,~ >1, SES MEET '10 BANK ueadstofl8s Worll. A180 ~ei8land ,ites. vould de vol, 1 pluces ci iLe ils Staliles /hitby, Proprietor 'deult wîth De Prict't uicd lit r('1 IT13Y, i connectio carried on by g. Sewilng hM.- Mowerg, J3cy- ;Cales, Ç]othee les, &C, Saw ives, Clippers .AUl kinds of pared. Shiop rch, Dundas --A T ng Whîîby once rom gents 51 n flnîshed wîll r ail Io b esol . If îhey suit ning and nîcely r dying a suit 1 pressed 75c, or or dying gents ANN, Agent, Wbiîby I nuran C er cent. of ai'- eturned to th e paid witho ut death )WELL W iîby t. Toronto. a roim a dis- ates lu rubber silver filling Ue operators il d lut me. dtp.n extra charge, ulli est cerner TIONER ICA 1 P&PZIRr THER'. M 'M vhiah cempletely Unfttodme fer rny lup ths e trndrd 4ofl ito ordinarywvork. I wasrehy Jra pua bis 1, - for over1 moye 'er from a conamt ~U~i. ~ ,ÃŽnthe pai inntyrniCah, as WUv ellasfrêm vaw-ts t ocure the. gren geocImsOrsier,- weak noss msud centlnOgd debility. Iý&wW is b u la retù And At îriod tian>' advertilseti rêmede io btci the d fha<>urw io wuvasyet I thaugbt might be sulld to Mm ame%# ~ but vithoutrls t U l a& t *dI40e , À.i low1" dswte- apo 'to ti!yDr. Willam. Plik Pilla. 1I00moo, = ù, f h fi rp, r-d, toit the , pgp, Iu ga etgawUbI Mtèo ne ana lmt.i n oit«boxeés b v çna L vawu till gne ud 1 now * tt a inI s détbu ne omn1 «Maunov work hmat.dydsipïnj7fbm$ýb etiluau xiepileIonIciI t mny Work,#A formedý lm . aI n n e Wf aue, andt More the à #* tyqhl ~<0 I I*yi >'<~ O13tWIIL EA Piliutrnoer? uold n boIk or by tbï is;tI domon or hund»ed, and-me #~rIê to de! rand you and shoÃtdd b. avo dd The public are also oautl*ned -aei1nait &Il other go called blood bullder ua' oZ nev oice, put up in simillar formuin-. tended to deceive. They are ai imita. care ions whose mikers hope to . -reunlary advan ae from the. woiâer- bat outa 'ou so ieied by Dr. Wtt- . liamu' mb Pille. Aek your dealer-for K.~.~'Dr. Wiliams' Pink Pille for à Pa. T Resuits As.onish à hermgreen oodomobae e y odo mn. ofr parill nevehlus n ii. ml koe>'shnredù J».IL p.berrîdilonet, rt hae livo Re i A MDIINI feinwold-enharer. Tetahe m eyOfaLb. busineoss i fmliar te th er IEN OF IA N I. tjemni eoosae 10 gay morab out t i IIaAt53buened- than tit L ositae in sw tu Staemet <f~Wel Knwn oco d in mon woU ooh Trewnoex-bu tpeogren g bnyesobve re onywiha AyEr rapRltiS wtpota equ thioh hoy mtan wdlavthir n egt- as blod-urile am Spln mvtcie.nev bree s ronde a hmo. sArvioticovi anohAeîrMioEDogICNlE wthifrotnt io-e sOounty. The athis- aiu ttc~~~~~~~~~mn efet ncfol aevhr tl o ee ol e aerre, of Jaat t bis treatment wso o vAN hUAve î lisî ConeoersMeontoushipmre couty of Mr atnt f oth Weul. now octr hd Sinmen, sud oeoribed toex- 00 ineicie tat hae veruse, ad IhaecTi 0200 waoya onrftionoftey ant l trteds themaiill ss itoug n eiaction ot.tey oquo iatb dlehitbyhi ahr, a asai bIoert or and permnentcues arsanod fie asrt himeg. AOsier ta v Âuguthav e piIeeouh gn#waci.ý reed Sud ohildike orelt luiscou A îJ ducn touin lerseritefish wa not a astnihe a teOesiy fN ohrbl,%)dSo an he sxper iaheaanles8for Mi cia edittIdhave the rld'aI h.e Lie w200 troua>pobtioofthle fa mchr. tried.r'atW o orougherin itboatona Orner îold thed oi ysahea and ff ets ; may pemanet cue is ied by Hshar yeag forer Ois ti ___________________________._F.