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Whitby Chronicle, 1 Feb 1895, p. 1

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v omcle E4t.,toh,ér '4' With calm privrted 0wsOrd.grat thoqtst, and Utntig indufry GOOD BARLEY W ÀN T ED' FOR 1%*CH 1 WILL PAN THE frice. I amn also paying ihs pnce for Wheat andQas It will pay you to see me be- fore selling elsewhere. DOMINION BANK. ~'ospiWlPaid up, - $19500o.000 s~urplus, . $10500 000 Whitby AgeucYs (ïenera1 Ba.nking Businessl SÂVMiNOSD]CpÂETMENT. &noeS fowed st highest caren ratai Iouotise o Witbdrawal required. . .THORIÇTO»t . P-G. MeldrumyM. D ý:,L nittt of %ho Royal CoUl Oge f teOf phymclafasuMd surgeofl, '0 '«fCe mand resideuse, north section Of the " Terraco,"D Byron Street, norl of Dundas Street. ,T>.l.ephofe communicatio wlth Office. Whitby, July 4th, 1894. "W'ho? WIho? Who? Says the Owl. Whosoellthe best Baking Poirdert W. P. HOWSR'; dois. Why?1 Bocaus.only the puresti ngridiants arc umed, snd itleh frcquently nmode. Cofifqlicntly lais- ways pure &feb London WH-ITBY, ONTARIO, FRID4Y IP&NEWS LETTERS. tbIr ;$ t:, though ts, sud If w i oHEONICflE oEsomBOw. s nid alwmnimbe irl c e lnuthe way wblch*OiUld s..MbotfU0 OUEAWA. 'dollberate cusldrata* f0ý"the fact If you wlsh a ulce Fren tihiarîn e ra 9 haysdIfw atd w ,of te or te& set. or anyt n ufancy china or suylijp hChWUCýi-tbe glaawsr, goteEB Mforgsfl & Son. ShpeI08oo; w*etêt agali n d thea Mien'e sirOug boots, g mtr, laced booswrt I' u he-tcrk p W ayaa wltb too cape, or lacedbts lbblowera hiavC o wéoudita wth' ug tongues for $1.00 ai the corner store 0mb- Mbti awa.t*î i cllë "r It wllI py amy parties etcm auf ii =W C*em fTOiI . .r <'iu buylng an cuggeq-tuito eddltig j S&ody__ i g: o ai veds to e the large stock Of iPoil Eros.n 0mb- pais%-h. r mlo awa as tbey Wil »Ili ibIS iuiM&6Verychmp epcalylFmllrpae. IL HOmU 6 for cs3h.Geminule dlamond xZIL o19Y $3-Pt They are also mkn on p~A us ( h i i=É ba ben a ccep o ud, tu Geats', Ladie s Md Boyls, %id a" d snOub=iU £e ru Obw ill 5O léutàèthetese cf Dr. Hlg, .Wboïï i silver watches. See thei. FetBroS. mluvesil, 110 lbiera, buA boy itom thi The O shawa fire brigade st iheir 6 î - eet t b S o O0e w b 'u hl br at. e av li img drafted a resolutioii of sympaihY wwlihthe toe"mm as nd no e sA61o0 beBIgOO*d Toronto brigade l in the ss0"cf Oasch, agalmst'Dr. HoljThe boF jbard tbàààoDaa *A Richar Ardag. mittheb -maneas ciber boys, sud the Or. Mr. Willl Rlggs, laie cuiter for A. Mackle, bausemI Pretyat s u alfloe oWlC basoomeoedbuinssfor himiOlitli ýhe uder. 5W00K prOOmdouLWe oC Opl hilson block, Kln ieou .Wew ShmCrp=t5lpounlihent as violence, bot una ÈýM Wilsn bockKin et.I»t we ishhim.ly or te u Oslother Cb*Itla sauccusillubhlmventure. ttStage-ci advaaoMeal; Four rlnks frotu the Ohawa curling and bsides lils bard le pt up wlth tnmolen iOS OII club vlaited Toronto oawedesday. bMr. foni a boy fS whom one, hem ma&dcaoelfi, hi A Punshon has rved ln town fret» Mua- 1Dr. Holg syshdom the.beu ihelaable tOla PthWb koka aud wlll play wlth the club ln the the InteresiaOf ibe boy, and wc fubY belleIek(i taukard matches. prvides hlm wltb a good home. We rnayrem - The curling club lnteud holding amother markibat ihe Vindicator bas lookedMitoé, a grand matinee carulval this Saturd(IY. for ihesecomplalflswlhieaersitsED ig the childrefl. 4 prizo are offered. The. CIi)c previous carnival wa se gresi a succeaSS-la that a repetition seuis necesmarY. Oulis Bustasas »untrI. ÇOU The em ployeci of thé\ R. S. W illiam»s& I B Yb r e .8 = " tr * Son piano factory are naklmg great pre- Cisi . parutions for tbeïr 6th unca banlwhlch DR. D. L.90 -=0MU iet]C colrnes où on Ucthe of Webruary. Near- BROOKS' LIVEET, BMcO $*'Mreet, blh ly 400 couples were pree t ai h lait hall WIg* LPE hammam maker. SiMoosstee8 o an d the com m ittee ex c t t h v 5 0 T. B . 