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Whitby Chronicle, 22 Feb 1895, p. 2

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IUNOWLEDGE Bringu oomfert snd improvement and tends to perisonal eujoyxnint wiss rightly Used.Tise msny, wbo lîve bet- ter Ibmn otisermand enjoyliife more, witi liau expeudliture, by more premptly adspting tise vorld's best produots 1< tise needs of physical beix1g, wiii sttest tise value to healti o!flise pure liquid laxative principlea embraoed ln thse reruedy, Syrup et Figa. Its excellence La due te ita present1ng in th. fox-am meet accptabe *ad pliss- ant> to tiselaite, tise refroahing sud truly benificial properties of a perfect lax- ative ; effectually clenaing tise system, dispelling colde, isiadacises sud tevîru and pernianeui ly cnrirg constipation. Il bai givonstisfaction te millions and met witl tise approval of tise mîdical profesýr, because il acta on lthe Kid- neye, Li-,er and Bowela witl:olt weak- ening thons and il is perfectly trie from every objectio;ýable substancg. Syrup et Fi a le for salle by a&Il clrug- giste in 75C. o t t]e-s but it is Manu- factnrted 1 tise C~fritFig Sv.rrip Ce. onhy, whose naine is îrinted on e'ery package, aise the nanie, S\ rip o! Fige, and being twe'.1ifar-ô 41, u wdl 2ot accept a.- ib ktc ' Resuits Astonish MEN 0F' SCIENCE. AYER~S arila- A MEDICIN02 WJTHOUT AN E UAL. Statemnent of a Well Known DY.- eor "Ayers Sar'îaparilla L wttout Rn -uI as a blood-Ipurlller and Springmdc .' i cannot have pralse enough. 1 have wate 1I Its effects la chronlc cases, where otl.cr treatuient waa of no avaUl, and have beerr astonti6hod at the resuits. No other blood medicine that 1 have ever used, and I have trted them ail, Is so thorougb lu its action, and efferts so ma,-y permanent cures as. Ayers Sarsaparlla."-Dr. H. F. MERRILL, Augusta, Me. Ayeî's in'Saîsaparîlla Admitted a the Worlla Pair. .1.y.r'a Pillafor tirer «and boweia. There are Dow 36 PriSOUers and indi- gents confined in tihe cfflty liao1 the largest number ever known to e incar- cerated at one lime in thei history of thse institution, 0f this numisor, nmre twentY are aged Or Infirm e Pe eWho have beent sent te thse House of Refuge fer thse vnter. Botis the prisoners' ward "nd the InflMary to thelr Capacltye Wth PrOseCtsÃ"<fan in- creuse at anlt momengt.The 8ga odiClà are earnlug beir salaries Ibis. day.. 1 A Young ~d namsed TIses Gsawuva u before t~BeakoaWmees4axbhrgdl unit obtaïn ng 2,5 Saeta, under f58 -Pr&-I tences, frJ mAamDÃŽcksowbu*saled that he has pald "Ibe * ïI~delma To- ronîot wpser, but hD ev reevOdi Magstrte ufllced sa£due of 5 and couta, wbkcb vas PM&d. IM nug cub houghon $"abOUýtm70Bi 1 se a n dollar la iseba&'lau bis owu carIWga isi, sowsafual wortby of emulation. Itlehuflwa tluat such a lad basruorted.to dlsbaey2 on. eveat n itvek onof OOur mgm Promsisent dilsmee swete4 the S»l0f th f door belloly to à" d md on t4 _ efted aisuity 'MçM 41 -- 80S fant, for snBu* ItPmod tg h a .bbW usuê me carrle d _jsjo tflisaokd. twu Dressed bief and pork are higher on aocount et the closed roadis. outla utby. A dog may bark at a bioydlist. ora horise snd bother the rider of -either, but hi cannoe fool with a eflew plow. Laut Sunday afternoon whie a crowd of about f cy people were gathered near the railway traok north ef thee station to sic a snew plow ont throuirh sose, drif te, a little dog belonging t0 Newton Wagg rau out in front of the plow aud waes cul in two in a twinklung. One part of him wus pickîd up near t~he bool bouse and thse other' part at thse Main street crossing. "eUt down. Arthur Knighl, who olected te be a tried sumnmarily by Police Magistrate >Campbell on Thuraday luet wuasenton- k ced te two menthe at Whilby for ap Fproprîating three pine logé bLonging 0loNorm an Ballard. The loge htd 9been plaood with others by Ballard on 1the townhuîe between Ulbridge and Beach. Kisigist claimed Itat ho 0thought it was aIl right te take them because tbey came off lise place which hi was going te occupy in the spring and of whioh Ballard was the retirung tenant, but tbis contention could not be «aocepled wheri the logs belenged to Ballard and were off thse place.