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Whitby Chronicle, 11 Jan 1895, p. 5

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I it'HITB Y. mll.] A@ ex El ga to bi si i Men's Beavor Caps fl'8 Msson Beaver . 1 Beaver Cap r Ma.de. Men'Ek m 75c. to $1.25. n fui Caps ai eost. osiery, BraCes, ROCK ST.1 ITBY* d one.' Yorkshire Tamwoifth, regiaterei. rom registereti aire and ted stock of Mr. S. Cox- Tht Yforksahire White J.E. Brethour, Burford, string of prizes et the re of this boar being the here. Neither cie b. 6 V. 7, Plcket-ing town- rb of Kinsale. a Robe. AU quite new ondil-m. WiII be mIi aid, or îu lot. T71c» o, uilier purtieularsia , &.-- . Sof Lots 4 and 35, 7th he past 9 yueanccà Hammat forpartIcg. 1 . DOW, SolCitor, Wbitby. i who 'wîsheskOu apros. S your Chrîsq'nas Vrurkiey, 'l romped. with ý" he ohiàd en, and made mèrry with youra friende. You naturàlty wear a be- 9 smile. May you enter the New Yea.r with aheart1 free from care, oomforted ut1 any rate with the idea that b dollars goes as far in buying-a watch at BA.R- NARD'8 asi seven did in the old time. CHA INS, SEALS, 1-O0CKE IS 1 G UA RDS, > KE YS, FRIDÂY, JAN. lle 1895. LOCAL LÂCONIOS. Quiet week after the election School board meets on '*ednesday night. County council meets on Tuesday, the 22fld imt. The rink is running full blast every night now. Woven wire s?ring mattrass only $2.00 at E. J. Johnson s. o stol de -di wi ha ati ati Tl ti 's AI er Pl ci nd w tc h d c Mr. Rechab Tendy, (laIe of Tandy 3ros.. Kingston,), tenon sololat, is soon to b' .isit Whitby. b Woven wine beti-apnings full size, witb a steel cordeti wire ansi handwood framea. E Enly $2, et W. Till's. E Remnember that I am still selling very best coal et 84.90 et shed, 85.25 delvereuÏ t Wcightu guananteeti. H. B. Taylor. Neglected dentiruif, means baldness. i Two applications of Dr. Grentu' Hein- ene. wll thrnnohly cleanse vour scalp. 30 rit 19.3.Jbuns we loa of wod a day 1s about *Il the Dace made ln Canada fr9m 'j1. Mc-, Dr. Grant" ' fHairene 1 gua ratâ t p> falllag hair, and cure dandrugfl A'B ut drtzg gt for It. rie O~1NICLE bas secured a great al of municipal electlon iretUrnal this .k, which wili be found ln conicise form another place. Call at the New Shoe Store and get the eat bargains offered for-one month. -Alt ebest grades at auction prices at M. W. 11linb' New Sboe Store. The Rev. A. Carmen, D.D., general erintendent of the xethodist curch ,l1preach anniversary missionary ser- onu le the Tabernacle next Sunday. Ramsay's entertalement ln the music &l on Friday nigbt was not verv well ,ended, and he was very hoarse, but AI the programme was an excellent one. 'he Sons of Temperance bast a dollar oi vo in the spec. per cent. off for cash ýthe Mamnmoth Parlor shoe Store, Dev. rell'a blockc. Open every nigbt. M. 