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Whitby Chronicle, 1 Mar 1895, p. 1

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Wit cam pintd wrd., geatthoght, ond rntriz indiatW#, we advocate Peace, Progrese, Knowledge, Brotherhood. h ar- ri lne Lland. ýsp ~S, -jLETON, and rt s. ýS* \SI, usuîally the grreat suc- 3ERS (at OId No. 1, DEP MIAPL> SY~RUP, re and Orockery, 1 Sets, cheap, MGroceries, Teas, etc., etc. aHîîg anid exatirnîng ,r(Ces fr our%<l.î kînds et Grain, Apple* y. Have aIse gem ithe ceil Anderson's douils 1 Fruit Sprayer fer the Welit Wlimby. Picier- 9g Fvery fruit greac Write me forcîrcular. NWHITBV. loi Rentil me s tic GIUO* >oeupfcd by R. At J. Sem butine» SWM, la tr itn < lm là4ti kmgie, g I VOL. XXXIX. WESTERN BANK 0F CANADA. LOCAL NEWS LETTERSI WEITEY BRANCH. AGeneral Bmukg business don.. Speclal attention te Collections, and Far- morn' Sale Notes Bt lovest rates. W»Deposita recoived lu Bavings Bank Departmeut in sumo eof$Sad upwards. No notice of wit4ýdr&wel requirofi. Highust carrent rates of interest allowed and codited sm.nuly B. D. WARREN, Whitby, Aug. Suet, 1894. Manager. CHS S COIT AUCTIONEER, WHITBY, ONT. ic uuderslgned begs te aunounce that he iii tabo ut a licnce for auctieueerlng, and wiUl b. glad te flîl eiders for this clasa et bush. mess. Hie book wlll lu kept ai J. iH. Loug's office, wberc li Information may lu obtaincd. Wht'tby. Nov. 29,.'9. C. SCOTT. N. F. PATERSON, Q C., liarrister, etc.-After îwo vears resîdence lxx England bas resumed practide ai 136 John Sti, Toronto.-Oct. '94..6 mes. DOMINION BANK. Capital Paid up, - $19500A00 Surplus, - - $1»50 000 Whitby Ageuoye GeneraI Ba.nking Transacted. BÂVINOS DEPÂBTME] Iutereet allewed st higbsst ec No notiec owthdraàwsl requino Business :N T. iurrent rate bd. B. J. THORNTOJ man.ager P. G. Meldrum, M. D. Licentiate of the Royal Coliege of Physicians, Edinburgh:. Member of the CoUege of Physaciaus end Surgçons, of Ontario. Office and rosidenee, north setion of the "Torrace," Byron Street, north of Dundas Street. Telephone communication witb office. Whitby, July 4th, 1894. Who? W/ho? Who? qL--,ASays the Owl. Who sel the. bost Baking Powder? W. R. HOWSE doos. Why 1 Because ouly .the pures' ingredîants arc uscd, sud it is treqnently made. Conscquemtly is al- ways pure & fresh. London - ONOIIION Powder la the. besti Biood Purifier and genersi Condition Powder in the. market. Lt as the ohespeet powder thât has ever been effered for sale. It cures ail 05'A,8ofiGeneral Debillty, Leus et Apj>etitet pRou2âness cf the. Hair, &6J & troulee riaiug fremin li- purity of the. Blood. U2c* per lb., or 3 Iba. tor 60c. MADE ONLY BY-, W.- R. H 0W-SE,ý' OHMI8T AND DBUGGIST$; CIONIowcLu CaazuaereNDBRC,c TOWN LI"E. Mr S C Wilson is recoverlug from isi recent illncess. Miss Fle Mackcy, ef Kinsale, aud Miss DeHart, et Brooklu, have been tic gueets et Mrs W S Gold durig tic week. Our mecbaulcs are bnay, aud as usual, are net only doiug bthe work ef thc neigli- borhood, but are doiug work fer custoni- ers froni tewn. Quite a number trom isl nelghborhood attcuded Mis Thompson's sale ou Wed- ncsda.y oet ts week. They report a big crowd sud geed priese. A Mr Hall, frein Audley ueighberhood, bas leased tic tarin ou thc base-liue owu- cd by Mr Richard Colline and at prement occupied by Mr Geo Robinson. Tic many friends ot Miss Mead, oftFond 1Dulac, Wisconsin, will be pleased te bear ef ber marriage on Pcb. 14th te lMr C R Veileir, of Cic o.Mi"s Mead speut thc winter ' '91wtth ber eleter, Mrs S I, 1Brownx, of this burg, and tormed quite a cidce ef acquaintances duriug ber short 1 stay. 1Rev Thos Manning preachcd a mission- ary sermon on Sun day afternoon at AI- inonds. Mr Manning le et tic opinion tiat tic churcies and thc Dominion fgovernmnent bave pampered and spoen- fed the Indians ef Canada, te tic injury of the latter. Hie knows ef ne otier in- stance et the