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Whitby Chronicle, 22 Feb 1895, p. 8

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PORT PERET more than one occasion 1 have been deemed LCBOà Dr. McDewell was lu town this week on inconsistent with the tempetance cause. Now, h onyL .iog e 1 h buiness. 1 amn a nember of Raglan division, S.O T. T., autyl. O. Lsoke e t b ,- The rietal ete ber chngeshane tand 1 amn proud of jt. The.............s!Orange hlBaktc,*e.,s~ TheOientar. j. M. Bre caks, haa getial a lot of voung people ascan b oudam large wnu ghrtof retperit. rom Care- thiswee, M. 1 M Broks Osawa isanywhere, ard are always willing te contribtute ad twrj.gHt.re ren,.cÇudfty the new corner. May succes attend him. their ehare te aoy guod cause. But we have chMastr J . Eeto f efferr~, oudth Mr. Saper will meove bis stock next ln our mldst îndiv.lduals who are flot me,~ihers carC..to f f~es ~uta week te t he Harrington block, one door of our soc iety wbo dellgbt in "miing ln" witb follows: W. C. *M', J. H. Freebeur;C east of J. Cook's resturaunt, where beIwill things that o>flot concern them. a specimen D. M., Robt. Cowan ; Chaplain, Mattbews; cater for bis customners as usual. . or-which we have heard of from dîne te time Rec Sec, W. G. Bartley ; Fin Sec, A. Tay- Mr. J. Wright will now open out' busi. lately in the colums of your paper. We could lor; Treas, G. W. Jone; D. of C., Ceo. nesln the store lately occupied by A. give the names of somne of the mont fluent i oc. jGordon; Lecturer, W. Mycta ; Dep. Lee. k Soper wbere he have a bran new stock of casion required, but will'refrain (rom exposlng for Clarke, S. Ovens ; Dep. Lec. for Cart- Boots and sboes cheap for cash. anYOne wbese seul Is se imail that It wÃ"uld b. wright, jas. Bvers. The cororthaveig sc sarcelY discernable if we gave the whole The annual conivent ion of the West Dur- rpraio wlg sales hv been Dame ia capitals. The people of Grcenbank. ', :xrn"Sabbat!i School Association witl be Ieascd te Mr. D). Campbell for the sum or whose hospitality is measureless, have the hedl1rnoo h 0 n 2ho $7gorhns n the set ear.The arlacnbeatty thanks of every meniber of Raglan divi- March. It is later than usual but the con- good haivns ndoteit ' atsfc i on for the very generous manner la which we ventions are arraaged by districts this wilbe ive nodeut.were entertalned at the district division. The year te preveat neediese travelling expense The brick work or M. Williams' new re- membere nf Raglani division have also signlfied 1 i connection with the Nor mal Secretary. sidence is completed, and goeà far te sho their disapproval of the R Ian scribe, while Seilatninwl egvnt h the ability of Mr. jas. Sommerville a3 a not altegether acceptlag te fissinuag Se.Peial atetork ndwithe iv e te they brick layer. It wxll be a credit te the mika eof the mnan from Greenbank. The divi- of the Provincial Association, Mrs. Dun- place when completed. sien unanimously fécl sorry that such a con- can, Toronto, bas consented te be present. The skating rlnk, under the ablei hry hul ave takea lace, as outsiders A xeln rgail rprd mamageeat ofMr. R.Hicirs(the r e oftheopinionthat thewhoie thlag eman- Accletporml rprd pretr)e eng elMr. atrnick ed(thisro- e tlimembers. It is'not the case. We PRiNCE &.IBERT. prieor)is bingwel patonied his ÃŽvethepeople of Orccnbank great credit for We are sorry te have te chronicle the winter, whlch goe for te show the man-. the manner ln whieh they used everyone. death of one of our young frltnds, la the ner in-fic it is conducted. Ni pains is Some cf our tennis weat home early on ac- persan of Miss C. Robertson, ýdaughter of spared t.. tutake it ceMfortable and attrac- count of the storni, but for myself I remained -Mr. Robert Robo-qç,-i f this place. Miss t] ve. ne long as ayene else remained and was net Robertson was &)n Tuesday last ln A convention of the Ontarie Cou nty sorry for 1 