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Whitby Chronicle, 22 Feb 1895, p. 3

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J. lu. Dykeman r the Grip gth, N'a Ambition saparilla Cave Pcrfect Mealth. tettir lïfi 'n a well k:u'wn of St. îî'r'N f 1 anul gLiti t .1v un" itiIoi llîi"is l'1;l, hai-e d'n)e mi- i'tittîr, aflinr gii ug ovi-r lt cifîd. I1 ei roi ils uoi'î %'ry dt 1 reco'tu:îuî-t 1 III tit 1e '- - ciud mill toi u r o'Uter '3UaCures iii by piuso'n ui j,,"'r 1 oxd'à Sarqaparilla in iy bs n 1 neel a tinf. WN jjïi(' hani t ti nd titu k ju~ lv fii. i.S. r rî, Nes 'rtuî 19s are Purî-tY v0eîta>l- aund 1,) or gripe. bSuid by ail dirugglsta THÉ ICCESSFUL I9EMEDY MAN OR BEA8T. tb effectsa nd nevier bUator, îb" pr'oofs below: L'S SPA VIN CURE. mn, Handermon (Co., HLi Feb. %, 'PL eme sed nie onf 'ur Florme r&. 1bvue1~ Ill 1Ày.oir mn cun. w1th i. v' ot IL. t!» a leine 1Ince lad àiméie -..tîiad Fn and dire bit urtiL ber 1 a band ail tise Urne. o1r -risly, Ç'S"a PoirRa. LIS SPA VIN CURE. Co'(ro, iAT.q lo., Apr. 3, w2 ýiBU O "AL8 % Vt.l Muelsrea i 1 e" st e SePEPSul IA l H EADAOHE, ATE THE LIVER .L A FTE R E-ATlN G GOOD DIaESTI)N. i.TitioDoDDsmeDcG.L trom liervesa Debit? jilng manhs,. ResU îa tlcs'ettona, Izxeemaîve C., iris wflI moud me à Plain InPiouns1 wW meud Ppee, g u"r-ale us qf sali. koInj gwinîIl aud tmnSmd ma fordu f cured nme meo n mase .e Toccnto, ()nt YOUNG & OL l~ve wrseo. a Soey, I.dk etofsry PurMaa.7 cursd bl lai a.b ms ut fao foSmm ci We aa r Gm st Chamu- WomanU. DelIetf~u cal1 %gt-eyed, red-lipped, Lissorne and fait; 'U bat las the wond'rous charm Thai most beguilues one Whien you are near!1 Girl w1th gs.ýore Of the new %ýrman's wiles, la it simply propinquity To real catholicity In the ferninine mind ? The fascination 0f womnan's beauty, Wel.groomed. full Of life, In rainient dainty ? Spell or enchantment Of radiant vivacity? Glorious girlis -h grace, The joyful gaiety 0f a pure, happy heart ? Or la it ouly The sirens sang, The coquette's wrong Use of God's ruts tb your sex ? No !perish the îhougbt 'lis not any of these. Let me belîuîve 1 ts your womatily %%aY, Suibtie, sweet, luvely, Outwutug a fay bI he worldly-wise witchery 01 a daughter of Eve. F, HOWARD ANNES. though bet duies 11. lu au tièydx feront direoion froin yomi ti inlu-theI Lukment cf thora abe' doeï ber pari ecjuatly well, aud is therolfore entitled. te fult confidence -ini hanfduing monoy In tihe rnultiplicity of Cali. Upon her for the supply andi comfort of ber home, in which you share equistly, ïL ie utterly impossible yen can bave the loit ides how much ie neceasary; therefore ah. must be the judge. In case of any in. terference with her beyoud advlce she ie ahut out from the exeroise of ber juâgement, which ja geueraliy equal te the occasion. There have been cases where wivea wbo are peace-tovers and placed under restrictions in tihe allowance of money, bau re8orted te means for whicb tbey were afterwards despiBed, andi which brought Lbe btuah te their cheeke.- More, it does net end here. There je ne bot- ter -way to teaoh children deception thau thse forcing of a mother te prac- ice iL. These ar he homes frein whic1a men corne , put their band ln Uie public tilt. , bey know in a kind of a stand off fashien it je wrong, but nover rea.lize it fully titi punisbed by the law.. i 3 __________________________There ie ne mioreewcrfut fac'torte -sap th oundation ef domestie happines Woman. tissu this ; and wheu once that tounda. ion ie sappcd thc building eau ne ver be W-ulTr-EN FOR THE CHRONICLE. satisfactory. Coufide lu your wife.C In nearly every magazine yen pick Yeu 'il' fiud in ber a safe adviser. i up you witl sec aometbing like this: There is a keen perception lu woman.1 -Advice te Wives," "Duties te Math. To use a slang phrase, see 'juet filsa crR,' etc., wbich read sometbina as fol- the bill," aud whatever is to your inter-9 low8s: A wife sboutd always meet ber est is certainiy ta bers. 