-Jour- Toc Mgueh Homework. At thei last meeting ef the tewn board o! oducation, muai. discussion took place ai regarda the amouxiî o! mental work tis chool oilîdren of toay have le perform. Tiese me subjeot is aise being digucused hy soeaof tho leadun4z writers of tise day, snd we think it is fully time smre snch action unas taken. Shonld sny person ta.ke tise trouble bo visit tise varions homes in our town rnomtly any evengiu tise week they will Sund ohildren frym eighlte ixteen yearm old, sud orne even younger, working isard at Ineir lessons ; and mach hissons!1 be long for an aduit o! ma- ture mental faculties to properhy grasp in a reamonable longlis o! Lime. Yet nigisî after night are tise ehifdren ne- qnired te thorongisty prepare tiesemre; sud sisould they fail, they are kîpt in aI roes, or tise next evening bave about an extr two heurs' work. Everybody kueuns thal abouit ton hours a day of pisysical work is enougis for any man, and every expert is aware tisai five heurs et mental werk is equal te fifleen hours o! pisical labor, sud soisool unork ài certainly mental labor for our oilîdren. Tise eiildren attend school orne five heurs.every day, sud at tise close of their' day'. work are given isomework unhicis, aItishe very leamt, uili require tbree heurs more o! bard mental labor. We think tisaI the pisical ausuneil as tise mental develop- ment o! our ebldren should be careful- ly looked sftor. How often do yen e unhene môme cliver young man risom te fame in a profession-tiserninistry, medicine or laun, for instance-aud whien in the bloorn o! his mauisood his 1f. is eut short, merely because hie mental faonltie s have bien everworked and hie pisysical training eadly neglect- ed. Even ini our ewn goodly town*une observe every day children in liseir teons weariug glaosss, sud instead o! tise brigist, rosy cheiks and uneil devel- eped bodies one would expeel and de- iglit te aie, une observe paie cheeks, meagre bodies sud a haggard, unoru out look, limaI brngm vividly before our minde the description read of the -in- mates o! tise Black Hlb at Calcutta. Of course, as Mr. Moee, principal ef tise public sehocl, stated te tho board ou Wednesday evening, Ibis overwork is net altogether tise fault o! tesohers, as tise work is laid down by the depart. ment of oducation, and must be gellen up bofore thse pupil eau be premoted, sud fatisere sud mothers are anxioune b have their children shoved Ilirongis as quiekiy as possible.. Parents sbonld cousider Ibis earefnly, aud if lise de- partmnent dees net taise thse necessary action they shenld compel ilte do so. Again, howevor, in smre esesthse teachers are tcilam.. W. know of instances where histories, grammars and other -toit booke have been,'gone over tbre. limesduring on. termn. Woold il net b. botter te alot shorter lissons, and have them learnei tiser. oughly, going over thse toit book tise finI âime. Then go over it a second time, and give thei lissons longer. In Ilim way wi think muci of tise home. werk -kuovis as "*Ms «"os»could b. avoided, as thse pupIsIwould b. able to get Up tise leso'nslropculy, whioh they connet nov do. e are pl.ased to, see oun board have taken action in tise mat- ter,as it isone of vital importance te, 1h. rising genention.-Timee. Altiougis their n emaneabl. yoiung pepl Ismeabeof o »Ms"e l G.auebiâge sudsu-oahgvcayyi A elelgb ioad of our young people vieil- ed the Whitby riak Monday *V«Diug aud returnid piiased. B. Lynde, Whltevaie, bas dluposed of his faut pacing herse Johnny Brigbt, te W. H. Triadway, of lghland Creek. Robert Andrîw lefI Weduesdésy for Kin- cardine where i wîll spend a few weeks with friends. Should prospects boum .up, hie may sperid thse summer there. After suffering from dropsy for some menths past John Sowîrby, of Fairport, aged 68 yearà, died at bis home on Thurs. day morning. Deceasîd bas bien a resi- dent of Frenchman's Bay for sonie seven- leu years. During the past few ye...,, i has not bien able te do much towards the support o! bis family owing te 111 health. Hi leaves a wife and two sons te mourn his loss. One et our prominent business men re- ceived a letter Thursday morning enquît. ing as te the probable succîse of a private bank in Pickering. To be sure