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Whitby Chronicle, 11 Jan 1895, p. 2

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Bringa oomfort and improvement snd tenda tus persond Onjoyment Whou rightly une&. The many, vito lie beL' ter titan ethersaatd ,njoyltfoeore, vitit loua expenditure, iunore promptly adapting the vend s bout produota tie the needs cf phyaical U4n, viii attod the value te health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraad in the roniedy, Syrup of Figl. [ta excelenoe in due te Its precentlng In the form mMont acceptablIe sud pies- ant to the teste, the refroshjng and tUldy beneflojal proporties of a perfect lax- ative ; effectually cleansing the system,j diàPelling colda, hoadeehes sud foyers and permanently curing constipation. It han givon satisfaction te millions and mot witb the approval of the medicalf Profession, beeSue k scts on the Nid- neya, Liver and Bowels withouit wea.k- oning them and it in perfectly free from every objectionable substatice. Syru p of Fite ie for riaie by aIl drug. giste ini 75c. httU ou, but it ie me.i:- factured by the CaLIforiia Fig Syrnp Ce. only, whose naine in printed on evei-y package, alise the naine, Syritp et Figes, and being well informed, you WR inet aoeept.any subatitute if r-ter,ýd. W. K. Wepd. Almost a HopelIess Case. A Terrible Oough. ]fNenet ]Night ne: Dar. Give uip by Doters. A LIFE SAVED, 131rTAXNG CHERRY' AYERS PECTORAL~ "Beveral yearu ago, I caugbt a severe eold, attendcd wlth a terrible cougli that allewed me no rest, either day or nlght. The doo- tors, alLer worklng over me to the best or theïr ablllty, pronounced my cae hopelese sud laid they could de ne more for mue: A frIend, learuing of my trouble, Met me a bettie ef Âyer'u Cherry Pectoral, whlch 1 began te take, snd very sen 1 wus greatly relleved. By the Lime Ihadl used the uhole bottie, 1vwu eempletely cured. I ha"enever had much of a cougli ince that tlzne, and 1 firmly believe that Ayers Cherry Pectoral sa'ed my llfe."1-W. I. Wàmk% 8 Qulznby aeLovel, Mass.i Aje':CheryPetora MUBIEST WÂDSATUt' FOL Death has agala vlate our Lowa, dur- ing the past week, and retnoved amoter fastilerface f rom oMr miitlatè en of Mr.,,Gee. Manning,had renrbat vho diedi.after aoempratively abc>ti- wuasw- =ope-etei, modable seMmsu was i favorite ith aui bis s-I Bet1"m six-sud seven o'clock on Wed. nesdai wîvng lest, Mr. W. S<oper Who Woides on lits fsr'i noir theB. 0êýLup, east oftthe station, bad te pIm<ormýi bave his ne dsro. ,4 a cblnpuy. ' we learti that Sojer., wbo wass-aick la b.4 ttbti âatâ,,bersosvedacres b..tt. W. ýR. g3ggItW.4tbe.nrei«us1ghbapo »Mer wu, o &r«.th Frank Klrby, etf Belleville coîhege, le 'visitlng friende bere. G. W. Ferrier visîted«,vlth friende lu' Toronto lut meek. Mra, A, B. 4Colline, of Parkrdale, vleîted ber parents hast veek. Walter Hoover speut bis Christms>e vacation In St. Catharines,. MissMartha, Ferrier, of -Markham, le9 vlsitiug ber parents,,cf tMg place. Mr. sud Mns. P..Robiun ore ,",vielf* their daugbter In Rlsgmod ist veek. It isrumored theeltg beawç.4dl around bere before log Imnder_1 they vii (eorgot Fido. ; ý1 The baptiet choir.- of 'tbht placeattend-, cd~~~~ tealvsaysrices atCberrywood OU Sunday lest. om àî:. -and MnL . G.C. Dolhy, cf otý speut their Christs>avcto fhtt ,atraparents. - j.M. P'enser, of this place, .