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Whitby Chronicle, 1 Feb 1895, p. 6

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ÂrnEt400N9"m8on. *The fiIt builnesu cf the afternoon wuat bred theby-law sIthird "0m to appoint ceunqi uditoms.As stated inor lut s$ Meurs. Wm.< Noe"'o. Scott, s»dI A.. lumnot * Uzbridgo tovnship, were aa»poited. BONOR TG TWO EI.COUSOILOES. Ex-Wardon Gray and Mr. J, H O'Brien, vere oalled teo ooupy seats bo aide the was'den, and eaci responded iu fltting vord. AIM TO MEOHANIOS' INSTITUTES, Mr. Edmonson moved fer a grant of 825 te each tuechanios' institute in tho county, and the same atnount te any that may be etablishod on a legal basis during Iho year, and that thie motion -bo referred te the finance cofl- mittee. The motion vas debated by Meurs. Edmonzon, Hoyle and King iu iLs favor, and Willeoit agains, the latter's opposition being fournded ponf a no- tion he pessesses that the 825 sheuld be granted te municipalitiee whetbêr they have an institute. (WÇe might peint ont that if Mir. Wiil- cox's ideas were carried eut Scugeg would have to pay about $8 inte the ôounty treasury in taxes, and would draw $25 out, which weuld mean a bonus of $17 a year fer net having an institute. It would be verse in the case of Rama, whioh would pay les than $5 to got $25. A.nd the estab- lishmsent of institutes would net ho af- fected at ail in either cas,-ED. CE.) RODiUT101. a Mr. Edmoason brought in lb. firat report of the committee on educatien, stating (1) That there being ne vniîten resignation handed in from auy authoni- tive source te, render vacant thé seat held in the Port Porry sobool board by Mr. T. C. Nicholls, wbo bas removed to U xbridge, lte oommittee feels dieifl- clined te act in the malter by making an appointinont ; (2) recommending that $56904 be paid te Whitby collegi- ate institute as the statutory eounty grant; $ 343.21 tig Oshawa, $68889 te, Port Perry. (Lt may be etplaiiiod tisat the county now has te pay iLs sisaro of the maintenance of higb sebools iu pro- portion te the nunber o! pupine edu- cated outside or in the town vhere tie high school is siîuaed. Port Penn educates more pîipilp outside of Ibat village than -do in proportion Whitby or Oshawa, and consequeatly drave more moaoy than olîhen. The report passed. The council thon adjourned for tie day. FOURTUE DAY. FORENOON SESSION. Met at 10.80. The clerk read a communication fnom the sccretary e! lie Port Perry board ef education ne Mr. T. C.. Nicholl'o' resignation, as reerred ,tô yesterday. A telegram, vas read.romu r.Nicholishfgolng hIèaI. Thée matter stands over iM1 Juno. 2ND BEPORT ON »uc;&TIOy. Mr. Edmeusen rond lhé neeen& ne- port on Education, remmending (1) 8469.52 te Umbnidge igi scisool as county statutcry grant; (2>)omuplalu- ing that lhý accouaintton fus eul lu frea Uzbnidge la 50 high as to b. ailto gethor eut o!fproprtion toe tiaI of the other higb scisoolsand ocaleiate luî stitutes ; for instance, WhItby Oellegi- ate intitute, 8119.89; Ohvs ig echool, $168.84; Port Po*ry $18&,25; U itbridge $2068. 