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Whitby Chronicle, 11 Jan 1895, p. 1

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~yr - With calm .printed words, grea t thought8, and untiring igduxtÉyrý we aduocate Peace, Progreas, <aowledge, Bratherhood. VOL. XXXIX. WHITBY, ONTARIO, FIRIUA'.,,JANIIARY 11, 1895.. NO. 6 M __________________ ________________ I T HEA VY GOOD :: BARLEY W ANT ED ! FOR WHICH I WILL PAV THE' H ighest Price. 's- 1 arn also paying highest price for Wheat and Oats. It will pay you to see me be- fore selling elsewhere. F.L. Green, 2IflIOU RMLLEZIWLLL DOMINION BANK. Capital Paid Up, - $1,500,-000 Surplus, .$1,500 000 Wbitby AgenoYe Generai Be.nking Trammeated. Business SÂVINOS DBPABTXENT. int.res* alawed .1 higbest aunent raies Nonuoe »o wIthdrawal îequlzed. E. J. THORNTON9 Manager P. -G. Meldrurri, M. D. Licentlate of tic Royal College of Physiciaus, EdjUburgi: Membci àf tise ; + Pr Pbiiýiim. -of Osfie ma radeulAs nazth section of the ,'T«rae,,' Byron Street norti of Dundas Street. Telephone communiCltioli viii office. WhitbY, July 4th, 1894. Who? Who? Who? Says the-Owl. Who seli the best Baking Povderl W. R. HOWSE-. daoes. Why ? Beosuse only the puisaI ingrediants are used, sud il la frequently nmade. Consequcntly la ai- ways pure & fresh. London COU ITION Powder ba the bulot i Pi Ooilom 09" Ae' cpsaiof the uI de. W uIr f l.or.oo8 Mg.EOJLY,~-. LOCAL NEWS LETTERS.1 OHEoL.z oSOivNz Mr. D. Black from Toronto, spent asat Sunday icre with ils fathcr's famlly. Mr. James Kelly from Troronto, vas icre iast week looking after the Kelly property. Messrs. Willams sud Hal shipped from the C. P. R. station here on Saturday lasI a car load of fat cattle ta Montreai. Our public school opcncd an Thursday of last veek with Miss Balfour, of Ash- buru, as teacher, and Miss Nettie Mc- taggarl as assistant. Some of aur people that went ta Asi- burn last week ta tic special meetings held there were delightcd vitu tue sing- lng evangeliats. Mis. P. Scurrah spent tue most of last week aI oui' neighbor Courtncy's home, nursing Mrs. Courtney sud heu baby boy of a few days aid. Miss Ada Johnson from Toronto, aller spending her holidays at her fatuers, i. Conrad Johinson, lefi on Thursday of last week for lier temporarary home in tue city. Thie sleighing in this section is flot ex- tra good, neveitheless about eigit tentus of the rigs on thc road are on runners, but the Oshawa stage still continues la go on wheeis. C. P. R Store is tic place for bargains' for thc reat of tue montu priai ta stock- taking, Pcb. ist. Ail viuter goade at cost. Corne along sud geltich fist bar- gains. W. G, Armour. O81UWA. If you wish a nice F'rench china cinner or tes set, or anythlng in fancy china, or giassware, go ta E B Morgan & Son. Men's strong boots, gaiters, laced boots witb toc caps, or laced boots witb bellowa- tangues tor p .oo at the corner store Osh- awa. It will pay any parties conteanplating buying an engagement or wedding ring ta ae the lag stock af*-Fe1t Bras., Osh- awa as they yull sell titi moulu vcry cheap for cash. Genuine diamond 14K. ouly e5 Thev arc also maklng sosse special off'eg in Gente', Ladils and Boys, gold aud silver vatches. Se. tbem. Felt Brou. 08"W& aueuDittey ELVIOKERY. barber. Blinoe atreet DR. -Dý U ]ROIO-O 14'..,a S 9, t sa Slmoooetreet. OommmOIAL HOTM-4. O. Woon PmopreloI. Modern hostolry. neat -and oomanlibly equipped. TOST OFuzOB BooxaToR-Punli ne of booku. stationerysuid iauoy gods. B. B. Rogers, simca. sreot. jas. HouLuDE-Whftby-Oh&ws stage lino.. Louves Oshawa et 5 a M sud 2 p Mo, ud Whitby et 10 a m end 4 p m. Mas. M. J. L. Bumauoe,daler iu Mel linery and mantIes. .Dressmaklng, etc., iu connection, Slmoo siroot. OsEAw Dne Som-L J Max »it dispos- sing ohemist. Pull lns of pure -dingsud oheniloals always on han&. Io moUEPH Ca 'mmo, lUfSbZOt di u., cr- niages, carts, wagons, and a&U kinda ai ont- tersn4d slegho, .pann poa1 joxy Btu»E, piatiez sud dacarelor. Dernl- er in wafl pape 041#ei gdooratlaUs, palins, ou, Varnanes, bithheal