*thsuft vo wek for Now York, -vbore hoie.atendptp i5n mmretbàoegbly the- true vord4 cf God4- John il,::gay ub#we bgesly -'- .1 .1 Ltwe Mavyor lThoiàson iné~d Etioch NXânglak'um& 8i sud ostï 'or -betai druù-ud dIgorderý,. Thie Indian,'wre A.htthê llq=t r bd been proculed fe4 hlm ay anati'h ose, name he dld flot know. WtÙ», Muttingiey *aase soýbrought befere Hia Wàrship ïs a remilt ef a Christms 4poréO,- duriag whtch he tli-treated.hie irife. Thï iseoner faiiing te flnd two surettes of $00each, for keeptng the peace, the Mayor sent hini to gaol for three menthe. The Provincial Board ef Health hasis- sued a circular giving instructions for us- ing diphthcrla anti-toxine, the remedy for and preventive ef diphtheria. It la al- rcady uscd quite extenalvely ln this pro- vince, snd 19 provlng most effective. For this reason the Provincial Board ie nupiY* ing It et as cbeap a rate as poil. Ati-tokine is Injected subcutaneeusly in the lateral part of the abdomen. A small amnount 18 . Sufficlent te render imumune anyone ln danger et contrac:ting thedWs ease. Wc have net heard ef Its being uscd by the physiclans ef Orilia. in Ibis conuection the following cablegrate te a New York paper will heof tIntereat,«Dir. Berblng, dincoverer of the anti-toxine re- medy, is te be decorated with the cross et the leglen ef bonour in tbc New Year's list, and Paris discloses increasqing confi- dcnce that tho pest of dlphtheria hies been' definitely robbed ot ite terrers. Drs. Ber- bing sud Roux declare that et 100,000 cases now on record, there le net a sihigle Instance of the vaccine doing the slightest injury. Within s (ew weoks u.hcy wiiJ be able te furnish scrum to ail appicants, and there will be an end to diphtheria in the French capital. '-Pact. PICKERING. At the ichool meeting in No. 4 East, on Wednesday week, Richard Barrett was elocted trusee. Msny oftbe Masons ef thià Iocality at- tonded the funeral of the laIe Yeoman Gibeon, at Whitby, on Sunday. He was 1buried by the, seciety, and it us said the ceroniony waseoxceedingly impressive. We understand that J. R. Linton has been elected trustee in section NO. 2. A peculiar féaîure efthis section te that sel. dem, if over, a trustee gete the chance of eerving more Ihan three years. The rate- jayers evidently believo ha banding the Rather a lively time was held et the annual echool meeting in school section No. i. Messrs. Wm. McCauslaad and Ed. Baleden were tbe candidates. When the poi closed the former was declsred the victor by one voe. The ealary pro- mised the teacher was the cause of ai the rumpus. Ia returning Mr. McCausiand, howover, the action et the board hae been raîfied by the ratepayers. The annual convention et the South Ontario Sabbath echool association will be held in tbe Methodist churcb, bore, on Thursday and Frlday, Jan. 241h and 2,5th, commencing on the first day at 2 p.M. There wili be five sessions allogoîher, and ae there are some excellent aaddresees te be given and papers read, il le expectod that there vili be a hugh turnout trom ail parts et the ceunty. After reiating the particulars, et the E)ecker-Beattie herse case, the Whitby CHRONICLE Mires the fellowing attempt at holding us up te ridicule: '<An amus- ng feature et the case wae the prominence given te it by the Pickering Newe, vhicbi states that Lt le one et the meet importantj cases ever tried in the ceuaîy lova. Peo-j ple always fancy thoir little neighboriag scrapes are meet impertanit laweuits ever held." The Pickering News said ne snch bing, and in order te se undorstand our1 remarkrs, one weuld require te bave a very1 listorted ides et the Queen'n Engisb. We9 aid that if the malter vas taken te court: it weuld be one ot the mont intcrestiag,1 [lot important, cases ever taken Le the1 County town. Interestiug te the public,i because it vould settie aIl disputes as te 1 th validiîy et a lien note ; huîoresting te be lea