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Whitby Chronicle, 22 Feb 1895, p. 6

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Brbadng* The Zoo. Thst 'ere feller dont cail ithers *hud o the yonui diii Iiu" eOnough. There they goe-bad iiteI*osb cin 1ou hum, and ho Whe Wllim arkr rreoobl near sîet-thets 3botter. Bec tbem sam ber giggie and tuiu sud speuk, ta i=ide nl bis md ta ke Mary Kuob. oeety feliers agin-swingin' paz'tnenu. the crowd. Hl. tbought thàtIh. no-* *u.o t, ho~rmtoout ~ *Grand chaui, Gc l oudn-tco ihsilk hat and heard tii, Blue Botti, SPnp, o-dcd not etl is there's a break. Ses the girl ini bine verds "Qat cake" dte u hr father, bs-was his custoiu in Most mat- uating-shoe turned tee sean. The&'s he resolved Wô rettirf and neyer agaun tors. Te s, straight lmced ôld Dankard better-totler way-bow yer corners- depart tram thbe quiet ways ef. his like Rerrman Larker thbe very thougbt now yer own. AU 0,cr." fathers.' of attendaneuo nbaeiosl The musie stopped, and the dancers, They drovo home iu the. oarly even- Witih i "snround dancing sud pautin& frein their exertions, fanninîe ing, Wm. Larkor and Mary Kuchen- del av emd1qlr and mapping, left -the platform and baoh. And tboy had crossed thbe lait ayn ellm m oterdaogteaudience. ridge and vero booking out over thbe p 'ewt.. uyKttcbenbaek vas like. William Larker's eyca vere aglow broad valley' tevard the dark moun- 'tiSe a mem er cf thai, strict seat, but with exciternent. The opportunity of tains at the foot.,oet whioh lay their net qut. se narrow in hie ideas as bis his life bad corne. Ho vas- te dance te homes when thbe firut word vas spoken. mQre pions neighbor. Yet to humaIsO e ros music, witub a remi flesh and bloOd The girl looked St ber companion the suggestion in snucb frivolity would partuner, after ail those yearS of secret anp eaid, "Be-el, in't dancin' dmng'- have Met with soant 1proa. practico witb a wheat sheaf in the'ee- nos l, For Wlam y arshoh=dsentydane. put is of hie father's barn. He vortld The youug man cut tuhe mare vitub fo]ndly ese ub e leta nd vspafet bsarme around Mary Kuchcnbacb tuhe vhip, blushed aud vith mueh con- possl esised eblef nîohi habty in hoafe for tube accomplisbment of wbich fusion replied : Yaie, kinder. But- thatsse o1tuf mgen in opelled in bead pnobably longed more tban the but-I'm sorry 1 drug you off thbe plat- dorat b thé arniu omplete romain otuher. While bis companien, seated formn like thet." donou cf h idoeas. thbe strict- upon tube stump, gmzed cuniously, timid- 8h. covered ber mouth with ber nes o bs.famiiy's ie» Many a iy.at the gay crewd around ber, ho, hic baud and giggluèd. William juet sav riny mfternoon bad ho given vent te bande tubret deep in bis peekets, stood tube cerner et eue of ber eyes as she bis desire tuc winging corners and frigidly before ber, meutaily pictnring loleke'l up at hixu frorn under thé gray duel-et den- -g about bis father's the ploasuré te cerne. bonnet aud replied. "Oh, 1 didnt barn -filoar, %. 