/ 1< Foe 'GORRECTIOPt F. Defe c tivî : mr TH!E mo;BT IpERFECT A[DS tb'ISO BM Lawrence's Spectacles -AND- Eyeglasses. WE GUARANTEE PERFECT SATISFACTION. . EWIL LIS, Chomist c& Druggi8t, MLedical Hall, Whftby.' JAN. 4, 1895. ny, rnany hundreds of CERONICLE with othet ,fnd mistakes, in ail trust that any persons ,it papers this week or iow, and of course any year frorn the Urne it l be no time lost. Our ýribers up to date is ticipate d at the outset, ut old subscribers will new, in order that the rweeklies may be &et ist, as arnatter of con- ~4.Eock Street, FRIDAY, T Si Out of the man clubs made by the papers, some will 'j' probability. We t not receiving thei next will let us ku' paper wilI go a,, étarts, 50 there vii Iist of new subsci double what we an' and we hope al oi hurty up and ren date of theit City * down for January venience in future. Short Notes. ,-Sir John Thompson's funeral teck place ai IHalifax vesterday. It was mnade a national aftair. There are four candidates for thse mayor- alty of Toronto-Kennedy, Fleming, Ver- rai and Carlyle. Some leading business men of Uxbridge have united to caîl a meeting ut tde Town of Ux bridge ou Tuesday, die î5th day of januar y, for dhe urpose of considering dhe uti lity sud sdvisaaility of establiehing a conu ty fire lusurance vompsuy ou a mutual or cash matual principle, under authority of chapter 167 cf tise reviued statutes of Ontario. The. Oshawa papers will tutu wcek enter upon. the eleventy-.leveuth year of thlir powerful argument upon the political sit- uation in Canada. The. discussisu bas been kept ail the botter hy reason of the. fact that one lu published oh Weduesdays and the other on Fridays. sud thus botis sides are beard from each week. For our- selves, we have flot read any cf it, our mind being more directed btii.h propoga- tion of religian sud morality than peliticu but %ve learu frotn, those whn read sud prayerfully digest the arguments adduced on both sides that the discussion will Ini al probability bave a powerfui effect upon the fulture of Canada. Tise committee of the couuty council haviug iu hand tise matter 6-f promotiug the establishiug of a hoiue of refuge lu tisis county,ha taken the easy but woru- out medhod of askiug tise electors cf tise J ' ~. différent municipalities te vote upon it at £tise elections next Monday. Tise comamit- Stee subtuits dhe question in naked form. ne scisemes cf iiuy soirt b.ing suggested to enable ratepayers to kuow what tuey "f ~ may expeet provlded tuey give asseut te dhe project. It lu a piece cf child's play to f submlit tue matter te vote,.every few yeara lu hisway, widhout suy e or import- antargmens o fat»ýo eûc e evot- crs ; sud sucis methods will cause msny a prudent man te mark his ballot lu op- position. At sny rate dci-. has been no agitation cf tise projeet, and people will just have te go It blind. wiserever tise muuicipu.hities msy take a vote at all. Tise CHiRomIcLE favors a isouse ot refuge, --b#t ou a previcua occasion advis.d tue pe0ple te vote down a sciseme by which Uic coiuty couneil apirs free singte nmake it colit $5,000 or l$30OO Utue y aaY sec fit, sud b. able ut tise Ume tins. te cast responsibIhiy upon thse ratepayers. W. believe iu tise cosnty =CoMnci ecr assumiug tise wholc rspolbility,èrelsc, uubm itting a definite ocheme te tdé people for their approval . mie county couîni lias full autisority under law te estblisis a J house cf refuge, snd kuows MMi- about the matter dhan tlii. people do tent ,lbff over, sud die matter siso4ld be '4teft w"t it to deai wltu. Iu votini tise thlisn&dWU thge people arc mere OetiIg doWIIa othl- The O.uatY. out- côngrarulatlons te Wardon ,Gillus pie, Wm. Broomfield, his>dcputy, -Reve Coultisard, of Oshsawa, Reeve Cuts, of Port Perry, Reeve Trelcavess of Beavefv. ton v a roansd Deputy KeDoupil, cf îboci, Reevc Calder sudDeputy IlReeve Smlo f Whitby to.wnship iIpou their reelecUo. Aise thice MiC= ff Pickering council, 'wise me so sappfly re- turncd lu a body._ Uoj nts pictur-Ratle4mý ýXa t A. M. Ros, atch--mnd <tutbat..