'Iu business dif-E huqband st the door witb a amite, clean ficulti'se dont rue away with the ideaS cole, bouse tu perfect order, dinuer wornen do net underetaud business. properly cooked, bunah of florers on Tbey are perfection in detaile, aud,t the table, ready ta entertein whatevcr wbcu bankruptcy threatcus, if there 18 stranger niakes bie appearance, whetb' a î-ossibility of your beiug tideil over er in the guise of ange1 or othcrwise, eheli do iL. If ebe canuot ebe will belp ready ta respoud ta the eaul of a sick you ta bear it by sbaring it with yen. tîciglibor auy heur nigbt or day, ready Throughout bis Paradise Lost Milton te aruile an cvory cbîld the moment it made a mistake in placing Eve in thc entera the door, attend te ite multipli- background, aud particularlyso ooe city of wante promptly, neyer punish occasion, wheu the auge) cernes to a child wbcn angry, uever speak above drive the guitty pair from the garden. ber natural voice,' -and se on. To be Before be commences bis address te up ta the standard ehe would require Adam (an address, by the way, which the endurance of a carnet, ceupled with eclipacd Anthouy's addrcss ai ter the sncbinsmculte prfetionas nîy x [DUrder of Ceasar) he puts Eve te sleep, istcd lu human shape once, aud that wbeu ibm waa juiet as capable of under was before tbe serpent did bis mast standing it as Adam, aud equai)y inter- treacherous work. Such tatk rnay look eated. Should your incarne be lirnîted, very nicesiu print, but is simply rank in your wife's anxiety te ligbteu your nonsense. burden she takes upon berseif rather The foundatiori of the nation is lu more than she ià able; sud occasional- the ome sudajut ad prpercou ly in the muttiplicity of ber dutie be- cetinofib ig~ udduissu o cmes overwbclrned. If yau may respeet priviieges 'ýf mach individual in smtmacmsbm u entm the borne je a u.att4r of tufluite impart. your bouse lu ît'e nenalty perfect order auce, as axiy infringemeut upon ibe b. sure thai your wife feels it mare privileges or nd*lect of the dutie of a keeuly than you, aud do't bctray by a parent entails stsffeeing upon sone word or look yen bave noticed iL. member of the bousebold The bus- While great importance is ta be attach- baud aud father le the head or enter. cd ta order, a beamiug virtue, a mucli Great ai-c hie priviieges, aud if bis duty more beautîful eue is patience, as ex- be perlormcd with firmues, geutlenes ited lu ber every move for your com- sud consideratiou, greai will be bis lu- fort. Order aud patience wit) make the fluence lu bis owu family, and it wiflMost humble borne a mare perfect eztend into tbe large outeide farnily of hayon af rest for yonr pooritircd body the world. sud wcary brain af ter a bard day's The mother je tthe homen makier, to struggle with ihe world than if it were wlioe care ia mtrusted thse manage- furuisbcd witb the meet luxurieus cush- mnut i lal it's detaits aud infinitesirnal ions that evor graced an Estern home, division of duties, couseqntly ber life (To be contcluded nezi week. ie a verv full oue. Wbeu a wife le pro. vided with a home te tive in, food aud WLTVL clothing, and se on, then under theWRTV E mosi stringent mie8s as e expccted te Miss Hastings bas returued to her home lu Toron ta. be at ber poet, wîtbouî the leastat sow- Mis% Dick, of Toronto, is vtsuing Mrs. W. suce for aunoyanceB, womau'e constant S. Major. aseailante. la ber conscientiousuees1 Levi Turner, of Sîreeîsvilue, ta visitiig lu thc performance of ber duties sbe friends here, looks from a htgh stand point, as well John Potacher. ofCTrouto, us speudiug a feelng herele gret dat cpeccd ew da>'s iu the Vale. as feigteei ra elepce Mrs. A. Besse and T. W. Besse reîurned on from ber. Tee oflon ebe imposes tee Wednesday ta Trhessalon. heavy a taek upon herecîf. Her bus, A. E. Thorntou and Alle Armstrong were baud may be an excellent insu, eue te stan