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Whitby Chronicle, 1 Feb 1895, p. 2

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ead 0a.Nowboya, It lok. bod tois a man do agood dayÏ vwci& etaabee, but ýdoa1'work harder tban yo uçan stand hi, A'norethlaressua sud sensé la al ihioga M day nlglt laït Mr. 'P. looneya markeî store waa agaîn- robW~e. rTe en- terprIig lburglarthis tinte; gotLway yvuîh a few huadred cigare, 0 Ibn. toýbacco, sud nome Ttisin, rthtint iis f Entatce Was« eftecîed by breakÎng s panâte olglass tu la i'.fronVidoor 'sud thea break- B ox" oi t.*Streete.» A few 8,y ago Mn. W. A. Proddy waa sunond btreMagitrat E. C. Am-- -bellou a charge7ofbloklng tii. idewalk KNUwliIwGEwlîl boxes. Mn. Broddy was defended by KNOW MMn. Chapple, M.P.P., Who poiuted out Drings oomfort and improvementi and thart.ithold by-Iaw under whicb the tends t. persuanal enjoymont whes charge was - brought lad never been ad- rightly une& .The. many, who ivre betr veniised and wss therefore unknewn te the public. He contended that it would ter than others sud enjoy 1f. nMere, ithb. nfair te Impose a fine under a by-law leua expenditure, by taore Pomp th le existence cf which lad net been es- adapting the vends be Iat prodûcota t»i tablisled. After tiumof course the public the needa of plýysicaL eîngl, Win atteal wuld probably kuow of îte existence. As thevalo Ub"Ih rth pue lqui-:deputy-reeve O>Brien and counicillor the yk, t hpath o~the ure i Crosby were boili proeut ai the court lie laxative principl«es mbraoud in the. suggesied ibai iliey be fiued five or ten remedy, S'yrup ofFig%. dollars cacha for negleci of duty in net bav- Ita excellence in, due te ita pre.onting ing tlie by-laws publlsbed. -Botli ilese gentlemen were allowed te enter a de- in th. ferai mont aoceptab'e sud pleas- tencC, and agreed wlîh the suggestion &nt to tho haste, the refreshing aud inn!>' ibai the by-taws of the town should ho betieflisi propertiee of a perfect lax.' pninîed for the convenience of the public. ative ; effectually cleansing the ssteaiMr. OlBieui, In fact, said lie had meved luM'i coutichl iowands ihai enid, but bis ne- dispolling coldis, headachos and foyers conîmendation lad not -been adopied. and permaneratly curing constipation. (We believe 'ihat for yeara pasi ibere bas It has given satisfaction ho millions and been a periodical attempt to sotan t tc work met with the approval off the medical of revising the by-iaws and priniing the Most important unes, but it has neyer been profession, because it acta on the Kid-. censtimmaîed). The magistnate tuait a ner', Liver and Bowels witlîont weak- lenient view of the offence under tle cir- ening theman sd hii perfectly fro. from cuisiances and censured the ceunchl for every objeotiotiable substaîqo. net letthng thihî laws be known te tle peu- Syrup of Fige ia for sale by ail M. pie who awere expected te obey ihem. He' gisa i 75. 'otties, but it iis manîu- ibought h weuld be unfair teaânc Mn. Broddy and dismîsseti the case. factured by the Cz'ifornia Fig Syr'up Co. oîiily, whose naine ii.printed on evcry iOa'esmer7 ana cheae faotory, package, aie the naine, Syrup ot Fige, Acting oi the recommendation cf their and being voll informre(!, you Skcnesmely comnmluee the board cf Irade of the town id Uxbnldge are advcntlsing (or an ex- accept any nubstituto foff-ur:od. wen<Sd marà touxnerta<ke the. utaruinn' of Rosuits Astonish, MIN OFI SCIÉNCEli AVER' A MEDICINE WITHOUT AN EQUAL. Statemneut of a Weil Known Ductor Ayer's Sursapafla hs i wttoui an equ-i as a blood-i)urifier and Spnhng medIct:e,un:d, cannet bave pralse cnough. I have watclîr,'l Its effect.i ln ciironic cases, wbere otL-,r ireainent was cf neos-rail, and have beeut astonlslied at the results. No other blood medicine that I have even used, andi Ilisve tied them in l, hse i horougb in Its action, and elTects 'o many permanent, cures'as Âyer's Sarsapaila."l-Dr. H. F. MIRmU.Li Auguta. Me. Auy-î's