With catm printod tords, great thom9htst aM*id untyý 4doaePeace, Progrees, Knowlsdge, Broh<rh.oo<L th, we have ETTES, lS, tore, eo 75c. '3 9 k we are n. 5th, O N LY. S1È usually made, well e great suc- E R S]y MAPIE SYRUP, > and Orockery, Sets cheap, Iroceries, Teas. ýC., etc. SU OR TRA DE. VIT THE TIME S. lng and examnnng ces for youriseILf VOL-, XXXIX. jGOOD HEA VY :: DA RLE Y WÂ1 TE D ! FOR WHICH 1 WILL PAY THÉ Highest Priceb 1 arn also paying highest L rice for Wheat and O ats. t ill pay you to see me be- fore selling elsewhere. F. L. Green, DOMINION BANK. Capital Paid up, 150,0 Burplm, -$1,500 000 Whitby Âg.zicY. Getieral Tronsotod. Banking uins Z.~.TORNTOg, P. G. MeIdrumM1s Liceutiate of lt oy1C U, "Phyiclans, Edluburgi o Ontarlo. OMM eMsd reaidenes, north section cf the "TOrrauq, Byron Streel, norh of Dnndas Street. Telephone comuniucation flwhb offie. WhItby, juIy 4h, 1894. Who? Whzo? Who? Says the Owl. Who snitheIabest Baking Powderf - W. R. HIOWSE do... Why 1 Because only the puret lngredtants are used, sudIti t frequently ,nadte. Couscq,iYieai-l u ways ,pWr. & fresh. London Powder la the aor là lt. a*l.I r wd~!thm bshm o mi bftq on Iof~ zh 11o f heB.r at es addnf mm iO. WHITB LOCAL NEWS ,LETTERSOA Mr. jas. Couch in otit agaun. Mrg. I<ane le vlsltlug fricuds Ini Claie. The &..T. purpose going te ]3nfeld on Mr. Rich Grise we arc sorry to say, carl hie folot lest weeL. Misa Hmmerson,'of Tyrone, ih vifttg et Mr. Jas. Bcdfont's. Master John Moffatt hie rcturucd froua a vieil tte c ity. Mr. and Mms Preucott of Chatham have been vlsitlng wlth fticuds hlie. Our junior football t= raregongteW play thc Myrtie boys on 5tudy mise Stili, our teachier las,-tcoverhng fmom inflammation. Dr.t' elo*wof Yoft Perry, has been in attendanme We are called toe i.pall"tssk of e porting the death of oue of our amuIre-I epected chiiens, in the penson of Mi. eo Oruaiston, whojpassed T morang ut. rhasttol o :wau very brief. Up to the Iil o! 04opbethas h. enjoyed falrly good 1îatb-&id b.d al- ways been of a very etlrnlSfflsptlou, but during the, past tre motbh hé ss troubled wlth tuat wehl tufaali dis- case, viz, heant trouble, hicb renderéd hlmn =or* Inac"eia - e prsils of lfe., Mr. Ormlsto0 bas ehIr b à lcentury In the. îowuublps of DaIiand- u4 asîtý Wbitby, prthvlig Iutbl» bis parents uie leopR commnc. Ie att t hef-3f 4 and wU bbis uomy aItd un t'. s-uc-, w it, wo f#14Qb ONTABI, pmceruenm lu es in cauo w1 me t Mai -046be orî 3EpîIre so tuatt è tu asy * sd4r;ssaslarger aciceohreuer. ovIý frcddouýî yobu thlok yon bave bues at tbis aboi on .uou, ghWould Ilt b." btter1olot liemalter dnop sud Intea4 e of sharp'word. lotpeetomne l.Ca t ~ont.to çacb otber's feuils lt.I ild ond$0their virtues very Mu4é that tii. rlsIug .0matlon ayse.lbat y1qa : cao lot bygonos hobygofes. guest of Ms uyLanderilstw.ek. Tlid MissesBatty entertained à o-oumbur of Young pie ou Thurnsayevaug sent. a Tii. Zion cbnrcii choir and otiir ere bospltably entertained aI Mr. H. Pasee'; ouit cf ber,, lest Wedncsday etening. Tbpm Patrons of Induslry at MtCb.U's çCor& s tatheuivesaud frietida 10 oyitM8nem IWednesyevenlfg. Agood, imrog i lhl aise b. provhded. Mr .o.Brock bus retýured <rouia visit to blé p arents la Eughand. H. booRas -tbongb the tshj agreeti vitRa blm He -ba , eà - a t scounitry uesrly - hbusy -w.He luves ou's fi w-estofbere su son. cf our energetlc sude- h.rptis - Tbo oficera elect fWrTaunton Iltlilqa~ op; cusp, orgeetat, ~tulutca ; r JANUARY 18, 1895. oieacçomm*odu for T'oronto, sud flot toolefa "M uftbb licanvniu it Gbsa for the paut <e e oa plenticfoe tu1 igurs valflo00Wlg iîu Lia1 wlio