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Whitby Chronicle, 18 Jan 1895, p. 8

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qcmcb yqsand ipIýnty fî saiiô BOV. . . atpbà1 e urud Utu$onary' foIi dl,.willl preîc Ink tJie-Ptesbytexrlan r oiurcI& unî % aY,,Mrorning and oeui fli. --&bout z, o '0lo 0onFuiday, rup ong lut, the sa, U5I4iutbly tirne noW#:his4m Mr osJohoston, Wh,îbe, bas spent ithe lait fOtiulght bore uyving.ta organise a branch boRoyat Templars of lemïerauoe. -With asstatance a0 Mr,. W.W.,&Buahnnan, Hauuihon, the 1odxo wil I*orgaud lier. b-. ulghte fFrlday. Tii. Oddreliows bat! au open installation iu their Iodgè roonm ai MDaday oveutng. The g offices for the ousuîug vear were inâtalIed by Mr. lamûes, D. G. Master, and lits colloqgues front Ofàhawa. After the Installation Grand Master W. H. Hoyle. of Cannin ton. deliver. ed t vory Instructive addrdas on O4dfellowsbip ta a large numbor who, laient! JoW4ng -the.or- der. A aumber front Biackbtok w.?., over. aud tbey bave appliot! 1 bave the. ordor os- tabihet! thore, Âtter 'the address of the. grand master, the. memburs and! visiion ad-. Fîouirno t heSt. (Charles hoteJwhse tables were sproad groatly to ne crodt <« tb.bhast and bostons. After partaklug of a grand oys- tet supper the usui toaSa oo rposot! and responed to,in good stylo, aitor which the crowd disperset! greely pleumat witb tho pro- gramme. £ The annuai meeting of Scugog Ag. Sa- cla t ak place bore on Thisday last. Auditors report rest! aud adoptod, bal- ance on band 0417.03. Offi:ers for i 89- las. Grsbam# pros. ; E. H. l>urdy, vice; 3 . Btawn, treasurer ; J. H. Brown, sec- rotary;- diroctors,'L Sebert, A Williams, Thas Grebam, A 'Bryanit, Geo Jackson, R G ShIer, W H Marks, E j Whoeler, JD Paxton. Recepte.-Balauco (rom Lt 7 tur, $s3.65; inembers tickets soIt! sprir'g [air, $75; gaMe recelpts (al fair, e9,%86; Govt.grene, s0o C C Keilett. liceuse, etc, U8.6 'Ztals $14' members tickets soid (al (air, $514; donations, $8720; sle of(bootbs, etc, $7 ; adu. li prise lust, $18. Total Oz2a.,36. ilxpendltures-By paid prises sprlIng(air,$665 ; sunudries, work, etc. sio.5o ; do. workt on grounds, $to2.91; do. -tustomue, duies, $7.84 ; dinners.. etc, ta Judges, $îo.5o ; R -J Bruce acc, $3.77 ; electrlc Ilight, $184j; M Williamns,: band, Sosundrios', speeding lu ring, $205.50; R 4ckg, cleauing hall, etc, $ i i; Newton Brou, pintluig, $38go; J H Browu, salary, $6 5; ConertPltlung-Ca, f 16.2o ; N Whit- fleld, . straw, $14 C L Vickery, lumber, etc, 814.8t ;Hfi arsons, rinîing Sc, S5z.- 2,5; suudties, prîzes, $7;.25; Aaron Wl!. ilaa,#suýpllcs, $ii.5o. Total $155.34. rimez ALEERT. We are giad to 'flnd Miss Lizzle Dodds stîll i tb us. She làastteuding Port Perry htgb sebool. W. are sýorry to leara of that Mr. Ruebeq Eoedlai 1 with inflammnation of the. lungu, and siuoreiy hope ho shail son be amengit us again. Glooma basbeen cast aver aur (air vil. Jage hy the deatb of anecoaits lsad and muèb respected citizens. lu the. persan af Mro. Frankil. She dled early on Siatur- day mèïileg and vwas burled lu Plue Grave cemetery oonIXSday saroon. The. funer.! sermon wsas preacbed lu the cburcb by Mrt. Konner. Deep sympatby lu (oit for lte bereaved ones. Mime Aonie Walsb la home (rom Lindsajr' Wora îftêweeks. ~Ir à. laspeuding èvre deys llà . se acly Ms, Keeler ils vlsltlng Mouds lu" Mb- hum, Brookllu sudWbitby., Skating on -Mr. BEuo'a mil poundI Lews quitte tii. rage Jut naw* Miss Liil. unro. 