'l1ins, prop. itron Convention. The Patron convention to nominate i indidate for South Ontario will corne of «Xt Tuesday, Jan. i5th at Brookl. Ieau write every week Several of our cerrespondetits did no vrite this week. We wlsh they woulî nake it a point to write, even il k las bu osend one or two items. cranton CoaL. For the present, 85.25 dellvereti S4.go a iarbor. Special care taken screening an, elivering. There is no better Anthîscit Sal mined than this.Bin algyo rders and secure your coal now. Term ash. Offiice opposite CHRONICLE Whi by Ont. E. R. Blow. [ O.. The following officer of East Star lods Nto. 72 were installeti on Tuesday evenini by D . DS M. Bro. R. H. james, of Os! awa: N G, Bmo C F McGillivray; V4 Bro R R Bird ; R S, Bro W Robson ; P Bro D R Vickers; T, Bro W Wick; V 3ro J Reed; C, Bro R L Huggatd ; R N G, Bro 1Noble; L SNG, BroW As by; R S V G, Bro J E Farewell; L S G, Bro B Madili; R S S, Bro T Rice: L S, Bro W J ury; I G, Bro G Britton : O0 Bro J Pringle ; Chaplain, Bro R S Oke. of~ tht. .6 Pie with sm ut W., , Get Evei oet Ï A n thia W works cheaç and t tarifi to mi buini The eveni rone 8 fall,v citai. be or On y wiUl amoi rThe1 A held )t night d Mrg. It Mr there broq t terre d xmw te M. ir ion 15 cd go& ever ge sti go TI ýh wei G. folio Si cept VIcorl ý sas ;h- E.c v Kni 'sJOB G, Mc] Jan c-ar The annuel meeting of tht South Ontario Cl'>ubs ate Luàbnj ,gricutlîral socleti' anti the Ont. & Du r. fo mae and! Weky vir thibition association wiil b. helt inl the * Empire ta .Jen. 189. chi .wn hall, on Wetinesday, the 16th, et i fo Chroniolo ted Wsly Jel i.M 1,1r. . loet Jau. 1M9. ma Great clearance sale of boots tnd shots. for Chronicie aed Fermer's SRWi ail ;verytbing wlll be sold ti ta greet ber- for 18W& î ýain for 3o tiays. The great sale et the for Chroniolfi, Weekly Globe andi wc [ew Shoe Store from the 8tb of Decemben Fermer'e, Sun for 189. ani othe 8tb of Januari'. Come ail anti gel for Obroniole, Wieklv Globe tht enrgaina. M. W. Collins, east aide Brock Farmer'a Sun and Ladies Jour- de, t-cet, Wbftby. nal for 1595. W 0! saints Church. NoT:-Almoet efl other patirst atme chý Rev. J. S. Brougball will conduct ser- rates. The Chronlole in given freetu1<,the end et Jcets in Ail Saints churcb next Sunday of thbe year ini &Il cases -SamPItcopies sent bo nornîng anti evening. when reijuested. Hi rhe College openeti. The ToroatoGlobe burat ont. The Ontario Ladies' College lu again e The Globe was burut out on Suntiay de hive of activiti' Ibis week. The attend- morniug, a full report of the fine b.ing TI ance will b. ver lange. printed in anoîber columen of Ibis issue. Bi The wbole plant of the great newspaper et Deatlà.was destroyeti, but next morning the deily .5. At Wbiîby, on Thurstiey, Jen. 10, 1895, Globe came to Its subscribers as usuel. p. Erederick, infant son of M r. anti Mrs. Wm. Thet Eire office dûeideti . up Its ample c, Sturgeas, ageti3 mOs. Funenal this eftef- bulild'ng 'wth the Globe ani the two greet. pl goon et 2 o'clock. opentu were prtnted on tht smre preas. Bandel the barber.Many bave enquin-et of us about tht effect F Mn. .1- Bantiel bas moved bis tonsoniel Ibis fine wiil have upon our clubbing with ci pln 0the office just vacatet b y Mr. E. the weekly Globe, anti one wrote to know r. Stheneon, as a telegra ph anti express if we thought the Globe would ever b. nr office. Mr. Bandel will have e more cen- atarteti up again. In answer 10 ail these t tral location now, anti that side of -the we ma *v say thel no deley mey be booketie street wil! be fiLleti up. for et ail, except that probebly for e week L A word about clubbng or two thingu rnay not be eltogether right. Some enemny of ours lu circuletiig a ne. A gennine bouse warming.