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Whitby Chronicle, 18 Jan 1895, p. 7

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tDUint out. Xrs. il Pe »Iwick, et ".Dtgby, NX.S.ma: "'A Ifttie imore lth WO years açgo to urn uEre of ûne bottie of Ayer's HRait Vlgor '.niy Luir wvas restored to uts original qeq,.:r and -ceased falling out. Àn --Igoap lplication has since këpt the flair in good conditon."0-ý-t. là.F. FEiwicK, Digby,~{S OrowWi, right of Haire rih ears ago, 1 had the varie- li.and Iost my hair, which previ- oasly was qiîite abundiuit. 1 tried avariety of preparatioxis, buit with- h.~ eneficial resuit, tii I1 began to f-ar 1 should be permainently bald. AÙuit six inontli8 ago, my hiusband f'iùhthme a bottie of Myer'. 11w YgI, alii1 hegan at once to lis,, it. In a short tirne, new hair b'I.ti to ~e. ,a rxd u s now C., i- y ro Fpec t (-f '. ro wth iM har as.. h, for, i î1h .'- AYER'S HAIR VIGoR 1PREPIRtD EY DR. J. C. AYER & CO., LGWÈLL, MASS., U.S. A. Aver's ais cure Sick Heaah" A Ba1tle for Life. THE RESCUÊ- 0F A. 0. P. B. OFFI. OIÂL'S WIFB. ad8toflBs rk. Alim rican and tes. ,Id dc ve lices tL iStaJiles iitby, Iroprietor TBY, n connectio carrl"<l on ' ' Chlur(,1 h fl .Sewing Ma- dowerti, Bicy- ,&les, Clothes es, k&C Saw ýVeq, clippers All kinds of pAired. Shop ch . Dundas ýAT g Wbiîbv once frorn gcnt1--tO n finished %iî1 fail to b e so 1 If they su aig and nictly r dying a sui pressed 7-ýC, o r dyxng Rents NN, Agzent, Whi b y ANGE. ý Accident oronto nouran c et cent. (A! ai tured to th 9 pad witho uf death )WELL W itby ~GS t. Toronto. s8 1 amn givîng a front a di, ites in rubber 1 silver fihliig s coperato-m Rt in' the City. a let me edam. gùinlg -the useof Dr. WiUlitbü 14 j puisellIus a r.my weli t6ii, maouths age w eniiderea pùt hùmg aid, bas by Ibiswonderful nmê4(éLu been restored to health sud esithA anid the Timeascoonurs lin h CUi. ,' in. Mr. Monnil l seoe of tii. c.P.,B staff of clerks ai tuis port. and'he à . ways willing to tell of iii cure -efeci- ed. But there are hundreda of wiS.- neases ti, eirath of him state mente boîb in Owen Sound and et Toronto, where be resided Up to two menothà These Pille are manufacWnred by the Dr William'$ Medicine Company1,Brook- ville$, Oniarlo, and 8ohenectadytý N.Y. and, are 801d only in boxes bearnug the, firi:i'e Irai). mark and wrappe- taI60 centa a box or six boxe. for 82160. They may b. bad from amy dealer, or wiil be sont by mail on receipt cf prios. Dr-. Williams Pink Pill may bc, had of ail druggîstm or direct by mail from Dr. Williamm' Medicine Company from oither addreuaee. The price st whioh pilla ar esold make a course of treat- ment comparatively inexpensive as compared with other remedies or medi. cal treatment. Dr. Wiliam's Pink Pilleanar sold only in boxes bearing the. firm'm brade mark anad wrapper, (pinted'in red ink). Bear in mind that Dr. Williams' Pink~ Pilla are nover sold in bulk or by tbe domen or bundred, and any dealer. who offers substitutes in tue ferm is trying te defraud you and shouli) be avoided. The public are aime cantioned againht ail other go called blood builders and nerve tonics, put up in similiar form in tended to deceive. They are ail imita- tions whoso makers hope to reap a poonniary advantage frem the. wondor-, fui reputation achiesved by Dr. Wil. liama' Pink Pilla. "s your dealer for Dr. Williams' Pink P"1l for Paie Peo- pie and refuse ail imitations andd mb stitutes. A Small Flocks Pay. MISTÂKE 0F KEEPINO TWO KENS WHRRE THREBIM ROCK FOR BUT ONE. IL is a mistiake te keep tee mmny fowls. Large flooks are on as bad for lhe fowls as crowdod enements are for human beinga. A sipace of 10 test square should b. allotted euch towl fer exercle. A heuse 10 byl10 innut too large for ton liens and one male, and a dozon liens are sufficient