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Whitby Chronicle, 1 Feb 1895, p. 8

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s' a sn~ow blokade bu boeu the order oetih bêt>~ he. The OddfeUows ave botning l3e or tW The carl4 ai àweek wsagrand > cna d î làrge cro*d waspreseontî The Owlug to t estorn m'ny race liorses fai!ed tQrsi ereutil Wedneiday moralng, and~ iunrd to giv. themn a dity'à Test the. meenul Was put6titi 11 ThuMday and Fridsa', On Stwday lust acktCook.- Ae Càrneglu and one or two oigers Wbo woe on, atere% lIda 13n CbaP namet Burton, rein Mnathlm f«' abtutfn t.XIIb ébat, Hi. bail'theme suimoned but a turs etti.d for a conaideration. A youuMsau Who wotild setie vtit 'Sncb rov. dl. eserves o bave bis coat tom aggin. The Liberais of South Ontarlo7 beld a sort of fellowshtp meeting here on Tues- day lu tbe tovu bhail. No person appeared to kuow ezactlY for what purpose ýtii meeting Was called. The only busines tbat aàp- red tb be ready Iu tact the oftly thing u slght, vas Mr. JF. Tamblyn'â report on bis effortt o promote the inter. est$,-of thb, Lirels ln the. lite revision of the votera' ilsts. M.Tamblyn cdatnsa that the Literals of South Ontaro never bad as good a votera' BUIn.lut accord. lng <o hi. sbowlug the. comiuj Libers! candidate vii! bavo a valkover w hbus- dreds of votes to the good. Mr. L.RM. Murton, barrister, 0osawa, sud Mr. J,~ W. Thomps Who , In tedlu he revision were ae hu1,'ac belng very hopeful of Win In&g-aàVictorM as sesult. mesur. F. L. Fowke Osawa, R. J. Grierso, East VWbltby êbas ICng L. Brly and H. B. 1ru lor, w.-RBsrly Pot er L îme IrW. Ro. Reach, ssci other sapoke.Se rlo &j stema ousced teinseve as candi- diâts for the. Lbers! caudidture; but no business wus doue lu tho direction of nain- îug a M",u Sosie Reformer. censured the officiais of the Reom Association for calliug tbe meeting togetiier without auy sppclic object lu view. but the glvlng of experiences. There ver. about two bus-, dred present. The. rowu vas lu a-us. of expectam7aui last veek cou aeh.uruing question c h county couucTIVsappxontment to- finithe - caucy iu the board of <ducation cauM db, the removal of Mr. T. C. Nichols to Uxbrldge. The feeling wau bot for aud gaiust tbe ap. polutinout of Mr. T. C. Forman, Who bas beld a sea ai the board for about tweuty YeÏS. When it was Ioutid tbat h. could not belectedto t hehoard Iluth. reosut trustee bfr. NlcbpIls' seat sure for bise. A petition vas circulated aud sigued by about one hun. dred and twenty-five or the leadiug citiseus. After a whie the idea dawued upon seauy peo. pie here'of trying for a new meau, and Ued tion vas sigued by over two liundred iunfvor uf the couoty counili appuintIng Mr. Thomas Coartice. A great mauy ofth<le signers. .er conspicuous on both pettions. It vis <heu left to the county council <o shut their eyes and decide between the <vo. The. dissension here gave ris. <o a feelmng among some of the county councitors tbat a meau outslde thbe towu mnigh< please ail parties, but whicb idea lsaa 'nistaken one. Port Pcrry bas euthusiasticafly mnltained one of the best hgi scboolb in Canada for mauy yers. and ih vould'be a dis- grace <o the couaty jçoncil to appoint an outsider or drone upon the board of educa- ion, lu the meautinie4 bowever. suother thing turued up whicb kuooked outthLe viole game. Somebody happeued <o notice tiat the couu<y had no officiai notice iu auy way of Mr. Nichols' wthdrawai frose the board, Tins ime veut on unil vb en the official dc* umen ts resched -Whitby iu tho matter it vus too ate for action. the commitee ou educew- tion having fiisbed lis work. W.' vuald. suggest <batail facton, la Port Pery agree with Mr. W. H. teonariid, Who la su ex- teacher aWd weii grounided Iu educationaIslai.. trs. He la also'a yeng man of cnergy. taste aud ability. lTii oud end <h. ightaud se. cure a7trustes of hlgh calibre. Mr. Christopher Hodgsou W, laid up with grip. W. P. Thompiimm who hbas hbeon 111 for comuîencd to