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Whitby Chronicle, 11 Jan 1895, p. 3

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pose foramomuî taL od'could not 4F and thaî he la unwlilog tto sflt rnudnïd, yet ho dores It te tu rtiier-Hie plan. Amlék- 'tios draw the Christian' nmater Christ, and leads titose wboare flot of ti îhe foito H lm' for, MerCy.,- New If arnlictions are of the; 4evil would he use thets wheà Mt'tis Islieý reant, Besldés flth la not alwaya the cause of contagions.,diseases and teo, bey God'a commands we mnuaI be neg¶listnt <pi 'be aya <'visit thealck and bury ehidead." It la iegligence to obey eîther command if ltoie who are iii or deaie aie atrickon wlth tite plague Therefore if *wc obe 'It and are sîrlcken wltb the plague 1< GQd cloal wîlli to ay lup<m us --anid we are bouüd to obey ilbLetwitatftmany there 15 tno *,Ir, ite ýcom naiid, hope for beaven after death. g - u te plague le of the dcvil theîë-a"1o- noa- on the Observer çwr di 4d ngxtlake It, that la, <'His Satanie Majcly always týkes care of his ow n. " W1oCUI FAKF )IL ie Joints ifiam matory ng I odsSarsa- &sure t-recmmvi( onI Waxi Nti I I 1 ac'ompanilei I 'lh Aid not t ii ý.t.m hawAls an I krAeea. I Im, and havlng read iCures uSmparllia, 1 deter- t haIf-dozen bottles. dl hlm."l Mit. G. A. 0's Sarsaparîlia. y, yet promptiy and bowels. 25c. AUDEY.tien aeot Barker for trespassinir. At tte There weie quite a oumber from this se- trial r.u Lennex, who actesi for Baiker, tion attended the dairy meetings last week. argued. firsi that Strothers couid net deprive a They spolie cf them as bcing of great use le man frein golng upon his place for te pur- ttc farrning community. We tope much pose cf doing an tenest legitijnate business, good mray resuit therefront, and place titis and secondly admitting tbat Ãœhe' ceuid, tic fact part et thecocuntry -te the front lu that line. of Bàrker baving beard that Mr. Strothers On the 26tb uit., Mr. Win, Bays, and Miss wanted a steve, justified hum in eutering upon Webb cftheTovaUne vee quetl untedthe premises, and did away with any action inbb marriae Towe happy co u iier sniefor rspass %bat Mr.' Strotters utherwise in arrage Te hppycoulewil fo sonemight have tad-tbat in fact the salesman limne occupy the brick dweling on Mr. Bailey's honestly believing that Sîrters wanted a farn te lte east ef us. May they have a steve, and that te cculd sl 'le, gave hum a prosperous voyage together. perfect righîte enter thereupen. The magie- The clover thresters bave becu busily en- trates, however. held that the action was a gaged in these parts for the last few wetacs. trespass, tougb at thc saine dîne, we under- Ttc yieid bas net becs on par with maoy for, stand, ttey expressed ttemselves at net being mer yeaîrs. Flevever, there seems te be a at ail clear on ttc point. Mr. Lenoox tas thankful spirit that it is net verse. given notice of appeal. and ttc Wrougtt Ires Tte Salvatien Army gave an intercsting Range Co'y., wto are an incorporated coin- meeting in ttec cturct last week Ttc night pany whos3e bead office is at ttc city cf To- vas very stormy conseque ntly rnany did oct rente, are determined te figiti ttc issue attend. Corne again. througb every ceurt in eider te ascertain their Mr. R. Hlopper in cteppîng grain for the ights vitb vhem they do business. Thc ac farmrs erenow.He hares 8 pe da tien viii belwateted with great interest.