sas-the maxi- main number for thât space., It will pay to seil off lhe surplus. Measure lb. space you have in square teet, and tien divide by ten, which will gave you th. nutnber cf hens that vil b. pro- perly accommodated with room. Small fLocks amsit in appropriating vaste food fliat would othervise b.et ne value, and the labor bestowedupon a ammmli fock W, cf ýn& cous-" er----- whatever, as a ohild- may perforas al the work of fe.ding. When w.e se. the records cf a saui-i ocks et a dozen, we are always reminded tiat the cost proportionately is lover than for a large Bock, and - profit cf $2 or $3 per heu le net unuiàùa, but, when il comes to koepimg large atimbers the co.nditions are thenchanged. Table scrape, whichr are potnt with a ampli Block, become. an insignificaut portion of lie food fer 1a large ujumber, and-tue fatmr or the poultrymanfinda liii expenses for food and labor mnicreased more proportion- ately for a large Bock -tbàu4.-fobr a smal- 1er*on.. Nothing gives mWlrestifc tory resulte or efforda gr"aerw 1mr than a Bock of about'a dozenheuu, Bah eli linnthe fBock.is *blFknowu tôo every member cf th-a famijly, and if dlb- perseuneglots, themL soîheý.one wili ber sure te no;tice tiie faitî4The>' are iPotr ,and receive the very besf cf -cu..'-If the. weather la severey coa 0or art , storm msetshle liensare. Iéoked altier M caret ni a"asif îliey were 1nmberaýof the famiy. and they,,vil!- s >4wel repay for ailthe ,CM thAt -rmy b. 'e . lowed upon them. Tice .fvIt keepý i u fwlens_<motly linos. *ho;liue, -muý ouub f 1a cry>asi m to 'rS'U'r1 >80' m e t.hinqg aod. eTha bu"eb "- e are esd. mmiqry ofJ B 'Or, erywo Of tuani re , *ervx-er-i.r ý ~fo~xid ~dertlifrdirectioli his Moi~ pý nreasoumble, wheu ,the.red tape t~i~Iw he 1i. rdinary iex. ,ýàa.tlîéeof Pub1iemoney 8i,1004ulderý, es Membèr, of a local bô.oar f heai ho'utd be, lýOked ýUpon s ee fthe iiih1eihonora a&-municipvl cou»eil oeau eonéri. Wheü a contagiona diseaS Ireaka oftheii.'healî,ba dbusioesa in- toreste cf the mriiaiys in l ýpprtin to tb.e eloiency withwho ti.lelhreo*latlena èaree*ied oui Oonoillois ahôuld-oarefully cousider liii aud ap~poiziu oly thii.ot capable We are glad fo' pee that Wr' Mecullyla ahi te b.e round egain, aftet an Illrie5 cf nearly a year, ozf whbk»tree tnontb5 were spent in-the houipe lWe oe1eome fitim te our midet again, and w.e aiýé. bapp'y to, state that hi I.rapldly lmbîov1iig. We leare that Mr. Ecf terguson has placed hie marn e on the roll of the Pinedale Temeraaçýe lodge. We hope be was riet seriouely lujured by the goat. It wes witli the.deepest regret that tËe people of Wick received' word that Mr. Samuel Mattbews, of Pefferlaw, bed died. suddenly et hie fetber'e residence onl Saturday lest. Mr. Metthews wu', a young man well known et Wick. The W. F. M. S. of Wlck met lest week et the resideuce of Mr. an. Beird, Saint- field. The ennual meeting cf the Wick congregation met on Wednesday i6tb. Hood's Sarsaparilla, activir tbrougb h h blood, reaches every part of the "-'stem,. and in this wmy poitively cure caterrh. The Framer valley, in BrItish Columbia, le &gain flooded, ver>' warm weather h&VinD( prevailed on the Pacifie coat for tue pas tbree daya. Loolt ont ]Perrlb If you are roubied witb e 0old or ceugli, bovever 4igt the oit"a. look eut for ité,do mot al1kw it te settie on theo mugi; break up tbe cougb by loosning the tougb phlegml with Hegyard's Pectoral Balsasa. Wsr la again resteaedil a aos, accord- ing te news brouRbt by the teamship Mmc- vera, which arrived at Vancouver Sunday, from Australia. 