ioS'aîsapailla Âd.mflth.4 athehWorhd's air. .LVr'a Pilla for hiver sa" bossela ns. Storm leha Wdng wth MBuk- ho der at present. F. Reesor, of Mailhai, Vtial t St . McCrelght's 1mai week. Mn. Clark. Of iii. I.akoShOMe, apoti Sunday wyul Mr. Spence. Mrs. McGav, of Mksnvsit4d at A. Burkholder's lIt ek misa colline. îofClazeaont, Spoû $u day wl ie aier r, pJos. CUl E. Storm, of Wbltchubuh, i , d£à few days wltbibls upçis, I4r, arkw r WC arie very sorrp tta t* liat ju Thonsbas kmee loea(cly, Tr. Haàcockla, fOrtned7Mof Ibis - aoue. W" la owl mest 10dàl balte d hai' Mr.est lacooln.te ,thse mose at~ aigJe wti4g, but we bopé uber«d cneamer ad cheese facîory hiema This was declded on at a meeting of thc board of trade couc! lheld last week Ithi hbelieved uhat ibere is an excellentopcnlng bers. and build- ings anti power can ho get ai a nomnla rent, a ma.wil nct requine so mach capital as ho vould ifsa building hsd to hoe erected. Being a busines centre and shipping point, Ux. bridge ha believed te ho a mocre suitable place than any of thc amalI villages aurouuding. li was cnanyrgre as a disadvantage lust in, thOe MraiHill oeeamery being se far mriwy, teleplene and telegraphie comn- munication. Distance lu daawing the ecom need hardJy stand in Oie way, as creanu sep- misiors cculd easily ho placed ai points in. tle conaLtry fer convenlenos ef diffrent sections and the creamn comld ho gaibcned from those crean stations, ilium overiug a vcny large ec- tien of country andi aasuring te patrons a greater proportion of cream, front ibeir ml, journal. About thirty herses were' beught here1 1ai week by varions buyers. Ben Aubrey get 5, Isaac Watson x8, and E. J. H'Ulson bouglnt a few. Pricea rangeti frei $40 te Anoîher deal among our mendiants bas' insu taken place, J. F. Brownmcembe lav-. ing beught ont E. A. Wood. Mi. Wood1 inteada starting a dry goode business In Onlha, ' We, iope hismomve may prove -a1 profitable ône fle la tiereughly' conten- saut rnth the. dry gooda business. Che«» lsohry ntLaMae 'A weUi attended ýmeeting vwas field at Leaskdal.e ai eek te consider the stat-, ,log -of a che factory there. ,Mr. osPh Tiffa preslded as chairman arud Mr. Wme Milue, of Guelpht, explaîned thé business. As sa resuli cf tie meeting Mesurs. Andrew sad oprt-afat.Te aierte 't puonatrplan for l manufact uire f buttr. Norths Ontarlo *gwloulurUat8eley. At the annual imeeting lash week cf the N nuOatario Agticultural Socket the fol"ov log ôfcrweeceted for ibis year : Presi- deat. Wm Thempmon;vice-pros. hna Toma>';andvle-pra.,Petr cinîtie ; sec.- ureas,,E.J.Be ; diectors, IegE Breen. WFser, U n, Kineg , Milen, Grv.,R Ribaïd. 'A E CtauhtQn& 87 tuuily UC imcs ' , 1 1WM. T I1L l,ý lbon*ho re1athe habit *of snin1g thoir ÇIOI09 bUsia -lu Q salong t'he Unie W Î- I L . dap~ayQDR VSItabut he Im th nis--wbo contibutes largely to-thecoffers of sur ols arounds, to avoUtigte. ee-Ithd.institutiotn thUeshapeolexprës'and Undertake#,ol ablnet Maker, fore. wili find Ilittie conàsolation là the resolu- fret'ght. tion passed, aI Monday's -meetings-of the O-,col- -Ceénsumems.of oranges should- bewaet of1/p cil la that regard. The better way to avi the frznfui olg rmFord.A.olgter, pealy o e~e h çimOrang" spectalttle,- Florada maya that 'And dealer In Furniture of al kinids. F h wiU be notlced that the wiekly alowances frozeén oranges, are- polsonons and deaths to Indigents in' this township its been mater-« hv beén- known to occur (ý ront eating rease, bythenew hadraniMr. jon the occasion of a formner fireethes e, Th Sbsrb eg tean ne exiat ~Iy hle says that the Boston or MassacbuseWsv severe weather. Altemr May zet the, saine wUIl oard of bealth fbrbýade the Importation of that ho ham again opened business in be rpduced se thatJo the, aggregate the 91 anis frozen oranges as pbisonous aud danger. hisi old stand, and has placd theru wliI~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~1 beaot'esie>uls er ne our 015te the public healili. Noticej sucli an ohoice, styliah and .coniplete stock of opinion hi i a verr Wise <nove on the part of embargo bas flot yet been given since the the dientasaaittendnc ~present freeze in fforda. 