wln<iow shades, etc. jAim SPaLLoW dMmieî ln sIoveai4uruaoeu tinvare, le. large stockek Pp$ ousteitly on baud. lo bbag a Peewtl1y. BlmSooo stred aiSi, DB. P*rmum. ID Ooh21ug'i 0:ft*14:Ë0 'in thebeit' »mU, OolurnbÏw Rga.Woodyd Ë b.nonnPUi» Some of thc yoting mes af taie town are makfng prepar3itious 10 attend. the carni- val at lhe Oshawa rlsk this (Inlday) even- Lng.1 The school boys have recently organized a football team and are nov open for challenges. D. C. Bowles la captais and jas. H. Scott, secretary. Mis. Wui. Robsan bas been serlous< I elck for tic pat tva veeks. Her .Conz, - tion la lmproviug et the lime of *rlting, aud wc hàpe ta soon hcar of hci recovery. Il la quitelnmlble that the G.T.R. Ca. will buld a new station here this summer. It wlll b. placcd an the opposite aide of- thie track (rusa the spot uow occupled. la addition ta this a new- siding la ta b. put ln. 'reentcirprise desplayed byithe man- agemnt o th CnRmcLEin ecuring such full reports of thc nomination meet- ings in the diffeirent municipalities of tic couuty has been thie subject of favorable comment. rhey say it îsj ust what they expected from the ChRoNIcLE, thought. Mis. John Kerr was not 'gil full jus- tice iu tic publisied prize lsI of tié re- cent winter fair.held at Whitby. Sic se- curcd thîce first prizes on ici poultry ex- hibit, one for best turkey, anc for best pair of turkcys and'onc for - best five tur- keys. There is flot much chance ta im- prove on a record of tiat kind. On Tucsday evening Mr. A. Mills was called ta tie telephoneta receive thc sad intelligence of th e sudden deati of ies sister, Mis. H. P. Johnson, ofloronto. Sic was well known ta many residents of Brookiu, having lived here al ber life until a few years ago. We extend oui sincere sympathy ta the sorrowl.ng friends. 'the Iinperial T~rio. a Royal Temlu re- vival lcam. is ta be icre all nixt weck.: They will sing aItvaw of tic church sici vides on Sunday snd on Monidsy evelling viii hold their fiut meetinglu the Maon. ie han, wvicie thcy viii be- for four fallow. ing nîghts. They carry v*it *eria owerful streopicau sud sho.wa um- bero beatifi viwsoach eveuing,-la addition ta le regular programme. Wu hope eic encralpu'blicwill un>t.wUtl tic membersOf the local council ta ma tbese meetings quite as successfui stlhey have ben in ticpasi A silver coflectgoï wM ib. laken atesci meeting. Witi Reeve Calder sud Deputy-r 1tée Smniti eleéted by icclamation. it 'Was-uot ta be cxpected liaItiahre wouldr k;th sanie excitement lin connectlas wli te voting Pli ]Monday liat tierenamgt qhr wisé -have been. Tieme are ' niiaes-oh te list andtheie. w tsi ________________________________________________ M Town LINZ. rXEi itin .,$çbool re-opened on Tbursday last wlth Rev. Dr. Hare, prncipal of the Ontario in #ttiencance of thurty-nine. Ladies' College. ofi wbitby, àsut lit 85Tue>, Mt e.O'Connor luaun new trustee, day lu town viitlng fis bi otef4aw', MI,. *0w are flot 100 latie, we afier oui con- The town bas declded -ta accept the Or.gaà gr ulatloh to Mr. and Mr». Wm. Bays. Companys offer of *qooo ta -.tee the suit l~ etir ne~bohoodsymathsesnow pendlng bctween %é~m. Of cau*se':tbe MathasMaky etre.T.oC. wi 1 rlese Idis db ell berud family I-I T be funeaisiofiWin. Patterson, took place odcoipes from Grawa, Midi., that Patteiean., of Uxbidge -towuahi.p, s and Yrmnk Btown tel egraph operator. 0 ly beeau &av frorn home tbrm eekels ,wbeà', thfi1 r -af this vldintty, bai tqined the h. î met bis deatb. lHe wus wolngat a pliée btledkta..callep Ooderbam, tNventy unies riS Kin- W. deiré ta congratulate The CHRomN mount. aud vas a.cctt klllIed .by a fail. Wic,- , &-the handsome addition to ils sub- Ing. tree. He was only 24~ years ai age. ucP$Ubnlisa sd a th sae tni~ta À meeting wlU be held at théè Suzday Cq~lMeut the elftor on bise xcellent Ve ~ar's isse. Tuesday, .Jauary x5th, i87g- st 7:30 p . Tè, P. h er. are ta debate the qes for the purpose of conéide ng tie opéra- tlt,"X.solved that woman's Influence is ting of a cheese factory lu the section. geatertn man'a," on Thursday nigbt. Speakers will- be present*to, exp1ain the t ta probable that delegates will be chosen 'business. Any person desirous of build- ibo ittend the postponded meeting at ing and oeating a factory wiU have an D~roo11n.opportuin t of msking bis offer or tender Mr. nd is.Tho. Mocosbe elera-ta the meieting. 