we desire a chartered bauk te locate, but failing lu this, we shouid bestir ourselves aud do the next best thing. Pickering village must have a bank. A very pleasant event transpired at the residerice of Gervas Corneil, Es9., King- ston road, east, Wednesday evensng, 13th irist.. when Misa Eliza J. Musselman, ef Uxbrldge, aud Walter B. Powell, of Pick- ering. were made mani and wlfe. The ceremony waa witnessed by a large num- ber of frierds of the contracting parties. The presents were numerous and valu- able. Their numnereus acquainlance here- abouts wish thse young couple every pros- perity and happiness. Messrs. Warren and Wesîlake, of Whit- .by, were here Sunday on business. Thîy started for homne about 7 p. mi. Ail went wîll until they reached the snow drifts east of church, on King street when they were uncîremonieusly dumped eut of the cutter, The herse with the shafts returri- ed to the Gordon Hlouse. After gathering up the whip, robes and other fixings the min foliowed the horse te find that ne fur- ther damage ww; doDe Ihan that te the cutter.. Another vehicle was procured and the pair proceeded te Whitby withouî fus ther mishaps. Messrs, Charles E. and W. J. Marquis. left Wednesday for Ripley, Ont.. where they have purchased a large general store business. The Thursday ivening pre- vious M1r. Charles E. Marquis and wifî were invited to the Mîthodist church and on bîhaif ef the members of the Sabbaîh school and church were presintîd wiîh a couple o! handsome parler chairs, accom- panied by an illuminated address. Mary wîre the expressions of regret ai the de- partureof Mr. Marquis, as for mauy vears i bas been an efficient mîmber of the chnrch, as well as superintendent of thse Sabbath schoel. At a recent meeting of tise officiai board of the church, Mr. Mar- quis was terdered a very hearty vote of tanks for bis services on lthe board. In thse departure of Mr. Marquis, Pickering baies a werthy citizen and a successfui business man. Hi anid bis family leave the village, carrying with tbemn the best wishes of the neighborisood. It le the wish of ail that i and bis brother will be smiled upon by fortune in their western homeî.-News. Tise Ge-ne' et 0f Hood'a Sareaparîlla uins Iriendi, uhere- ever il is f airly and honeatly tried. To have perfect hialtb ,yon muet have pure blood la te lake Hoodea Saruaparilla, tbe boit bood purifier sud streugth builder, Il mepx a ai taint of ucrofu.ia, sait riseurn and ail other humers, sud at the smre lime builde up the wbole eyatem. Hood'a Pille are prompt and efficient. 25c. Bread au a daily article eof fced is uaed by only about one-third of thse 1,500,000,000 tisat constitnte the prosent population cf thei eartis. A NewEra. iu the Hliîtory of M.edical Prantic- inalgr-r MoNRazA4. Feby. 11--Although weoe weeks bave elapsed smnce tisefirst despatoh concernung Dr. A. G. McOormack, of icho. moud, unasesn teut from Ibis cily, lise publie intenest in tise mauansd hbe reoovery from Brighî'e disease, bai net sbated. Dectoire .bave investigated tise report oft tis wunder- fui cure, sud hve saaied £isemaelves etl is Irutis. As a promineut pbsyÏ!clan- rensarked te your cerreépondeat to-day, "«.Dr. Mocer- )Mik's case marks a neun ira in medicai puiolice sud Dodd'e Kidney Put., uniicis cured bis cannot fail tue ecure uide recogu. tien from tlhe midical profession". Local druggmste nreprt abeavy sale oet tise. liU lthroughou.t th~eoCity ohmcelis mmuneuist1 reperted. Mr. William MoGregor, M.P,wua nomin- sued by tise LiberalsetfNortisEssx'ou Sat.- uwday. People unio suifer frem les. et appetite, indigestion, eu etomacoi, -sud flatulence fSud prompt relief la tiseuse of Ayes M Pll. As mn ater-dinuer pill, thiy are unequalot!, oausing tise digestive and exoefory organs t10 perfora. their funeion-.las nature requlres. Africun ralroade coven 21168 mile8f. NesP UMB asLiniment la-the. ffsus Chamberlins amendment vas dolaated lu thse Brillis H- OM .Moudsy,lie4oea mnent majerlty bslug 14t fl.unda -ow TrAL..,.i. . Mr. Elias Baker gel hbis face frezen on Friday going te tise village for mail. Mr. Raines bas rîîurned home again and couductçd the Sabbath schooi hast Sunday as usual. AUl are giad te aie bis smniling