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Whitby Chronicle, 11 Jan 1895, p. 8

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t '.t~ I~ \~: 'Pv The bouiseet refuge -was defeated hbere by a largemàioiýty. Mr. John Tifi bas opened a*. dyeillg ta- tablishin'ent on John street. This fine winter weathir bas started talk of the wlnter races on Lakeficugog. The Scugog agricultural society met yestetday, Report nt week. ýMr. Robt. Hicks le running the skating and curling rink an good style. Sleighing is in vogue, but up ta, date tht supply of snow je, thin. Mr. M. William.9' new house ia being pushed rapidly, and wifl be a hauidseme one. There will be a special service lu the Methodist church on Sunçlay morning for tht Sabbath scheol children. T he counol of 1895 will be as fA'lows Reeve. 1. W. Curta deputy, W. W. Wiaicox; councilars,.A. J. Davis. .Jf e n hs Rundie.s,,Jffy dTo. Mr. Jonathan Bleng bas purchased tht Sangster place in the north part of tht town, and it la reported will erect a fine residence thete. Mr. T. C. Forman appears determined te have a seat at the board of education, snd as he found it necessary te withdraw his candidature at the school elections, a petition 18 now being carried round asic- ing the county counicil to appoint hlm to the board. Hearty congratulations te Oouacillor-elect Thos. R~undie The peopie generally select as their representattves men who know al about running everybody elses business but their own, but in this instance they have elect- ed a man who knows how to run his own snd other peoples ni well. Tht town election on Monday ended in Mr. Purdy's defeat b y5 votes for deputy reeve, though a different resuit was an- ticipated. A :arge and neediessa aioint ofterness was stirred into the fight by »Ci conduct cf Reeve Curts aud Mr. Will- tox, who brought their personal disputes into play ta the fullest extent. For weeks they. have been pouring thçir bar room style of yarns iiitô èvérybuody's ears, anid eveu on the platferm they displayed no better qualities. One thing was rendered obvions b y their cenduct, and that is that neither o f them is fit te be at the head cf a tewn's affaira, and the town will ne doubt look for men in whom the y can place a littie degree cf respect, and whe have seme self-respect. Tht wonder is that Mr. Purdy was net elected this year, and most people regard his defeat as the resuit cf thie acrimenieus conduct cf Mr. Cuits in his behaif. The people of this town displayed about as mucli interest in the election fights iu Reath and Scugeg as did the electors of the latter places, and sympathies were divided in ail cases, expectations beiug largely realized in beîh cases. Mr. Wright set up a bilg excitemnent ln Reach for the length cf time he had ta do it, and in sanie respects gave utterantiot views reflecting moat serionsly npon last year's cennty ceuncil. Ht gave figures to show that the cou nty valuation cost $12o0, and was nothing in the end but a compromise arrived at in a few minutes by the *arring factions. In tht irst place the county council spent a day at $ieo arranging for the work and selecting valuators,1 the se- lection beiug made an the basis of In- fluence, and net ahility ln ail cases. Thes $6oo was paîd for the work. Two days' were spent ever the report by the whole cauncil fryhng te, amend its defects, at a cost of $210. Finally an appeal was taken te Judge Burnham cesting over $300 More, * and then a jumped-at valuation wÉs taken ta prevent the burlesque froin rUnnlng tbt county Into several thottsand dollars of cests. Ht bolds that the valtiation is now enly good for a year. Mfr. Wright Madt it quite warm for tht county councilors, and justly sa; but Deputy Weiz, ai Reach turned the tables upon hlm bY stating lhat Mr. Wright had songht bis influence to get the appohntment as ont cf tht val- uators. In Scugog there is usually a ma- j ority of i fer tither Graham or Ham, . and when a ratepayer dits on either aide