ratcrniîy, as there'vould be cou- idera litigatien before the case wonld e fiall eetled; su laîlyil ouidfur DEAFIES* ing a reaily genuine Cure for Deafuess, Singing ini Earsr &o., no matter how 8OVer8 or iong- standing, wili ha sent post free-.Artifi- cial Bar-drums and uinilar appliances entirely superseded. Address THOS. KEMPE, VICTORIA OHAMBEB8, 8ontb- hamptn Building, Holborn, London. The flwen Iectîic Beit A"&DAPIPLIÂNCES FOR MEN AND WOMRN outrageons. Thne captaia couia nor cedo CeoU victerueus in a foot race for $.5 a anytbing vith tbem, and they did mnch as side, wiîh some mnore sports et the tovu. they pieased. Ater loaving the barracks,- the gangproceeded te disturb tue inhâbit. ats efthIe meet end. The participatersi ALL MEN may bave thought it vas smart, sud a Young, eld or middle aged, who fiad them- good vay te commence the nov yeair, but Iselves, aerveusl, veak aad exhausted, vho ln tbis tbey are sadly deluded, s thereI are brekes dois (from excesei or evervork, lu an old sying thatiIf a mas morks the resulting lu many efthe foiloming symp firet day et the year ho viii verk the on- toms; Mental depurssion, prematureo o I tire year. sud vo migbt apply the same age, Ioset vitaiity, lees of memery, bad ihen a mati gets drunk os the firet day etf dresses, dimneset sighî, palpitation of the year. They ebould bave becs served the beart, cmissieus, iack ef energy, pain nimiisr te some young bloc4s ln Meatord ln tuve kiducys, headaches, pimples ou the vbe got intoxicated Christmas ove a (sfce sud body, itcbing or peculiar sensa- more permitted.te npead their Christmas lies about the scrotum, wasting et the in the coop.-Times. erçans, dizziness, specks beforo the eyes, PROSPECT. Lvitching et the muscles. eyeiids sud else- annui Xms exrciss etthe > vere, bubtuiesedeposits lu the urine, The ana mShexoras bes f hePr-loàs of viii Poveouenes thescl spect SuadaySChoo, a edona sud pino v eaksdeiÎsothscl nesday et lust weck. The programme vas ad. 5 wa adfiabby muscles, do- as usual, oeeoe higb clase and vell render- sire te sloepý, tailure te be rested by sleep, cd. The siaglag ofthe echool mas g<g><,- constipation,. duluess of hearing, loe ofI buttuemon peasag exureet h9 'ro4t ,desîre for solitude, excltability et gramme, mas the brilliant snd effective,,- r uae ys,îrouddvt castata, entitled,! 'The crum o cf Xmae" LEADEN CIaCLBS, oiiy-booking skia, etc., given lu a meet becosig manner, aealbypouse evosdbiiyta about tbirly of tbe boys snd -girlsa oheo beadto lasanlty unlescured. The spring school. Afts.r te13n'Êamp- Ar, r vital -force hyntm ie tensin aierv oz ye 't pu Di i 9., Wilsn of Ctr saàbssuut. )Ur sehool se suêeessfis113v--hiNjatîfou- cears, m as cafledforward, sud ýprescalteld vltu a diameand. ring, anud an address, iviu expreulsio-' ethe ;endoarunea wbîcbg bas greva belvieen -ber and 'ber The tramps are around yet., An old tilov named Welch was around. bore hast veek On bis way,-as hoe aid ýte .I lavidson, ex-M.Pl., te Balsas>. The 5ev church et Bunrkton vwas opened ast Sabbaîh, vith an immense'attend- Mr. Robert Baltour, of Dundar, vas visiting ai J. Stark's lu1t 1meek. Mr. R. Pascoe -bas ý.purchased,.tue fers> frmerly owned by J. OLeary auJeing lis own. Tt le lu e a -d cnditioniu r Pasco. la a goed (ý-armeraidlma ike a good fars> of iL., uv. j. Foraytk bas givea up the fesse of IArot'e farm asud miii work the Mac- donald fers> adioisiug. A neW dsvelling wilýle erec téiicomivgeasion Nidderyýboyýscntdovu ia Irêlaet ivee sud la it vere. three raccos, Of *hlchh tvo ver, capture&. suce,- = OÙ n petaety -ëed nd yonr adresesu rc in stampe for bok on-diseases pecutiar te