttgDru git, kechishows ta hcun ewappr which snatches the trend et public opinion .Medical H all, from tic winds, acd ila mrnglny power le the land. It was a great chance for a Brook Street, - Whtby. cewspaper man te blow himself, but w thought wc weuld torego the privîlegre fer the uie belng... Now we rejolco.. Wfth-. o ut exercisicg the slightest discrimination'1 er supervision the News slapped le every- * chn4 isent te thein, and of course the mnoat ______________rottet journal. took the meat license le - --- -writing their sketches.1 This taLke remnda us cf semetbing w, FRIDAY, DEC. 28 89.h ave rend about the Romans ef aid who had their tombe elaborately carved out and ~iowingeplcaphs embioud upet>., thein D..gotugU la tahe Thint. lgoldand wh> builtitreat monu ments te theniselves int the public: squares,, lest It cakes tee much tume, and itnoney, thc world mighc nec remembe,- the wvboie mnd scheming. and underhand work, of their virtuea, wendrous achievetnentc, and perjury, and fusa, and hum- and magnificences et characcer. The bugto mke u ou votra' lisa. nee posseïssng te Most moey, genina bug, o mae up ur vters' lise. A d dability ta clabotansd exaggeratc there are tee many qualifications, obser- himacîtf, had the grandest tomb, and had vances and nonsense about gettleg men'a iitot suit himself, wbether II: was ln kcep- namies ini order. There lu tee much ex- ing with other people's l4eaa et hlm or pense tethe party workers,.tee mucitupon net. Uic municipafIities, too much o n the gev- Among tuoe who cmb~raced the epper- erement. The listearae toe cumnbersome, tunity te blew theirs bore lbtitis free tee iniperfect and centain tee many cames puffina the News, we notice te editorsc af people who do flot or cannet vote. ef the twe Oshawa papers, the Port Perry The isw disqualifies cea maeiy, enfratn- Observer ted Pickering N'es. Sanie of chises tee îuany, snd la tee easiiy set ait thein wroe tteir blographical sketches naught. with haif-becomicg m6escy, but most cfh Every mati whil a citizen et a ceuntty cthemn blew a terrible bat lnot h. public has ant equal right with atîy other matn toecar, and net eoeetftitem la anyching leua i smy how it shail be goerned. That la, titan a mikhty newapap er mnuié bis ewn i provided he ia net an idiot, iunatic, or estimation, The public àa mc ea4t favoredI criminal. The franchise is a right, net a with the idea each et thein bas et. himacîf, privi loge. The possession of riches bas and hat la o neeancn. nething Le de with the righý te vote, ne more titan bas education, goed clothes 'or Pubilo Bbool p eotu. pood looks. Evrymcan audýevery womnan Th o1 wngaetereutbo'ter-e is equnily lntcreste4 le good governrnn, eflain r ie eut o i e and echdi Idividumi who la equaiiy cen- cent Promotion cxsmieatiens il'the public ai cerned bhs a righîte vote. The main ob- schools, the cames bcing arraeged In or- i jcct of geveramnent is te takre care et life der et meit :Ea and liberties. OESC OLV Thils beieg the. iLse, and ail beicg inter- bOE COL e*ted, >wby flot, have ever citizen ef the 1 Sr. te Il Jr. form-M Devereli, M xc- country' go and reglster bis came if he Geary, E. Sis.' wants a vote;s, s tew day. before an eiec- II Sr. te III Jr. forn-L Keans, H Hy- tien. 'the way lista arc naw made up it land, M Murphy, E Ciemence, L Nichol- VI le generally a ycar or tvo after they are son, G Locke, B Grey, R Walters. finasbd betore they are used.- A promi- III Jr. te III Sr. forn.-A Wilson, IG nient party man stated tc us titat six wecks J ewcil, C13ell, C Pavtee, M Allison, R before the election last June déathsansd Campbell E Barnes, W Howdon, -M changea afiected thIty votes le thîs towe. Deweyv, Ï Arde, M ýRogers. lit What must it Àmeunt te ln îwu years? A III Sr. ta 1-V Jr. ,'forx.