'Thic meeting la ýca1led by Jdr. -ndMrs Ths.Moromb cleba-Andrew S. Mile in vlew of a number iu 1to ee â they odswedifigron Tucssur- ths section having expressed a desire for Iii b. venàg bey ercagreaby ~ sucli a meeting, and tie publice Mc0r- pfeud bya rnumber of their untglboru andd al-ivttaattend. fends-and prescntcd with two bandsome c#lïiro -and a hall stand. Mr. T. C. Os- A business letter datcd Dec. *gt, re-ý b#rnc ou behaîf of those assembled, made ceived from Mr. J. W. Widdifield of lcai,. MôJMoconibe made bni replies. Tic winter there with no snow and eauy c-ippiuy then tpped the light fantastic amount 0of suâshlne. Crapu sat (aU wcre foraÀ.few bouis aller wbîch tbey separ- fair. Oats were very good. Wheattic- , Wtsbing there were mare couples in Principal cro % veage i4il4c4e,.t ff eghoroo12b bd eenwdded tic over 17 ushels jecr arbeiug 44L busbels fram a2U acres. Wheat i15 wort!, he says, 45 cents a bushel. Plax, aver-ý OLAtEMONT. aged 12 buéhels per acre aud u felifo $1.30. A great qnantity of fiax willb. Tbe aptists are carrying on revival ser- sown tUs year. Stock, of aUl kiùds.is low. VI il MI-journal, Jan. zo. M'Caster, Stouffilile, le helping ber ESU b .set rtlÎ*week. iiry's streaI the stationla booming. Master B. McKercer lia" started f«' âî; B idvertise free1yasd as. he achool at Port Pèrr aglutii wek hpct y *tyb sstock I9,.always- Quit. a nniiber of oui ýyoung :peop1e: b, ahdd il r. Heur says bieabauts are lookiug £-;rwarýd.ta aigoed ir t.K eaic5UJO&~i r4aint *l- tîeà ÊJUe5erë Ms Sri lt Lb MVIA. Jin AJ*e eveAAm5 inc aA n 4 wJ.&ý1,@Dm witb lcos-sdoit, ib&h sembled ta icar tli.e tùs read out au d, listen ta lic speechs. 'AU of tbée cawnif-. dates wdre pregàent excpt Mi.;enclr, via reafly,vas up-al a adidate,, baviur, sent lu:ii slgallaâ btiio 1ate tlbe. accepted.Mi ckecansttM. Rogers, wUie s inember oai 18%4 council was also a contractai vitilu :tic lnauing of tic statute, vit Ac cd, - ad tit because of Ibis he wilh-IaveÉ sélection- voided. I uudeirstandlaiM'.ike s already ,taken step nlulusAfiïecfi Mn. Your correpondent 1s not-lwaSt'd lu the law so viii ual venture su ýloPinon, but- otieri wvhc do cdaim ta -Irow seay -that MUn elckie has no a Case. -,Wre soupposé e iiw- ye iihave tb seteil. W.A.H. guyà C4 Ummàbxiý . execuits ai lielate, Etra Plckett- miIPZ bis property Ott FraikiluSt, of.asma boraeugne and $ uds, for-sae on Jan. î9th at -s t04 lThis ia4a finechance for eù7p. Ofa e a quiet,: cosafortible g~Do~woffer. ,a i2às5 taukarilo ELAOKWÂTEZ. Misa Olive Thonipsan vas visifing frienda here. Mrs.- W R. Gladstone and fa.mily are viaiting frienda at Midiand. J)r. Wblte and fapily, of Toronto vas ont fora week fox -buntlng, stppng at wi. W. johnstos's. They put -in a good trne aud lefiftor, home Moday afrernoon. >Mesurs, Beal &.Ston. abipped twa car loads of cattle and bois WedlnesdaY lms. gesr$. Gordon sand Actas sent twc> car '1oMda Tbf nady. .Ail, were for the To- ronto market.. Sevra piou cilznstook lu lb.con- cen t tSunderland undertbie, -auspices of tlïe -St. Mïryfs Chtftm1' bat igit. Misa î1*é LiýI"Kesr 7tligréâ àclIat'of Toron- speak. welofth.ertaoImet. Mi .Grey wos ln ti lltage SupdaY. tMsrd. It is a _ sou. mRo fc comeucedacbaon ieuv~b pra in lhealtbwearseBorry t6 leé,ais M. Huder -iibs; omcùced, ichool agai v t 'veY lr e lniance, so- large'b tcaitbarkUy findseats forthem-al Mkiss Becca Liütntai after sjýedding few day. i b omee rturned- t6 Clai-emont ivb .re àhé is Icarn-lni he dreses Udg e teadir year. Mi. ~4 Mn. J e, Na nu ~ermetigsber. on Suâ vIa oc ji next bioni ing -alle,è municipal gaswastb lu4ist DhaiL 'v. t. lý 600.

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