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Whitby Chronicle, 11 Jan 1895, p. 4

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-l thywl aèto -i mch s4fM.p o e nt miwatd mtctn~~e unl mîial ifaaibe field will be _êutnts euge#eof a'b.lf bat Ofi ~& O~'rftothe egI.nùtw9h- AMp*dts he *rdystem il ha returnedioWo spou tient citizeosto, rua, for 0ce, and th#1115 Ift*<* la, WUV " l th woM <> * ui ecorage suùch fls charges. As 1Mi «Z, mayon fo 89s.he will ry w ,serve teI-ete«habem OfliIdm%M w1t the. h.al.hflil teIreste of t.th olva. , Rébas npresent lW. côiry,. t' ow Tia~ j 1y'iîiri thtona1e ~ragain beag'a çaaidate 10f £ 0 ejheV" '~the puffsu lagredimits. W. münldpal bonors in thia town. t' une pure Crsém TarWr and. Mr. both tbose who sup I 'Tia the people%5 w~il. ta aigSd i akn ?ted hlm and those who voted againet aepet jry vn ofra Bâu $ ainmimn -W er timayoralty. H. has a letter Honoreaepet erl vn ofra 1111' mi I tics that it la better for -hlm to be defeated. The fly-sbeet publlshed on Saturday nlghtý The centre ward made a bad showing was a diagrace. 19 glad te know tbat the for A. M. Rosa as deputy. ' Tha ow, <>tai of the. council ring of 1894 (A. M. Rosa) tlaoe-ddwrweethsai*ai Ta Aluni, Amnionia, UO balébeen broken off. Hopes -another sec- Imlbaoe-led f w oaidwerete ii- Alm mois o u.tion wlU b.emashcd neit year. He ob- ail numedfrnoeai. fi thiag injurieus. W. cpu&z- jected to the prevaillng custom of granting Truste. Hatch it lus. The boys are il ateit tobe the but Wa - a second terte to mayors. fi iag Powder ia the market. Mr. King la thankfail for sucb a large coWlflgt be quite useful of late. Zo.perlb.majority. As to the roorbacb Saturday The first thing the. new council should 26c. Per Mnigbt ik muet have hurt somhe of the can- didates or they wouid sot be bowling, do' la tw let a contract for some snow. Despises a man who will go round the w. s.U have a right to bow to the will of town teling people that ite public mea arethpelan kobyhsti ht ail boodlers, and yet bave not a particleti.epeadwknwbths.meht ' dl g g of evidence to appear in support of such they have a wil-aad a woa't. astatement. Regrets that he wiil have to A couacillorehlp appears to be about Mr. do, E@ WILLISI ~~go tothe council with a man who holdsano em Sot sz.Hcaba hmal place ln anybody's respect, and in w wh e rm Sc ote.He tcaeat tema word nobody bas faith. Has fought six- we unn nta ikt Chem st d Drug ist, teenmunicipal campaigais in Whitby, but Now, rlght at the. start, th ose memibers Chemi8s iDr ggelfirt occasion on which lie bas of couacil who intend to try for contracte Vledical Hall, ever krnown such fiithy andfoindationiesa through their empioyees this year kill find Brook Streeti, - WhltbY. were in a deplorable state. A successful Obey the awtt5 t eia o movement was made to improve thinge,' and succeeded. Now a movemnent je 6e. The CHRONICLE conducted itself BO * ~v ng made to reverse things ; but lu satisfi- satlsfactorliy during the figbt that non. of tir ii u Àwt lé d that to deys vote againat Messrs Rose the succesaful or defeated candidates feit «â j tbk e tro'¶ iJli4IUL and Robson would 6e reveracd if the ji iscumbent upon hlmi to dreususdowa people had a chance to undo it. ___ -___________________ Mr, Long said h. bowed to the wil of at the meeting after the poils closcd. the electors as deleated candidate tor the Four years ago the people of this town FRIDA , JAN llt1895. reeveship. There la a ring la council, and were glad toget mea 1ke A. M. Ross and Mr. King knows it. Mr. King iefPhis W .Rbo otk odadsrihe __________________________own country (Hungary) because he broke