man, sent-seaied. Addre"s- M. V. LUBO-, '241 Macdoneli Ave., Teronto, Ont.,ý Canada. Cure Mauy Diseases Wheu aun otIter aet b A wlde-prei habit. tD. Ând ose. which we ae" arlal, have,. in of gia- A ,g nedine& Car ipg ý dviçs. The muet' of us, place e high 18 eUedto lu. bat vaie n or msopiio, ometime correct- rouit o e n' ie de'Ïmi ly se lit other titus thib .opinions, are vertu iiray requfre, sud le a ne mmr thusn dueîîveeour neighboras place of tue vearer et aUI onet, a pse~ huh Wbicbéw. urly -,ûr làt aU hbold sud wbiob indoubîediy eQuasns a, OYflut' reêquire ssa ledficine Ieoseiat nature lu the our f Âcne Obr0 reiooval of alli hpori$lee froIwa the blood. -=atotmnil It là shmpiy a question of vbet lu Lbhbt? vi.t*hoha-ve beenbû a Oùr localn d rutjWea coneidé eseljay's Boita fin& 4Applii2ices Liver Lozeugesa e-bést reÎnody for Lhis- -anuaU Purposend fr) Mstouls i ouay ~qan igues f o r ' i l i o s t o u b l s , i W (m s s e d t o n y a d d r e e Imipe by the i. îtkboy are layîng in, Wer î4ë notice thes>. piled np W ths store of M2 .. .pSae H IL [olov a suMr. J,. E. Wil'ia tee la ý wl- mtpplled: ýAs cite- min wuc nsed thouure. 'X gLOTDICI BEt uA Are sapbeaoisn't te teks." One o 0 et~ 2Kn et o!o2uý-oJ.*.e- Toue up Lte and 1%e store J)1 MARK.) A. OWEN. rreut o! Eleecity toery on the Boit, sud eau, ut o tetL. dyi The' our- id or stronâasthe cý-ase absoiutelYndecoro 0ir foot hardwood selle et *45 per Messrs, Rose snd fHowden have leased Ii IIh* v cOýtheir inlii property te a Mr. Christie for aà te d n ft e M td s ,S S . t t t eé an. taken possession of the m li. ' k i nuai eleetion of officers last week; AiU Aogtesc reW .Teusn other efficers were re.elecîed. Jas Douch- sud Mr. Geo. Ormîstea. Isaac Watson, a herse buyer, was %t the The Inspecter of pont offices- droppedVS M. I LL Bascom houe lait Friday aud Monday. dows bre very suddenly on Saturday w . T L Ho get 'a toi good animals.- Another last, as if ho flou from the- clouds, te wcigh buyer vas bore this week for Grand oft the Pi. M. here lu j ý:st balances, but found Underta ker, Cabinet. Makes, New York. Prices were about 87o. soîhing wanting. Hoe disappeared lnaa We regret te learn this week of the moment, leavig a halo et glory round Uphoister, deetb et Mr. geadd y Black, son ef Dr. F. and about where ho feul. Black, whose deunise occurred la Chicago T[ho aanivernary sermons delivorod by And dealer ln Furniture of ail kînds. on Frîday tsf lest week. The doceascd IRevs. J. B. McLaren aud T. W. Leggott, Young mas vas weil kneis and higly ri- on Sunday lest la Ibis place, were excel- spected by mauy residenseof Uxbrtdge, lent.Th usrb eg t aW S and ail milfregret te iearn et hie nudden iThe Myrtle sud Raglan football teame Tha h usoi e e e b un oi deatb. The romains more lnterred iri the played a fredygame et football on New thaeol tahdegan ospned busiessina Stou Vilj ce eter on ond y. Y arsday at Ihis place, resulîlng lu three cheice, stylish and com plote stock of Messrs. Wlddlfield & DikOe have added goals le fotie for Raglan. another nursery pond te their v4luabie1 Mr. Ricb. Grise, jr., rie oe ru fish preservos at Sileaun. They daim I Bitie elmîso N ar ove , lle r N V F T bas net a superlor hn the province. The Brtis Clumbhtipao e'eaof some ve, or N WsixIT R coming npring vii sée s further addition yas. Rîinch. le ofasaorsd ea ry s0 vrydsrptowhc iiosl Of 300,000 fry te the Siloauu waters and la er.Rc.lok shl ndhat sO every ecitowihwl esl the faIl they expect te be lu a position te I ab a smalbmargin on ceat. oeili yousg flsh for slocking purposes1 Jas. Rose bas returned trom Western Anotiier bale of those oelebratedl