Mill- and wbep mt4nlght arrived thSe wbo Iad uot takçu,,oppor- tuuity by the Iorelock vere afrail toy-en-. turc out lunthe ierce stermu <Iben aglng, 1< was decidedt bat about twenty-fhveofu <hem vould bave to- stsy ultil'mornlug,t <bey dld bavinsajolY good tUsis.t Quitely meetlug erioieswtll b. heu in thie methodfiat burcm sPcb. 3n, The -couscil use«on' oe{?eday, Pas.. 5<11, for te<l -bàie p t Of<ptia~sé etc. e Dr. Mne Carvetis, ?orotc4 ,du*gé- ý Of Johns Careetis f ur 1rvifluqe, wifo 48 s becs dangerousfy M Îâ laaidth'be uecqmr eraug. Mmn. lcOuire, an inDJgP «_ port fromn the nsl4p,diestbe The n ewOpnucilioù o~u~1~ thie <ollw TI. mspyW. meufs oand o Isk Bowen wil regret to letiaoiii -- wbicb took place at t bi on Satuda man. _ý but diseuse b.d t<kept*i*mt* and notwitbMe.rnlathe' net- 1 i~~ iii5efm bF116Wi large oe8.*td#amful 1phats ~ froni tup t!p wor lnp. Lut t ait--he co<iced a CaterpfiIlètr eb on thé uI ô 1fa treead ctai t t9 ufbg lt UP l ln té ouse. witii <be-steve res.uit. Seldom à Rauy CôMmunuty favored' as oura s lato te on Wediesday Of uext week, .wien several rmembers of thé- Domiion cabinet twil! psyUse visit. ande addrms thé. electors hé, <b. coutuidions »al Hal lierad qus'tion and puerai ?Polkey hoGvermen.Tehu Setien Whoare Comi'g '.'Ho&eno Patterson, Minster of Mltiso; Hon. Sr CH.Tupper, Minster of Marinesu Fhh Rlo-lon, N. C. Wallace, Couip-. <Ole, JClustomie; Hou. W. a. Iv.., rtussent wôuld be teu veits of valuelu'the oer<0 CS, a Irores eoproý. ýû 1 péwo l y t o M'et à àtthe deed'wil god or Mdthe $5,co. la syste in t omce hlà rr tSte. -are, Bracebridje, North Bay,, snd Ràt Portage lu thie City of Torontç>, cous- kdcouuty of Meng. the preseut syatem Of lud 1f.R.. Grant, for the fetlhloner, moved at BD.(CagoNlcLB < 4M04itfoW au extension of the <dm. for abs e tIk.elolonpcti<lou. under th. Dwes Ss,-A sermon on <ho late SIr a»ý*ê ouf o hie*lou so-lt ls nm-john Thosipson by Rev. Mr. Man,- sais! abouiUglmd emmna. vithin six ulng a apesSt sone logth laula t voek' mmbfromti lint-of tii, ped<ioui The C«HRoMfcL8, sud 'tecàse o f -tie mmy, peutios vasled -cmthi ti Aaet, Jslm tfloadiug aud inaccurate 'statements rear, sand <hoesix sinuis couseqsai' epirescoutalued, thertilu vh regard,<o the, ou bathe le fcbEar", Mr. BckpoH, of 'teachinge and pructices of-- theCatholic: Laldlv, anesd Blk*=&l ,ho ippr. Sý: cburcb, 1 côusideï IL niy dùty <o Infor m- edfr'r .,.Reid$, M.P., <the. <b or edestat <the ev. preacher,<rom eut, otljec<d <bat Uequa4 hd no p»«ver w taemeuts, and -lWuluutlonsmol 1e enti n tte 0, md tat àAS 1h repount kuova very littie of ,vbst b. prof <o t Woaàtiesd Otledoi hut 4 days'*Mnocf itial, lecture ou. 1< vasmot, 1ev$deutly, <o aay ~ JOdLe-afw*kudv"ods iijohnintbeetý met usrsPrd. JMr. %Biahais, patomi dsorethtMmISulglc lionm la c the ô' ô' I*ttd, bat <o baves *i4 attome iSud lis &.e mot uMd et b. .oâe la S"it wu 03s ron.Wtejfgayf for vblab th. trial id for« rb tme <o tel i. f~Ktil u viii prébaUl MfL' _--= =-e» _ Sr tb~pnutbat ver tion i-»-Üme Imgm" UWW '1souitatpretenda <oe give a notiono dmei <o axthe. , 'but 5llrTP»« Îs Catiiolle »teaching, on Ininuates viat not giron by <h. QataroAca-Ncvs. Catiolle practices sud falth are, luevery nuW TL..particular b. la vroug-sud uisedlmg. D M- M*40a6ta n. But boy could 1< b.otiervise? lin Manninig muet be liii.ail otiiers ofhs Tholu»sp ot b. Standard bush vlslted kiud. They simpiy kuow uotiîng about- the bunhlut Skt ve ho <cacilge of the church excep< wbat Mn. Wood,.sister cf Hmon. .P. Wood, là they Lot <nom sources sud suthons mni-i rlslting ai M4ulilgu'a cal <o everytblug relatlng <o the. Catho- Ovingto tie storSe on Suuday tiers vasno liC churci. lMr- Manning SconPlhiisahs smervin tlhe Pmebyterian cburcb. '_ Sir John Thompoon did not write in'aMol- Births. -Tne vlfecf A. Caldwell of a ogy for bis change of bell.f. Would 1r daughwer. Wife of Rémry Adamis. cf a so. Mauuing rend i t? W. have Cardinal- W.Ife cf Noah Sell>yi ofa son. Nevmnan'a history of hi. strnggles-and