Wm.Robsairond take our aid s tgien short No«.the iaw. (Mr. King rose and demanded tilbeafas, ad beorefr ears Lbe a repetîtion of the statemeat.) Mr. L.ong wilbasgatoaytemaan These are tougb days with Tammany in mocified the statement by saying Mr. Mr. Pringie cails the leading members New York. Col Strong, the new mayor, King leit bis country because hie could la weedisg tbcm out or ail the depart- flot keep its iaws. We want Judge Mac- of the council for years the CRRONICLE'S ments; and naming bonest, competent dougali and Mr, Nesbitt of Toronto to ln- children, and says they have been re- men in their places. vestigate tbis town's affaire, and he will fractory. Wei, îhey have been at times, A Scientiat named Professor Beauregard give $5e out oi hie own pockct to have but we mourn for thoseSu ho perished ln the matterq overhauled. (A voice-Put up fight just the samne. The wayward chid of Buenos Ayres, bas been found to have your dougb, jerry. Laughtcr.) Toronto bas the warmest corner linthe parental killed fifteen or twenty of bis friends by gave a franchise to the street railway, and beart. aaking them to dine with hlm and then ls now la, jaîik Mr. Long claimed the w ecm r ct akt h .ivinie theni choiera germs wbich be had achool teachers' raie the country under W ecm r ct akt h ru ice. Hie love of science caused hlm to present iaws, and offéred Mr. King the colincil. We have neyer found but one take the lives of bis frenda, and whea benefit of hie advice for next ycar's coun- fauit in his work, and wifl mention it found out be took poison which he carrlcd cil work. -ee nodrta h a ur gis conceaied-in a bollow tooth, and died it Mr. Pringle said thus bad becs a somne- hrl re ith n ur gie is leaiy roen y bs epeimetatatwbat warm content, and bis majority le his weakneas in future. He neyer feuls to the bacilli of choiera survive heavy frosta. smnali, but bc is gratefuI lil the same. la ve f o an . grat o ny whi h emo sorry aome %napleilsmnt thinga have becsed tin onml htdos' o nbr The deati of severei very promintent snid, but bas donc notbing of this sort bita- Canadian politicians witiin the ast few self, cither new or during the. iastycar in Ail the coal dealers in town excepting years has changed tic acrimony of parti- councili, hoaigb cailed a whelp aad a dog H. B. Taylor are members of couacil, but zanship into treng aympathy, our public Himelan>yis t d embuiler f or thei t may as weli be understood firet as hast men fanding tinat tbcart they are brotlher towpn l oney bt . as d flalubafr tie this year that they will not be ailowed to citizens of Canada. There but remnins of it butthe ow s ouncal, adstong ait their with contracte in their pockets. acifishaes and ambition to prevent themn efforts had been mnade to defeat him. sure fry mw brof contrct es erves ce froin treating eaci Others as respected Docas ot see wby Mr. Kitng says that ifsuefra rdn corctastydi friends. Lest Supdaythie party aews- h oehd ob eete oorw liastlyear. papers received their lesson. The. Globe whelvoe hdff e re A torowtheitn MrRbsnwinwbaeim adc stafffo~dToroho, erc urat andtht upon bis honesty, he ( g* ) e periesce to criticize some of the counciiorsi piref uiding, r wom e ictheie two n auy man losBay he bas defr&ded hi m womd pieh u ld ng, haveb ,lcbed fo thes wckoutof a Imt. It la ItM e h bten con- womd t so bot for hlmu as chairman on tiohu with mor ble ortontahi ee- v.ctcd, and that sentent ods suspend- Isereets. Under the oid ward grant systelu tofore. ed over bita, but It was wrongfully done,I a chairman on streets had $2ooo under bià and the police magistrate who did it bas personai control and could