Â-it*. l'mg, chelce>ele.o. Ybe'm Tise adrantae of iMuasln owea h lk. IfcaDis- EpiS Md K n he toge jo bave thse tovul rate oee rs - I ~ couut; aua. al IFor couneIlor-, Mr. jo smitz .R, à imati'on lu6,eSouth wadMeSsrM, m t, was Nobl, oCïWfr have zo b. anotbêt eleotion r a centre wgrd mepiber. NMr -Robson should have theun- uinous votd of the north ward electors. as he spends more trne upon publie work titan any councilos of the town ever gave. Thereia lot oftalk las town bout a ring, composed, of Ètesers. Rutledge, King, Rossansd others. Ou thia point there ueed b. no doubt. The men à ;med aud huudreds of others have been com-' pelled to sut together for years paut in detence of the town's interesa. êbout fifty of them are the largeat ratepayers ln town asnd if they do wrong itw*iilb. irn aes worse for dieraselvea tissu for those who are dolng thse loudeat bowling about it. It needs a stroug ring to keep out the clans of men who are standing candidates for office in this town, and whose records are more of self tissu of public spirit and houest goverument. It fla eno'ugh to make one tired to hear several of last year's council declariug that they allowed a minority to form a ring and run things over thse heads of the others, and yet flot one of them complais- ed during thc'whole yesr. The complais- ants muet waut us to believe tisey arec a lot of ninnies, which they muet be if w. believe themn. Hundreds have atteuded the council duriug thse year to sec Coun- Pringle'. shows, and every. one of them kuows that uotlnng of the sort was ever du. xcpt for Couin. Pringllesqub- blingusud bickerings tiser.e ulot been a more harmonious council for ycars. Messrs. Juo. Ferguson, nortis ward, aud Juo. Blow, soutis wsrd, were elected by acclamation to the board of -education, a well deserved compliment. They have both discharged tueur duties cou - scientiously aud efficiently. Mesurs. Fred. Eatch add Geo. A. Ross are run- uiug for trustee iu the centre ward. Mr. Ross was defested hast year bye two op- ponents, aud neyer woulcfhave 6d a seat at the ,board of education except for a fluke, wvhich let hlm lu by acclamation. He celebratcd his double defeat by takiug1 his advertisement out of tise CHRONicLE, which shows the breadth of mind he la able to briug to bear upon public business. Pive yeas ago our taxes wcre 2434 mille on the dollar, sud at tdat opr coun- cil was neglccting to rais. the sinking fuud for debenture debt, whicis would -have made the tax 2s % mille. To-day our council lu raising the eiu.king fuud money whould should have been rsised theu, aud $ooo besides to payoff tise Mowst Maufg. Col s. debt, and th. taxisl only 2-- iz mille. Two mille means $20o lu taxes yearly, sud tuat lu exactly what the CHRONICLE predicted would b. saved if -the old g% anw overturned. W. neyer predicted tat $2ooo would b. saved by auxalgamating offices, as was stated at the soutis ward meeting Wednesday nigst. The CiHfRoNicisE lu fot going to indulge lu mucis talk over the town electionu. Botis the =n ansd the platforms are the same as for four y~ears back. IZverybody muet know by tise tira. wiat it meaus te vote eidher onie way or tht otiser. Tisose who thiuk tde town affairs should b. handed over to Messrs. AuÃnes;" -uIýg sud Pringi. should vote-that way , tiose ýwho wish die town well aud know wisat its welfare meaus will vote for Rutledge, King sud A. M. Ross. It