msr. Coulso & Pover are receivîng conversion. The preacher's narnesake, larg qustiiescf ovk ver da. Tey aveCardinal Manuiugr, spent bis life lu giviug lare qanttie ofpok eeryday l'y h" is vessons for jling the flnclent Faltb. movul mb lie spaospreue s o a.If Sir John vrote s ii.tory of bis owu con- Pankr'.sicesbo. .version it would ho uothing more <han a. Mr. Hugb Daridson met vlth a paifli' 0 repetition cf the comisg out frein the cold cideut last weelc, vile vnklng lin e chemis- sbadov ci protestant chistlanîty into the rylaboratory at tie »high schooL A -retot fuît iight aud joy sud telief 'lu al <the ful c' sulPburlc "cd exploded, burnlng bis teachings cf Christ sud Hi.Cuci u baud baly. 1<requircd courage sndthe grace cf bu- Rev. G. Copeland. vho vas atending service mlity offthe part cf those great mnu o ou Fridal night lu Orono, vas unable te te give. Up ail eartbly prospects te follow the tamn home usd1l Saturday, vien he iad to voice cf conscience. Imagine vhat Mr. leave bis hors. sud cutter a a tarin bouse sud Manning himself, or anv mnerchânt or -pro- vaik ont. fessiodal man iu Whitby, wonld baye te We have cxpcrieuced dnring the lait fev face, if tc-morrcw he coicluded <bat in day. Uthe ariest snov <bat bas occurred heme prder te serve Ged lu spirit sud truth ho for tbe pas< îwsuty years. Roadsares cen- would have <o becomne a Cathoic 1 One pletely blocked. Tii. mail carrier froni Orono <ing certain bis sincerity sbould be the had <c briug <h. mail out ou a baud asig>. foundation cf ail bis actions sud ne foot- X»»I;. 1 isb passing sentiment vonici sw a nu Last Sabtath the attendance *as stna 1<o face sncb a change ; but intelligent réa. on acoun cfsevee vethe sudbadsous aided by the grace sud gift of aiti oads. ofv.er ethrad a ouid te the motive pover. 1I-dé sot - iwrite lu order <o get np a cotroversy,Xs Mr. Fred. Richardson, et Cotumbus, bas Y do net bçrieve <bat a ,newspuper, war on been buyiughlorses lu <bis vicini<3r. Pnices tics. questions ever leads- t6 aay'good je- -sot very large. suits, but, I t«eé1.obliged llu <bis public iman Thie lecture by tie Rový. Juo. McDougall, uer <o inforse-Mr. Manlo r auy te mnfmiloarYof <heo orthwost, -at Columhbus, Protestajn minuster <bat untijl isi or tw vas !au instructive one sîtiiongi ot large. -ic~the means ,of kuowingKQthu ly atnded. teacin sud<vue do trI e 'bd gi Qumrterly services of Colum<busw clicnit, ter ne theiimselveà tfrêh. 11i te beld la Columbus Methodist cburchtrmlsfCntaiy hclVe ou SaIbbath uext; condtwtcd by -tho e v.loted imoderm *untellet bahâve H. T. Frguson B.A. B D8 Que word and I arn don. t#itb.-R.v.--i, H. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tÏný T-FruoBABD anig I <iiitube bsck <lie, cc', Diphtlàrla buaspgin cuter.d tie*home or Mr. McDermid' sud Carried away an-1 other oe te b asity, Mir. F. Hudson buried anotiier ou. cf bis littîseues on u sdy fro<s bronclitis. M v.. C. Stephenson' i. stili bed faut. Mv. Wm. MicLaren met wlth a ,,,very ainfui accident Itweëk; hle unu Peed he got hisisai into <be boives of.'te cut<ing box, sud bad twotpg-fin esof sud a <bird uearly iuo. t*f. rglit bànd <ce. There f. talk of as <epIione commlunica- tion, <rom the mtore <o Port' Ferry. As is f. a anovç lun<lie nigh< directonlet overy miansiMgu ltberilyad, wîlbe s Mr. P. d . getting out tim ter for s, bars Mn. F. BImacombe Il a aaing vood In arpa.We usderâtUnd. b bas a tiss- ber ofjoh. <lient,. lcHasbuMr. B. Jobua mi- ggdfov <theseason. - Wlitt becaune of the ulelgti-losd -Étu veut to Port Ferry onuFnldiy nght? ce. Va oIL&" 111280&' - Whitby, Jan. 4>,'. -«&,- <Wl We will -place on our counters al Odd 8uits and O-vecot8 there being only 1, 2, 3 and 4 Of a kind. When they seli down that low we're satiffied- to, take one-third of former price and The ahove IC p. OLOTHÎN~. MN~ LA p)YmMADE ~aturday, Feb. 211d, ;Gt WALTE'RS'J One-haif P"'08 for Mos t -Umm@"" -0-IN ..4.66-60 ]r , .4t .....

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