'i ne other pantuner than Hie feét oould bardly keep stîli vbeu min tubat. Et vasa jes lovely-tell vo a wbeatu liefi and no other music than a pu.reîy ime.ginery air fioated tbreugh bit. " that preduced by bie ovu capaclcus hie brain, and hé fanciéd bimeif The mare sverved te one aide tovard lipe. "dozy-doughing" and "goiu' a visit, the feue., and the driver seized tube 'It vas for this reason that wheu on in' " witb tube roey girl bésîde bim. rein ho had droppod and pulled bor eue beautiful Jnly day William Lanken The man with thé bacs viol began te back into tuebeen track. Thon the att.ired in hip bét-a plain black frock rub nesin on blis bow, thé vlolinist W wip fell rom hie bauds, and b. stop- ceat, trousers of thé sam2e materiai, ,iuning up and tube cornetiet givingthé ed u lmerddv*nt uera reaohing just belev bis shoe tops, a stops ef bis instrument tube usual pro. and reoovered itu. But vhen ho regain- buge deuby bat, ne longer blaek, but liinary practice, vhen tube floor mas- éd bis seat in the buggy he vrapped green, as a resultu et long oxposune te ter annonnoed tube nextu dance. On. the reins tvice areund tube vbip, and the éléments, aud a uev pair of abcès after another thé couples ifted frcm the intelligent beast trottod homne un- vdil taloed-stuepped into bis bugizy, thbe crovd and ciamberod upon tube guided. tapped hies loek mare vith tube vhip platform. o sud started at a trisk pace tovard thé "Tvo more couplé," cried thbe con- Eucbenbacb faim, hie steru parent be. ductor.li yici h lieved that ho vas gcing tethe great "Corne 'long, Mary. Ncw's our bush meeting at Bunkertown, tuvelve chance," wbispered the young Dunk. miles u the pike, and vas devoutly ard tue bis comptanicn. thnfltu e 500 ie son growing in "Oh, B-e-e 11, really 1 csn't. I nover ~I1~ pietp, and vhen Mary Kucbenbmcb, danoed in puberlick afore." buxom and rosy, vearing a plain black "But yen kmn. Eetu ain'tu bard. Al drese, tube sombernescf which vas re- yen'l bey ter do ie ter keep yer feétu __ lieved eelely by a white kerchief &bout amovin' an' do vhat thé féllar thates tube neck, and a grey poke-bonnet. as osîlin' figgers esays3. became one of ber sect, climbod up and Thé girl hesitiated. iru ,Hr II l teck thé vacant place besade bim. "One more cuple," roared thé ficor!f~~rî~ u IHlIlN Henry Kucheubach, standing at tuhe master. gatub vituh hie wife at hiesaide, called William vas gettixig oxcited. attt thém as thé vebiclé rattléd away. "'Yen kin dance with thé beet uv 'em. "Be 'sure an' tell Preacber Bock vben Corne along." ho cornes this vay te stop in au' geL "Really ne. intee uOi-vDus. Jest that cnock o' sausagos ve've be'n keep- inu ton massue." And goed Mrs. Knchénbach tbnew up honr bandesud exclsimed, "Aiu't theni a îovely pair." "Yes, ' repiied thé husband, grimly, "4au' they've be'n keepin' Comnmy six yeasenov, an' tuhatu ter. tellov in't nover speke bis mind." Meantuiruétube buggy eped &long thé srneoth road, tube rattule of ite whéols, the cîstter cf tube sleok niane's books, and tube ebrill caU cf thé küldée skirn. ming across tube méadove being tube solo sounde that broeotube silence of tube quiet countury. A muile vas gene over, aud thon thé girl said, falteringly, '-B-e-e-Il, a'u't et wrong ?" William lu reepeuse bit thé herse s vicions out witb the wbip sud replied.: "BEet don't sem jest right tes ter fool 'kem, but you'U tfergit 'bout et von vo git dancin.' III s'u'tu nover bo'u toi- eue o' them picuie, an' I teel fraid." Then tubené vas silence betuveen tbemn -a silence broken only atu rare inter- vals, vhen