enjoyed w.yself. Wm. . WEt. Pine Greve Cemetery. Woman's Christian Temperance Union We notice the Greeabank correspondent it Early on Sturd a. morning last, the beld ln the Methodist church, Pert Perry, te the front again trying te defend hie partY, bouse occupied by Mr. H. Helman, a bn Tueeday. Delegates were present and appears te be quite 'at eea' ln some of hie Ruesian. who lately moved here from Sea- (romn Whltby, Uxbridge, Prince Albert and remarks One of'1 Frend Thomnpson's 5gay- rave, was buraed te the ground. The Port Perry. At the morning session Mrs. ing le, "tacts are stubborn thlags go deaL; rgntdi hewoae n a Tbornley. London, Provincial Secretary, with. " The Grccnbank cor. admits that an aeoiiae ntewose n a preeided. After routine Miss Legan, out and eut temperance amn l seldom (oued progressed se far whcn tbcy became Wbitby, was appointed secretary of the keeping a public bouse. Anbere are ve g warc cf It, that it was imposeibe te save conventIon. Misses McBride, Tukes- ressens: zst, tbey have se few of e i anythlng, and the family was left in the burry, Cash, and Bates were elected til- their ranks ; 2nd, tbey know they wouldat.ve mont destitute circumetances. The bouse lers,y and Emma Hall, Etaa Davis, Neilie te death if they depended upon tIts temper. whicb belonged te MIrs. Coster, Toronto, Allia and Etta Hall, who are faithful Band £tnce people fer support. Irbe côllevtions the and was insured for tbree bundred dol- »ef Hope werkers, acted as pages. A oeher day ie a a sample cf what their patron-lasbuMr emn ad oisrnc county organiza tien was approved of. The aire would be. He says " temperane bouse" is on the contents.- Hie les. is estirnated at election o f county efficers resulted as foi-* generally anether Dame for unlioensed grog- about thre bundred and flfty dollars. low :-res, rs.Jno Wkel, Prtgery. The samne words migbt weli be applled te The villagers responded beartily te the Pery; iepres., Mrs. CosbWey, ortge ..Sons of Temperance" have known bote- caîl made upon thern, and by cvening Mr. corresp;ning pse., Mss Batesy, UPrice AI.kcepcii who sold more liquor the nlght the Kenner had gatbered together a large berttreanise., M ss OBrien, WritbeyAl lodge met thami any other nilZhî in the wýeek. amouait of heusebeld supplie for the des. Miss eas.ga O'rin, Whitby. Mad1,Prne h ave known young men wbo would take the titute faniily, Albert, and Mrs. Hall, Port Perry, read pof<the we on aulay aeeinta n enre chCLASEMOWI' --very interesting papers, concerning their wet the fwteek opdlacep or a bog pelw bîch to Our dan cing class meetse ery Menday re "etv" tunions. Ms ersegv njudiZe from thear surrouadîngs. I have kaown venng. ralreport showing the mariner in.which eenefodmawohvrpatd aka Johanie Stokes le under the weather ibe a dd oUs fopldunder hebav careatle con- dueBad on answer terqetiona s teonhethe te-obligation pledge. I have known corne just new. tbe.iarslng r oacqdetionrs Tb ern conscientteus youug men wbo bave lcft the Rev. A. White, baptiet miaister of this trobleariingfron cder Mr. Torneylodge eatirely because a bottle had been pre- towa, preached anniversary sermons lu cautiened the ladies against the introduc- sentcd te tbetx in the lodge.room by corne of Uxbridlge last Sunday. tien of cider, and gave deporale tàlI iDÇlberm asklng tbem te, take a drink, and Po amr fMsorlae sti stances where cicler has pylclyand If otlCPalmer, ofwMissouorisîeneiesushe ca lfinancially ruincd people. Neon bour just bet bis bottoni dollar that h the placet wcek We areon errate o bis c hlm but having arrived the delegates WVêre con- flnd theni. He thinks 1 bave "lstretcbed" tbewihhmbavygoniscuebck ducted te the basernt t e the church, matter, but be is Dot prcparcd te corne eut W. H. Bundy, aur genial printer, bas where dinner WU g erved. At the after- and deny the statemeat. 