failure of missions te prove a blessing and te give an impetus te ci vilization. The i sionary collectera Misses Mecregor and Stark, will collect on this appointient as fermerly. BROUGEAM. Mr. Ed. Betem la visiting old friends again. Thomas Brown is in the ditr attending Parlimentarv duties. Mr. Alger took a load of young folks te the carnival Tuesday night and had a good time. Mr. and Mis. C. J. Willson gave an eyster supper te sorne triends one evening hast week. Miss Maud Stevenson returrîed home Tuesday after spending a few days witi ber aunt Mrs. Gouldman. The executive board et the township assoistion .of sabbath school met in Broug- hem on Monday afternoon. T. B. Willis was in the city Saturdmy as aise was Will Beattie wbo weuîte pro- cure bis oubfit tor bis trip te Colorado. BusiNitSS NoTIcE -Oshawa subscribers or advcrtisers may trausact any business with thc CHRONIcLE, or may obtain ex- tra copies at eny time, at E. E. Rogers', post office bookstere, Oshawa. If you wish a nice French china dinuer or tee set, or anything iu tancy china, or glasswarc, go te E B Morgan & Sou. Mens streng boots, galbers, laccd boots with tee caps, or laced boots wlbh bellows- tongues for i .oo at thc corner store Osh- awa. lb wilPSY any parties contemplating buyîng au engagement or weddiug ring te see the large stock et Feit Bres, Osh- awa as thcy wil l lltifs menti very cbcap for cash. Genuine diamond 14K. ouly $,5. Ticy are aise cuaking soîne special offrs in Gents', Ladie's sud Beys, gold sud silver watches. Sec theni. Felt Bres. Rev. L. Quick, et Ottawa, visited Rev. T. H. Cutibert lest week. Mrs. C. Robinsen, of Celina street, feU last week and broke ber artm. 1 The members et tic Baud of Hope beld a concert in thc Preebyterian chutrci Tinres- day evcuiug. Mr. W. McLean baisccured tiecocupty agency for a pateuted mutliege bqîiýe made fa Orilia Tic revival services arc sili bigcon- tlnued lu tbc Medcaîf et. churci sud severai conversions bave icea made. Tic mails are mmci latertheseaioruiugs than we ever remember them te bave been before.It la uearly ucon somotimee be- fore the mails arrive. Laing Brothers gave an entertalumeut with ticir large phouegraphInluthe Mcd- calf et. churci lai Thureday evenlng. Tic churci was filled. Tis Wednesday being Ash Wednuday, services %vere beld in -St. Georg's,diurci on thic morning sud cveulug. Suuday wil b. tb. firet Strnday 1w Lent. Tii. Osigwtt.curiers -unfortunaWey dld, net get tic itan kard, but they diii thc next best tingand capturcd tiecocns6la" -u Tiey wM uow bave te play off wi ticth Hamiliten Thiles forer i Gverner <cn- eral'ê cep. Ticncw. St. Gregery's cisurch wi l be finlsicd laafeu weeksais. 'The llg la nov bcing fut, n tic lower tuhe. latilog' la siar y finlsbe4. The-é etaidecc-geai"frieudaàp 1 Ehmtm amailtalk r la 7,,5w 1tutb, air look sitet an& prev6ent ltdi thig. ,. moes;loclWthe . ' snou, tm pvrtis*Ich is 4w n lnetyph mý a8 cher esr sri&- wi %-~~ $0 nyf d-g NO.m 13 Misa Allie Hockia le vlsiting friends lu Orono. Miss Eva Moore bas returned home from vilng friende ln uatinge sud o«her places.. Mies Mary Ne.al, who bais bega w)th rieudt lu Park 11111 ail winter, rcîurnedihome on Smîurday eveulng. Mesurs. Frank Medlaud and WlII Morris ex- peot te go to Manitoba fcr the summer.,1Tbey Propose startng for ithe west on ticeiz8&x'61 Tiers l4 stili some looe snow lefi îo blow- about, and the rallway snow pieugi bas ad te rhaie two tripe over the lins dt!ung thc weeic. Rev. T. W. Leggoîî hau ontlnued the special services tn the Methodlst ciurch thus weck. A nuaiber of young peopls bavc pro- tessed converSion. Mrs. Wi. Mutic bas advcrtised au auction sale ef terni stock, lmplements, etc., te b. he Id on March cati. A notice et thc sale ca be fund lu ibis paper. Miss Courtice has icen lu atteudance at the Methodiet young peopie's convention la To- rente, as re-presentaîlve of tic Epwerth