-IHylsnd, W tz registration wauid ruake It ail clear up te King, R Johnsttm, M Creàswell ' H Haw- within a week or tweo oelectian day, and ley, M Newbery, Cstaar«ess, e Campbeli. ei thon thc vote might le a proper sense b. IV Jr. ta -IV, St.. fdÃ"mî.-m Taylogi, C i regarded aà te veice et te people Tamblyo, A Keichen' L. cMlan,, R Registration- worked welle Toronto Hollaed, B Hawkeit,* Pî cor.et lest June, and was the mueaca cf entran- 1 ENRY ST. BCHOOL. a chising thousanda of veters whe had a perfect righte te vote, but would have been 1 Sr. IJr. form-G Greeuwood. R Pa distranchlsed. There she.uld be coepro Bewell, E. Kellcy, N. McCarl, M Haw- pcrty qualificatiotn or other cecîicgency, ken, E Mathison, D Sotheiland.' ekcept hat a nman or weman ls sane, of elJt lS.lr.--i *ad age and a British subject. Vicais. A Gibson, C Henderson, L'Mooro, c Let us have registration. C Ellils, R Bryan. - short Nots.. Some Scotch M. P. 's who are connect- cd ln business with Lord Resebery, prem- ier et England, have been maklng speeches since te receet Libers.! rever- ses, and have assured Cheir hearers chat liome Rule la dead. By adopting tise / plicy et Home Rule into its pelatforiz the' flritisitLiberali, too ite members oet ta partyijuoteïor ranka, snd thc Irisit organizations seon became wes.k or dis- banded. New Chat it is feand titat thc countri->ladetermiaed net te ho controfled by llowiag te Iriai totehold Uic balance of power lu parliameat, Lord Roscberry has sitifted iei position, and uow cakes Chie stand chat thc passiag ef several other measures la et more importance te Great Britain than Home Rule. Titis turc ef affairs lbaves te Home Raiera iu su awful p light who have becu sapporting the bLberals ia rotai-nfor Uic promise of Chei r measare. The end of Uic Toronto civic boodllug investigation has been rcached, and much croo kednesa cnearthcd. [t has been es- tabli shed beyend doubt tisat ne candidate couhId do business wAi hie vit> ef-Toi-auto unless hie squarcd several of te alder- mec. whio wouid determinedlyopsai contracte fur which theyhadot lbc=u paid. The Toronto Street Rahlway Com- pany pprs:to have eput about $zSi~ 000 squaring members efthc cit>' coupc, aud ether boodiers who hangrud ie city hall. Some cf thse &aep who*re-. t igc ed a moath mgo wlth grasS protestaL. tions of innocence have ince biten pi-aen te have rc':-ived bribes, on mus.>,occ0a, that nothiug furtiter wouîd lcpaei o Uic y talked innocencesd vnwu inCa te wltncsa box anâ wressoe& [Inte police inve gton awYok nmay ef Uic accusdod affila at trst ie pejury as a ueas of affmtthqn and coutée thoir cimes. Tlie IWm os Canada de net ma.ke itesvyp< civic boodlilg, ais te cvaseltN ao te convlicted, Toronto aidermeit look upo tihe thlzg ina mare setiodios. petta the laon of their Pa.tlo., which wtU prèveut tlsern fronta public rabetes. Boeversi yousg ameanisGrltu wa for louzîgiig aroand berrnas on snd now ouqaf tise camasl>îe fc* mcy lic blamed -for g4ivlsq ui ustj about tise mater aud au sEavg, to theeowestheU p - atif $uck. la 4T'SaS ýdi0 Il Sr. ta 111 jr. fOrmm--L Daesey, F Blow, V Whitelaw, A Anderson, j New- berry, -CCôlwl;-L Mowatt, A Carnisit, M Callens. III Jr. tn III Sr. form-G Ellîs, M. Greenwood, B Gilpie, V Tasublyn, G Hal- iett, W Smith, N Grills, H Mynard. 111 Sr. te IV Jr. form.-M Pefaneil, B Warmmn, E Richardson, A MèCarl, B Hon- derson. DUFFERIN ST. SCIIOL. 1 Sr. II Jr.-Eva Willis, Dalsy Stone, Ida Goidring, Percy. Goldrtcg, Mlay For- rester. Il Jr. te Il Sr.