sceayed lnu Toronto over Suuday. wbom tbe world lookâ up lu pride; but Mr. aud Mrs. Dobson aud Mrs. Delong. aof Brooklilu. visied a«s. Thornton last week. froni hie early training, aud froni ber A aleigb load af Young people f roin Scar- willingncss te do ber duty uncacnplaiu- haro visiîed W. S Major ou Satur day and iegly, he feels it is hie rigbt te expect Suudey. impassible ibinga because bits mother, C. C Reesor and H. H. Major have been wbo may bave been a muoh strouger lad up with the grippe, but are bath ou the have ene à su se.meud. H ,H. says that he would have dîed woma, ma hav doe so and80,had it not been for good nursing. This may go on for a wlil1bwtbeut auy Died. at Green Rfiver, ou Sunday the rets perceptible suffering, but 'ýmay be al- inst.. Mrs. Birues, relict cf the late WmÈ. towed te continue beyond the limit of Biienes. We litie tbought iu anounmsug last endurance. If t)4e wiie bhocf a sensi- week the death ufthtie laie Mr.- Barues, tisatitf tive nature, evenLnt*ly se becomos would be our ad duiy te record la ibis pre- crueed.No prso ses it Sb 'turabrthdeceeofbisaged partuet. cmused. o prsen sce IL.BbcDeceased atteuded the funeral ef ber laie bus- dreopa, withers, and semetimea,' ast t baud ou Weduesday luti. Deceased attended say, leaves hem husbaud sud eblîdren, a the tunera) ef ber laie busband on Wedaesday sigbt ever- wbich augels may weep. bust Couîractiug a severe -coliift resutted ilu Her busband, a deep roasoner, mmdi- inflammation, endiugr wiris deatis. Tbe famlly tatue& upon tb. dispensatieus of Previ- bas the sincere syxnpathy eftch.e ommunity in deuce, almoat tempted te feel hoe bas their doubly aad bereavement- S. B. Lynde atteuded tise Y.ML.A. lait bemnu ujtly deait wiih. woek. sud had tise pleasure et hearing tiese il- Let us trace the cause te iLs proper ver îougued eraier, Heu. W. Laurier speak len source. The resait of ber busband's Massey Hail He mlssed tise evening train tbougbtlmssness, arising> entimely from sud staried borne ou uhe express. wblcb lie left bis carly impressions, dteply rooted, at Agincourt. upon learnlug chat it wonld net and reinwhib hola ntwilng teob agaiu until arrivai at Myrmie,. and mnade ind lu iL proer hogb biterwilnb.tubise breub -lhAmto bisdestiA nts Âbout quarter te four o'elock Friday fleming Jos. R, floover tihe weil £flowf taler of Mou'it Joy awakeneil out of sbeep te fin; !îe, room fulli of iimoke sud the par: , rin wall on bit tbat bie coutd fnot bcaÂIs iseivrl ua s -Re hastily ,wakened, hits w:fe who gatbered np a fmw articles of clothea while Jeman into an adjourning roem wbere hie littie neice was sleeping andi wrapping bier np ln a qult the tbree geL ont in safety with scarcely a moment te spare. Mr. Hoover ran -Up tb. aide. Walk a few yards a- d gave tbe alarin aud then Lried te get in the bumuing building &gain te emoure $98 whieb for eafety the nigbt before, lie bad shipped ander the sideboard but it wau too late, the. wbole it3fide wae ablaze. A uum ber of the neighbors were soon ou the scone but could do notbing but watch tbe building burn. The wind wbicb wus frein the north-west waas blowiug a gale but thc neareet building te the 8outb was Brodie'm stoiehcruse semne thrce hundred Is~ away and the Markham Fire L gade were seon on the spot with thc book sud iadder wagon te look after it. The building a brick clad double store and dwelliRu (tho soutb baîf occupied by Mr. Hoover) wae owned by Jonas Ramer and ceet $1600. Insured in the Mennonite Ce. of Berlin for 8950. Mr. Hoovers tees je about 81100; insured for $700. Mr. Hoover onty saved bis pants, and boots and hie wife a fureat snd twe or three articles of ciothin,7. The fire originat cd in ticeparier in wbicb there was ne steve but Zb what means is a mistery. The Bame day about four o'clock in tbe afternoon the Wellingtonu Hotet caught fire fromn the chimmey in the parier upetairs and was only dîecovered iu time te save the building. Speigbt's whistte seunded the alarm. aud inside of flve minutes the fire bnRade wau on tbe spot and had two ieugths of hase laid. The firs bowever, whieh had oaughit between the plaitering and shAetinR on the outside waIi was partiy artibdued befere the firemen coinmenced te play on it and was seau put eut. The damnage te the building je slight. Mr. Higgins, the landierd, bad hie fur- niture damaged about $100 by water. Covered by insurance.