______ hmetue o alte, fpesasniv manermi Asa , MRe. tN MIACL. woandfold t eity.Inoheme Ay8r ý SrSearila ean foeldsinsthe orld b. not ANl sMORAT T.TMNTwed r. Lt wa ii. oldetoryofongdd FunaRimER.forigialtha ttomn expert bank n nge fril ,&Vepa Pzza or iverand owe-& lertowonldeb.odceivesed, h oveuý Ho oil bte toy o EghbYers f ic sertion ghBarry, pfroduer i s010th Suffrin andVai Efort L e-Bhodeleomerabivewhch Oner Io AGain BelTh-HwMTIACroaE.vwed id wlok gn e. *1,00 wor A Boon wasFinaily bbained.fo d0. arrdthenold b ouielte, FrN teMeaord T STMoniorfoieIt of $20he dsor fooul uas Knoiug tii. Dr.WilmsedN erf81,0il0swortho Lres bilsudery FARMR. Tiinalouugarinherbacatexpertchanteb firinr we had neyer any reason La doobo tHe Tellie th ulnes of it e aricles ta assormpanyBrry tpronto, whe10re forth tho pandicuErsofrrtsab eBnofCmec ü-whhOrrN gilaTeisnsoaroely o chs at eurilobak gnte $1sud0for whm Bovhu ioha netarisieda fBoryM.rerylethnmaeld ffte .at o in oe troe promilinsceudiin e iy by 8aiuof 's bllnug tri particulars, ~ ~ ~ on as etdwrefoacu-adrgoeerd a the aepis. ou., Cot iL a wone osble adrLa eThe york st mreet bT e m n a seutç pbirrawoulad not fiand a on to su t t theoiuhemetown.and why oneu 4p.m h.ppar fre tmedywod e ieoredtingeho, rr, teoum for ited one i Thrte thefre evarofr ground to geoln wL. oal, On ws $10 shtet curetaétebytue sao tar Pink'st hereuie anntesnd for sho i ille ever ariculcar. ely ave ait n iitrensBrypofrdtE '~.bee pu ina psiton o vrîf on ofBarryof sfenl mey irset e acUptng Canaeas.ces for ouraeeud à Wcge asuint whiarroysa rercamed ol the mreolegsfaitbfnlly, gi ang ifthe th cnet yte idai'smoeut itrdain pca re, see Clr&e., drug- thoancoudted atethe dugoe o! J. gite, i o uad, himosshave tsoldteYO orkds, 101TheYor street, vieii lare quat eafof thés. faions Ptabe-arom, hehwas fortre ou e.bt .dre ourattntio ho he asegivtpincipth al lie ffa 10sti.hortief tee thb.th nam emr. Heurey Labe <fth. eust mnt oso i ve karowu sudrspedaenero dà - qurser.esî ar rdo ned the ii sýq ut invewsudtio arfolone of h. tof praestaioneytee coptet.> m1 tese xtremefopainsd uneandwieus wa nm tie v e present, s uld Osopr es, inon, au .rnPUs o n "e à In N -1 biuds, nose, &c., leaving ite& skîsclear, vhita and iiemltiiy. Ib'W rt e ansd cumrativ9 powora are possued_ by' noeother remedy. "s youm dr.. iaifor SWArsu'S* OnmoeNT. Lyntan. Sns& o,,MontrOa viiolewae agents. Niaga 'ala v& iii- probably be ohoson ma site for te nav factory eft lie Gouilit Coupler omipany of Depev II.Y. Heavy mtewaterms hgar blked rallývay Sond -" Sunlgiti"Soap wraPPors(WT5P-: bearng th3-wà rds "h Dea orcan MldoerTanaMi" te Loeir Bras., Ltd., 43SqotSu.Teen "ad yen vii roceivbyVotpretty pictttri% free fioé" ad- verulsng, sud veH » faing. Tus la n ea Y vao10decoflto your honté-,Tii. soapla tbis bau ln the mairket an4 juitiUl oly , atwr pstagP andIn iii. wrappem ,If yen lave, uts ouaoe. Write youi dr eaacarefully. Lt f~uelae oi~ Ssti~rd~y w.. 15- baiOW ZOTW~. - ~ ~nuin.Babiésaild SE WWU... "~WbytaIdng btm. s' ()l Att 1fooci. grow 'i KefI ong1 tiupatd wIi0" ùaaUthete neestui, st PEiet Sl cbilrmn n&~J'peio uffering from Loss of, Flesh, Weac Lungs, Ohtonie Couglie, aud Wasting Dieaae8 wil1recrve- untold benefita fom this great nouribzent The formunla. lor mnakng Soott's Emulà ioi lia been endorsed by the. med. ial world for *cegyyetars. No secret about it $Ott aSn, BIll. MAilOru lt Uoad$1 s, î1JoTrpp, of thisbu ",W ilipmttersiln or tbwnship wM «Iý*f mdi4ued iis yer no, elaclon belgrea- bd. - AU *erê