-b jiort around Oshawa to the effect that the About two hundreti people attentiedt tIi CHRRONICLE has been uhut off fromn club- house warning et the methodist parsonege d bing wîth the Globe. WVe club with either on Wetinesdey eight, anti k turneti ont to the Globe or any othen paper thal eny- b.ea most enjoyabie event. Tht addition body wantu, and lin nneteeri cases ouI of of e large ani'well appointeti kitchen bias twenty out rates are lower than eny body. rendereti the personage fat more habitable Dandruif. anti convenieti anti givea tht place a1 This formi of dîsease la ver p to de. roomy look of comfort. A large anti cons- vlpabout the e of puberl>', o ay b petent cornaittet heti thte fiair in band, veloned utilbt te aeg o may b.andiesssîed Rev. Thos. anti Mis. Mani- posponti nti bewee th egs o thiyning W welcome anti meke thetguestafeel 10 ort' yei5 Illuuaullyaccmpauiei t home. Tht Wbitby orchestra pro-Videti more or lees itchlxlg, anti striouli impairs mseweucaeat h raam tht lustre of the heaito ,remove anti pre- wusicthinwmst aesetanti-taspro there. ven tqlî» Use Dr Graitie e. fresh;nenta wtt-e capital antid tont lit.t Mr. tephti5Ose~ iistsflTht hfeair drew largel>' from aIl demîin- ur. E. Stephenson bashemIasedth te Part Of aitons of the îown, andwas soclally agreat tht 'fuIe blockr foraierl'y ÃŽuleà foran ex- succes- pt-cs office, sud bas moved ielmtelegraph, . Crs u ere Dad express anti ticket selling Plant In there. it wlll b. remembereti thet Iu Novemn- The new location lu Most oonveniently fit-be,17,aM.MryCo omw tdup, anti affords ample rooze for tht e of 7873b, a Ms. marr oc, formilierly, large business Mr. Stephenson cjeson esurofhigwheah.asiit le al hl bins. eopl wll p rle ng ber son-in-law, Mr. Frank Wbeeter, an .mmnd bis new location. Englishmen, formerli' resîdent .la Toronto. The. Ottawa C&ail tl-' Mi. Wheeler was saey (rom bomte st the Oh for wlttr Carniçal et Ottawa- . (>- imeni.sd Whtbei awoke one nlght tafin4' ing dates: «Iiat, ot rtr lug the ti.bouge e fdanmes snd twc mnut sar a8th jecuary, et siogle firat cas fart. eý truckk ont of dooS. O'lie bt and' ki I Aiso chtai> tickets W me ti -u Md'4,oof thè e, ni hased_ th.-otter àa rotlanti, B. ColucibIl4£2!lifolr- ucsidernble distance, rý.wuning to ftnd' b nia, ail U. Statea anti Canedialipointa, boume burnied -almost to the round. -The anywhert,- tveztywhtYt, rail Or o0=0-.body of is. Cron, burnicaalmost ioï- Cal n r write Stophetion. Whitbyop . c0lp 'ons sbqS.UpItkP(o pomte lHatcli Dm5.. choke f <tWO7S, mjea. T til b r aj4gieffl and io 1 0 C moisttSip Unes. Raeias Chbas. P.,,(boodricb, a lad, wbo-wg. a - guarateed d0L rtet somut me Aft.feî an d seteuced guaraitetti - . lu -1W totefive years in tht e pùt0 Thte »c", me«5Int of ti. W. F..S. of4v l.Cc YtehoudrT. the Wbltbyq sIP d ii b. lelti (D.V.) isentee Owus .bsm,,ýtiy " ç ir lu St. Alaïev*'o phutçh, Wt jb, othet WtnplOiWWUt in theqt vàrm c4a -afternSu iand t elgo T ~!nezt. PoSUL4 Il3, onaccéant 0 tbeIltbISt. ue at.r ""=,tng;wml out* aitwltch instittio,*0 boy ou be mdlfesod bhI' Me. auwqS TMorto, weeL.' -T teI a iW=1 ani ie 3 F Cmbsl, *- b1 retçit = tof s00h10 &lud I 10t t» hi' rewnied (rei 1 ttu0bos Iuceit- tad f9bSlivlu - ru onU . .F.Campbll,* rto Mis- Thaipoi 0.