-Economist. Funny Things In the la8t cbureh taie did the young ladies take part ? Mr. Slimpursc- Great Scott, ne ; they toak ahl. Harry-I always wear a bat ta suit my bead, ; hang the style. Dick-Yes, 1 noticed that a saft bat le your favor- ite. Teacber-Robbie, have you a good excuse fer being laie? Robbie-Yes'm; bnckwheat cakes and syrup. Ah 1 said the atatestuan, goverumeut tryiug my plan at last. Wife-What'e that ? Statesman-Borrowing money!1 Cors-I sec Miss Fussanfeather bas three rings. I guesesbse's trying Le make t>he greatest show on eartb of hem- self. Little Girl-What did yen do in California ? Little Boy-I epeut mont of tube tue learuin' te pronouncé the name- of tise towus, mc stepped ab. Kate-I was ont skating hast even- ing, and I fell down ne leas than ten- times. Edits - Whatl1 Only ton times, and Jack there te belp you up ? First family mau-Wby' joues, do you carry bomne your own pumebases ? Tisa docsn't eem very well broti. Second familyman-It ieu't ; it's loafer -bred. Traveler-The bouses lu some of tise aucicut citie had walls ton foot tbiok. Mr. Brickrow (envioushy>-I presume some efthtie neiglibms mere musical. Smith-The neal estato market mut aimnys b. active,' I shoniti' think. Brown-Wisy se 7 Smith-Tee- are- se many fellema newatiays who want the eartb. Little Johnnie-Ma, wisy de se mauy ciLles have feLosing debta?1 Mme. Flat- tem-I don't know, dear, unies. it in te keep them froni slukiug* under their obligations. Ah, remarkmd Mm. Quilp, but women' hs.ven't tise play ef intolleet tisat-nen. enjoy .No,, et course net 1 snap. poci Me. Quilp,. wmrau's inl>ellcot works. No, b. saiti wi>b resolixtion,Iar flot geing tg compose My owrs VileÙtine thia ypar. Why not 1 I tid t Soeowoe cnt beflev'e >a&wor4 tishnhimnA mav. isi ha ulina - 'W. he0coea - Wagaiù, ' toit lm hi. b-l1,ia ini a ýgôctistate . of perservaâtlon and" la likely, to reah a gooti olt ago., o.- What.allowauoeý do' you think your father ought to mako. us when wc are nsamried '1 She -WelI, ifhe makes ample a.lrîwauce for yonr fautis, I tbltik he will b. uîtga!i chat v-in be expctctethlm. "Ton'brought ail that beautiful china back with yen ? oxclaimed the calier. "Didn't Yen break auytbing ?" -,No- tbing but the custorn lawe," rasponded the emniing young lady wbo had juet roburned from Europe. 'At the Fortune Telte's. -That is a very dark future yen prediet for me, madame ? Why, air, what could y ou expeet for a sixpeuce?1 Pay me a shil- ling, and l'il see what I eau do for yen. Mistresa (on the second day te new cook>-Mathie, juat be se good as te leuti me five marks. CJoek (aside)- Ha, ha 1 that'. why she saiti yenterday that the coôk in her bouse was treated as eue of the fawiiy. Radicl Cag Rave taken place in Medical Practice dur. îng the Past Few years. HAMILrnn, Beby, 18-A radical change bas taken place in the pazt few years in medical practice. Large nauseous doses are ne lonsger the rula, but where poasible medicinea are admlnistusrcd lu the concentrated forin cf tableteanad pille whicb are more easîly taken by the patient. This faot, mare than ruy. tbing else, oauaed the use of tbe pili tern for that sterling remedy, Dodd's Kîdney Pilla. Tbese Pille are sugar.oasted, easily carrled about and easily taken. They require ne alcobel te preserve theinsa a fiquuid remedy would, and for ibis reaaou ara praferable te liquid remediea. Anether important feature ,)f these pille lae that tbey have nover yet fa). cd te cure