League efthiis village. Mr. John Spencer, sou ef Mr. Alfred Spen. cer, has ione te Michigan wlth thc Intention ef remalining ihere for a tmeaud perhape te mate It is permanent location. Thc game cf politics is opcning. The Con- servativeil arc getting ready te attend ther convention ait Port Flerry, and tie Reformera te gabier ai Wbitby and nominalee r cen- didate for thc npproacbing clection. Master Arnold left bis boise standing nemi tic station last Saturday morning, and wien tic train came along tic animal took frigit' and rau nearly te tic Baptlst church, where il was stopped witbout baving doue any damage. Tic monthly rally et the Brookln, Oshaa, and Whitby Baptiet young peoples' socleties le te lu heklhere ln thc Baptist cburch this (Fr1 day) eveuing. A large number et visitors from the towns are expected. Tic meeting Io a public ane, te whicb outsiders wll l wel- comed. Tic building 'wiicb Mr. Bundy. tic ncw tffilor, lu about te atari wore lu, bas au inter- esting. bisîory theugi it if only about fifteen yeara aId. It was built for, and used as a' drng store at firet, and bas since bad for its occupants a watcbmaker, a. butcher, bwe bar- bers, a barees maker, a tinsmti, sud now It is iýen9 cenverted labo a tailor shep, Mr. W. Bundy ef Stouffville bas declded te oven a aichaut tailoring establishment herm. Hoe bas rcnted tic uaop eew ccupied by -Mr; O. Durrant, barber, and egpects Iote . eady' for business tiere lu a lew days. MiBudk-- cornes wel recommcnded aaiecat u wtil- no doutdo a. zaod 1huafnÀms-, Mr.fl. We notice that our peest Office iau becs somwiat renovated aud lImproved lu ap- pearance. Mir. G. Lee ak 1I L. Cragg represent eur Epwortb League .&tic grand raîîy at Teronte tisweez. UmissMary Kerr oft-Breekiu sud Miss Lizzle b4cMhlian ef Toronte, five beeu speudlsg a tow days witb fricudi ber. The Ladies'. Aid socal that was to have been held ou Thursdy l sestponed on acceunt et the weather untîl MaCh 7th. Tiie L A. aears teberaber nnfortunate, ln, the malter et westher. W. hoe they w,111 have a'bettp niggma liai,. Mr. john Leçs bam;sld-,oe ofetis fine thereughbred bulle e M1 .MeNabb ef Brecoiu. jIl. wss8sbtped frein laci- water on Moaday li,#-sud tIliosecoînpe- tentou~eprnoice tof the beet tiere fer any ,a day. 'Ur. . L B»urnett aise shlpped a bull atthtosme lime t10a party troni tie saine nelgbbýorbood,: I wiliino doubi. bha ssourceoft net a littie satiofmçtlou tetic -man y nembers of tie Sons oe, TemperaunCe in tifs ceunly, and espcclaIly te îho*tof Raglan- divioâ, te kueow; tbt lhe gentleman -whe acte a» correspodnt frein "lis:place'ad wbo bas beeu se 'generens of gisi fatberly ma& vice ïud wise censel te temperance Poo-' ple In general, anid Sens ot tenuperance lu particular, la net, bas net, aud néeres'il- tende toe-.amember ofthie order Many aaieng wbom' W" u uble scribe, were of ticeopinion teiat tic m'eerles cf. ar- ticles ctnaiýtd 'fromn mie,'oseeai n tic order but-nueW. il la annouccef tici aio»t.enupLîatl.c anuer tb;4t suchýislanet 'the case. W. muai cones tbýt it 'vus very stupld ort us- ever te have iimaglned sncb a tiing, forweshbuld have -ktïwu tiat anyoue peslng -su u 4anaceura te knowledge Oet teinperuuc soes aud, teaiperauce- people -w6üld jever f er ra7 moment tink af bcing ldentlleéd ýwlth. snch an iuconsistet crowd.