oeeof tube pair veutured semé commouplacé reoeark, vhich vas always nevarded vith a lacenic roply et "Ymis" on " 'Yen den't say ?" Up bill and dévu rattled tube buggy, tfolowing tube crooked cotuntury read across tubé vidé valley: Ovér ture. 1ev, veeded idges, thon several miles ptube broad meadove tubat lino thé pictureeque Juniatua, it wonded its way, until atu léngtuh tube green gi-ove intube centre et wbicb lies Blue Bottle Sprng vas roaobed. Thé festivitiés had alrésdy begun. The outakurte efthtue vood vere filled with vebicles et every description- buggies, buckboarda', spnig - vagons, emnibusés and mucient Pha6ons. Au orchestra et thi-ce picces, a basa viol, a violin sud a carnet, opératéd by turée mon lu shirt siéeves, sent forth wbeezy strains, toe te reof wbich men and vemen, yeung, old and mid dl. aged, gayly svug corners sud partners, gslloped toi-yard sud back, mdeladies' -ohbaînnd g6nriemen's obains, wluding lu and eut and thén back and bovlug, uuuil William Lai-kor and bis cempanion tirly gi-ev dizzy. The crewd cf danoors vas ýa hetere. geneus,éne. There were young men from the neigbboruxg conniy town, gorgweouflui blazers cf vmriagaied colore; thore vere yewîg farmevu whcse movements were net lu thbe leaut iwpeded, by the somber, hemvy elothing or, the hieh- orowued, broad-irmmod, hâtî tubai uhy wore ; ibère vere -a t.4Mntilarly torvard youtuhs lu LIocole aire, -sud tbree igmy youuuuutrmmoeneih boring eîty c rwoesn ing high silk bth apd dium*puupooep made tbem tii. euvy of the* more rua- tic eompanione. Tiie wombeu ilkewise. in lbeauty and dreas, weuiiobpib ex- iremea, Gayly ower.d ay -osIIoo cashmere sd ipg hain obbed abot anhong uhbanax, naiIUs end iIh s modesi as uheir ovuevshindemsatuo* No* iiiaareý ntlexiric4 oso. novwmdu ta sl'am'û*à eilk, o*, veut lk éuàmis ý wait." Thé twang of thé fiddle ccmmenced; the oracked quavering notes cf tbé hem aiose above tube buzz of conversa- tien. "Bey yer partuers-cernérs;," cried thbe leader. And the young muan st down on tube stump in dieguet. "'We'l bey ter git in tube neut," hé said. "Why, it's dead easy. Yer sée, thie :oe's only a plain quadre'il. Yeuse enter seeue 'et ain't plain. On. cf themn whene théy bas sich figgere ez 'firet lady on tubé vardancé,' like they doue st the big voddin' up at bunker- town tbree years age. These is plain. L'y. névés danced befere meseif, but I've sedu 'em dIo itu, an' I'v. benu prao- tioir'. Ail you'il bey ter do is mind me." And se tbe fellowing dance feund tube pair on tuhe platform among tubé firet, tubé girl trembling, bluehiug and self- conscieus, the youog man self ocuecietîs but triurnpbaut aud comaposed. "Boy yen paatuners," cried tube floor master wben tube orchestra bad startéd ita scraping. Dovu wontu thé grey pokebonnet, dewn vent thé great derby, sud a Bnijle et jey overspread thé broad- face b.