1This gentleman'N V FURNiT RE 'rhre as far atenanc ofcitzen Atsays that not only have the orange groves NE U IT R the meeting in W. V. Richardson', oilice fr'. and the vegetable gardens been seriously i day evening, which gatbening ws convened injured and ina many instances wliolly de- 0f every description, which wilI be sold for the purpose of procuring if possible, sofie stroyed, but even in the extreme soUlli cf at a Siniall margin un cost. kinid of a banking institution for the village. Florida the cocanut trees- and the pi ne- Mr. Richardson occupied the chair whife %XA. pies have been seriously injured, and' Another bale cd those oelebrated Mimed Bunting was accorded the secrearyablp, Ater in sme places killed. by the frost., Mattra5se5 08.25, worth #5. See those considerable discussion it was decided te ap- h snwdcae htii okc h Tape"u or Carpet Lounges st 05, worth point a deputation te wait upon the Managi ng tt o elidtath okoth #8Hr-wdSdbuds142gsfr Officiais of' the Western Babk, Oshaw11, witb bacteicogsiis revoluionizing the #8,H60,od Seords,$142 lss o a view to hathg a brancb of that bank opened scence of mediie u h rdio s 85,wrh02 here. Armed with a numerously slgned re- made that the men wlie are se patientlylJ quisition Meusrs. W. V. Richardson, R. &. laboring wiili the microscope, maklng an l3unting and W. T. Dusnbar visited Osbawa examinatienief the microbes or' living1 Tuesday afiernon and had an interview with ereatures teesil ýo be, seen by thebe A' fUil tOOk of offna, Manager McMillen and bis fellow directors. naked eye, wil lu e few years confer The said officiais wl give a definite answer in t pon bumaniiy the greatitsibeon il bas and Oa.skets, and a P'irt- a few cisys. ever rece.1ved. Thisexamination bas n tnt It seems te be the opinion of seme frera gane- very far, but alrea4y It is preîîy Olans earse. in the township, that wben their sheep- have cleariy esiablished thai the ills of human- been worried by degs ibat ana plication mus ity are very iargeiy due te microbes in be mnade ai once to the counca for remunera- one forin and another and that which les tien snb i ne Oi cas. Te dim a. ali vasîly mnore important the theory is faily' .1,î if made any time iîhln ulires months. The maintained iliat science wili at last be a bicWle y, amnount of damage olaumed must bé asserîcal te avent or retard their work of eneriiatient to by two dlinterested ratepayers, wben If sat- 1andi destruction upon the human systean. isfactory the council will gratt wo-tbirds of No one, we presume, bas been ra Farm for Sjie. the amount. On making the applicaiba the enough tucaim thai death may be avent.' owner of the sbeep must, upon oatb, denture ed, but il seema. reasonable ihai a at t 6 ArsLeNo3,3dCnT nsp that be has made diliet aeâncli for the owner' science may se fan overcome the destroy- c eshitby No, miles rin WTownsaipe of the dog, shouid suct searcli prove success- ing work of the microbe a» te greatly Pro' known as the Lynde homestead. Soil second fui the councîl -cannet be bled fhable. Ag long human lif.-Tribune. te none, i a first clama siate of cultivatiort. sbeep dlaims are beeoming more n'timerouae Good fences ; watered by iive strearn acrs escli. year. the provisions cf ithe by-law will oecre o ad rmafn tn os haveý to be more strictly cemplied wkth I CiniUs IBB»u.n ouBoum. faene teran dO ads ri inse;sinousme Onç,of Whltby's mo st weaithy citizens. de- Iii caunet be denied that the influence e01lieuse and abundance of fruit, ef ail kinds. slred tu go to Toronto on Bax- yand net F limaste upon bealh is lagreat, and it isla -Fr aisaleadrivig sed aie fa casin t c a Ibis ar on h wyoe-cognitien of Ibis faut that pbysioians mud, R. 1. LYNt>k., crétedificulty