'The. kporte in- structs the county' cîerk -te commuai cate wftb the board ot Xnde coun. selling economy o! fuel, lest thoy bura Up ail tiser. is lu a !ew yemr. Tis e. port passe&. i s ARTEUR JoHNOTOR e aLETTUE.4 The Warden handed tise c"rkaslot. ter frea Mn. Artian Johniston, encloo mng eue from Mr. iHobàoo, ei-vandon, of Wellîngtoa, boti o! whioi var» rU" as fdova To the cousty Conseilfet tie Cotiaty o! ontarlo: Gentlemen: On a rocoat bustu strIpLine Conuty of Welllngteu I maM s om.e tqiirlOS (om tu late Wardos cfthat <OJ.,.' Rb5 ob- son Esq.. sud othors a t is oa.wlng ma meSu«Co ., o! lb. omisa Hnse of sad TarnU ubb t td eoi =« «Y mmcr, if ikcontamn noh, *4 theI.sed ystin aud Use pow r aiekot i16 flett1Y gt 0cm- fort- 1 bave sttacdt thtnote, astek ootû Mr. Hotuco. t*0 lm eWumdasMWi àfew abstract nt ts. tn sakmfrm stb* Couaty Cmuia'ampsllipOfl.bssrlseg o eS Lnquî lio, 1 al» eoMIoI the 'pilatoed po ç4 tIse Couvty Conseil, trois wN «itGnw1 atatomeats c.a hoobW">sd 1Immay hb- 4 upwtg My tbt 1 b by t. MUýme - ia à(Ist W to* Nuber nd...... _. 3# W,Ï4 03 Thbeare w et- "une p1 iD1hm oSmty bodue u ttd1 no ficacciiteràst la them ,tiiD AESTRACT STAnTINN I UElr8AD PEDIITUREB Pola Tas YEAR Z94. Reaipts:1 BIWace éom 1893............. City of Guelph, tnalLiIOO C la mates ............ Court of ChanceSî re laueSmth... william griffa cash.....e*-* ... Amount .UPPiied by the çOIUt (Or general useS malntenaflS, re. pairs te bufld IflP, ctc...... A&mouat supplled by the cotlfty for sales ............. z56 00 17 75 742 40U860 8500o6 Total recopta (rom am sources... $4359 DiSbumrOets : maintenance............ $gi8 go Buildinggand grouadsac........33716 Beddrng and clothlng ............. 898 25 Furaiture aad creckory......... 151 84 Faro Implemeats ................ 99go Uàve stock............3600 WagMs...................... 6&= 79 Salaries ....................... 8300ce Cash advaniced te kesper.,......... o ce Balance ln baud at end of year. I35 73 Statement nhowng cS oitbte couty -of maiatalulug eRch umante %from ust De., 8893 te ist Deoe1894: Int. On capital sc. ($40,651-67) St 4 ver cent ............ .,.$16M 6 Expenditure for malntenanoe, etc., bY theceuatY ........... 548 75 $6674 8z includlag kea.ers amily, hlred belp, commit- tee and councllors 4134 217 veeka, Net cost of malntanilg esch par.- Son perwftee.........$.2 l Cost per week withlunterest on cap- ital ac. added ...............zx 6i 45 A. JoSINSTON, Esq. Graeawood. My Dor Sir Re(eriag te your iaquiry lire Houseso! In- dustry," 1I ay saY that Our cousty vau one cf the firit te carryont the idea cf providing for tha poor and Indifent lu an institution special- %ly provtdad for the purposo. lu carry*ug ont tat Idea va thought it voil to have ln counec- tioa withit asmaI farmeof slxty acres. la thls vo acted visoly. wlth osa hlred man b.. sides te keeper the farm la kept in a high state of cultivatioe n s great dont iq donc in growing hoe cropes ad gardes stuf. In carryixng out work ef this sort it vii b. readily understeod that under the nmnageenet cf a aod ud osdrtek1 ra ra etof urfu ork la doue byebc lmates. Sncb work net only materal reduces the cost et maintenance but those employa in perform- iug it are ail the happier for d9ing 1t I would say bore that the mensure-of succesucf tis methoti of provldlng for the unfortunate clasa ,Who inome inSates vii dopend ina sMey large degree upon the tact asnd efficiaucy cf the heepersud matoes It mattersbutflte wbat are the ruies aad -regulations lad dovuk by the councli; if the tve