'Nov so CureAU 5MuDIMOame.' Simply appi>' '«SwATsrNn'e OMm" No internai medicine required. Oure tetter, ocoma, itcb, ail eruptionu on thse fNé% bands, nose, te., leaving tb. skia c016j whsite and bealtby. Ite gremt healigba-,m curative powen are possessed by ne ether remady. Ask yotmr rgfs for SwaYTO'5 OnnrvaN. LymaSous GoC.,9 montî".l vholesslo agents. Mr. loba Forreat, e Grand Trunk saneer of St. Thomsà.. uhot himieli dead with a re- volver. NMu4. InbluOWICu eDlpkthert*.L Tis herfs etthéflàuis ?rth petit",It4f fixed to take pface *t Mitchell Jauary 30. Send 2. S 'hunhghe"' Sap 1wrapper <I per bearing th,- words qVWhYDeaes a Waia0 Looks Old Sooper - Tissu a Mè.ul) t1UWe Üreeve by post a prettjy picture, firee frcms'ý'd- vertislng, and. wel wrth framîng. This fijs easy way twdëcorate yonr beume. Thte sui the b t te market aud it wMiloulyCestc pmaute e nthé- WreppersIf >you 1ýtv theeud opxiWrhtêyour address ca eIVy. Ou i ig, in Ohicsg% tomà- perattre drôppedit two 'bours hem 20de- greee above te 8 dqemesbelows ,*o.- are *tneith 80 qnckly ,andeeoi1y Weok Babies anThln' 0Ii a -nt ftrong n robuatreb6y SootteE=u1ii hE forme, cilf1od seem to do theni no good w.~vr Tii.ox4genuine Sos~uson 'la--ppuup hi ;D10' u'rp -,r: Reuse oheapsibtut! Éélo> eû» ,ts *' MuiOn, FxëRk salm~w nd~$f PuIfy ii oô4, oooeot U Dîmdai. c the- Th"y lvgrate and reçter. bth bau"- D butsd Oonmtuou, na~mde invaluabie in aul (3mplamntsi kademtbrem" es *au, For oblidrn d thieaged they mre imzrnttured only st 78, NEW OXFORD STÈME;<Ite58M, OXFORD 8TlET) LONDON, and ýsoiô by mAU Mediolm e matruht pWl. gr Itauhbasm Oahcgeilook totbe aboletn te Boxesndpota. If tb..4Irm Jt a*, Oz4rd8#,ee% odothyame ffloo W QuiCL 1R DU~EUERA, QIN$, CO~ !D CMYG0 isdihave i i nes nSecilin t W BEALITIFLL MEÀ A Bordor8 toMat ÎT LOWEST :: RIcEs.e 0om. éarlý Md 4gétftr.* choke. P., B. WARAM, and.. - OAL Oow. Helpiesesand Bed-ridden for Mnts- $275 "Oent in Medical Tremîment Wtiout Avail-Her Early Decease Looked For as Inevitable7- But Heath amd StrengtiHRave Been Restored. From the Owen Sound Times. LasI fai when lie Times gave an mc- count of tic miractilous cure cf 1Mr. Wm. Beirose tirough ts. use of Dr. Williams Pink Pilîs for Pale People, vo had littho idea liat ve would be called upon te, write up a case which is even more remarkable. The case referred te le that of 1fr.. John 0. Monneil, wiose cure bas been s.ffectedl by these rnarvellous little messengers of healtis. The Tirnes' reporter wms met at the door by Mrs. Monnell, wio, tiough showing a few traces of tic sufiering sh. had undergone. moved about very sprightly. Witi apparently ail tic gratitude of a mnan wbo lad been sav. cd out oft tbe deepest affliction# 1Mr. Msonneli gave tic lollowmng account of his wifeo. miraculous cure. I bave been in the cmuplo>' of th. C. P. B. at Toronto Junctioti for nome ime. Ia Augnat luit year, efler confinement, my wife 100k. a chili .and what ieý commouly kuovu as milk log set in. Wien 1 came' home from my work I1vas in- forrned cf tic tact, sud nexl maorning oalled- ln lie family physician. The limb swelled in a v.ry short lime to, an enormous size. Every means kncwn *&as adcpted te reduce tie inflamma- tion,, but without aval. Coslting phyoi"ins wero called lu, buit alilthe, maafacetipf lâtey could give me was uh.tahe do iorn attendanoe wer.-do- ib hefr UtB ,.ÀÂtank W"- igged UP,.a long lins cf rubber bia-uutahed &md wouad iaronud lthaelite 1mb and lue vater allowed te triokle dcvi ilirougi th. pipÎog 10 relier. lb. epain sddzthei ma iion à 'e thé knée.., The.leg vas opeud and per- forxe-a .fitube vas lu.iaî Item lise «h ht Ïeankle WU th e hée.thm- il vould carry off lthe pua visicis formn- ed. Fôr 'Bye l-onganioamois watcolbed tii e villa despiar, vl ,Myw we munable te uMove bermeuin m .11mer lte. MOPhh. To a.8 le tise oo~ipIÈS#Ot>WP etpin# ia dfoi esaika tbore vas a ighfimor lite. At I TIONER ICA 1 PAPEIn, rHER. WLD. Y, ex. ier. a Zn 'Y. 9:08 a mu SU.. :0pm IBn. 8:05 AM uni. 1 au i x7pa

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