any ferai et kidney diaoas. Mayer Kennedy bas recommended an aunuity of $400 a year te the widow to the laie Obief Ardagh. Microbe Killer peuctratea the systeni witb life given curative principlea, killbng ail dis- case germal, as dees the sun ihat penetratea your ohamber and kill. the germe therein without danger to sleeping babes. OId barbarie d-zug remedies sicken everyeue. Try cic Microbe.Killer 1 W. R. Howae, agent. London ban 10,000 profesaienal musiciana. If your tengue coatedi? Ihis bilieusuems Gmt Eseljay's Liver Lozenges at once. 25ets. Don't wait tiI) you're down sick. If your tongue la coated get a box ofEt e)jay's Liver Lozengesata once. 25 eta. at druzgists. Are yen subseci to sick headache ? Se wero others betere tbey nsed Eseljay 's Liver Lez- enges. Tbey will cure yen. 25 cents. Rockefeller% a ily incorné l. 841,666. Thse eu:ering, wedge of- a fatal complaiut la etten a sligbt cold, wbicb a dose or two of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral mbght have cured at tise commencement. Therefore, IL la advia- able te, bave thia prompt sud sure remedy alwsys at baud ce meet au eîuergency. La Gascogne'a angines werm given a deck trial Monday, sud prove te be ail rigisi. How tue Cure Ail Skia Dluase! Supyapply '"BWArsaNe( rS O MMT " NO mnenIiedioine required. Cure@ tetter, ecasma, ici, a&Ueruiptions ou th. face, bauds, nose, &o., leàviug .tise skia cdean, whrite sud bealthy. ILs gréat -bealMng andi curative pewera are peseod by ne otiser remedy. Ask yeur drugt for SWsMR'e OnmoewT. Lyman, Sons & Ce., Montra, wboléaale agents. IL is said Lisat tebàc osmed wil) retalu its vitaliiy'eigbt or ten lyears. ' Consumptien folloWs neglcimd' colda. Norway Pins Sy rup cure cenghs. asthma, sore tismoat, brouchitis sud lung troubles Young Mcn's Libéral Club;; are being formed al ever the Cauuuy of Elgin. What i. Castoulal D.SamnuelPICIISpeci1ofrInht aud, blidren. » eCOiltfl neither Oulmn, Morphine nor other -Karcotl o ubstance. It 15 a lirin8s substitute for paregori,0D:ropg, Sootlilng Syrupesud Castor OIL. Iii la Pleasant. Its guarantee Io tbirty years' use by MlooMothers. Castoria deftrffl5Worma an(ilsUys feverlshness. Castorla preets :vomitiÙg SOU- 'Ourd, cures Dlarrhoea. and Wlnd Colle. Catorla, relieves teething troubles, cures eOnstipa'OIl andi llatuiency. Castorla asuimilates the food* regulai'es the stomaeh and bowels, giving helthy and iatural sleep. Cas.a torts i. the Children's Panacea-the Mothor's, frin Castoria. "Ostonl la an excellent mexdne fo r ceu- dren. Mothers have repeatediy told me of ias goodmiffect upon their chlldren."1 Dv. G. 0. Ossoon, Lowell, Mass. etCastorf la the béai remedy for cisildren et -which 1 amn ac4pxslnted. I hope tise day la net far distant irbenmotiser willtconsider thsea Interest of their children, sud use Castoria in- utead et thevarleusquackuosmueswhlch are destroylug thelr leved eues, by ferclngoplum, morphine, soothing syrup sud other hurif ni agents down their throastLhereby seudlng tbem te preMaUre graves. Du. J. F. KracmeLz, Conway, Ârk. Oastorial knewn te Me." ni1 Se. Oxford Ot D reokIuN. Y. "Our pkyuiean lu lthe cbfldzei'5 tispit- ment bave apohen bigluly cf the & expert- eSuc in tieir outle 'practice wlthcatoda,4 -asud aithiswcenISy bave'iu -ow o mediul uppieswhaIs oawa aregular prou&,ye-eaefrLà contaisdm utisa menit fCasterta Uns irma ustçs lok 'wt favom upen t"i U rvu nsrftAL Aà»Drsmsaar, - Boston.xm~ Ou . Samm, Pm&,. Tbi e utaur Oompany, Tmumi sttoet, Ne.fek «*r. 'i DV~ JUST SPEN» RIS FOUR QUA"~ BURDOOK BLOOD' BITTEES AS. DO; BECAUSE IT CURES. DYSF BIL.IOUSNESS, BAD BLOODi _À THE STOMACH> IVRKIN I mas Oum Iof a bad cae eo Gripe by~ MINA2RDS LINIMENT. Sydney, 0. B. .ILQE I irAS cVmrn e:ofaon f oice bY MIN- ARDS $LIIM-2- N1T,. 1 MÈ4 RD 8 LNIMENT.- Býurin4LdMLtSSBp4 Tisp Libot eenv~utien i Sentis tteglruw4,iU-hpl mb~. iv -- £LL »s#~~tu 1

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