'bas rcturnedborne, efrer vlaltlng rriends at Groonbauk for Mr. George Porteonl bas been spendlng bis bolldys At borne. George zooms to thluk ticty le the place. Mrt. J. Manroe left (or Pittsburg Monday' ovenl*t. W. abal sU mise bus good natured*a dIlvely disposition. Mr. Wm. aud Miss Alle Tbomupson arc' 'BAGAN.DAY~S body yMi preerveéd.-XI lW4ai'the, l'arts exêurecel'ved #:oo. Mr, C. Jona Thornion, formeraud lumù- ber "e1r ig néer, KIrby. ln Clarke twushblpi, was on Saturday -ciiosecti hle aimait unanimous vote of 53 delegatos ta b. the - standard beaxr o f tii.Patrons ln the. forthcomîug Dominion palilical cantest ln West Durhamand utb.cguontéd 10 enter the race agsinst Mr. Robert 3.11h the p resent Libt ral me mbr, snd David F. Walsh, the. choucu Çonservative can- didate,,- Mr. Thoruton wss pregedt bard& ta enter the. Provincial cotetilait Jura, aud It la uow ardeutiy boilevot! by'tii. Patrons thi had ho sccepted the nommna- tdonhe would have been elccted insieed, of bis neighbor, Mr. W H. Rold, the. Consorvativo member, wbo la abco a Patron. Tii. aggreate Patron. vote lu tuis coustitueucy doos not exceed ton per. cect. of the votera, but tbty are couutting on nuamerous dofoctions (nom lb. ratika îF bW~h oit! parties sud a -general rush tg tii Patron rauks. Reformera 'sud Conserve- tives are deotlng tboîr enorgios sud meanusta revisîngibhe Dominioni lista, but tho Patrons have takoen no part lu lb. work as un organlsation.-Stesumau. Miss Siyvesler, Lindsay, la vlslting ILt Hill Crest. The couteit at the Division la becomlug' interesting.- 'Miss C. Ashton Newcastle, has beec visitlug relatives Lierm Mr. John Waltere now bas the contract far carriug the malse (rom Bowmauviie. Many a iaugbuy'man sud nonten isa haveobeen qulckly bumbleid durlug tl.lat few days. Mr. bicRoberl, pur uew teacior, ls get- tiug :îioely ta wor'k wlth- pupils. Sciaci opouet! wlth a large etten4ince. W. congratulai. Mr. L. X. Caurtice on biis clectIon to, the. ud deputy reeveshlp. W. thiuk the. deviors dld right lu pro- xuotiug hlm. ORONO. MWs Minnie Truli bas mturued ta Whut- by CoUege. Mns. jas. ^Mitchell upeut Mout!ay wîth Mi-s. J. L. Rone. Mrt. Jesse Trull visiîed Is faleud Mr. Ezra Hall thle week. Mr. Wm. Kirkland af Port Hope, was in townou clectian day. Miser$. N. Hall aud E. Downey called on Orono friends on Tuesday. Dr. Annie Câeh, of Toronto, bas beon at ber fatbcr's, 1Mr. Jobn Carvotb. Meurs. JobnqPercy and A. J. Lockbart Of Bowmnanvil. and Dr. Ra. of Oshawa, vlWted their Masonic bretiren ilu Orono on Thursday nighi. Qutte a- lito blafte took pl=aceluthe. pont office on Tueeday tlgbî caused by tbe (ainoa hanglg p. Fortuuiately il wus smothcreoe any damage wu, donc. .Among tiase la ato dance et rovision court au Thur»day wa ýnoticod Mr.. Gea.ý Grey, lqeientouaille- W T. Lockbart, of M. P., of Bon snsuivlw$q .Wedçllng belle are expeçted ta peal fartb tfils w.cb. WýnotcedM"m4,AýG.Hedero A, Auniber were-iout. .on Sgturdey. 1 kg thoîr'hope., sjparently takiug s vau- tasgeof the godslelgbing. Ur.- W,- C*l Micbdll, Blslop'Ridl«y's College, Stý, Caîbarities, pld aur village a f lying visît bu S«turay et Mrt$. Cowau'e uIc. $pent e few days wlh, ber lest week. T.. B. WIllis and N. J. Bodeli neme lu the: city ISaturday. SlelgblugIs perfect non gud cuttera are paasing aloug the road contlnuaily." Mr, W.^ Matibews bad- a wod, ho. ti othel day *wic cme, ofjtucessful M m. P eeattnsd mir. Jaseph ll er The. S. 0. As. ScIety sud O'nt. .