é q0iy ece moud walnut psrlor, suite, plush silk plush bnd, for Ss3e worth $u,. tyout' , oigrates,trou or brick s for ýt khde of uto:Vcô, rangos or eq, Ï.mJ clntyre. .ry -pair of, boots, shoea, rubbers, tfocs and long Filt boots wilb. Ptered for a month, M. W. Collina, i1de Brock et., Wh1fby.) report bas been going round town wcek to the effeet that the Maileable :#y Oshawa are to be rebult le a P way unttl after the next election, then the pioprietors will consider the prospects, and decide whether or not naire It ail new. In the meantinie nesa w * ll go on. ere heu not been a more pleasant ing in Wbitby this semao than the spent le the methodist tabernacle las- when Mr. Blakeley gave anl orgait xc- ý.Mr. Blakeley la acknowledged to neý or the fincat organiste ln Canada. MIonday evening next ,aniother recital be , given ln ,the tabernacle, wbee Sg other numbers Mr. Blakeley will at "<The Storm" by special. request. nission 15c., children ioc.. Hoeored De"il very impressive memorial Service was in the inethodist cburcb on Sunday .t for the late Yeoman Gibson. *. Ricard Hfitch'dead. Ir. Richard Hatch Toronto, died re on Tuesday, anâ her body was ,ght bere ycsterday morning and ln- rd in the Union cemetery. ,a& Bargalas. f. Collina, prop. of the Mamnmoth Par- sboe store, Deverell's block: bas deciti- to seli bis large stock ol' boots and )eu at a discoun~t of 15 per cent. Ail )da merked in plain figures. Open cry night. John the Almoner Preceptory. rhe officers of the above preceptory .re elected on Tuesday evernng lest as lws :-E. Sir Knigbt A. M. Rose pre- ptory ; Sir Knight A. G. Hencferson, nst.; Six Knîgbt Charles King, miar- ail ; Sir Knigbt Jno. Wlllis, Sub. Mov. ; Sir Knight Jno. Stenton, Chap.; E. Sit might Philip Taylor, Treas. ; Sir Knighl 9.White, Regiatrgr ; Sir KnÃŽgbt jas. cBrien, Cept. of the Guard; Sir Knight ,mes Nicholson, Guard. rrylng the War into Corea. If the Coreans knew of the maeifolc rtues of the New Williams sewieg oma âne they would teach the Chinese anc ps bow to use the New Williams aewinl achines, and in that peateful occupetiol 1thoughts of the horrora of war, especial 1during these dreadfully hot dog-dayî >uld be given over to sewing socke 2d the meking of ail kinds of clothes fe ie Asiaties. The New Williams lu o eck ready for war at Ed.- Hart's, tlh ïhitby agent. Ladies wishing to pui euse a sewlng machine wlll please Ce nd examine the New Williams at h ouse on Brock street South, ockey Club. The boys of tbe W.C.I. met on Wedne ly lest and orgenizcd a hockey clul bey bave made arrangements wlth M arnea to use the rink on Monday, Wcc lesday andi Friday evenings from 4.30 i.The following officers were clectec etron and patroness. Mr. and Ms.