-Tri- farershemno. H chrga S pe dy bune, andi chopa bushele. Titis i a far better plan~G tau grisfing. SOP . Thc annuel meeting cf the Sabbatb actool An explosion occurrcd in ttc residence of was hcid iast Frlday evening. i te yeariy re- E. E. Leigt, 68 Lansdown avenue, ycsterday port vas very encouraging stowiiig ttc re- afternoca. that startled the vitele negtbor- ceipta to te over seventy dollars witt expendi- hood and causcd ne little damage to tic pro- tures cf about sixty and number on roll te t, perty of the gentlemen namcd . Durlng ttc 105. Tte follevîng were duly elected as offi- absence of tic family thc pipes leading frein cers fer ttc present year:-Supt., Thos. ttc kitchen range te, the hot water tank had Puckrin; Sec, Miss J. Bell; Lib., Miss E. beceme frezen. On their rcturn a fic was Mayon ; Treas, Ira Lawrence ; Bible dlais startcd, and shortly mter there-vas au expie. teacters, W. Il. Guttnie and J. H. MadilI. sien that Wrecke tcrange, destroyesi a gas Ttc others lu eider arc Miss M. Bray, Miss stove. smashe sewing machine and other MIL Pardon, Miss S. Bray and F. M. Ctap- furniture. blew e ecf tte kitches windows inte mmn, vitit Sadia Bray as organist. space. and sitoo te neigtboring houm. Mr. Our native village of Audlcy was one turne a L.eigh vas on bis way te ttc kitchen vbes ttc liveiy and flcuristing littie place, but aies i smash eccutrred. and had it tappenesi a momn- like many more good tmig tas dwindled away est later te would have boca seriously injured, te almoat sothisg. fbe eider euler aua re- if flot killed. collect many good lînes, vbes oe could pur. c»AitD à i chase neariy cverything anS also geltteir dasly maL Snce trnes hava changeS there (Crowded mat fast week.) seems to have becs a oiI4pse la business and nov verie left witit a ihrivlng liule c Mrh 1r. Walder, ot-Proe4 spent Sunday and biackumitt stop only. Since ttc new witt friendiccdî t và ri. ypar tes cerne uiponusm. tepest office tes Mr. T. Conaul and fgsilly are vlaitlng disappearesi and nov ttc people are flnding hie sister, Mis. Caldwell, of Belleville. lte serions loss. Heretofore, thc mail ai- Miss M. McCartty and Miss B. Garry, rived btt vays for six days in ttc vcek, now cf Newcastle, have becs vimiting firiendm mn these taking a daily paper are itter cempel. Oshawa and Cedar Dale, during last led te go a long distance or stop ttc subscnip. ve-i tien. Ttc local papers will sooner or later we. fnd the loss as rnaoy aiready bave stated that Mr. T. Wallon, cf Pariry Sound. la the ttey vAl immrndiateiy discontinue takîng tbem guest cf R. Mothersili. as the news le old befere they are read. lu Mr. A. Stapleton, G.T.R. telegrapher.ai looking inte ttc aflair we go back te ttecaCusé River Beandette, is home vitit his parents of its closing, and find that ttc Govermnict for a ft-v daym. gives an annuai grant cf $3o, andi neariy as Il la rumored, some of oui fair one vilI muct more is made up bti subiription. Ac- ere long taire up residence inWelr cording as thse limes got harder ttc posîmas- ter demandedan increase of salary, untîlibead. Ontario. quarters sent oiders tat unies securlîy vas Sente pertoir or permons unknewn, fguamanteed for Ibis year everyting la ttc mail broke imte jas. Brodie's shoe stop 4UÈ ilne muet te sent per regialered letter to To- carried cf a good suppiy of boots forti rente. Af terttce business vas vound up, Mr. vinter. Lynde mvw bis mistake and donc mlin Ubits Miss Mary Wilson la homne under t' poer te recever il, but so fat bas solt met parental rooffoa epys> wihmuch encouragmnt. Althoug& he fooaff-a~a fice diS sot yleld a=ft salary It tUS andi veuld ~ AaAT