the other holds the reeveshiP until sncb time, open system of voting la ont muet have used the ballot. Men Who used ta go sud vote in every instance before thet ballot came iuta ust wiIl now let the 'offices va- cant before they wil vote to ffît them. It is a mest remarkable thing that aur sup- posed-to-be eulightened school boards *are the last oses ta give up titis niast back- ward system, aud it îs little wonder that tht people of Port Perry'have loat all faitit lu tht work of a board whlich dots the most important part of its work-<det- tions-by s method Uow long discarded by every democratlc people. Messrs.,Dr.-ï Clemens, J. W. Davis and A. Ailln wem' retuned, with Win. Bond a good fO*ftht. We trust that -Mr. Allio, whe la elected ai~ an exponent of advancenzent . wl-I no dc ubt inruduoe motion aurlng the year te hold the elections ta the scitool board, simultaneonsly with the municipall ec-ý thons. Mfr. W. H. Todd, çxoodwood laewuMng iecardiagebuîîneu(C Swuft4Il There are î Grits sa4Ï7 To*inWte couuîy tunel of zS- MUit# J l former Yeats wheln thet Uberale g majority, there wl-ltbc aTory ,*rdep,- Noue of lait yesv 9 5VU **** for re-elettimOsa.-f the OIbb4 0f BrOCI4 0'Brims, O(U ?4WCASTLt. Reeve -:iobn Treleavena. counflol- 0ouwson, Jas Parker, ' H PeïmMad C An- derslon. *Orillia-Mayor - R. J. Sanderson., Reeve-C. J. Miller. First Deputy Reeve -Thos. Venner. Cannlngton-Reeve--W. H. Hoyle. Councilors--J. F. Lavery, C. F. Bick, J. Shier, A. J. Pipher. Beaverton-Reeve-T. Trelaven. Coun- cllora-J. Batton, D Gillespie, Arch, Mc. Kinnon, D. McMillan. Uxbridgo towii- Mayor-J. B. Gould. Coundllors-East ward, W. Fnster, C. Keil, E. D. Wilcox. Deputy Reeve- John Hunter. Markhaim-Reeve-Ash. Councilors- Jerman, Campbell, Mernison and Teft. School Truttee-T. H. Spelght, Arm- strong and Wilson. Lindsay-Mayor-H. Wa1ters. Reeve -R. Kylle. First Deputy Reeve-Joseph Staples. Second Deputy Reeve-Wlliam Robson, Councillors - North ward, Touchburn, Pedler, Winters; South ward, Brady, GilIogIY, Robinson; Eust ward., Bryans, Graham, Killaby. CARTWRtIGHT. Reeve-J. J. McKee ; dep uty -J. H. Devitt; councllors-G. L. McLaughlin, Anson Taylor, D. Fallis. CLARKETONHP The council elected s : Reeve-T W Un- derwood. Xst deputy reeve-J Jackson (aceo) 2nd depusy-reeve--Jas Brown. Conciîllors- Geo VIJoncs, F Lovekin. BOWMANVLLEL The council for 1895 : Mayor-R R Las. combe by amc Reeve-Dr S C Hilier. Deputy-reeve - Jos Jeffrey. Councillrs- west ward-J C Vanstone. John McMurtry SBMtchel. North ward-J K Galbrait, VmeK . LwisCormtsli.;South ward-T. H Spry. YLYe, R Worth. OSHAWA. Mayr-W F Cowmn, lacc, ; reeve-W Couithard, amc ; first dleputy-reve-E S Edmondacu; second depuyreeeve-W I Hare, ac. cotincîillors, north-west war- Jas Ross, C French, Jas Praven ; north-east ward-A Henderaon, A R Farwell. R Me- Laughlin; south-east ward-J M Brooks, R McCaw, E j Rowse; south-west ward-A R McLean.F E Dingle, 0 Hezlewood. School trustee-H T Carewell, ac; (j Wîlllamsoa, R H James, ac ; 'Wm Bambridge, aoc. A plebiscite was also taken on the qnesion af establishing a Hanse cf Refuge for the poor, which was carried by a large majoratY. WH YTOWNSHIP. J2 .8 A Ketchen 32 65 62Si5! 210 M McTaggart 41 89 66 9s 48 R oes 40 63 50 4 soi0 H B'asne 17 43 67 54 8z B iny 36 41 38 47 Z62 jMcDonald ro0 119 57 47 133 The brt three are elected. , Mr. Jno. Sin- claie's usme appesred on tht ballot. but not With his couset, and 21 votes were polled for hlm. C Calder snd J. L Smith, reeve »ud deputy by ama tIXBRIDQRTONSP For Reve- No. r 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total G Dowsel. 6o îîo 63 a234 8244 433 0. WÙlllias 4 i 5i 27 -15 25 so z6x for Dowsell..........2 For Councilor- Jbo Alock45 66 71 12 22 21 40 277 CGould.. 53 64 5 z8 55 63»7 1.Lamb. . 27 44 6435 485627 3p, Goul.d aud Lamb elected. J as. Walkkr and J. Millard are ist and aad depues by acc. On Hanse of Indstry- For.....51 __617 7243 PORT FERRY. Dep. Reeve- No. 1 2 3 Wicoex, W M......... 53 63 6a Purdy, EHl..........50o 77 45 Majarity for Willox ............. For Caunclis- Bateman, Wm ........ 