- neatub it. "Swing yer partuers 1" The grest arme vent arouud the pluinp forin, lifting itu off its foot. Their owuer spun round, csrefully replaced hie burden ou tube floor, beved, smiléd and vbispered, "'Ain't et grand ? " Çorners 1" The young woman in blué satin gave a eligbî scream tubai vas metusînr- phesed inte a giggle as ah. toIt henseif swung through epacé lu tube arme etftubé muscular person tavard whom eh. bad eareened. Her partuer, eoeetoftube yeuug city mon vitb a high silk bat, grinncd mnd whispered in ber ear, "Oatu cake." 66Léade for'and su' back 1' William Larker seized hie partuner's ý ?lump baud and beunded forward, bo w ing sud :visting, bis free.ai-m geeticu- iatuung lu unison *îtb bis legs and fééet. Hé vas in it nov, in thé thiok ef tube dance, ini it with hie whele heant. Wbenevér there was mny ",dozy déugb. ing", tue be doe.William wvas théné If a couple vent "vWstin'," be vas vitb ihàem. W-heu ',adr es in tube centre 1" vas cslled 'h.ovasthèe, luinevery "gra.nd Chain" ho turued tuhe vron4 vay-. Ré gripped the. ladies', bauds un- ii they uîwardly greaced;- b. trampied Ob ,sud1 erushed the patent leatuber puMpe et theYoqDu City mn;u, sudin = »oa 0a iieo ~mt n hiuedhsmoorbls akt i Talks About Canadian .People. He Savs we Have Too Manv Pale and HaIf-Dead Women, HiS EXPERIENOE WITH PAINE'S OELERY Thinks it je the Right Medcicne for Building up Weak and Sickly Girls and ý#omen: In thé éarly part cf January au Eng- lieh physician ef bigb standing sud considérable veadth, vi8ited tube princi- pal citiesud tuewns et Canada, sftér a toeur in tube United Statues. Ho vas exceediugiy veil pléased witub vhat hé sav etftubé Dominion, sud epoke in glovîng tei-mse o thé good nature an-I bospitualty etfeni- people. Wbén asked vbat hé theugh et Canadians frein s physiologicsl point cf viev, ho replied : -"Takén s a vhole, yen bavé a fine, eturdy population ; but ibère ia room for impnovêment. Yen bave splendid speciméns etfnxanhood ; yens vemen geuerally look bealtby snd vigerous, but you bave tee many ýwhe are pale, listubesesud half-des.d Ieokiug, uuch as I bave met in thé United Statues. "Ola, ye 1 1kuev eomnetbing about. Psiue's Ooiery Cempoun&çj I bave -used it oceasionally myséif, aud kneW of its bcing used in England. I bhavé secom- mended it tue pale, weak and run-dowu -womén sud girls in England,'sud it bas prodnccd -véry e atisactuery sud-na pleaeing nesuits Prom vhat I knewv et tube formula of Paine's Cý'elesy Oom- pound, I bave -ne hésitation, as a phy- wii .apresceibiug it- l assetgî oral debility, evu fecin~kde snd livèn complaintâ mudgeneralv-eak- Dose.- "Yun sIé wak sudahlt-dead womn u sud girls have à,- ru-e lite build- ing ,agent i inlea OÙelexr'y Oorapound. Thèeeis ne ôther prepartion I knxow' cf tbstuis so *eIl adapt$ed-,for tuhe troubles "I~ ~~ am plksd o' hesthat -Pîime'a .Veloryme>pound _is so p6pulsin your uidit; it à l~ eeýieeviory,-iue of pi-aise novw cIVu ru b uio, (Pub&thed j' Requesi.) Dearý Mr. Editor »-.-Wlil you kindly ln- forse the readers of vout valuable paper that 1 wil l ldly d PR=B ta any sufferrfrom Lost Manhood, Nervous DebliIty, Nigbî Loes, Varlcoce' Impotency and the, r.sults of youthfül folly, particulars of a simple and Inexpensive means of self-cure which after be- lug humbugged and lmposed upon for years by quacks and patent medicine sharks, cured nwe lu a few weeks. I have notblng t seil or give away, net am I advertising any patent medicine busfans,- but will be pieased ta hear frorn any suffertr anious to find a cure for bis complaint. to whooe I will explain confiden- tially how and by what means I was cured. Hundreds have been cured thrcugh my ad- vice. Coets nothing to learn what I paid