1h -11 't 'I 't' ti à nteo-it lo be the butB- ing Powder in the- maïket. 25c. per lb. J e E.WIL L18,i- Chemi8t if Drugis8t, . Medical Hall, Brook Street, - Whftby. FRIDAY, FEB. 1e 1895» The Me muUau.s. The CHRONICLE'S $1.25 boom continues i a lively manner. Old subscrlbers and new ones are comlng in rap1dly. This journal le beyond doubt the most popular local newspaper in the province, and wil sean 6e able to down them ail for circula- tion. We can club any list of papers a reader niay want, and at prices bclow those offe ed by any other paper lu aimst every case. We would urge upon old subscribers to pay up, .and save us the trouble aud ex- pense of dunning. locaýlelgima. re fê xhà t bi ou odAy by 43 ma.joriy, sfter a. loaIcontest. Z'Ibe Chinciearcaghlng i4tle b.e *0W.' rhey fongbt long'cuacugli takilt' {azrn.esc'soldier befare tliay m ac day The ,Toronto 'boOdlc 1uyetlgta à lkely ta be opc ncd up agaiti, this lie ta catch biger f£sh, iis lrnuorcd; thanb'ave asyeîbeen foundfn tlicet The iNewYork Sun atrb t.. *fm., lut ùtosomie parta of Ireland tWthe want cf Home Ru.' W.bave cogoùabt'of It, and are of opinion that if the prltsh poaa-: ment woU!d.cnIy' prstha l »ýUuch uneedcd. m'Ieasure i would save t.bousands, froni starvlng hi Kanuas, Nebïnskà -id CaoW rada,' *agoeRule '; -wouI4 probablyprove, a.cure tar ïmosty aÃ11teI ils tbà î flesb li heir ta. The Privy %council QfKgliand two Jears ega detided'4thatUic Act of theWie Mnittba legisliture as$olilishaepijaachadls lu coosituttonal; and'tic sane court lia& uaw rcudercd another decision declarnu that thc Doiinpiaeîha,> authority ta enquiret o te Uicrié"vances af the Mani- toba 'Roïman Catholics and grant theni remedial legllatian. ' This méas liai a commIsà sionmav hé appocluûéd te o à ta Manioba and take evidence as ta whetber or sot thc Catholes are sufierers frèni Uic abolition a-ofseparate echools. If ih be foused ithtey have good cause for coin- plalut,-then UicDomnioa parliamentha power ta sut. M4y-'Ofius can readly se îéhaî a lqusbblc such 'au action wou!d cause, ýTIi Amerisa are iu another pic"! ovethcBcrngSesseas.lt uow toiru out that aftea, psyùg,$4a3,oofor dagiago susae bycaadis esiers t4rougl; bcbng denlcd the, pnivié cf -ctalbsg whic ietec oût wus slttlug et Puis, it 18 50W found that. th e e altisdo no rvcnt British Colimm tans fromn Cte t rmny as tky lease.- Now herd,ând thus c4ernibntc thc business. litis Oïwsthe. sixe cf America pris-« cijples, sd nices ih laiu tha t cy broug1 he i wbiole Becng SesarbiutrÃŽ. biùl-h opeof rbbbsg-Caiadiam.of theirnlgXhts lu thei pmu ses, whîlc they e icthe Bahenio f Canada ta an nu- lmitd etn ua places three miles or o:enstc w tOô large .-a To, th ii.cedit cf tiè ié n~t uiillboit atd tbauthe.c aajorlty lu fayorof zet mcà â- tcs' Initutes lebntreaslng -yesr W The.. yfars *go only aine u"ern ý bc fougçi ta vote lu laver oai thesegit ai~d 26 agalûist. Now It W aaWia We hope the. counlètli a is ntù ,Sesion May make the grant te uew - tutues ~ a year for the first tbree.Ytffrs, ,iena Cà df $25 as la givep tao ldéeOnu. This wouldprobablv Inaduce the: people zicar BroÃ"kiun, CÇolunibus, -(or Rglan> Greenbank, Goodwoad, Brechie, id Up- Mr. Wîkden Gould lIstýo b. cogratula- ,ted upon the -able, expeditioub, regülar and- impartial manwer lu whbi h. con- ducted -the business of the . session. Tbaujghyouthful iappearanS the War- des ha. an old head "for publie business, cil erom a standponit of iru!. b. crltîiled' cà refniy every expression used in order that -the records mlgttbe as -cotuplete as possible.' We congratulateil ýthe Waydet), sot'oniy upon bis eiection but. au upcn bis demonstratcd fituese for the p osiio. The County Couricil. passed a report re-_ corumendlng that the successar. ta Reg- Istrar Perry shall b. a lawyer quaified ta, b. master of tîties* under the Tairons systeiniof land tities. Tbis means that a number of us non-professionals wbo have buit upon our sure and certain hope. of waling loto Mr. Perrys shoès before miany years, wfill uow find thatnoune but la*ycrs are in Il hereafrer for, registrars The master cf tties under the Torrens land s:é'stemhata hem.a awyver, sud. sucb a good> anc that the gaoverament cas guar- autee ail deeds h. declares-pefect, or for- feut tiivainc cf 1h. property. A we say, sonpraessonls ait OW no "more chance 'of obtalung a- registrarship than we havtofbega.ppoîntedjudgès. Pretty elin- i stock o on ,,hand, anad iii rdaer-to maùke room for Spring Importa- tions we Will-offer 8Sveeping ILeductions in alI WINTER LUNES. Space would not permit of uls to quote a complete range of prices, but we quota the following as samples: GREY GOAT ROBES, 60x72, st................$'6.25 MEN'S RUSSIAN DOG« COATS............ 15.00- LW'Come and see for yourselves that oui- reductions are genuine. WE -ALWAY8 DO AS WE ADVERTISE.* NDeW