-.S ox ; bon.dires., Mr. W. W. Tamibl 1 )reg., Mi., ogarth ; vice esMxSe FiCampbell ; captain, R. M. Stewar -mmittee, T. P. Hollidey, A. O. Coc ,ne, -f. Hellitt, K. A. Campbell. match with Lindsay or some of the Tora to collegiate institute clubs will be airai ed for soon. Looks llke Christia» Peeeiagi. The members of St. John's -cburcb at 1 bay held a vrestry meeting Tue"sday',unigz )r.'Adarnu' resignation as-iûftiaeÃŽ'sýw den was offered. and, eccepteti, aed M. D. Howden was cbosen for the vacani ila uûderstood- that the chango, la with a'paclfic end in view, a tendit«ng t F3 F.a 8TlE WARTL- COMMENCE TEIR GREAT ANN UAL WINTER -OPF- High CIass Oîess Goods, SALE w~o PU BI1G GOODF3 flOS1, l, ~ I ilbean xceptionôüal &ppozmtnity- for T everyone desiring >first-cla*ss' Goode at prices absolutely les than cObst1 of manufacture. The stock i every department in the house je very large sad unuoually well as- sorted, and very great reductions have been m4e in every de- partment throughout the entire establielment. .WILL .nd botter valmes will h ouffered than Mt any previons sale.... We beg to impresa upon dur manly patrons the savisability of mak- ing their purohises is early as possible as the prices we are now offer- ing new and desireble goodu &at wàl inmure very speedy sales. Peruona3. Giflespie was le town THE EAEHETS. Mr. J, Gainble bas rewoved to- Fort selectiitg Jurors. ErookIa, *Perry. Dr. AI kmati Collingwood, bas becsFe wetacsrn ba 8. os Ms .Sehnotl tJ naciia visltiitgMns. Iouck. Fl - 8. pigweat5cgoe Ms .Sepèigi tl rfa Mr. James Campbell is in Chicago. He wbeat 5oc., harle y 35c. to 40c., oats 37c., position. - was mlissed bere on election day. ameil peassoc., blackeye peau 55c., bIte Mi. Neil Sweetman hem -TetWrDed_ front Messrs. Sebent and Whitney came down peaus5c-, munny peau 55c., buckwbeat the north. from Port Ferry on Monday to vote. 37C., rye 40e., bey 95.5o to 6. Cotiedhors for 8 a fo wsA Mr. H. J. Gould, reeve of Uxbidge, wee Por '.rr. Bryanit. W. Crezer, Gcrow . uit. here Wednesday. It la bard to se y just NoTn.-Te figure given luthe blghest Reeve-W. RIL Hm. yet whether be looks like e Warden or pii e he 6c plgfc os h ~w~cud fee h osa &t.aniMr.W.J Genwo, .f~ 55,, bariey 6 rowed 39c, barley 2 rowed oyster sapper lu ' the:--1towa hall, and c f L. C., retunned on Mlondey xPig kt frorn 00c, iye 35c, ot 9,bekydpa 3,cus h osecpe.A' bigtie - thi bhdesmnny 50e, smnal Soc, buckwbeat 34c, looked for. Mitchell, where they spent hihoda beans $î.oo alsike clover 84.00 to5.z, red m ost enjoyably. rw.s'W to $6.oo, resu seéti 2.5 .rdesk n jas. M Bien public sehool inspeetor as 55C wool 6, ides3 e$4. stepakmns e T ai le town on Thuraday. He reportee3 th$,0e 50,OfIifA8 memb rs f bi fa ily tht were the Pori 4.25 to -$475, turirys 8c to 9, ducks me b r f bs fiy idly B c to 9c, chict qcns S5V W 7c, geese Sc to 6c, ELCTORS OF T ffr TOWN OF WHiTBDY '. . fering from diphterie, rap revrlng. butter îsc, eggs 7c, lrd 3c. cheese me; EN~ETEMN4 e5ita Mr. ame Leler B. A. ofhe iiiti-potatoes 30e, epples per bush So, bard- beartily ti tban,thosewho voedire pgTribune, wis bere lest week vlglting tot 35 W$w0 otwod$5 o#25 smyrank Osiyre Eôx'td.for su. bis parente and the femlly. He la getting od$.ot 35,sl od$.0t .0s aoid fl ertb," hi c7 alo g well, but bas been a litte under the .O Ii W .co llet h etIli a& . u ua ebk W ma e A 9 .duin ti. Our .'v allI 'l weathsxr of late, being troublet i wtbH iges pics eiidfeureeing iithéti ant da ghtr, f t e 55c, goose SO, buckwheat 37c, LYson t uw a M r., A.honor tan beughPe , of thely y un F 0 W -, MvprA. Bgbee sreturneti frosu a visît brey 35c tW aoc; bine eedc white peau Sûr, AP?