Mixedj Tb% o i ntend seling fisbîsg permute Ontaruo, wbere ho bas been spending bisMaress$.,wot $.8e oe for e seasn et 8gs. W e beltve heir 1 Xmas. MTptr y o 0 .,wrCa t h o . g es e t e eaterpriseêwhl be rovarded by a gouerous 1j aetr rCrpetLugsa0, oh respoase from the ardent anglers et To- EE.OUGEAU. '8. Herdwood Sideboards, 14x24 glass, for ronle clîy, Uxbridge and other levas. mies Lydia snd Emma Lîttiejohn, are #8,50, woith $1L2. Hgow ho vas kiled - pendini their Newr Vears at home. U d r ag Ou utelast veek as te the Idcntity Norman Peucher bas toîurned te the U d ram I g of Timothy Kane, vhe mas murdered ia citY.I Michigan, proves te bave becs correct. Mrs. Gerov and Stanley retutuoed home ~full stock of Ooffns" Ho tormerly lived ia Uxbridge. His lest Saturday, after epending a week la and asekée, and a First- body was identified by bis brother John, the cuîy, vith friends. et Toronto, and brought te the city for la- M termeut, the t uneral taking place on Mes- siss Gertie James le visiting vithbabr lass. Hears3e.' day of Ibis week te St. Micael's ceme- sitru iu the ciîy.I tory. ýDeceased vas net' a drlnktng man . Mr. W. Gammiage, of Scarboro, le visit- w t rL E and the report that ho vas killed hna i ng at Jesphe Burks. bar-room le deuied by bis triendu, iho Mr. C. Coleman , of Toronto, lu visiîing Whitby, Oct. 12, 1893. say that the dispute arSe over a psy with bis saut, Mrs. S. H. Stevenson. 1 shoot betveen the deceased, vho van a Mr. James Beattie, er.. le eick. camp toreman, sud a shantyman. The1 Miss Hattie Meegrove leshck witb lcer- Fr o ae tuneral took place from the resideuce etf ated throat, se aIse le Belfred Wagoner. Fr o ae bis sister. Mrs. James Allen, 14 Brant St., Ms ineAlvyl iiigvt e ~Ars o o 0 r oTwsi Toronto.-Journal. Ms ineAlwyl iiigwt e , ceLtN.3,3dCnTwsi RoWrdiesa: a vatoliMeeting. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John McIn- of Whitby; 2 miles frote Wbitby; saine v atcb-aigbt service vas held hn the lyr.SmsnWb known as the Lynde hemestead. Soil second salvatio army bSampeono Webbayvisited viîh (rieuds to noue, iha a first class etete ot culîlvation. sih.Abvation army a rackson ohnayn Bougham Monday. Good fonces ; watered by live sîream across tered the barracks aad started te creato a There vas quito a iiveiy lime at the one corner zoo-yards from a fine Clone bouse ; frame stable snd driving shed; aise trame disturbancre. They veto ssked by thei taillershop on Nov Year's ovening. vhen 'bouse snd abundance et fruit et ail kiads. captain loeitehbr bobave themselvea. or get IOur iorthy Mayer vas vhry jubilant over For particulars apply te eut, bu'thtey silîl coutinued te be-unruiy bis electios, vhicb vas by- acclamation. anusdlagagthtvaosltlvely ,Dancing vas the main feature. He aie T1ul, 24th 4. nithe I. LYNDE, THSE Oeftala tu Its effectia ad never biltos KEMDLýýl- SA-i 01111 "IuE.ý U "X eJan. 1ffUGL or saeb-i I i Vi 4- y i. ~'1~> Os34W14 ont Pains in- the Joints Caused by Unflammatory sweling A Perfect Cure by NMood's Sarsa- "It affords me much lvlâfl eto reeOMMend HEood's S apai,111a. M yso w asaihltsd wlth great pain ln the joints, accompanled with swelling 50 bad that ho could net get up stair te bcd wlthout crawflng on bands and knees. I Was Very aulious abouit hlm, and halng read 50 much- about Hod's Sarûparfa, I dtr milned to try 1t, and got a baif-dozen botties, four ef whlch entfrelycued hlm." Mme. a. A. LÂKEI Osbawa, Ontarie. N. B. Be Sure te get Hfood's Sarsaparllla Hood's Pins set eaally, yet promptly ad efficlentlY, On tha llver and bowela. 2&-9 e4l) l

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