face. iJohn Christie,\bur neun achool heacher, lu prlressirig vesf' uicely. Hi is kind adaffable and the kids take te hlm like a duck takes te warm water after a thund- er storm. Mç. McComb's chf1dreu had te rîmain tri tise village, ail night on Friday, as tise roads were blockted and they could net walk two miles in the sriow. Business is rushin g amoug the members of thei Turriaddie club as they held two meetings in one night last weîk. Mr. Aslirig bas sold his big pacîr for a good price. He le a fine young herse and a great mover, and was one of bis prize winners. Nîarly the whotîz neighborhood attend- ed the funeral services ast Thursday of tise late Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Lîask, of Wick. Il was a very sad sighîte behold the ewo beloved parents buried on the samne day. They were well known and will be greàtly missed. The family have the sympathy of the enlire communuîy. A litIle boy of Walter Ward's came near gettiug frozen le deatis as hi was going with herses te bis grandfather's, a distance o! somne five miles, whîr it waa somne 25 0 bîlow zero. H-e froze bis fingers and parts of bis legs and face, but after gel- tug warmed and doctored up hi was flot much the worse for it next day. Parties should hi viry careful in starting litIle beys eut in such weather. ALL MIEN Young, old or middle agid, who find themn- selves, nervous, wealr and exhaustîd, who are broken down from excise or overwork, resulting in many of the following symp- toms; Mental depression, premature old agi, loss of vitaliîy, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissiors, lack of energy, pain in the kidnîys, headaches, pimpies ou the face and body, itching or peculiar sensa- tion about the scrotum, wastirg of the orgars, dizîx nias, specks before the eyîs, twitching of the muscles. îyelids and else- where, bashfulnîss, deposits in the urine, loss o! will power, lenderns e! the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, de- sire te sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dulîness of hearing, bass of voici, desire for solitude, îxcitability of temper, sunken eyes, surrounded with LEADEN CIRCLES, oily-looking skia, etc., are aIl symptome of nervous dîbility tisat lead le snsanity unless cured. The spring or vital force having lest ils tension evîry functiors wanes in censequince. Those who îhrough abuse commiîîed in ignor- ance, may be permanînlly cured. Send your address and xoc. in stampa for book on disiases pîculiar le mnan, sent seaied. Address M. V. LUBON, 24 Macdouelh Ave., Toronto, Ont., Canada. PAIN-KILLERL.-The teelimaniahe borne te lbe efficacy oetlitis valuable medicino are sufficient te warrant ils introduction int every boue Our own opinion le tisat no family shouhd ho unlîbout a bottle of il for a for a single heur, Iu flesh unounda, aches pains, soes, &o., il is the moet effectuai remedy we kun eto. A 25c. bottie unll lutI for a long lime, and its loun puce places il unsîbin tise reacis of al-Nens. St. John's, Que. Tunenty-feur yoare &go electricity as a maeehaonal powner unie unknown. Now $900 000 000 are invosted a varieus kinde of eectucal mcbinery. aerpea viti a asp. SiRs,-I bad sncb a severi cougis liat my tbroat felt as if ecraped i unli a rasp. O laking Norway Pine Syrup I found Lefi rot dose gave relief, and thse second bcllle com- plelely cured me. MISS A. A. DOWNEY, Manolie, Ont. For 2 years I wui douad, pilled; aud pils. tered for uneak.back, scaldiug urigo aud con- stipation, uitisout benefit. One box of Cbaaèes Kidniy-Liver Pille relieved, 3 boxes cured, R. J. Smiths, Toranto. Tise raun sis hem Kansas cocoons la said to e hie bestinutlie unold. v, SIGNB 0OF WORM.B are varibe appetite, iichhng aitishe nosi, îe. Dr. Louns Worm Sy1rup la tise beet unrm expeUer. - Tise Queen on auriviug lu London vas un- able te unalk wuitisut iselp. sot Grade EsateriaL Scott'é Emulsion la Ced Liver 011 perfect- ediand à prepaned upon tise. principle o! its digestion aud assimilation lu tise himan atem : hEMOEILIin i given uithont diulurbing -Mr. J. E. Gelger-* ef Hagniten hsnged FRssenfor sueofs. Tishe a cf oruay Pia.o 8 ~aa aul brtsdlagtobe due tp thelsoct ever diseoverod, and. eue