above umed> officiaisare net specW[ly adapted to thevwork it vii bo.Is a mensure a (allure. As yen are perbape aweare I have had manv YeR' xponce aus aeoiuty gouafflor sud. bave bad aJbundant opçtuaity ef comparlng the, Ivosysteais cf provldisgWf oupoor.asd I say vithout nuy hesltatlooe.q eactOf whaever, whother yen cnulder k (roma more- ly c " Mna aia sdpolut or luthebb bcud âght c>!ourdny' u rovdhg for the S unforttmi-' stebtns WhbW t bê fcoin lvéiy corà- munîy ha bb pan nloperatibon linthis Se an torcntkios l neomphraby the By the sanie mail 1 seud ye= report, etc. Yours repec-tfully,,. JOHN I.HosN On motion cf Mr. Gerov the thanka ,f lise <ouneil vere tend.red,-te Mnt. Johnstoln, and hie bIter vwas enqd bra bo prnted iluth ise ouucilprooqedissgs for lthe sesson. *1 .1 Mr. Dovwil read tiserep o!tise, printing committso as f-oUowa : Adver- Q Sn-8 O mith, lUubdgo Tutuos,, sdvertlig sessinsooni l tbv.o ron,$2RobinsolsBo. hùig ton G1eauet 4; -W. H. Kelter ti- bridge 1Journal, $2; W.J. lark, HoeigNowa, $4 ; H. Parions, Pontý Periy Observer, $2 ; NewtoW Bren., ]Port, Pr Standard, #$;'.Do., noticoe re aiculundoellepe, $3-60;#, . 'x. ,Newvton, W-itby, 200 et bra cog.pies o!- minutes o! J'uou esion, z415 ; Do, ,6000 ébeets r. bouse of induotry vote,> $2,0; IUOWballots for nmprpoms, R1; endez»ouàâ& Grassp, .àv.ion. îlots -o!coun1S; , :2Th&&tieto- der -of Hendersn A £ as ufor coun-, ty prnting 1<Whëii.itê*Isns ýennnho- in&-. the awicSIOL th. centrant ho sva' t el Ig Ji 0 scobveniona, sx aa, izo uaj'u mio" ormce titlain, d.olarsd p pidbability is tsaItise o.augofrou the> old te tis e no systom wotqd be slow; (4) s-hat il, woâId' et cOet much te eIazt àl if IP1gistrar Porry *RIiftiish room for, the safe deposit of <laci-, montat, e. The; committse room- mende tsaItishe ssllein b. adopt'dX- vided safe deposit of 4eeds bo agreed to by Mr. Perry. The report paeaud CRIN. JUTICE AUDITORS 0u BSCÂPRI. fe, Auditors, -bsaring upen thse necent eapes frem jail vas thon reod, as fol. lows :# Wo the underslguod auditors'-of crimiînal isticaecotnts for the year 1894 beg to smb- mit to you herowith a memorandum ef the ex- >o te the county occauioned by the escape of the prisoner Geo. Arnold (rom the countv goal at year, also a simular n>oaorandum re- aeetiug tho escape ef the prmiwunByrues Lad elly ln the yoar 1893. Tha diret loisof the stims expendec lauthe efforts te re-arrest tboso conviets la only a sali portWc' of the injury te the publie Inter- est which rasuts from sucb escapes, and yet gven If that portion ef the lois vere dlrecty Ifn b b at y or parties responsible for the ýcusody of te prisoners. lnstead of the cotinty, la ail cases where neg tigonce or viola. tion of geal regulations are show* te have oc- curred, it would doubties secure au lncreasod iegree ef vigilance. . The mnch larger suais expcnded te secure the original conviction and committal te, goal of these offoaclers, have now te be considered s practically thrown awav. And what is stili more important, the criminal classes are ne longer restrained ia this county by that great- est of ail deterrents to crime. the cetsinty ef punishaient. The confidence of the commua- it, ln the administration of law la shaken, the pulcnet knowlng exactlv where the respen- sliiyresta will inccine te condem aial off.