ha been st con-, siderablefluancial dissdvsutage that the CHRoNicLE ha taken s strong haud lu this towu's politice for ten years, but we soughit to have s good council, aud suc- ceeded. For four years the town's affaire have been honestly and deceutly con- ducted, a thin;j whîch could flot be said before. We tire of haviug to forever urge the town to vote its best sutereets.. It is time everybody knew whst lu what. Messrs. Rutledge, King and-Ross stcpped lu wheu the towu badly uccçled théir ser- vices, sud have mauaged ta£" izcap-. sb!y said honestly. W. doubt not -that. it would be a good tising for thie to b. de- feated, but it would lié. bad blow to die towu st presèut. W. will give our version of tise grest tile question. Coun. John 'Thompsou la the firet =an who agitsted for tUle cul- verts lu council, If we remember correct. 1lv. After tue subject isad beeu brougist up two or tisrc times, the street commit- tee was urged te try tise e±periment sud Couu. Robeon promnised to get sosie. The. whole council asseuted lu silenSe, ada men cf honor kéeas, much.-boimd'I.& stand by Ceusa. Roaon as if lie isad made, tuem. vote yea or namy on it. He pur-,. lsaed ialf carýloa4 at wlsat Mr-.* Hatc declareswas not quîte teupecent. ove wisolesale prices, snd Ire-blve -no ae payer wiU sa tiis 1# togeat a& tfit A., acuas Uthe Ç_weèsre Coins. Pringle Sot quotations, ox carilob n idcomInenced 'on. of lIse shows, and several of thse etiter members, viso ld rensained silent wsu Coun. oseA stsed , t a #ewoÃ44d bui FQL.Yo i 1ofTr= ole vIItltla 1i4y Traeyan wife of Toronto Uqiers '.Y. McLaren of Columb"s pIOg4zs i4irnt on Tnsdayr.'ua rfýHlia y(ne. MissJennie rl>of ~ÇJ~yN. MH . leis th Us. l4ei Leaper, and Burton, 'btoronto, are u ,~hthoir parents thi~ Michlem Pine Gro è~d Messrs. Prlest ud'Stobon, ToronW oUe the guesta of J. Bundy on New Years. Mr. Thos. PU là h ýj«MI seli by Public auction on Satuâay.'.Jan. 5, six acres of Ifin. hardwood and pin. tiniber lu haif acre ~lots., Sale at x o'clock, euethaif lot. i con, 3i Uxbr idge. W. C. Mîcheil, B.A., St. Catharines, sud bis sister and youngest brother, of Toron- to. bad their New Vears dinner in towit. Thefr many friendu here were delighted to see them ln their old home. Geo. Gerow, Esq., Reeve of Pickering tp. wears bis broadest amîle. W. con- grà tulate hlm on bis richly earned pro- motion, and are sure that he will bear hi. blushing honora with grave sud becoming -modesty. Princeos skating rink will be opeiped, with a grand band concert on Tuesday Sth Inst. The manager wishes us to announce that there wiIl be a series of races tuis wlnter snd that allil w11b.opened to the world. F.ntries recelved ou and aller Tueaday next. Particulars regarding the prizts later. -It it with much regret we have to record the demis. of another old proneer,. er-. William Wilson. For fifty years hie has been a familiar figure in Pickering Town- ship. The deceaaed was the father or Newrick Wilson rth Con. The affiicted fsmily have the sympathy of ail. Au attempt was made to derail the ex- press eûÊt of here last week, by piling timbers across the track. Fortunstely the engineer was on the. alert and saw the obstructions in time to avert a great calaniity. Our village constable, and assistant C. P. R. detective, has gone east, presumsbly to arrest the guilty party or parties. More in our next cor. The Methndists of Claremont deserve ai prise for their pluck, perseverance and push for the last five years. At that time the trustees went a joint note ýfor 83864 to furnish the necessary funds to complet. their little.church." Rev. C. J. Dobson B.A., was the pastor and chief in-' strument ln causng the people to build et the time. Hia faith ln the. congregation