Mallo: cd -for iii.pnchs kat get tb. ordensl e~ aegolatlons few- r. hav e dded *ork eft tm stot iie nouldens a nu W.pdio ho are couie Isabighly in à e eanly Wic, as 1 nimber ci ,the b I. Olipbant, au edil r. ,It was doubd tbsl Mn. ,Bà osncu i tc., Suce hibe pn e thte Free of Ji .une I thi sum tu,]" lan tmbN& eda for L bb oracaaicfOUlutof lawil la Con- &7.otnauda thé, prope.rtyW8to0 W tr fboin Ifni eied t h . .of T.p0p. 55oss i 10Wt b gli, tp nrýs h ti ecessafy D apas. tin tb',, culd te *éurdýfroar t theSyuod ofi*ce au't ewd Toronïtb. L t w85 octexpicted that tIl' Fr etg . lay. iiicrred thereb>y mI& be Uore- tbLf A, à luar- tbireOr four weekS at lb. aba Ot. !li ill oitct pcaitirne a subecrlptlon Was dtulat6ê -10o Tues. wtoie.wss eryruoW 1 covs as ~e eneediul;-,*uid arsn nts- l ar le ahi, itlty mode as 10 lii. alteeatinsrequhi r fo i thtbulldli. But t4 pondénoos na Ilü bM,. ch orfa clîurcb, court requires t1m,zio i Oi ~.lbunaotIouauýidwies audmoiths p4s sed-before, any saUsfactory Loswer ~l ot Ou .had id ter'dallylng all tis so en* y-or bsat last beeu recev tit ati ut bortb c-hcurch cas 501 be bougiit on Loy coudk Maiatho ns. ie tippears thiat, thee rs.tiat b, itntg fan feit ff. it once paso ontt ih auds k f,'smohight corne lobe uted as à gr ocery slore > ewOrks. 'or eVen as aà llackà oihth sop. a ihehi to work hbeir opion *would,'bOa a dtfil.desecra- i Solîbstie. Tby trefer 10 se. tii.building rot meof1the dei nby deegreeWor Perbape -gO p lu bey wCTO snoke, than alQ wiltolie usedfor a use- 4brougi. fui putpos. And so ends ti. uiew hal Osi thé sciieme. .Bt ,least -luntht. piarticular dfrle-- k of TrW 'thon.1 It remainu t. b. scen wbetber someé- iimber of otier Ian Cauo Wdevised to secure t, sud th sdeà irai, leobject e hort cf ~ O KJ M& W.Pide il"gone to Foxbumtto e- at ioulaf mê rda1igblsn, Ms. A. donoaryb ieist or of thée Mn- nd n.Jobiumon Hghson, who aun MW es mm- >OOW l o Pô#I P«7. $peut part of- lb. had refen- week *Ib.fienubhem. pevemsue fior lb distrit, pald tdsbluohhal oie014 lvW t to rook dtfl% bl *eeic. 'UCYO Ri T dT. is tô vet ieen' ueIsdL7ay.oâ at of vê.Anwnmeofvslse éia.ae ~Èathie unaa tte tbijou *e 411L1 oUti Ife Tii.W-Mim"Bialefteou %atmday luat f at0etou ni Tornto. The Misses Harris -have aet4nedfri bi viit tb Hamnpton. Therelis a new stove la tie scicol, It Mt not , lag camne any too coou. MM..F Mr. M. Gleeson lefl Oi Tueedar for a iugluW nees tip o Linduan sd Peterboro. Mi.: C Mesar. Mackeyanid (lsom veeup M". .é3w ing the ruine cf tihe Toroto fine tout weel. Vit.reI Mr. Levi Maclcey Say$ tt"Ia wfeture, wbea ' anyune bonows bis buflo robe', b. viitheannd ami dita bt thtable doon., Vhuto.-7Mes. A. Heude nad Fred EuM1 al Raii, f bltby, Mclh fS.Otates, V 4 and Mm tvsc flnl.tac 4 fi lrE à .Jckson. ao 1recn tube sS iiiiI2C fler detis door, wo are happt1e sa=y. 1 mor- anound aqaiu altbouggi not qtilte recbvered fremnbis acideut. Rev. W OSr blacksnitbbau n« 4Mr. 7Tb iocar L.v c Ptckefnuifortii. omiig" seasuSoq. .Br <boue hn need of any vork Iu tir7lias -Sa be' 1,- *"avd vRi bprouiptauumd despatc. -aucoesul Mwould strongly idnie hoeé <laipK ua sbeep to 13rookOn statiote ilu alf apiop caSieror-use sdvlse the a.T.R. to ýWlt for thesniau It ias tien euperaieg4uarnwe tie. If yoi heu minutes toc late. " or- testu Tii. pond belng ccvered vRi h uoW, il pr-_ meat mon *atmrs ve in ra MUn mîCIar1oe- stIl lng.o ve veekla Mis 10w!!, the loa of Grain, Ape Hâve. aise go: the Âudersen's double PFflh<s rayer fag t;i* Wrie mue frlch I 0F- NO* 7 T. C. catch a "a sur- glit into am tc çnt ou. tors lnu i. -ïay Dperà ma into tii. cod, sud :lon' the COIDITIOI t OId No.