--Christina SI, Gerte Smlthi Mary Pender, lEvs aIng, 'John Goldrnug, Walter Smîith Wi liieWtsn Emery Southwell, JeeP& PinderFai Goidring, Ernest Sfeep, Laura Gale, Ernest Stone. III Jr. ta III Sr.-Ida Storcy-', Milton Storer, -Eva McC»ôw- -Vicr Ierby, Willit, Ashby>, Edith Foi-rester. - 111 Sr. ce IV Jr. May Goldrigg. Frances McPhersan, Walter MeC<elIan, Saimuel Thoradike, Mîice McPiien'am, Çeorgeaqas Taylor. IV Jr. ta IV Sr.-WIIi. i odrlug, IFred Gale, Arthur $outhweiL- Wc shlould'ssy tatWi vtedeable te have diseasé spread aroussd kissin; woald b. tiseogastmethod, -û-,belng * spcles oi luaopulatiou natý,tg e .iatate4 -Au 81ardinary way. Xlere -ls Domre ten us hat the tangue l ud9bted 1o utisserse e e s» hosè hlef endb&t let*h for ap.pplgta'do.momLeJio4y deI. fouza . o â w htb. COLUMBUS. Samuel Tint, et Albert College, Belle- ville, is spending bis holiday. mc home. J. S. Guy et the Agricultaral Coflege, Guelph, la home for Chritmas. Rev. 13.B.-eunn, Oshzawa, will preaçh- in thh Methedist church heré on Süuday, morzîing sud evenhig. A meeting te diseuzs the advlsabilty ci, establishzug a cheefe factaxy wlU-be leldI tere ocg the t6th imat. sen H. West ane and, stadcnt's latp oan,Fridsy'ia rormud rofreabtuents wcre thc otýér P=acIons. nie mini Christmas feativicies' willbe ield at the Methodiat churcit an Mouda eveniiug, New YVear's eve. ýRev. -J; .Z Clàéke, Rev. H. B. Keuny, of Os9hawa, Rev. Thea. Manning. of Wizitby and PXev. rB. McLared, -Colunzbus,, will àelivor Ad- Iresses.. 1 .7 i d Fýaliwheat 58c., spring ywheit 58c., gpoê wheat,5oc., barleg, ,W-to,49iOts- 7. ami pes ,e.ic.,, lsckeye.pea$ i-bC., pa C,,mu1n9y p.as&,bukw.ep 37C.,J IyC C., hq U 0*5. 6. NOT£,-Tlic fiure gvnlti.bgit Paid.ý-faàU wbeat.c pi~'gas .52cj barey,6 towè 4e brey .çw 304,e !)w «35Cyw bemna $z..oo alaike claver S.ot park 4. alcllb&tùreef$4oe ctoipc, cblckuna- 6c t M POa e 0c ppleUjrbuah 5qcj al wS f-0stri4000 pal, i olt týo, munny snd bieyed scécov e d *. soi alskt,.e dq ý$M1y jec ha>' $8 ce,1bà fi: y zioo, Pa k$ . so' to W Le,ýZ7s&taos a boWi. c Dip. fa o. fili o. pe4s lý .màldq wth"lY but -her d-aeta 'ber fahr and mpther.ý t dap trptt64lov'er *who- it &t au~ gagel#ent wtIs ber. What we t@ tetq n bc4t- la-the genral, and Ptî)=~i s11braover one anioth«r~~~IUSe 0" lateeth corne loose everýt1m U goe tb- ~ b h, or i£funeral or , millw" sta- tion. tis enougit to breed disoffe. Mz. ra P>owell was ln Toronto on Sater, ýday. , Dole.e1 -of .Missa oawl fTorosso, l slttng. a: Wm Dowoweli's Rav 1Mr KIppan, speut Christmas wlth fsiends ln Claremont., Mr and Mr. W J Graham spent lÇmas wlth Hfyfield, Kiptale, Mr. Find Mrs. Eddy, amd famil, werq ,wsy dwling the Xrnai hoidays, The Misses Pugh 'of Chatham are, Wü~ng relatives lib0s placethir Week. Mr. F. SFarular and family were* 1h StÃ"¶f. ville on Christmas with Rev. Mr. Booker. Mr. and Mrs, Joshua Bündy adMiUS Qould spent Xmma wlth MIr. Lace>', Toronto. Our enterprieing merohant, Mr.' Caitoe, svent a dny or two witb 19r. Andrews- in Gravenhurst. Mr. David Bundy, lIra. Madîli and Miss Lenia, of Toronto, weire the gpeste ofDMt. Geo. Bundy, tht, weelc. Are you comlug- to the New Yesrs.Ht Rossent the Methodiat cbwch Clarcuiont? The Brookîlu choir wil take charge of the sioging, We ose assure ail wbo corne a dellgb:- fui tamne. At the ochool meetingboeon Wedns,- day, Mr Toblas Michell retired a&_ truste. and Mr Wm Miche!! was elected te tthe vacant seat. Everything paased of quiet. ly There beeing no fault go lied. Christmas Day was the occasion cf n pie,,. nt gatherieg nt the residence of las. Bireil, Esq., Cinremont, to aviteess the marriage cif bis second dauigbter. Annie, to Mr. Gilbert Knlgbt, of Wyothlng of Ont. The Newly m>rried couple left by the evenirit train for the west before seeeling down, te housekeep- ing. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Keight'a long and prosperous lig e. The sports from the 4tb and 6th concession of Uxbridge -came dowe to Claremout on Xmas aftereoon and cballenged the home players te a garce of football. Wlthout pro. parution of nny. kh>d our boys drummed up 11r of the oid chippers witb a few acuiors, and be:h aides took the field. Tbere-was no Pl .ay- ing doue, but withbheavy slugging gol were ,cored for Olaremont, whle the- sio8 went home enipty. W. were deiighted to se Borne cf our business men put forth nome effort ta make their places cf business moire at- tractive durtng Christmas week.- Mesors. F& D. Macnsb's store was nicely IlIum. nated- Xmas eve, and Messrs. Castor & Co., had their verandah and windows de- corated with evergreens and chines. lant. erns. W. W. Rawsen, our enterprlsing taler, did justice te bis owe sho: as well as the whole block in whlch hia shop la situated. Evergrens, Clunese -lant,-lea and t 'orches mmdcgl a beautiful combinr , n. Aie trust neit year te sec more -eur business places decorated., wà 8L W~: i R E [We want before* the first of January next, One Thopusand *Dolla, frwihw rpredtogive you the ,,greTPat. est 'bargains ever offred in Dry Goods., OUR STOCK 18 VEFRY 0OOM? PLBTg.* 3apaueae 811k Handkerohiefs, soolloped and embroid- *rediedg., at lOo. oais or'3, for 25oe..................... Japane»Se 81kEHandkerohiefs, aolloped snd enzbroid- - 'erod edgo, at 124c. esoi.................................. Japanesé 811k Haudkerohigfa, aoaloped sud embroid. OFdedge al1o mwh.....t@.....u.@..@$ ..... -JapQnea. 811k Handkerchiefs, ,heuutitched and baud- onelyenbroidered,ý at 25c.oais............ Japaess 11kHandkercbiefs, homatitohed and hand- it $Oc. euhi......... rJspan.so81k andke",hiefo4 heoMatloh.d nd baud- 08494e e 1kHadeaifs, hemstitchod, at 25o_ usadoohie1, hiematitehed rÀ1b'iute 1k ad. bie;hettohod and luiled b5,0o,0. d8o.nh CHfRI.STMAS NOVFELTIES TO ~D ARE OFFERING:-zE3D' .Ladies' hemstitohod lHandkerohiefs, linon law,ait k 7c., 10c. sd 15c. oai.... ..... .... ..... .... Ladies' hemsLitohed Handkerchiefs,- pm lisýiland m ade, as t 20c. o a s . . . . . . . . . Ladies' embroiderad.Handkerohief, alj. l o, 0 Ladies' Morrooo S hopping Beestmy5e sas - Ladies, M oriro oooP t us .fro nt 10o.. p , . . Whfe oiaiPhôtci-Praufeset oui> I26eah.... Ladies, se. our M.Kid 1voe prfSit iea,)>aka oolored lacèd aitfacy .1, .ea.. 0c so k i aie' Y de wer E ml~ , a.us.ê Imen'funsh wfd.8ooe&faTls Ladies' atost bhrc rH qA ZOt FIj Big Reduction in oure Winter Stock we have out our figures away down. The people must have Winter Goods while they will be of some U916 to them, and we have reeolved to settie the question at once by making a great reduction in prfen on our weIl assorted stock of FUIRS and OVERCOATS. WE .QUOTEý Miages Grey Lamb Caps as low as $ 1.75, reguiar pricé $2.50. Ladies' Seal, Beaver, Persian Lamb and Grey Lamb Mnffs at Coat. Goat Robes lower than anotion prices. Men's, Youths' and Boys' Overcoats cheaper than ever before known. 'We have also secured au extra Unbleached Cotton, 40-in. wide at 7c. per yard. AS K TO SE E cY our large. size heavy CHENILLE CURTAINS which we will seli until Christmas at only $5.00 per pair. IMCall and be convinced that we - are offering genuinie Bargains. 't NOM Happ Ram; Nemi well, go. wov< at E. j The ls lest P. Ta work d Wov< steel Ca Only $ thze gosj the. ove Greal zvéryt1 Sreets, Tho iý 'bo wwb christnî age of inake c Fui Mn in m< In. order to m'a"ke sure O'f a W E A NDSNWE.u 4~ TI II ODRYGR. 1 mmm lo , se eT a 0 a 0.01 fla . ANTIN ne

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