1 knowr wherof I been laid up with neuralgia fer corne timse. noon session Mrs. Scott, Uxbridgc, gave speak, and 1 take the greateet of pîcasure ef He le sufficiently recevered te partlaliy -an explanatory lesson on the fourth chap- informing our friend tbat 1 amrnont. bave net, attend te business this week. ter o! Judges. Miss Bates read a paper on and neyer wiII be Wltb bis crowd, whetber thcy Win. Miller, of Indian Head, N. W. T., tobacco. She showed bow filtby and de- are unpririeipled or net, and 1 ar nont going te w5es saowbound here last week. Wil moralizitig the habit is, and the injurious ask his advice as Io wbai 1akm te do. 1 have a looks well, but will have te hurry up sud effect it has on vouitg. people. Mrs. Cros- mind of my own, and 1 eau probably say more get married before he becomnes a confirmed by read a paper on juvenile departmeat. than be or any cf his teniperance mca, when I bachelor. it showed how necessary it le te teach say that 1 have yeîte take the firet glass of M shvn nte rn temperance te children, as it le te them we liquor cf any klnd, and I have yet to enter the Mnager Bayer shvnaotegrd are beoking for prohibition. As three- basement et the Preshyterlan church at Green- carnival next Tuesday Feb. 26. He le fourths of the teachers cf childrea are wo- batik te know what it ln like, mucb less par. effering corne $20 ln prizes, and expects a men they are largely responsible for tbe taking et twe meals there and leaving without bumper crewd. Turn eut and give Ira work donc. Mrs. Pearse feit it ber plea- dropping a nickcel or twe in for refreshmentc, one geod carnival before the ice goes. saut duty te tender cordial greetings te 5asrnany eft hemn did. But wbo was mean Two rinks tramn here jouraeyed te the delegates, and gladly ivelcemned themn. cnougb te steal the sbawl cf the laadlord's Stouffvil le last Saturday and werc beaten She grcatly appi'eciated the services reti- wife that day at Greeabank ? I ar nont geing te the tune of 55 te 32. It is expected that dered by their worthy presideat. The te say. Suffice it to say, net I. next urne the " .bhoy-s"'lwlll corne eut kind wclcone was suitably responded te. ÂUDLEY. abead. Uxbridge C. C. visits us this Mrs. Thornley next gave a short address week. Full particulars later. on Parliamnentary Drill. There was a very News scarce'tbis week. The Imperial Trie, under the auspices large attendance at the evening session, WiII Bell is under the weather. of the Royal Templars, are here this week. and the people were entertained by a very What a delightlul change la the weatber. Their singing le delightful, but one won- intcresting programme. Mr. Courtice OCK The wod teame bave again àtarted on their ders wby they sbould attack C.laremont capicd the chair. The music rendered by routes. This 15 a good siga the roads ar ps-wben go many other towns havé sëwei'h tbe Port Perry orchestra and the solos by sable. botels, and wc have none. Ia such'a teàu- Misses Hayes and Scenes wcre greatly ap- eacgRdnoEensPikrg preciated. A letter of greeting from Rev. Mrs. Willson left on Moaday fer De- perah ncegrea cf d kten asefPickcd ttownsbip one wouldnthink ter rotsefuines Mr. Cade, who %vas net present owing tetOit h a enw e ohrMs wouîd be te say the least, rcduced te a illness, was read by Rcv. Mr. Whiternan. Win. Hall, minimum. The important part et the evet.ing meet- Several attendcd the funeral et Mrs. ing was t-be able lecture delivered by Mrs: Willsn, soutb of here on Tuesday after- 31YRTLE. Thornley, on temperance reforrn. The lest. Miss Nellie Briggs was on thecs 1ick list temperance reform bas been called the How didyou like the tea-rncctlng at Green- last week, but is very rnuch better the.early gope re the neiw civilizatin. It le a wodo aayeeîg heatnac art cf this week. great cvii et treatiag. Then he could chut There Were a large number from here j in tais place, and on Thursdy vening ot the bar la this province at 7 o'cleck or who were present at the,,At