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Whitby Chronicle, 18 Jan 1895, p. 3

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2. Ever ' Sarsaparilla :us Dlswv5- %% t1 li . - .4t ar I a à. 1 N lit a bt-tl.. 1 [,)und IRES talng hli o!a hiot- roi t.tkiiijg t1j C il t r anoth ýr hi feil tAs. aipiiandtmî Ldiugffiits Z5 )ALLS E CR FUL REMIEDY R BEAST. id never blisters. - St'l W: PAid UURE i ba hntir'zeme e av in tg Fone noV %0 f r t h. ..ame hors&. s so 1 got S 120 for ualng tu Curr. Wr. a. Mw.. AMI CURE v MicaL. Dec. 16. 1WI3 KPI(, ills 'tpaVIt cure rip.o two hortes an" gztsts, or addreise IL COMPA NY. FALLS, VT. Ià* 10 THE UVER MR EAIl N a tffltim fria s frbomend hoplng - ti t0. mwr .IFm W 4wU Xr. R<>wod Paîkin 'b.d tvvyM e ow 8Os5~ atrR t o -«mms t ront a serions accidont -yeterday bmy. IO f o'*IOOullbool~AZW momblu. White holding tbê brandi aet tii. becop*d.stouy wludow the. Iower end of 1 B waffl msa ~-ugnv BPPenfigl0 wh1 the Ia4cdr en whli 110 was tan41ù g asm llew i 5v0font ido buït le 46 4eresi wayand onS 01pplag.dowii wet-thrut' *0h pr th lt.gas Rlow wIth a, s1éhiS r. 1 frhu eemonof iiis . boasée Parkla au pdlot go lith mo and feU to p'dCu atew-uaswkhh is dagho, Mir& th ldwl on. hi, souldem .The. dis- Tin<~Oenod tance "t fuUy twOlVO fott, And str&ng'O iUr. WifId m illerdrives B frealib oise of to uay ho tociped wtliout goyv serious in- Un l~aul probébiity so wauY, i8lh dul ot t»e place. -authis iorso tIavSo Ifui On Tuesdy ovonli lt four younq, snd newiatumblus. mon named Dormer, MeCabo, Stinson &nd l WVaswib pisaoré eàe r,È Worhman vere arrested on B châre of )ackso's i oer.AIbottgli a rtilet of havlng purloined a cloues line on wh ch Greenvood e bsmany ,friand . Iinsale. hung the famlly waeb of the Voltcli bouse. Ait o -da 0B1080 s coUe ame enéb They wer. placed lu the lockup, bunt dur- Iplemud orepmtbis almotintiro reoovey. ing the nigbu a9ucceoded In Iorclng thoe Abi Nathanlcrsl.eoilgvtb bars and the firut three Il 1ew de coop. Il 1 ohrtietiti ft sýba os Evidently the fourth prisonter bnci more &de o be . yr crd. Bo= esuiggçst tee faith lu hAs cas than the others, and pr- ansoe-am of Dinali foi ilia lttis oas. ferred to se. t out. Owing to the beavy Nfao! nv on :Sunday On Thuraday night last a hungry thief a very amall congregation greeted Roi. Mr. entered tbe Central house*pantry through Ellott vhen lie arrived t out saurctuur. We aide wlndow and purloineci some two tear there are too mnany air vreather christians or three dollar's worth of canned goods, amonR our regular congregatons. b:klng powder, etc.' besides four or five A big dance is lilcely to take place in tho Pounda Of colci roast beef and n large near future. For partikulars apply to W. H. platter. Mine host Maunder thinks that it bMcB was somie poor unfortupate who wus hu- n W.Fwibabeqt 11olte gry and does not begrudge him hbis miLd- ripW. ewba c hashmb ut f II of leane night feast, but thinks ho should have left bPee iebsed t n u oeai . a the platter. Ifit ilereturneci no questions beenWqutephoni aster.e aot wifl be aslced. drv. HW. s tephansorsebas ucia.ed btfhO one ni;bt lmet week a would ho thief reaur.edise qoa borsfiue foanilbuth raiseti a wndow o! the bar room of the an roie h oceigrerS A niala hotel owned by Mr. John Dorgan, butin m re h fcurel es remnoving an inside screen or shutter he was flot quite 50 fortunato, for the screon m* slipped from bhis hands andl falling to the R T . floor, made a terrible "iracket,"1 almoet frightening the bousebreaker out of hie sLULI~ o y boots and causing bAmn to beat a hasty re->VU treat. The inmates of the bouse were n no way disturbed by the noise, however, and it was flot until some time later that a be- o c d fr Constable Reeves happened along andC n b Vo e e o noticed the window open, at once aroused Sc r so He k the proprietor and made themn aware of y c r so e k the faci that the bouse bad boom almosi tn Pe pe burglarized. Nothing was missing. t n eo l.. Au ozctting fBre. About seven o'clock yesterday miorning a le Co diio o fire wae discovered in the prernises of Mr. B. Lerribl o diin o E. W. mcOitffe!y, dry goots unerchani, by Mr, John Irwin- Messrs. Samnuel Hendersofi and John Mcl e- tyre. twce erployeecf the G.T.R. Whîlc on their way to work they detected thoemiell of smoke as thcy vere passing the entrance te the lane at the rear et the premises. A seatrch FRfIfl 'D S EXPECTE D was muade but at first eothing suspicious could 111M TO DI E. be. seen, and just as they were about te pro- ceet on their way great volumes e! emeke be. gan te peur oui Of the rear windows in tho second siory. The alarm was quickly given,Mei lM nOd Not Under scene. The water power was soniewhat weali for the firsi few minuties owing te the negleci stand his Case. et netîtying thie pùump bouse fram the lire station, but thie was sean remedied. Thie Io cation ef the fie as sornowhat mtsleading, as P fI' ~ ~ vniatIIu the smoko was pouting eut cf the second story I.itý C Ltfll UIMrU windows, and the fireanen soon bail lie fine sireamis of water rusbing ie that part of tie fJ APR AIN building. tbinklng that vîsere <bore was SO JUE0B70 N miucb imioke 51>010 mist bc ire.The umoke kept ncreasng. and at 'one urne Ilu vas'feareilCU E by many tbat the fine block wenld bo conSUan- ed. The waier vas thon poured Ai tAie lover fiat. the emioke being se dense that t vas Am- posble te seS where the ire vas raging, and A wonàderful story cornes frôm Heckstc mî wa impossible for a hum»s beng t1g0 Ot.Lt0 lutof ceuifori, assurance and gis ilireugb t to investigate. Aluer a timie Cap- velnomie üflore the anc sd tb Whovi gatn Sinclair and bis men discevereil <bat the pyiin cannot cure. are wus prlnclly n the cllar, and <beit 4û, jow li sne. of ebtn.Go energie voeedirccied n that quarter. and Go*, ont.. wlÎies es lillovu altar a lime the flames voie quencbcd. lu the ' throe years ago lh'ad a severe attack meanimie the inammotb stock O!f n'ldy 140,-la grippe,'vhich leftimeiIn a vory veâà a 000 had been badiy dainagod by the deluge Of debilltated condition. TIe mcxt autumn water tbat had been la<ished iipoeh. TThe bad anotheraai vhicb left mein a very -b shelving on thie east sde cf the building gave state. My hcalth vas' nearly vrecked, 1 b way befoye the force cf the sireain <bat hs.d me stremgtb. and felit dred ail tho tinte. 1l% boom turneci in thai quarter and their Contents se vcak that Miy legs woulil Det support1 iy goaking up the water which was on the bodty. andl 1 bave oftem talion t "tho, g,=> floor fuliy an inch in depth, On tho opposite vhen tryIng te attend te mi, verk hotu law sde atter thie water had Aicome frezen a full iefl didn miy bain, andl vould ha compel range of priestly'r mes good was a sight te te lie whfirever 1 had fallen, dutil.I COUici M look ati. t WL1 reuie thie servicesof an ex. ter sufficient stremgth teO rime. port- te stathAe amouml et damiage donc M y appetite vas ail gene. a"d wheuc that of Mr. rarry i ati lie saddanother You1 isufrein <at town, DU. john A JX soSDvoe voit' ing for the St Anthony