was abundantly shown on New Yeats Day when he had the pleasure of seeing that huge debt go up in sînoke. The Metho. dist people here are now out of debt wltlw a nice balance on the right aide of the ledger. They determined to celebrate the eveat ln fitting style snd provlded the greatest of their hot dinners on New Years' nlght. Everything was suspicions, the weather prophet was ina good husmor and abundance of fowl and other necessarles, were on hand. After discussing h material things in the basement tghe im-e mense throng adjourned to the auditoriuM a here an excellent programme was given. Revu. White, Dobson sud the Pastor gave. short suitable add resses, Miss Brown and Mrs. Eddy elocuted and the Brooklil Choir discoursed divine mnusic, The thsnks of the church, are due to the' choir, aýnd their genial leader for tbeir* swee t. music an general desire to please. Theiý sudiance show.. their appreciation by ex- tending a hearty vote of thanku to tlii Brooklin choir., Mr. Jas, Underhill, leadeË., acknowledged in graoeful words, afr which Rev. Dobson pronounced the 'rie diction. Nt -oed$z. Bargain day, Saturday, Jan. 5th, at Wî G. Walters'. RemuatLqcf towelliug, flsutielettesý fiannels, mualins, laces, etc., reduced to %' price, Saturday, Jan. 5th, at W. G. Wal. ters'. FalI wheat 58c., spriugwheat 58c.1,goeup" wheat 5ev., bai-le ,3.5c. te 4(0C.,,Ostu 7Ç~.j .mlipeaSm., blackeyepescbu pesa 5Sivï,. munny peas lCbucklwheM4 37. i-ye 4pc., hay 05.5o te 10.& l-ýPort psri- , ' 3OT.-Tise figure given fa tWehé b1he pald, .UIIwheî.&c, prfg 57cgoe 'lcibarîcy 6,-"w.d 4i,barley 2 towce,. 30v, -ryi e Csts a 8c, blaà aed was m. 4.50 9C,1 I 't: :4 UÀ ' -Umm fI In order to maire sure of a, Big Reduction in our Winter Stock we have out our figures away down. .~~~........a...~... The people must have Winter Goods while they will be of some use to them, and we have resolved to settie the question at once by making a great reduction. ini prices on our* welI assorted stock of FURS and OVERCOATS. WE QUOTE/5?D Misses Grey Lamb Caps as low as; $1.75, regular price $2.50. Ladies' Seal, Beaver, Persian Lamb and Guey Lamb Muffs at Cost. Goat Robes lower than auction prices. Men's, Youths' and Boys' Overcoats cheaper than ever before known. We have also secured an extra Unbleached Cotton, 40-im. wide at 7e. per yard. AS K TO SEE cy: our large size beavy CHENILLE CURTAINS which we will seli until Christmais at only $5.00 per pair. M~'Call and be convinced that we are offering genuine Bargains. ÂNDw mEa KOSB 'f 3' ~J'I'* 1' ~~'-~~'V' t TII III -DR1Y 10 i31 wm W :R R E L*#. -ýAWIN TU Des ,We want before the first of January, next, One Th-o.usantd, Dollars," for which- we- are pr-epared to gv you, ýthe. gret est bargains ever offered -inDyGod OUR'STOCK 18 VERY COMPLETE. G!-W CHRISTMA&S NOVEMT 'LES , O ANI)..at ARE OFFERINKG« Japanese 811k Handkerohiefs, aodlloped and embraid- ered edge9, at 10c.- oach or 3 for 25o.................... Japà nese 81k Handkerohiefs, 'scloped. sud embroid- end ý,edge, et 12*c. -'eaoli.........b.*$........... à ap ee 81k Handkerohiefs, oaloped 'and embroid7. mae deat1.eo....... .......... Japane. 81k hadkerchiefs,, hemstitohed snd band- Sousely eusbroidered, Bt 25o. eo....... Japëaese à k ifndberohiefs, hestioh d ,d aud- siomeo pmidered>t&t 309. -each..e ss. .. .. J'PameSe 8k Rindkeohieffs, hemttohed sud baud-; asely-aubridered a 3e ah.... ...... Gentlemoxeî 811k Haadk.roiiefs4, Iemattced, ati20 eao............... .. - 0otI "Ch.,8lk **aboaqh.fhmsià adlrg Ladies' hemstthed Ham, 7'o., 10e. "andi156. escit,.. Ladies' hemnstitoised Han, made,'At2Oo.oi. Lad,,sWe.odra a 25c.jinpd 300.eah Ladis' rrooo hoppl -WhièêlmeiIphoto P9a 1 tth, h 'p - - - -- - - - - - - Ù-&Iîeeo