- ,3eildes itle a vcry; wetl, kuown t at ýthat peopic_ tt are net dxentiers of a.tesQperanerie. ciety knoW(orlMng hey. àysmr about thi uer worltigs, àtdýspq'ii!" tic Incoù sistcucles, 0F I a.eine UWiew' do those wbo are members, -ai4ud' r $Mfti4 froni Raglan is irno e_ nîtt but on Uic contrary, la4 ibdpï'thf' au'ronzetelmte1'ber andbepicd.oteclmed/orêat met ,th anA 'ne,al surne, drove about the. etreets lait Friday jWe oDglngplzste Young girls te ln-' flauntlng a large stars and stripes. W. 4ete hie g b kng. Mustering up his Canadiens arc not as discourteous lu our couragée h oficred a mid proteit. in the treatment orf frelgn fiage as are our -Y,,' next Issue of the. Reformer aiu apol. southeru nelghbeurs, but w. are lest as ogy asmd, dtesater lti patriotie, and[ wc failise sec anY gocid re. drawn, the. editor iaylng the blar on his suits llkeiy te follow (rom thns dlsplayiag Jsformant. Wby wastis du, whcn no consplcuously a forcign fiag. Thec *4ry one kucw that the. merry-go-round young ladies can stili be gcod and loyal peepi.were gulty ? It look rather patriote wîthout tis and nelghburly in- sttbng6 as It la net the. usuai nature of a tercsts are bust advanced by thoetihtf'i to witbdraw a truc stateent wltbout consideration of another's feelings. Whon ibetautial induccracat. People are die- lu Renie do as thc Romans do. Sused Wltb such a paper, and Itlela ot et Sirice lait Issue we learu of another il to bc wondercd at. iniali boy's rcsort conduct.ed by nonie FREaD. R. flouas. youthin laua outbullding. From what they amy It is a nusance, an d a nicet question- able place for those of sucb tender age te Os"5WBanglass Dtrm.try. frequent. Cardesand dice are afoiig the. n L. VIOKRy. barber. Sirneos utreet. games, and It ie a handy place for the Dg. I p. .L. Boro-oMo. King sureet Bust. boys who wlsb b ,smokc and flOt b.c501 pe Sinicoe street, north. by their parents. L.ast ycmr several bys V OPben«mkr smuget about 14 ycars old were taken horne drunk ý MORIL arase maer, Blrnget.s t from this place. These were mena t fr..e E O-EIL uthr igS. e setbe and worthy people, and ene can J. STAldUE-DODiuiOD Pianoemsud organe, Im hn ow they muet have feit to e -, SIM000 treet, their ohidren ln this condition caued oNmE5OLOI'U-J. O. Woel, pro retor, prlncipally by association wltb Iirdened ,Mqlpe s.Irua u ofra young snners of their own age. Hmtd'~ i'~ BesosPf n tboi cider le a favorite beverage, and eashty -POT Oaouy audfmnc Eod e. E ogeroos, procurabie by the boys, an d is cheapoes s uce street. maltes it more.available te thec Uttle lellow jo os.Nu=.DE-Whitby-ogshwB stage jue. who wants te actually experience what It Le&yvus Oshawa et s8sanm sud 2 p mi, sud is like te, be druik. This resort le rlgbt 'Whltby st 10 a m aud i p mi. under the nose of the Reformer people, Mis. M. J. L. Bmauco»n, dealer in Mil. and we can new easily sec the reason for liflery snd mants. Dressmaklng, etc., in the stand they take in favor of sncb oneci ime street places. Mr. Mundy teaches a class of young OSIÂW DE SToRu-L .7 Maxwel dipe p eople lin the Baptist sabbath echool, but 819chelaîsalwysFuhUndfpr. atg n we ehould hardly care te trust any ont.*be- mCRals , aon fatrr d fnecr longing to us with him when lie unblush. josc rte, manufandurailofkineetaeu. inglyi talces up his pen inx defence of club terasud eleighs, Repairing a opqclty. roomas as generally conducted in Oshawa. JOUN Banwz]1 paluter sud decorator. Deal- The Reformer of last week contalned an or lu Wall paPors, ceiling decoratieus, editorial on the Oshawa club roome in ps4nts, où, varulehluee, bruehes, w1uaow which we were rather harshly criticîsed. *hadee, etc. The edîtor of that paper dlaims te know JAMeS PELLOW, dealer in eteves, In-asces, nothng aout rorg dong wich e tnware, etc. Large stock kejt coustautly ntigaotthe wogdonohihw n hand. Jobbiug a epeciaity. sinice exposed, and dlaims that the article was etreot norsîl, untrue and written for the purpose of. DI. P&Tmasoi, Deutiet, Kiug St., Weet, Osh_ notoriety. It is against this mean insinu- awa. AU operattuns performed iu the beet ation that we wish te defend ourseif. We style. Kozina fer patubes extraction. Ne are flot utterly blind, and weîre born with extra charge. a knowiedge of right and wrong, and aise, Su C>ur br-Sea le old l Osbaw (unlike the Reformer) with sufficient cour- M. OuNckr n, ro i okld iOnubsawa age te assert our convictions. We did not IBagisu. Wood yard ln connection. write te attain notoriety, but