eWcted by aôclaiiton , the ý' bbage belag R. R. Mowbray who ste:- 1dowu to, second deputy. a very unusual oc- ronce Indee4, Pev. Jiao. IHarris ofllclated here on Ssii- t. Next S&bbatbmlasiobary sermons will pt1eWhed ente circuit. The usual sub. rptfois vlfl be talsei up. The arterly reviwwuaheldln the Sab. h =ooo lut SibMatb. *Mos. Orvisansd bi. McA.voy ocated. Thoso two gentie. n are anu anientt to any society, doing eir patmnafully ai ail tdmes.Ounr achoollas MOI IaIgsom Unmd of un au"ualentertulu.. Mfr. Veentan Clbmo, Whitby, brother of judaidsbzsLio cf Salenm, was Interred ai le eoeer i Ssbbath luti Rev- Mr. krÈsi ~d nri bse$ esafter whlch ie s"OctY 01 UMiou 'cf wbieb the dOceasSd a tad ofibsînet proininont membera went o îeft tirbwuttai tmoy. A largenufli rpeople- were lis attendance. The de- Lied aWa *ellanm y favorably known nug1is'th.d adjolilntownships, being ln inessUl th t £wu eofWhuby for nearly hait centuriy. lii. sal ration army imd vlsiting ont vi- -e on rridaj nlgbit, we hear. Should ibey* me pArbng us ont vilhagers wil mmur outinl *sse to heur tin no doubt. Colonel Dennis bas beon holldaying with iparents, He hba been attending the vet- îary college, Toronto, and will B581U r me work. Ho wi» soon bave vý S. attaeb- I t bis namo, no doubt. The Brooklin choir pasae. through Our vil- te on Tuesday ufternoon en rouie for the laremont annual goase festival. TheY Pro- led the musical pari of the programme and btter aupply of vocal talent could noi easlly efouad. Miss lennie Foley bas been holidaymng at r. Ino. Wella-- Her visita are much 2ppre- ated byMaster Frankie. The sehool bell pealed forih is merr chimes «ain on the 3rd i., inviting the PuPils to «ain resume school going witb ils activitims. vr. McCullougb ha charge 01 the uchool for :Ss Ho is a very llkely young man £0 make LsucSof ohis chosea profession. With feelings of dcep regret we chronicleithe ath of Mr., 1.EHyfIed , ater a prolonged lmess of orne montha. Ho succumhed to lat dread diseuse, consum tion. Ho Wua patient sufferer. Hia funera> îook Place to te 3alin oemeiery on Jan. Iut. t wua OueO~f' te largest foU)owings we have witnessed for a ong dinte. Marshaell Nutting. brohet of Mrn. R. R. ,iowbray, ha heen vlsitînghomo of laie. He iworking for the S.u. Lfe and is a good agent. Mr. Obus. Kackey and Miss Âddie bfow-. ,ray bave heen spending their holldays ai hmre, but have again esumed womk. Mr. WiIl Richardson, of Whltby, haboon spending a few days with bis fiend Chaurles Mackey. L.ok out F"r h. if you are troubled with a oold or congii iowever light tiie attack, lok oui for it, do not ailow it to amttle on the ug; break up tbeLcongi by loosning the. tougii piilegm witii Hagyemd'a Pectoral Balsam- Hon. Mr. statue$ wau strioken wlth pars- lyss whlle addreslng tii. Qtebeo Legiula- ture. -20W te cure A U kaDimm..! simnly annl l OITNN" Ko ail il a1s1 11111111 us lit~ .. ~ COALIN .FOR Au.lESMIIUS. froin104000. t9 00 U1 - : Bgorder8 to Match AT LOWEST, :--f PRicEs. c Mdn e ly a< .td . cM s PBtWARAM Brook 8 m*.btb~ 4 o -i g~bi MIDLa1ND 9vson. Bult;4 a FOR- DISORCÃŽR8 0F THE- OuES50E THROWAS, WWNilIIO,. uIEJUUWLUMI (Mranduar Swellingsend am 1 dü nDisoomi i t o~ia;feoitatdsdufljit it mu llke siObÈa!a à maufactu.d owiy ai 78, NE3W 0110E!>BrunET Lit 8,OX#0lRD 8TUn >LONDON, ual aoG, by aU UM4 du V. .4fogOt the WorM. «r Puroaoe &MhoUldook t boLabel doeitii.w ensd Box.. temp