bun. dreda of dollars to find out. Address confi- dentially and enclose stamp if convenient. D. G. OWEN. Toronto, Ont. Riverside P.O). The Marquis cf Salisbury wae the guet of the Irisb Loyallat Club at their inaugural nanquet at the Hrotel Metrepole, Londan, on Saturday evening. Gve Thom A Ohao I1 That ia te eay yoifr lun-. Alooail your breathinî inachinery. V w ond erful ma- ohinery it is. Net enly larger air-pas- sages? but the thousand Os littie tubes and cavities leading froin tbem. Wheu these are cie gged and choked with matter which ou ght not to ba there, your lunge annot halido their work, Ând what the do, they canuot do weil. Cmi t cold, oough, croup, pheumonia catarrh, consumption or any of the farnily of thromt and nose and bead and lung ob- struction ail are bad. Ail cnght to be got rid of. kbre je juet ene sure way te get rid cf therm. Thst ije otaesBesebeels German 8yrup, wbicb auy druggist wil oeil you a t 75 cents a bott!4. Even if every- thing else had failed yeu, you may depsnd upon tbis for certain The last sacrament bas been adminietered te the Arcbduke Albrecht cf Austria, the Emperor's uncle. When Baby was .ck, we gave her Castorla. When she was a CbUd, she crled for Cetorla. When sqhe becazne Miss, she clung te Castorla. When skie had C2ildren, she gave theun Castorle. The King Of Spain le suffering frorn an attack of rbeurn, Covered with Liver Spots. GENTLKMN,-I wau oovered with Liver Spots even my back and ceat. 1 teck tbree bottbs eof yeur Burdock Blood Bittera and amn now perfectiy cured cf Liver Complaint. I can truly say that I tbink B.B.B. the beet inedicine ever diiacovered. L. KITCHEN, Hamnilton, Ont. Rev. Canon Osier, father of Mr. Justice Osiler, Mr. B. B. Osier and Mr. E. B. Oaler, died Saturday afternoon in bis 9oth year. BILIOUSNESS and LIVER COM- PLAINT, Headache, etc., are cured by Burdock Pis. The Pope's healtb is much iznproved. Minar-tVa Liniment te used by Phyi- Cians._ Koreans wear paper coats. Dyspepsia or Indigestion la cccasicned by the vaut cf action in the biiiary ducte, bIoncf vitality in the stornach te secret the gastric iules, without vbich digestion cannet go on: aise. being the principal cause of Head- ache. Parrneleo's Vegotable Pille taken be- give relief and effect a cure. Mr. F. W. Âshdown, Ont.> writes -. "Parmelee's Plilla are taking the ioad against ton other niaketi which I have in stock." "&ComMénd JOUX B. FAIREWELIL, Q.cet Barrister, Connty Crrown .&ttorne ',and County Solicitor. Office- South W;Lg 01 Court Heuse, Whitby. JAMES RUTLEDQE, Barrister, etc. Office formerly ocalupied by Farewell & Rntledge, next Boyal Hotel, Brook St., Whitby. DAVID ORMISTON, B. A., Âttorney-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Conveyancer, etc. Office-In the Office south of the Post Office, in McMillafl' Block, Brock Street, Whltby. G. YOUJNG SMITH. LL. B.,P Ba1rristler, etc. ,-Money to Loan, Issuer Of Marrîage Licenses. Office - Smith's Block, South of Market, Bi ock St., Whitby DOW & McGILLIVP Yy Barristers, Solicitors in C .ncery, etc. Office in Mathison & Hawkean ew block Brock St., W hitby, Bouth of Ontario be.nk. luebica1. D. P. BOGÂRT, ft.D.9,L.D.B. Physicana, Surgeon and Accoucher, etc. Office and Residence next to Ail Saint's Chnrch, Dundas St., Whitby. N. B. - Dental