~E Eoating w oeinNwkoksteo muney anti blecircyct55c, cloverseed 85.- ht to~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~O haothoelNe YokSt Ol5,alaike #3.5o tW 8500, timotbhy $2.oo ryeWitY J!15 185 Wednesday of lest week. Mi. B. is e 38, bey $8.oo,baledhey 10.00, Park $4.50 wortby tmen andi we trust thet le course W $4.7, four $.7o, cgg 17, potatoca Per -GRtAI N <-1OPP1NM , of tlme Our Canada mai' taire as wair a bag oc. -- rplace ln the héart of bimseif sud' famniy as tbey now feel for their native atate. 'WJÃŽ>' Stoneproceés. Grinde sÃ"r' a gif or oseodaperfectly. Custcïtn---wàte&4-I.i '~' Fali wbeat, .57C.- spning wheatp 57c; Of nco ÏWhfb Ï*ù - ction for tue value of medicai atten- ,uey, ix-rowed,, 35cV W 4cë; barley. two. - NÃ".WËI idc.bythe Plaintif Upon the lfamil>rof Irowed, 3ery,4ck;; oats, 26c to a8c;w >,e. g. cçrtin indigent poor living within the de- m e sa ail, eto .m a"tf1 pe, 5to oc . , '(endeùts corporationtwenth 8 fJpeau, black'eye,S5c;4blue peausi t6c Auguét anti the î6th October r893, mounîdcaver, A1iké,44.Ii51tO $5-25; reti dover,,O U T ing td 83.3 ea ceS fi.ojtg 5t 5~pteosiprbg o c'; men. 'y, 4;baleti y, $10o W$12; u-' O U T F $'~Q * Wi~~hnult tely golng over _thýt ter; il 6ète îc;egg1 6Ç 8;drsi euth sctd h ooug>~15toi os 47 5 O;sg, live weigbt; -. - of laxVautbélaiitt f tflcpi .75 ;nIs wue. x.<uleto *h ~:cor baWP e . detitceti thprefrom.. tO 1'_G - i afl ay otel utb yb-a he;rd' sli thefè la go by-l.w, Thé followin are bighest prlceg quotedi Statt l bcnlttllitt. 3It lu hUablé fr brec rye 50c, buckwliet 2c,' bey $5 to 75s~ twi A d 0ftttttuu.coéî:oàrw75.blttr i8e;, 99 Of. Th èlà ne rteùce that -the tiefendenta new laid î8e, 4reèsed bogs$$s..o,'cckes' i tuu b$IW*LI are Ibi ii e ptfiraI beat. gèý c nèit 'a5c te40cr, tuike»' ,7 te Sc, geec uk.Wthe CWek , t W ~. As Wttseod;ittà b~aridl tbea i4C tç> 65c cbae-rdo.sce& teetlgtÇO iL< that h~defeeiddnta bavé ï,reveimay bes etdm o,,écrtots, petb49, 40ê, 1çbet from theplltifPis'etvlks, unlema, turipW, pet bge 20 -tp25r, -f'; .1pt ~t.heatitofteeaeteç auyavdttd.apes&5t 3a a.agetdthaot ht Tfestotat1olito bag, $5c., oxonu iti bar 70V- te o c.,Wubul.tii r~fni~athe ,cs~o ont or oe paupe X ~ fQ ~ ~ ' :Y., M fun t o , thie '1 c 3'. , te thl*d bead i: therel W -neto o~ e2~elyyLypns ttt et~qyobUgatti upofn miIcipalcr &Ç;Sprixg wheàtIto 7 e58, fait whtat PuA*4 Z% a or~oeW iv2e o te tessities of57to58c, goos uléat '52 tW 55ç' Bueký U i thelr-tdigen oo.Tzey mayIfilywia aW34 ry5140.bcr-aVig Ãœt" 'xdii oe f'r that i>rp:oose, wbeiea5 sypti pegs -W sxùàflU esa> 'théW'l* 5-a 0,80do.o- blu èIp STey have power 10peay-1' T-- 1 . J1O#$lO 4ê , OiL Lrd atio*tui.reto, but, e i t tii* eaning $. i, etidolver $ot$~ I&I >- only thet they mai' pro ieu a llery fo>r to si.o. , ild- *htmethoçio h dsrbtof oÇtlter _______ eu oi~y If 1po by-law, ttityhavt 4ls&etioni to lwith eacb -$rtc ular ,itt ed , vi**Pf-êï d wiiich, praatlcnllyi. 1 ýte tuuel~ ' ble _pptprs ec-1th a su n'was setapai t tjILMfi ~ byy3I~ forp~br1eUd th~é~>rth0de.,I utin It lssp - 1 1 -- #It - -4 ' .. otgbup à Te ,'.r a~Iu Itlttiê-Y. z-'j 0014TINUE ce FOR - 30- \BAYS 'DILYO S T E

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