we wrotc in F- lAMUBET & o e-- elee.ding tailoring the interest of morality. Evcry vice sdgn. uillgbouseetOeswa which we have enumerated is practised inu gpleudidasomet et tweedms, woreteds, one or other et these club roomns, and it cisrugsit, olrel always kept scemsalamost incredible te us that a ama situatcd as is the editor cf the Refermer PE*ZZ, Eies--Wâtobmskers sud ,ewelers, cati be 1 norant of them. We- tbink that »084s iu wqtChes, cloche, jewolery, silver. if e h tarenthetrubl tomare f w sPectacle, etc. EBgrvùig gld sud If beha~ aken he toublete mlte afew plàtung, and old gol4 rings made ver. inquiries he weuld have scon becoie Con- el~wacock, sud j«welsr rpalrug a vinced ef their existence. W. cannet but la1y tfee that ho has doue a very uwitie ofln Sfècèothcse lub rp,» ed su ly iower hlm iu the good opinion oft tte e i cdei y public. His paper seldoin bas anythi tegin Wbtby sud O"hwa, sudat ff toesay inicondemnatien cf wrong. We ~CiBmpVbeU *&White. it dees it bits in the dark witb comaiuin. 3vu5so 4 l.wurs-.Iu porlîersuId- dealers cations allcged to be from outside so'urces tâïn" mnluue sud heusfur- su plo es. manufacturers ort tnware. signed Taxpayer, Citizen, etc. HoWever, £a uâ.ether entractiuj don.. if tbe editer bas net the courage te ceaie Puenaees, hdàudeliere sud lampa.A stock eut boldly iu condemuatien ef vice, he 15 oflyeIes képi; on--hand. flot obliged te atack tirougi bis celinur ene wbo does se. The Reformer is a mont CJG . lamentable puzzle te its readers, aud a dis- Mr. William 'Irwlu, of Glendine, bas g race te tic protessien of journalieni. As' been visitiug friends iu tuis place for tie far as its office ef giviug news te thé pub- past week. lic gees, it contains hardly auy readabte Mr. Wm. Jackseu's toarn rau away last local matter, sud the lazincss efits editer week aud uearly rau over another rig iu isalmost proverbial. -The Refermer s8ys: thc road, whentbe driver pluckily raiscd "Tic Young man hates poker and beer, wiip 'and nearly kuocked oeef em r and prefers billiards. -Wcll, w. thiuk the down. cure as bad as thc disease."1 We cen WieduvnboermPrtPrr hardly think se, aitiengi for that niatter last- weck Paul Hood lest bis way ln thé. we should preter toesce ne billiard halls oriutwarangebbtmsdk cither. Still if wc muet have soaietiing, tnrnîng arouud'te Sund the land tic herse (sud it seenis we muet) then of two evgl' brok e threugb lthe ice' it being- ablut à choose Uic lesser. The Reformier says thee'cl tggt i nihoswr i Young mnofetOshawa arc as deservin; etl b.dt.ihowe he ls crics er e ir a good anie su are a ~wl-e a", 88heard by morneof the, near nelibors -who; the reidents.0f auy town lu Canada. We ~ iî did upt say tbey were net, sud believe came teis asistance, suId with. h ep tiat tic majority of' Our Young people are th 9 o eibt iry sceededisgettl9 above suicipractises. Nevertieles tîre tchr.'u oeds hnale are a nuaiber et youug feflows Who are'xoxz, u 4y 1bs, gult o scbthng, n tç otl ici-fi andJsei.rtobe ii.,l8» canot terfoeb. onidre b aC anadza F erer o m.1 Reformer man deni atds tii.lCHAna icLEs aricl ai "fltbylucuicalon. li. su' ?rs. to Zolrt huer visb nocet sd ucoummîate aite aveber m xïter, lira. Gee. $èi&Moto WHITBY, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MARCH le 1895.0 suape of nenusus,- sor -b îoxugË' these spots uihr ir ahayci do -sel, tic xunlcipaliuyweuté lietter off financîally, . ud Ui lic would bave beon ss ivcd a itgre ncysace audédlay? twlco l been eubioeud. Theic CSnoxcL<es Osbawa mdea refèeoce lu his letei ç tic pr4cticcetf strewlog aubes traE 'l aud justly coudemnned il. cf tisons would de well te, change tuis respect.. It 'laà aýtttim cinders help.te umale a poer road summer secesn,- but. common roadway. e*c#r wich heavlly k6 «douck» With calm printed worà, great thoughtg, and untirinj, 1 1

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