0 mi io P e a dnrg * couple thls year, . .~~o jinpao u rae 3 The premises of the McLaughllfl Carrl- Slioo steel'b_ aeCo. are assumlng the appearance of1 a CoMxuOu" HoTEL-JC. ouiopl t. îh>riving saw-mill Yard. Elà, sud Basa- Mdm otecléss sdoÃ"irib7 wodlga are coming lu, ln undÙmnal quan- qpedPh w 11 c ur ]P ÉTO ?Vfon B O H5OTOU -PUUf O t boo a. 0i M ites, and the number of loga glvos accur- Pon sud fanoy 90d0" .E Egn.11 ate evidence of tUecconsiderable aràount of sttow..-dret s timber whlch uiehremain lu thissec-JOB. KoLp»-UiY~husaelm.l tlOf. Laves Oshawa î a in ansd 2pvins au4 Pm et The Recreatiofi Room ai the mechanice ' Wb 'a lêsni ud4Pui.ké *institute lu a great aucceses and la beconi- Una lm X-J.-. mLO4U .5e ing vcry populsi! tthà the ung mien. ursdrniIe.ramku& * Theroonuus wlul ghted a. hetate d - tu.foe sireo r-ý»U îr,;ý nLndtA haraielle Dm..u1~ lustitute membeit ind"' O~s~Un5 made for is use. At mcs on Weducoafy Miss Aller Bestrioe Dingle, fonrth daughter of the laie W. T. ingle, manufaclure, vas unitecl lu rnariage to Mir. Duncan 1). Stewart. of Winnidpeg. The numeroUsand csIlY Prescuis evldenoed the high esteem lu wblch ithe bride vau held. The oermony vas pefrfoed sutheresi- denS of the bride's mothes. SimooSstm. south, by the Rev. lames Kines. in the presmâ0e of a few slect i4lnds and relatives pf the bride and groom. The happy couple lIdt forth west on the p.M. train amid àa shover of olrd shes and rice. Heresiter readers ofiis colume maydexpeca a good record of Oshwa malteraofiniterat and may oonfidently .expeet mn accueteo. onut et principal events. W wlsb lu b undeciidth iaiwc w'"te noin' -Ut _ïô thebec li ipuls-es if anymy fd.lnufMel hee ubiMedhemrllA* bave W. 17 1 notatcllo5ly mljuve any goK Ii' i puaIos, bIUo ,on ilueetbarbasd, if aeGPlC par dilawrom g dg hyddsero be ipçý0 aMdbave ne jutl rigi t Wxei mbs fercai.r 'The Oma*a Psprsbave ni 5ep5s dciii itopleïiently w1th cerain pieM ~b Ãœ, the CBRONiOK* W endegvor&à s a4tme w1 keep the, public posted on tPpo it oc quesin u e uie ni t OUPsc About a d&Memienare at Wcrkou n 74aileable Ira ildingssd th, ote *WPlmon b. 'lau a -pooiloio o'ui flwaI il Droashv H a el -be., emelo D. PÂru Da. I4BIRUAY1 8 ceNous m 9 = lWobeter-tth . was ~rGeo.Co>t'd gIbdOfSps Ipton-" s a lstu.trad lb. J11.z jÀDhIi Nott bàle ~tthe!bÉir tOP la tch ha renteda farci sd takn op bis resldeuce la bu* -e aIé appaïàcqo $ho o nthlug It Ot "ieu ,of C-ébout , ouig. L~.ê Troto ~~ s: L Asle la bout to ta i ruwtIàre rhis brother's .stock er ýtn I tAlbii 5 Testor Of1-tesF« ii clh rog «Àd Madswflth*e towa t a néwrosy litebày. Woklu thuuugblb. O1PO Our e "Otescher Io gettbagi Wl.Qute nutfbde f youhg l1die0 >dumdy-of7g. ier ir. ew Ward a-luet compled C*b ingt t owaO -a f 4-4d h now buylng borsesfo I1~OaregoilgtoattndFnglislî naret ~~ ' One. nlght 440 memm Of te * church choir.mt ttherWsdeuice .ofJ ýîeptrousof tbu ièe. à 4for actiée, and té. hve 'a'0 fortnemsy eveulng chat over the eatlnig of ae beautlful a èuwsdoo.cburc"nQilve-sar'Tbey spenta ~w~s mcwe 1o , i.ejoyable eveulèg, but tà returningil fodW uIdno ac o ne. ii i.'t e &1ver havin one of bi amseij Ifo~ ~ ~~~n lutouMudyfojfdCUP wi*1 bis.,,ltte Amtwel w nia ipwIic rc iug lait w .mn met i Uthe weAw £011111 101 Powder L the best BIOOd piilainr Md goiermi Oouudilu powd« . t h. niaket, it ilf the obeapesl poadorth"1 ashm houaof.~ feraa~ Cam or*Il iÂpJxtit oROUb"W5of the ltsàr p'D o.plbor 8 lb& .6a MÂDE ONLY 1OY-Y VOL* XXiX. HEA VY :: Bighost NO.9 have TES) 39 ve are. 2th, NLY. .sually ade, well rreat suc- ,a R S Id No. 1, APLE SYRUP, ad rockery, ta cheap, >OeTis, Tees, ;HOR TRADE. T THE TIMES. sd cxauîninlm fo yoursef. g ao(il$e&o=ib Ulm !j" mâ-booft-,"Y Mme tbée ýnÏdw-. a . 1 broui is famisbea wtzn,- ýa 'aptçu%-- board. ýre, 150. 1

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