- ciais as alike untrustworty. Deemiag it probable that under the circum- stances an investigation will bo thought neces- sary by the council we have collected from the accouts and other sources severat items of ex- n ditures shown in the stttement annexed. OMIUA WiuGBT, L. K. MuitToN, Criminal Justice Auditors. ef expenses coanected with endeavors te se- cure the re-arreat ef the escape rsnr Gea. Arnold sund Byrnes and Kellyd: rsnr QUIENi VS. ARNOLD. Co. Att. acc. for indictmneat........ $ 4 00 Telcgraph and telephone ac....... : 111xi 6 Advertisiqg escape ......i........... 200 C. Odes, constable....... ......... 200 Geo. Lawrence o e............. . z oo jno. Croskham do ................ ze ce Geo. Decker do .................. 3 i Wm. Haluan. do----------------... 5 0e I t Erjge do...............200 ;mr. CalverIey----------------.... 3640 Total.... .......$86 07 QUERit V. BYRNES AND KELLY. Photographs ef the îvo-------------.. ce Deverells acc. repairs te )ail wbore they hioeoeut ............. 3 00. Additieaal t4egraph ac.... i278, Wra. Calverleé, costable.........445 ,rotal......... HONOR TO IMR., P4EKE.- Mn. Geo. Parker-, foslpeîly rqeve--Of Pickering vws seelu tù h o ber àu4 vas invitea te a oeat,,b.e6 s Wr den. lu tbsekisg thse osjdIe frii adcf c6urteay h. remiàdedtieso besjoelarly tisaI tisey had mitsn.4fiie opp orlaty of thoin lives Oltone $islieI Mot oloctineg hil to the W.èn4ïé , oi" iustead o! te a se at beside ,!-ý-, ï;u ter.) Hé had bhn> yvryt ut,üh -i tie ant"a enuseialsenststuthl1!4,71 amierd thse ?îcer!n#, mon ouly accopt, $50 for their thtWee Ü%titutes bocauso o! the ?rojudioo whi6he i o oh6te sta lin thse cogncil. £ehiofe their institutes is as donorving of a grant o! $25 as are Othe». Mr. Ham moved a tiid amendeont te thse effect that î bonus o! $50 ha grantod tc, eaoh nov inslitute, and noîising te .those now running. Ho said vo have héird a gmt deal about these grante being given parêi1 vilSa deuire ta encourage-the estabisÂment of institutes. Nov, h 9 motion viii test the mombers vso taIk ose genereus- ly. If thior objeot ho punely te start nov institutes, thon it viii ho sufficient te bonus nov one. Pickering isaa wealtisy township and lias tisre mati- totos, but has beondraving monoy from por townships 1k. Mars and Rama to keep them running. Ho ho- lievs theso irstitutes shouid b., self- sustaining. (Coninued on tiird Page.) BILIOUSNS sud LIVER OOM- PLAINT, Headache, etc., are cured by Bnrdock Pilla. Prof. Arthur Cayley, et the University o! Cambridge, la dead. I-fttiag boots and shoos causes corna. Holloway's COcr Cure is the article te us#. Get a bottie at once and cure your corna. M. Ribot bas sncceeded ia forminir a Oabi- Bol for France. If your oblidren are troubied wlîb vorais, give thein Mother Graves' Worm Extermin- ater; safe, sure, andl effectuai. Try iB, and mark the0 improvemeut in your child. The aew Preaident of France detivered bis firat message te Parliameat Monday GVO The= a. Chance 1 That la te say your lange. Aise il your breathing machinery. Vrery wvenderfiri ma- chinery it le. Net enly tbe largen air-pan. nagea? but the th onaand cf littie tubessd cavities leadiug from there. Wbes these are oe gged and ohoked wth malter whicis oughl sot te be Ibere, yonr luugs eannobhalf do thoir work, And what the do, tbey oanot do WOUl.' Oallît cold, ocogh, croup, pheumoula oatarrh, ecouaumpblon orany cf the family cf tbroat sud noie sud head sud lung ob- structions ail are bd.AU onglht to bho gel rid of. 