68 63 45 Davis, A J.... .6 75 66 Jeffrey. S......... ... 60 82 61 Mils, Wm.......... 41 60 33 Rundit,,Thoàa......3 & '61 Davis,, Jeffrev and Randît elocted.J Curts was electedreeve l'y- acelamtion. HOUME OP REFUGI. For. ........... Againt.........59 44-39 81 63 M72 6 176 =o6 203 134 1196 iJ w Msjorhty a9gus ............... 7 1 Kim WHITBYI Vo.miti 0X40 U 6 38 5~ 32 93 35' 529 Giti19 20 26 9678.53 2 35,329, Majority for Vrooman.,.........wO FOR iST DKPUTY.i Brethour. 27 7:3 79 88 41 45 20 15 396 McPhaddeu 78 8-1 50 34 34 29 31 52 389 Majoriîy for Brethour ...........7 FOR CUCLOS J. Edwards. 28 78 74 M1 J,. McCll 63 130 9o0 67 ARah. 79* 51 40 24 M:Cully sud Edwards 'Wetherell 2nd deputy by a=c On Hanse of Refuge- Agint...7o, 103 02 102 For-------2050So26 18 78 64 2-r 59 36 55 34 10 17 26 28 tlected. John 76 59 51 48 61r 8 . 6 13118 Majorily against, 0..........-e -, ......443 BEACHTONHP Candîdate A0. [mir, Ja. 6z9056o 968515 52 Mi M.jorlty for Munro ......... ..... z6 McCoUlough. 58 35 25 74 54 79 17 78 420 Weir, Wn. . 68 65)41 57 66 59 5649 465 Majarhty for Wehr .................. 45 FOR ONILR Lamb, T.. Sîretton, R. * Stepheus W. Wrd. Wm. by aog, 38 6240 54 66 9255 Il 42 40 32 23 23 10 Sa 44 24 65 62 50 27 86 40 24 55 42 49 23 .Stephens elected. Real 47 454 X2 193 68 42o 87 406 deputy Pool nousE. For ........ 22 26 6 32 14 3413 39 186 Agis ..109 8857'89 zoo89 62 82676 Ma;ority Against ................ 490 WHMTOWN FrM vayor- No,x 2 3 4 5 Rutede ....84 70 60 71 41 HF Rzles .... 38 42 25 53 45 Majority.for Rntltdge............ For Reeve- Chas King... 77 81 51 79 32 J HLong-...43 31 34 48 5 Majoxlîy for, King .............. For Depuy- W B Pringle... 43 51 43 '66 68 A M Ross .-- 78 59 4164 23 Majority for Pringle ............. Total 330 203 127 320 212 zo8 271 265. 6 North ward Counilor- Ne. 1 2 ~ eom Scît.........76 96 !74 n oh ob........71, 87 Z58 17 H1. Wanr.....7% 591338 Wm.Ros........ 5 '3 Tht first îbree are electtd. OH. MoGiI- vrsy's ame aoppared upon the ballU but he had publialy snuounoed.his 'hhý alý>.H "fot 23 voles. é Centre yard Trustee-.- NO. - Fred* Hatcb.......f... Mainy, for Hatch..... . House of Refuge- For------------..io. 2 3 5 TO Majorlty for house ai reéfuge... 318 ,Çounty Ooù»Iol for 1895f. WhitbY town-King, Pringle. Oshawa-Cibulthard, 1Edmonson -Rare. Port Perry-Ciuts, Willcox. Uxbridge--Gould, Hunter. cannington-Hayle. Beaverton-Treleaven. Rana--Cleavely. Scugog-Ham. Mara-Gillespie, Brcomfield. Thora.-Brawn, McDougall. Brock-Vrcoman, Brethour, Wether- eU. Rtach-Munro, Real, Wéir. Uxbrid.e township-Dowawýell, J. Wal- kLer, J Mard. Whitby towuhipcldei, Smsith., F. M'Whitby "r, Gr, rop Scott-..Cook, Qige Pickering--Gerow, Poucbelr, Mowbray, ýAshowaf.bai" aeaUýý animcons vote against bh= -fÏeu. rEiuaabt..hl-tbv àauwt tivotelbr-aflr FOR BRE BARDAI N Saturday, <w, GoI we have placed on DAY* SALE Jan, l2th, -AT- WALTE RSil We will place on our counte rs ail the Remnants in our store One-haif COMPRISING 0F: W. G. WALTERB .... Whitby.... for sale, at flegular DRESS (G00D8, FLANNELS,- LACES, RIBBÃ"NS, TOWELLINGB, COTTONS, LININGS, SILKSY - Price. FLA.NNELETTESe M USLINSy OUÈ ý-l LOTHSy VELVETEENS, SATINS, ETC. GOODS -:ýD a large table in centre- ofsr, 3 pieces of Drese Goods. The regular selling priee wee fo2 o7o per yard. Ail reduoed to one price .... cets. Everybod weoetocre ad'Se offeiring at-such l ow priceson-SaturyJn whether- you want to purchase-o ot; The above prices are for Saturday, an th. ONL w G-rn Christmas Cheer, Chrilstmas B argain People o, 1~nshe an upto I2 3 4 S, -Total John MoGre-o,$7,75 79 32 292Mo, Alt MKezie. ~4~345-19 52' 2351 For Soclr-: 2mBe . 7 96-24- 66_ 0 187, 8.A.ea 35. » 6 47 9 Wm. 0alr. 4, 2e,6 75,21203-- Oeo.L li.. . 5 z7 32,31 3f, 19 -~R E M N ANTB.ë-' we have In order to clear out the balance of our DRESS

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