i oinf kferUi~z4sssfler.u 8~ - *oks. Back in Whitb WM. TILL, Uphol8ter, And dealer in Furniture of ail kinds. . The Subscriber begs Vo announce that he his again opened business ii his old stand, and has placed therein a choice, stylieh and complote stock of NEW FURNITURE 0f evory description, which will be sold at a arisali margîn on cost. Another bale of thosé celebrated Mixed Mattrasses $8.25, Worth $5. Se those Tapestry or Carpet Loanges at $5, 'Worth $8. Hardwood Sideboards, ]4x24 gla8s, for 88,50, worth. $12. Undertakng. týeA fuil stock of CoffnsE a.nd Caskets, and a First- Clas Heare. WM. oTILLà. Whitby, Oct. 12, 1893. Farm for Sale. 65 Acres, Lot NO. 30, 3rd Con , Township of Whitby; 2 miles from Whitby; same known as the Lynde homestead. Soil second to none, i a first class state of cultivation. Good fences ; watered by live stream across one corner ioo yards from a fine stone house; frame stable and driving shed ; also frame house and abundance of fruit of ail kinds. For particulars apply to luI> 24th, 1894, k. 1, LYNDE, DEAFESSIing' a really genumne Cure for Deafes, Singing in Ears, &cno matter how seVere or IoD - standing, wilI be sent post free-Arti - cial Ear-drums and similar appliauces entirely euperseded. Addreae THOS. KEM PE, VICTRIA OAMBERS, South- hamplori Building, Hâolboru, London. THE Owen Electrio. Be/t. The only scientiflo and practical 'Electrie Belt made for giflerai use, baving batteries tisat goeneaatrong current ef BluztrlcitY tisai uzder perfect contre! and cam be ap- plled toaty part eof tieebody for thoe Mre 01 ]REMVUS EAE Theusande of people suifer from a varsety of Nervous Diseases that thse id modes ef treat- ment laU te cure. There le a lois of nerve force or power that cannaI bo restiered by mny medical treatment, and any docter wbe would try te accomplish lise by an y ind of druge la pursuing a dangerous3 praotice. Pro- periy lreatied, tise diseases can be .Positivety COureil Eieclrlelly, as applied by lthe Owen Eleotrie Bell and Appliances, wMi most assuredly de *0. Il la the oniy known power* Ihat wl mupply what la iackung, namely, nerve lorce or gower, impart toue and vigor; and aroue t aty action the wbole nervbus syetem. Il will mout asauredly cure Wîthout Medicine General Debility, Nervona Prostration, Bisou- matlam, Sciallea, Kidney Disaae, Lumbago, Lame baok and Dysfppl, and many other Our Large Mlustrated Cataogue OontaIns fulleel information, l to! diseaaea, out of U.elts 'and ApU&ncea, pries. swor testlmobl, aazdorlraiuf.psvs M.j. W. Dyloeman St. George, New Brunswick. After the Orip No Strength, No Ambition Hood'esSarsaparlila Gave Perfect Nealth. Tie foIlowing etter la from a wei-knowu merchant tailor of St George, N. B.: "C. I. H ood & Co., LoweIl, Mass.:- IlGentlemen- I amn glad to say tisat Hood'e Sareaparila and Hlood'e 11M18haVe done me A great deal of good. I had a severe attack of the grlp in the whnter, and after getting over te fever I dld fnot eeem te galber etreugth, and had no ambition. Hood'eS arsaparilla proved to be just what 1 needed. The reSuIts were very satisfactory, and I recommend tbis medicine to ail who are a.ficted w1tb rheumatlsm or other Hood's,ï;Cuýres afficios auedbypoison and poor blood. 1 always keep Hood'eS arsaparilla in my homse and use Il wben I need a tonte. We also kie Hood's Plla on band and think higtily of themy J. W. DYKzMAN, St George,,New Brunswick. M00d'"0PlUS are purely vegetable, and do ot purge, Pain or gripe. Sold by ail druggtta FOR MAU OR BEABT. In ~ t i U n effm bemad nevser bligaru. KENDALL'S SPA VIN GUREL BolN arU mHedeuonCo.,nPL9 % -Dr.B1. J. ÈKMZt>Lb. .I.PLN. Donr Yr&-Plema. and m n fTu ae Books and oblige. have um uagotdal or otz- Kendafl'sSim Cure wlth ~ je:fi wonderti m àedicine. I ance ae anOei p.,," sud ftv ota.oad, KENDALL'S SPAVE SIPIL Dms-r.-! have uned svrihl!.c or *"Ksndaf.spavln amr" pt I 4thikit QSbet -LinimenS umdiwr tiseBre pvs B t tô fredwoare iueplemSd w#h! 0fT .. Bc*iL ipehBae by a àisci, 0-addresfê ErTE OWEN ELEOTRIQO 77 wmata Offcice ud BUi, 20110 211 Liait, --CI*ICA9 Tise LaigmaIEletnl Uot' staim tieWorhld [i 9 ai if Undertaker, ý!jý Cabinet Maker,

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