make himnseiÇ, Mayor Kennedy of Toronto has been becs associatcd whh'i bis opponeate in the solid with the shaky voters, but at present elected to a second terta by 45 flajortyfighL 1'«If 1 amn a félon,"1tîaid Ur. Pringie the thing ai works the other way. Ydramaticaliy, "Why a;s I elected today ? ý- which la dividirig bis majority last year by And wby sbould a second charge 6e behd U r. John Smith in bis speech on - M-oI exactly zoo. For years 'past, the gang over tay hcnd without trial?" Mr. fdaY night declared t.iat the aorb4 have so worked tbings arouind the city hall Pringie. then -went at great iength iato-aà eouternd4 aciWLunirçijF< as to bave a franchise tw seli yeariy rhaslo i api ak, h e-_~dsystem. IMr-m11W#ltcoi Ther wasthe tree raiway, the ic igbt, market, by-law, pouad, by-haw, Upho thie CHRONICLE of0ie., wi Therewas he sreetrailay, helte by-laW excmpting fariners, and maâny over tthe towa records and qliow- teleplione. electric ligbt. etc., and Out Of other thinga being. taken up. Fîaiyhy1e $z5,ooo or $2o,ooo spent during th~ ea. tbe salp of these it bas bec niamade pretly took up the finances, but promised, a he was on tic streets cominittce, nztno nq. clear tha- froin e5,0,00to 550,000 per an- speech at some future timne on that ques- of it couatersigacd by the.M -»4s ç num bas bccn-securcd by the City bail tion,, and sat dowa. dcaim that not a cent of it wasc tinter~ sharks. Lest vear Kennedy camne la and Thechcairmau explained that Mraigned. found an aqueduct franchise wantlng. He Pringie was aitoFether wroag tail saying sosîeedbuies s 0 rvetthe oo» Ftbe(are) dasiîe 0 ovit We suggest tint Standing Candidate F.è Manitoba tic Province pays echool heach- a coztract for leus Mien lic yeag o1ciwlU r~ri;ç~v.~z crinstead of the echool sections, and l Dot et as diairnu d tfhe liccas. fiflVitatioP 4Cýathemýthé tbc eg-eth _tâ, Wd when a ncv achool la wsated ina a ewly ClflIhti iaIn, kbctng tbe iiaffl Of 4 4b. banareeiêt of I> bilgeun ,giw actthed part, thercihave to b.e t least heu defeat Im tyear. 4there, ngta ca Ï4 children witin a certain distance of the 1f. NM ishd kune 2,au= I In order to make sure of a Big Reduction in our Winter Stock we have out our figures away down. -. ~. . - ... . . . . .. .... ........ ... . ---- - The people must have Winter Goods while they will be of some use to, them, and we have resolved te settie the question at once by making a great reduction in prices on our well assorted stock of FURS and OVERCOATS. WE QUOTE1ED Misses Grey Lamnb Caps as low as $1.75, regular price. $2.50. Ladies' Seal, Beaver, Persian Lamb and Grey Lamb Muffs at Cost. Goat Robes lower than auction prices. Men's, Youths' and Boys' Overcoats cheaper than ever before known. We have also secured an extra Unbleached Cotton, 40-im. wicie at 7c. per yard. AS K TO SEE C-rD our large size heavy CHENILLE CURTAINS which we will seil until Christmas at only $5.00 per pair. W~Call and be convinced that we are offering genuin.-e Bargains. ÂNDUNWMeH10RsS4eM 0 TII Nil DRY GOODS STORE. tjWA R bT 41*DZ D)uning this month, previons te -Stock Taking, we are prepared te dcean Out Our Stock at greatly re- duced prices. As our stock je wel essorted we are in a position te serve you weil. We itill have a good, selection of Ladies' Manties which we will seil et a.rediiotion of from 25 per cent. to 50 .per cent. diseount. Men's, Youths' ana Boys's Overcoats oit Sacrifice Prices. Seo our Freize Overcoats at 87. 00, sold everywhere lot, $10. TFur g e~ t (Joeto"Youths' Beaver Caps for $2J-M le ;/ -4. ~VHZTBY. F ig 44 117 or . . . Oum Close

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