&Dur. Ex. AsSo. béld tiueir -'suns! einewn the'cpoucil chamnber bere èn vWednesdy -aftomuoôn. There Wasas good attendancie; Mr. Jua. -b. Jlowdeuprosîdent,fledt!he chair., 'Tb* first 'business nas tie reating'fthî auditors' report by Mr. H.. B. Teylor,,'s (oliaws:11 RECESIPTS. Goverumenu gens........ oo Recelied'ou capital stock......400 Momemslptl ...... .... 417-00 Speclal prise..- . ... * Enirsuice for Btte, 'Ra ,cz , % Rcvenuo firo tables.......' xé135on < < booths. .... 1390 ', " stands..."**@snob. 935 Dlioiu«ds ............... ...... .. o Notes disconotcd.......... 2815 Balance» froclait year ............. 6ô 79 tduo, Western bankso. 81 41 85671u2 EX1BNDITURBS* Prises............ .t... ...tee... Jrudgou .. e ............ ........ Ticket sellers......... ooo49# Çanstables and curetakere........ Postsge, telegrams, etc .... Show bille .... t................... lstlnc...... ...... .......... Wm -Brysu & Son acc....... Rase Bras., aec ...... .... ».. Refunda ...... .......... C Scoat, posting bills .... - Mea9.... ......... ...... Grass & Grauger....... ... Oshawa eband.........o@set avu-oi., W H Piperac ...... ...... . .Hatcb & Bro., acc .... «....... R S Cormack, acc....... Straw ...et........................ Refunt! ou tiets .... ... .. Acrobats ... .............. Salary of Secretary.... .....4 Gea Davey, sec......... W R Howse acc......... 'l Rogers work,.......... J Cannons Eleclric lîgit............. A Ellia ak....... A C Wilson 'Sc........ T Practot, work ... ........... u Bis payable Western bauk...... Iuterest ou samne.......... Postage ................ ..0.. 1TTbicGeary, acc for z893.. Rçea estansd bItig,...; Tumurstiles . -.. . .......... Bencbesj, books, etc..-.1 SPccial prise upad Capital stock npiid........... Profit aneut! ac .ec....... 850 700 3290 7515 5200 400 12 30 150 300- 3900 3900 1 00 380 4 39 2a 44 150 00 2384 4 40 >400 ý3Ã"00 JTo 00 15 70' '2920.50 92a84 38-50 !3 00, 8575 2* 700 I. '4oo 1191Il Primes unpaid. ... OFIICrf# 0F S. 0. SOctaTy. Prsdet . ondent; zet vice W. R.Hanse J.M. Long 'Itres. directors-Jas. SFtcks, seu,,, G. E..' Brlgit, 'W.A $d".-:;W.Sadi Derel. eo. Mav-oo.Audltbri OPPICERS O? ONT. &ADURS. a Non.- prsldene.Jo ilen sd malbluob; . PreeldentJ. D. 1Mowden' .vice, R . R. o'wbrsyan2d vike. Beith; -3rdTvice01 W. Cnlbi-;leas JH.Jang aertriot, 2.1.é iSturday, <mW GuI Jan. I9th, WA LT ERS'. We will place on our counters ail the Remnants in our store for sale, at,1 One-whaif flegular COMPRISING 0F: .0WALTIERS DRESS GOODS, FLANNELS, LAOE$, RIBBON S,. TOWELLINGB, COTTONs, LININGS, SILES, FLANNEL ETTEfS,-. QIL O«LOTHiS, SATNSETC& In orde'r to -cle"ar ouit the balance of our. <~ DEBSGOQI wehave pacdon -a lrge ta-blein -per yard. il k re.duoed 1o one prie.. centre -fstore, were fr-om 250. te Me . ..2 enu, [erlng at lé'ch--bwpricieb' on Sauray, hiether yu ant '..to ,puicb,,hase oër- note, Th boeprices are for Saturday, Janl', î For bargalns 'lu (t Viaut fO.» the D~sia etDeputy OstMwmse Bm. Ueo, lbmpw. oraiUxbd4pe. aud the inýtaletof tbo.uewly elecied'ýoffinS% for thel Depuqy ce bâ en.Stra*bio tbeiod0 iWOOD ta vwb*Lwho cod in ~bwr~ af b theI oroutinebuahnessu àwsosepl bit te=Anad proms4o4to tbaga dm pftlQ«' te in cef»Mla tbisIr tuW afder, w h o bc dt W.~Bs4y I'UhV., re.' j V.Bm. Pama.R B snd exteded bis mcesuhto * gll m.sy aodlsst hsssf à" mmu -of > dm.acs. the dt. we Pr- f00. iAJlt

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