in thswy e purcbased Ipatients sufenhtig wi th pulmnary diseameate JUI) s4tli.L894. uPon the prnMiss. a returu frein Whitby te, here and then utilized j-great' distances fur change of - air," But a market ticket from ibis station, tbereby salv- when the sufferer happons te be o poor to Ing about 40 cents. The severe censure he ctsotn thile advice bis lot ilalbard . indeed. received at the bands cf tîbeonductor vas But i lanet nsessanily liepeless. Dr. SriCAu Ânesay describ- wortb the difference. By sucli smahl act as Pieree's Golden Medical Discevery eau bè ULRLF#tLOO. ing a realiy gennine this soute people become weahîhy. bad!at any medicine store, and te ht thons- OGçe for Deafnesa, Singiug lunBars, Taoced up in prominent places about the anda whose caes wsre oonsidered desperate &o., ne matter bow severe or le -' village we notice sinail slips of paper announe- owe tbe5Whvee51mnig ilb etps reAý9 ing, lu witlng, that a certain farin net farfrom Up te a certain point lua the. progreinof cf stad, umsntsit lreeartliu- her la to rent. The farm nmay be al nigbt, Cenumpiioii, Dr. Pierce Golden Medical ol ardinan shiarppsue but eshould scarcely desire ta ho under a Disoovery iora- 'tive reniddy. Bneat y l KMEVxs u i& Cne . Ajrnu8sSh landiord wbe aqssu penurious as to in. ibis w<ay dneoswrOuupln. alti ainapton Building, Holborný,ondon. aveid the expense cf advertlsing bis place Inn 1ddtios wt'iead teoit, tie 'Disoovery"is the nsual way. Inluae cf puer cropi or éailirthierentedy. *W*îh sevre iingering Genglis mlsfortune, we couic! net expect mucli eonsld. or Weak Lunce noîhing'actase promptly. eraton hen he ent ecae du.-Nws. Every disease tuai eau be reaebed, îbrongh eraton hen ie ent ecae du.-Nws tho blod yields te ibis medlolue. TheTk flanOi. GA&EUG.Srofulous affectione, cf the. lungs that's cal!.T - 4 8l Ietrc 81 Mr. Geo. Wallace hoft for Belleville od Coumption la-oe o f themn. Fer tila coiheg ia.. ~.k.and for every' other fôrS of Sorofula, fér ii coleelu ee.blood-taints aud disonders, sud -a&l el*enic AND APPLIMNCES Mr. Duncan Mathioson is home frin Bronchis, Throat, and Long affections, the Bu0IareVisiting friends. i"Diseevery» ati u>'rmd ec rtain jff AlND WOKxx ththcan b. guaranteediIfitevrtot Nim Trner of eterro, la tesch- benofit or cure, yen, bave >'our mene>' hock. ing in'tho Peint Mars section. VnantMg hs eJsta ood" or us~n W. understand thiatMa,. obti Mo- yen te bny ? - a53y L.I P 11 !liay hm iwoisa dtii. atwedb Den'h you boleveit iesa n b > eui 'Mis .TauI.~Mouaig u n. ~ W tae itaie ue en Mo n-hool1ah-1Uà aiXsalaui. - Qui .k~ section. Thé- people, o01, that vaounty -posu ec1 . otig .laun, ay cogrtulate tltemaselves u MisesbeHnÊ-iig MOag iedtshr. e ,auiive eiv h> are #ln _____________ - danei hmedicinsia tlii. vil. -Ayezs The -Patrons of North italio. Qîerr Icoal aken haOieeaîsta, s - b~~as preveuhed fuStIlir ro ;of ldoe- dis lu ia announbcdtath PIoaofose, and saved 'Inu>'a lté.Âauy Stage I Norhh Ontarie itiii moot ù~. I off phthigs; yrsChryPreriaod ah aromi I meyla Cuve thê ren purpéte Of discneg ie e >fStraa'nwhonpxaedaloe cadiat coudn luubo, çnryt0n aila te iaiWPa One.. DB. A. OWE!~I. A Genuine Ouvrent 0f Elcetr on.. f 4~:A i ~ Marvlou S Medicine 1Whonever -Given, a Fair Trial I-ood's9 Proves fts Meit 'Thi fouow!ng letton la fýevm 1-1n. J.Akd Chaugati, arciiiteci sud rurvelcr, Ne. 1M13Sha>w Ireet, montreal, Canada, . I. led & Ce., LowelI, M1ass.: "Genleme: -Lhavebeen talcing HccSd's S3arsapatior about six moi¾tbm4s, ur glsd, to i33' tltqf t i hts (!Ibt lO0a-eticlcg4. LamI ksi my wcight was 152 pouncle; butsfâé 1 began to take Hood'a, Sarsaparilla 1t h lis -ri- esa4te1 163Itlfnk hiSldsaSmapanlla Isa 'mr L, dasmedesad am ver>'mndhom% Ho<id PII~cure l-ver 1fl, constpation, IosT SUCCESSFUL REIEUY< Certan la Ug effeets ansi nevSer bâgsems- BeaW preet belew': DR. ENX>LL Oc.O ,aenmff~-ibelas 1nddayrsp, Fer BaIe by aWDîr lit

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