Home beld at this week tbey have (et havehad) their carier. If aU this is donc there la still Mr-. jas. Trulil', of Uie front road. They annual oyster supper, andu the Bail famiîy ( more to be desfred- Prohibition will uever say an enjoyable time was epent there, as arthe curhteusic sesa reogrmein cerne until the tact Wa-realized that it le well as going end coming.th ur aerheosr reerv. God's cause. Mr. Brisbin felt glad to con- A fine litcrary was given ln the scbool 1EEOUGH&JL vey te the assembly the gréetings of the last Irriclay afençn A Debate-"Re- Miss FIera Robson was home st week council ofthte Royal Tempheirs of Port solved ý1tbat, the Dog il§ more useful than oraqwshmfr few. Perry. Rev. Mr. Whlteman, ln behaîf of the Cat" The seholaras 414 weli and de.- d ays Pouchers- hm o e the Baptiet, Preebyterta> andi Methodist -srve praise, -as churches, e1xtended te tthe delegates cor- i.at Mrs. T.L ty eto Te- M e . Young, whoD bas bien iIIl im-- dial greetings. Mise Savage, lu bebaîf f Ut . i Bador». Th.ory t nTvisitn. iOsg the Sons of Temperifice, ezpreesed _, fici-~ >~ udmypotüsslbly rturi i.WI BateaatefrClrd patby with the wott., Mr; Crosby In be-e tràfrClad hIt et the Uxbrldgc delegates thutiked boe to e e, out.sumner's bcauty, belote DoIt wcck.- the Port Perry ladies fortheir, kinduois. p tlY settliug. Their stay hei-e bas Mi"e'Mart-y Beattie relur>ed homeo nese. Reve. Mi-. McUe«hIn, Mr. Kne, ~ Ol.Wdcdy aller apeudlng'a fe montiis-, Mr, Wbitlock, Mr., £ansd Mr. Cttila No* as the busler tiole of thse yeur la it etie h u- eir~. . epoke encouragingly a , oksu 'P4fbstun n mrea hsefr- Teyoulsg.folke-, eftii. v1llage blv ,I wisbed theni God.spe.cdA 'ietWof tbagks mont 13thegame*<(chekere ouîht le, ere ag-pceo ce(~r being ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o tedtdUs brlylber Very rage aia-t ofcootest, by cbooing. a!des phillipe feld u p4ee ~ stcls interestlug addres.Temetnscame t sdpItyiungBinmber eogf s.Corne s a close by elnglug tise stpropriate bymn ** set us-make a stant. "God bu with yen, etc." Siace Iset writingt tsese have î>eeun any OstO da et Mwe hnalwsq i-Od~ boyIkd-On> ud ~qwmon <sti e esber -and Bodel tog ,b rone heelO ut ad owmot f beave skate -buttye Wool h14u Mrs. ~. ~ highwals ean be travelled, Jt semed ua4f1~4t te schoout-: *ilId4r M e.Oriniston le uâd«ýer tIi. uul lusin sospcases sud troised-s. lkttlclbad'o *n t #41i>i>-lss é Mtý"'idé care. lively IBIk, but the -1gw uIIw a i e ' t""d's _ R. Grise, in., lft for Victoda oU*Moduy Ed. Saundeus expee to luie for Ilticoi la a few danuWS. -Sbtspufor Racisean ~d lames Rose for Oiliha. Mr. Chs. Pmmeot <ied o m'sa1 ,at 2 a.m. at bis ateýtosdeoe ýla Um su t y et the &PO(f77 ye*m Mr. Prsuob", bsm a, peut uuffoio for ysvs vitus asdaiSrpubl«* Mpd mcmueWs motooka Sevm w ul4wt rgsulîd lis is dçntb. W. e n pa E:JEcTÈ D THIS WEEK A portion of our New Spring Goods which ar- rived in New York on Feb. 12th, per Alin lune Str. State of California, fromn Glasgow, Scotland. Comprising of Y) New styles and Grey DRESS GOODS, TABLE LINENS, COLORED PRINES, FLANNELETTES, BLACK PRINTS, SATIN OKETONNES, OXFORD SHIRTINGS, P.RINTED MOLLETON, TOWELLINGS, BLACK WATERPROOF COLORED EMBROIDERIE, GIMP TRIMMINGS, CLOTHSY CANYASS CLOTHS, HOSIERY, EEG, ETC. in Brown, Black, Fedora* Hats at JUST - RECEIVED moi New Stock Men's White and Colored Cambrie Shirts. INSPECT/aIN wi Go Lower Price-s! 2,5 il». Best Gtanilated Sugar tor- $1.0. 3o Ibe. Bright Yellow* Sugar for...-.$Ioo. 8 lbs. ChoiceWbeat Flakes for.... 25C. 45C. 'ea for------------------.....35c. Delleious Sugar Cured Hume, roc. per lb. )THER GOODB New, Fresh, tive and -Che Attrac- N. t INWVTED, WALTERýS. People of GOOD COMMON ES appreciate a good article that ià honestymae urn~ueu an#Up cOmadte cess of GRANB-Y THÉ.EY WE1 ofthg 0fnei lvasiq te Thiseas te eat OOU1iTY 4W 'J ~¶ I Il ~ f i - [ i s Jj i

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