do oeuch tovardi helplag lte ases iniiloste, The Standard CerreapondeUtti attacl Tiere wlll te a movement on foot secs to on oui posumater la quite aI uarianc have aoother stsrtcd, as lte people S wit t fsct, anS thc stalcuient tialttc PiCO tha pivîeg, sd e bx vet om u wb %Ilprecter hli eporteS lu faYot cf ils cou bas ormrly ot ail em ill oméforwrd lesîlon la net borne eui t aIall. ic flc*a vltb te Seteriflfatiel thaste voftty pet- tisaIlte StandardCcrrespoitdcitt tieS t son yul te calleS postueter la oui ville. end a narcel cf olntred 'm!atr fto.r les Hem is goodsews for the Qwam of sieep. A new proceseof wyod vashng inventeS by a Cosstct iluexpected te add fient s te xc cetteà aponudtouýte value ofwàeL WOecil ooue4tow -me »per cent of utclmaed ,yoo Titis leiow eoUey tet, but the iiew iOes vii sa". lu, Ttc 011ilý.a vmuble laminn ol ffltU p and otite ppaalorms.aid là, woi Wor60e ents a poitisi Zvidently te pffis or poin ienteredi Getorge Stewat'a dwellwg Am=er a few vïei. ug ans rifleS tiipoëcoets of ailte mmeq noes Qccoopan$ang the M mt-t, Riaitbý fitsk boys iSa biS. Mos. !thi. utilS. 1 *ÃŽ(eweM ' is «à tr6 1 I aiiid fa used etsuicli. ThÈe lJog sIewer plants than anY other haro-'feeding enimal. ,la n v ro sanim ale Icý m p idu eý nier.an t<oyoungsata bi b-1 ..I ny tropical counries Lt.h sor Pion grows to the lengtif a footi Theeggs.of te cropOdile are maol Iàarg anr tho hose cf t1e goose. Tii. sttougest maule -in a Y_0 'body is foundin blisi prehensi1e hall.ý,« CeoWin parts of ýthe hippopotamus' bide attain a thioknus.Of t ion ches. The- akin is th~e only part of -t4i human body that is not hardened by age. 1Moleus uim vithtgreat dexterity, thoir forepawis aCing as paddles. The. swordfish does flot -use its ter- ers the announcemelit of a grand concýrtj Stiidentacf mature. làve -neyer been lhat wss to be given at Sonya undrer lth betoepant.caeeon 9' hne auspices of -the Sons of Scotiand andabet xlithcaeooacan. when I had read over the names o? tlose of colos,. who were to take part, and itad aloo heard The. greatest- velocity attained by s- a littie of the preparations that were belug whale when struck by a harpqon is made 1 adY'iI go and ace." I wenl CX- nine miles an hour. pectlng to have a good time but was b#p- puly disappointed, I had more tban a g cd Tuaks of the, mammotit have, been time, 'twas simpiy rouaing. Wben I got found of a leng*i of nine feet, meamur- there the bail was fuil, yes, it was just ed along the curve. paciced cand m any had to go away. -The Tentrllt fa lpatl chair was occupied by thte Rev. A. Curry. Tentalifofn lpa s .A., wbo deiightecl evcrybody wlth bis said to' b. 120 years. It fa greatly remarks and the manner in which'he shortened'by captivity. cunducted the entertainimeflt. The fist Sente naturalistesmay that the whale selectien was. by tbe McDonaid orchestraw onealdaimltt oketh asaisted by Pollard and McGuire, wliciiwh oc adaia htto eLt was mc enchanting that had it not been, for water for safety. tbe-way they were crowded together they Elephanta annoyed by flics have of- would surely ail have danced, Next ten been known to break off a branch came Burns witb some gran' Scotch- gongs and use it as a fan. which was well rendered and recelved. John you never donc better which is say- Ozen and sheep are believed by some ing a gocd dceal. Everybody says cqme stookmen te fatten better in company again. Next came Piper Sutberl 'nd: titan when kept alone. Burns, Ross, and Mathison, cf Whitby and Piper Munoe, of the 48tth Iighl nd . Tiie bones of very aged persona are ers, Toronto, al l Scotch costumes, end said to have a gteater proportion of they pipcd and danced the Scotch datices lime titan toe. of Young people. tili the audience went wiid wlth delighl. The rhiniocerom a.a a perfect passion As for ttc singing of Miss DeGeere, of 1 (J r wloigi h uadi iul bridge, I cannot venture a crîticism. but fraloignthmudadisma- judging by the apf)-reciation of the audi- Ily covered with a Lhick coat of it. ence ste Kens a' abeet il, as aise wasi the The 'mole in an excellent civil en- dancing of jack '0 Tar, by Master Alexan- f. e.ý]eawy ue i w der, of Toronto. Mr. Wllson's songs vee.Heaigss saer hi. o made lots f (un for the! boys, but withttcA aftyby aigmvrletacs exception cf one tbey were quife eut of hi. 'dwrlling. place. Dr. Wylie, grand medical exant- Tii. lowest order o0f animal Ul. la I uer for the order gave a short addrcs, found in. the microscopie jellyfisit. It Thc singiflg of Auld Lang Syne by Burnsa: - -iply a minUte drop of, gelatinous and Misa DeGeere was go well- given that em ya a number cf thc auid Scotcbmen could motter. scarce refrain the tear. Thc aiulglug of R[any bitd. have the. triekoÃ"f tumb- God sàve thte Queen by te audience j ing ilngon the. ground ahead- of a brought the mcml enjoyabe -concert everI a portsma itu eider to draw uiaway given in titis section te a close, and the' ei esa Giencaru Camp niayý feel proud of their ri*Qe 8t' first gathcring. Proceeds upwards of $i00. pioimrîug»rn.~o.~. the po 'e tdisease-kiling, lias inlte Mlton etprovlng. atasi, dest;r>ts Thecsiltinga of the seconddivison weteld t euaedy, whteltwt1 dotitstheut hàvm le at Brougham on. Friday, the 41hitée at.,H. b th u«Mhos' of the bodly. Radani's Hon. judge Dartuell prcsiding. Tlb agol MicroLble Upbas abusdautly proven that, gentlemen prescnlwere: Theo. A. "Mt ili listbi loq tgbt for ýop1.Try 1h. vrv Wlâbv - VF. te.TÃ"onole Mr. W0. R. Uoivie amt for o=cped livwileday. G. Gerov vsW. Cowle-ludgmeo tfor. '>e John Besse vu J. Turner. judgmenýflfef~~ T. Â.. MeGilUft"ay fr -pIlu, F. Dnc à C.4 J.Brodis vuS#uMn MEu anS. Pecher- ho esui gatisitee. À-,djeurned te chaber& Deùtlorillpu ferpl~, .cOilivayfor dedt.stn Hopàjper.,vu. Susan BUis ad,,T. Cester mül- Th shcc.' Adjournei. Deut forifThe yDen" forr ef. voit .WBrdlv. . lis anS T.P P< wirt anS W.>Scottoganité&& e. -Adjourued. Bent- $.0 Lcy foi pIff., IcGihliray fer def t. i JsndD. MeNabi vs ý. SBis anST. méat for, plaItli McGQllvray lfor plt, lt prw Dentoit ormentt fo paitfs Mlltfor .p '- i tA s postage lau the regulatlii prmii, d of course thte P.M. welgled4tn4 demnnd cd that more stanls t rs<1 ýAU'OheO oficu guide, but neither woulddo .o, and bot uWjSre uultlutg lanzguto hlm. Happy new evYai 0t i.C .OtK< thb utayne iw sshbotiIirel., Hiotu for holldays-W. 'Ë. À tomg# L^s . Do !4hL ritanid L. FllW. f.. t t castortàié iflr. Samuel Ptc~ 0p ethert2-.XMSotlê subetauce. Itlà: Mwe»naof Mothem. Catorta, lem a"d bowels, lvng1eatI u leSt. J >pWare t.. t Ulss id -Te,~ Adicurned or defî. s aud, M.,Gi rfor plaWntift,-, 1L RF//FoY BEAST. nc, or flsters. N. N Y. an. 15, 894. r f '. fý th s' ame< hors. W 1 got $120 for using Cure, W. S. MA1<SIDE< , Mi 31IDe,*1, 8 idtil's Spevin Cure 4 ibn r w homs and 58, or addres, L comp.4NY, IS, vy NN ESSS )ACtIEp IF» LU VER IGESTION. o~sMFJ Co.La voua Iebhtv nhoof. ResUrte )ua, ]uxecasuve ~Muieans of self' fo er , ctred dly cnidefiii Toroatc, ont. !6 L or cedb 's VtaJL Cu ai, Umm

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