SuTgery in ail its branches promrt- ly attended te. W. E. YÂRNOLD, D. L. S., Oounty Surveyer and Drainsge Engineer, Port Perry, Ont. A. A POST, Archlitect, late with Langley, Langley Burke, Toronto. Designs for Church es, Villas and Cottages a specialty. Draw- ings prepared for remodeiing existing structures, Office-First fiat ever W . W Howse's drug store. c2p O Box 202, Whitby. WM. CALVERLEY, HAIESESS MAKEB, WHITBY. Having moved into our new preinises, we are prepared to extend the range of business. Ail work pertaining te the har- ness.znaking and sad-dlery business wil be done to satisfaction. Collars a specialty.. Cail and see my shop and stock. W. CALVEBLEY, Second door west of old shep. Dundas Street,- Whitby. FOR SALE OR TO RENT. New bouse, 8 roorns;34 acre of garden, well fenoed. Good locality on Front street in Soutb Ward. Appiy to, B. WORFORK, on the adjoining lot, or at the CHRONICLEC office. Whitby, Marcb 7th, '9,1 GOAL GOAL!i Thé undersigned lias just ré- ceived a large quantity cf First Cias Coal direct froru the muines, aud is pre- pared te furnisb all sizes, dry sud deau, includiug several huudred tous of the OEBLEERATED NO. 49 a mest pepular aise betveen Steve snd Chestnut. EliLeaveyour ai-des atouce aud get very loveet quotation. Terms Cash. H. B.. TAYLORt, c Wbitby, luly zath, x 0,MV EDl NEW PREMI8E8, ON BEOO19TE& 8OUTH OF ONTARLO BANK Whitby. Marb!e lyort8. MATH ISOH I~KN Marbie Monumeflt8, Ilead8tofles sndalother Cemotgry Woirk. Alim Imnpertelso 0 8ootch, 8Sw eedi89hA meflO8fl and Canadian Granites, AU psztes wish o wrk wenlid do w eF eaUI on u bfore pureohasîzis. AUl werh guaranteed an~a purces of $he iowest. New Livery and Sale Stables Dundas St., Whitb'y, J. T. NEWPORT, PropÉrietol' Commercial mien liberaflydealtwith Teaming done at reasonable prices. Freight and Baggage hauled at res able prices. A eall sohezite&l. LJ . MiLTJIKE l MACHINIST, WITBY, Haàs opened a Bepair Szhop in conneetio with the Cooper Shop lately carried on ly hie father, opposite AUl Sainte' Ohurch, sud wllldo all kinds of Re airing. Sewing]Ma- chines a specialty. Lawn Mewers, Bicy- cles, Firearme Lochs, Bomale, lothes Wringers, WasËingM&chineg, &o. Sav* Filin g Skates, Sciusors, KnÏives, Clippi &e., sharpned and rp*rd. AiUkinTds of Cooper Work miade and repaired. Shop opposite Ail Saints' (Ihurcis, Dundan Street,Whitby THOS. PEAT 0f Bowrnanville, intends visiting Whitby once, a fortnight, to collect clothing from gent&s-toý dlean or dye. Garments when finished *111 look as good as new. If- they fail to b e so 1 will flot charge for my trouble.- If tlhey-'Pni my charge le $1.25 for cleaning and nicçl-y pressing a suit of clotbing; for dyizg -a sui i-o.Or.ercoata cleazedan'dpressed 750,,'- dyed for $r. For cicauing,, or dying gents bats g5C.7 TO.McGANIS.Agenut.. Bowmanvle, Uly- 26,192 LIFE INS.UFANCE.--, Manufacturera' Liei,& Accide nt,' Insurance Go., Torontc, Largest CaptalStock* Lii e f nuan-c ou the continent., Ninety pair cent. C'f ate aoefl'ulationl5 ot srlus is returned to thi- poIiOy holder&. Ailelaikg -are paid w"îtbc délaY or diaeunt on proof of doath mgituiitY adowMeènt j-. B. POWELL- A Witby~ Cor. Eipg& Yongêî" Toronto,. z. 3. Méorè,M.I~., P, Bréêldlu. N I -~ j

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