'iheretà jusl one surev"y to gel rid cf thera. That la te take Boichools GermasIlJrup, vhioli1any druggll il! ssii yen st 7 cents a bettie. Bien ùif ery- thlng else Ihad failedyen, yen ma&y depend apcn th, for cotais. The Muietemlasrty verse at Gaît Mon- Both bad a bsy day in ILoikdos Is umnd by Yisysl- ~is stIli a~lo1he~a of mouoy a Lea- isi I Wtis I ~$ot'tug Pues. noli cil. Y5 CIrt~o , O.tt ýCrçwn ~Attor~y 'Co làt> vIýitby.. rkS., Whitby. D)AVI» OJIISTON, D . Adt Attorney-at-Law, Boicitor in -Chano Orl couvoyancer, ec. Office-m lbthe le South e1 the Pont Office, in KoIuluw Blok, Brook Street, Whitby. G. YOUJNG 1SMITU. LL. B-, Barrister oe.-money 10 LQ$n.lnouer o! MarrIae k.icenses. Ogc9 .-- mithys Block, South of Market, Bi ook 04,eW>3tby D)OW & NuctvlLLIVERAY, Barristers, Soicitors in Ohan.cery, eko Office in ÏMathiaon & ]Hawken's no" block Brook St. ,'W htb, south cf Ontéxio bank. M4eDicad. D. P. BOGART, Mg.D.,LDU. Physca, 8urgen and Accoucher, etc. Office and Rendence neit te AUl Saint"a Chn.rch, Dunda St8., Whitby. N~. B. -1 DentaI Snrgery in U lils branches promit- iy attenad te. W. E. YARNOLD, D. L. .. Oounty Suveyer and Drainge Engineer, Port Perry, Ont. A. A POST, Architeol late with Langtey, Langley Bure, ¶foronto. Designe for (ahnuche, Villas ad Cottages a speclalty. Draw- iugs prepared for rexnodeiig e tin~ structures, Office-Firet fat over W. Howse's drg store. ga"P O Bei 202, Wbitby. WE. CALVERLETr Having moved int our new premises we are prepared te extend the rangeO business. AU werkpartaiuinç te tbh ar- ness-makig and sddiery business vil b. doue te satisfaction. Cefmr a speeWily. Cali and see my shop and stock. W. CALVEBLEYI Second deor West c1 old shop, Dndas Streetr Whil y.' YWorK8. s& u qSllteO m tî o thse .&U *0*, 8w8641a,AOÎnad -N1ew LIveîy Mind iStales Dundts t -,WliïtbY, JT. EWIPORT, proprietor Teainlg dou aI raicijble Prics F ei lt s d gçe b0 smul&sares ahle prices,---Aceau îobotedl. MACHDIST, wHIBY, Hau cpened a Bepai« Shop lu counectio wlth the Coopegr Shpltely oid on bY bis father, oppositeVAU Saiùts hurch, and wffl de alikixidao! Repairing. Sevlng ]Ma- chines aà specially. Lava Movers, Bicy- oies, Pirearmns Lochs, Scales, Clothes Wrinim eZW5fLýgMachines, he. Saw éîin.UaisSoisors, Knives, Clippers &c.,sarpn d drepaftred. AU hindi of Cooper Work, made and r epalred. SboP opsite' AilSaints' Churo'h, Dundas THO S. PA 0f BoyaelIe, iwtena vsltlngWhltbyOfoc s fortnight; te collet clotbing f rom ent & toi deanor d -.Germeuts vuesDfiuShed v'ili lookasgooid as-ne*. lteyaltobesolý viii net charge form-ry- trouibk eIf theY a iým- my.,charge là $145 for. cleaniug £zad- mctâjr,. pressimaui'tOf.cotbilg.pfor dying -a.sni $rSo. Overcaicleaedidpressed7è, o dydfor . For clei=4ng or dying gelàts Ne bouhp se, 8 rooms; 36sa f gard Mn volt feucod. GootI locallty os Front street in SothW6 d ppyte,- L I F E B>.,WGRfORK,r ou tho adjoinîag lot, or aItiseCuoNI. office. Wbitbyi Marcis ýb '94. InSU! oU the.-coul 5oWUIatloï GOAL JGOAL diiiay onr celved e t te hep tiot gIs. *Mc 1*5VorS od £hot

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