iici rCo.,ln the Ma4,à"lkareglon - jaerleaO. on se- s ~ ~~ o ecjttM aeiea, âmce, lçlunt1y iu- sa» o oiroi.He, toIt!Brault in a - Imidit that lie vwsgoi home. »M*décdedto uSiody 1dm. The slkisbeing irlske gae (n ioor ooads h4bontra- anse!,sd tilthe Là, 4 renhais I 1110 ouI ma tti ughtea'by gai lu Au oXollent gos boas made <om rsin. 8u10 cani.. voe re t mal"tom omokerît. Sydney, in Austra1i, vas Ornt ligitM by gusin 1841. vr uivn Spermaceti candies wr uivn tjon of tbe la«s century. Theo oaste of the vorld are proteced by 6208 Iightbouse. The Ornt gas oompany in London wuineorporated in 1810. pioyed in metaiiergy ip 1800. -sitaer candieatioks were kuown in Britain as ea.rly as A.D. 969. Ton gea empanies bad in 1865 a mouepoly of the lighting of Parie. Hundreda o! patents have, been issu- ed to inventera of vater gaz. A ton cf good ceaiiAs said te yield about 8,000 foot cf purifiod gas,-' * The Wax Obandiers Company, or London, vas incorporeted in 1488. Gui frem bitemen wu firet muade at the. Woolvioh Araonal in 1888. In many parts of the West Luches Shark oci s nsed in the lampa. The early Egyptian lampe were of granite, a.labast.er and terra Ootta. There are 2,000 miles cf gas pipes un derlying the London shooets. An excellent qua.lity of illminating gas hau been rmade <rom, peat. ln 18.79 the capital of the London gascompaniessmiounted te 912,000,000. In 1889 the Uniteê States prc4noed 24.000OO.000 barrels of potroleuma. ehurc.he s as forbidden ÙlAn Eugland Au bRon. vare. in 1$'78 gas as an ont. ad. thb »Jeoli ile. d In18 andhaka tail The be nos- tha env o the'b ýends 'Tescb b.- wore to rogr Wou] eiveil.yýst 1o!bf; -traie :om - Weal hady J besa c(li*t :v~~2 lamcoper, leao dd eariben ah cb omplote smoes of vaSer illuminant vWeirmade appar- ,few yearsagowhale oilva a nminint ud for Igbthoumo., litnuhroV e ýDaivy, o4uiî piS quAi ~ n" voln n bougbt a, foulein pen 0tèu 1am eby.ï litiveor. oshig leni Made.'Primeyabtahnrdi hai boomdem' troyetib'fe SOU TRRO,&T.--the bout curevo, kmev cf. for seré. thîcat As, a RgIS -a Pain KAier tma i tar-it act likam in - o. WBi BoUle, tvi*êthe qutAwt, ý0f * cl<> tylo.l vesiMonuetiPolice force 1 80W. mi cfElle Wg< lÂluug l er hie Ain ram*y accideni t hILundy'lana. A Ileyarhable ure.-I. ;W., Jinnion, Gilf ord-,epout bst*oen $200 and $»00in cosulting Dôotora; t5usd Dixonu m»d .1 other treainias. ut 'Mt ne bonoft. Ou@ box o! Cbas ' arrh Oure dtd me More good <han ail éther resîîedîeu An flacS Icon- aidai inyseif cured and vitb a 25 oct box ai towla u &e h medru'5 PuC 9 O«d.Ucuctiibids. DILG.. *on 04 ih candidate for the Commens At MOrden onCn Eseljay's LAver Lezenmo do net veakea oe 1k. PUIS. Eusayàg'sLAver fLosngsara the bout blond purifier. -Bi. RoylaalibnesuPrince Malia Varun-j bis OrevaPrince Of SiB" . id sBakkok on FrdyJaauary 4. The Prenpuwo oliM ly a rseIgnod - gos mie touas el slaaiv.mhs iÀverIaonsAiae plemat, brdeua ê Mi.V iéatnaEst lis bauuomi ated4 astioAlsuaIcadiat fr b.Ceins f rIsté Mdlax rdlstsatvbawitotltsSWiIlOQUSldOitheresl I.reltOfthOhiOhffdt'PO, .imduCastarA0!fle .sdeftb.wIousquSckDOIttUinSWbldlWP ngthé1rlevedeflceb~fOiOieEO orpbtne. uoetbtùg syrnp anti cOter hurt! ut lents tiovii Oie!? tbroatu, tlereyy soellag emtopraliiatrnogiSVU." Dm. J. F. Knronw~ou, Oapway1 Àrk. TI C~ta1 Cmpmuy, ,i!1 I Iti etpaient for val uot in England by i euaprodot f a .thalbu n io i t i t-". smbuaufuvea- ee ioced umdnlu Tmuàtcw4"m 00 Vaauu aln oeru oEe,- se4o r ti h 4>14. oHm !Cyd miievOs ti b

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