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Whitby Chronicle, 1 Mar 1895, p. 4

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-?~onewy w, in tlio world tw ni stronsi and healti Powdêpr. That i *~the pureét ingredi use pure Oreutn 19 Bsking Soda in n This Powder coi Âlum, Ammaouia, thing injurieus. antee it to b. the ing Powder ln the 25.per lb. de Et WIL Chemi8st d Drue ïMedical H-a Brook Street, - FRIDÂY, MARCII1 To AIvef-tuer. The followiag points are wel the considex-ation of advextisers The CHRONICLE, has a lax-ger ci in the counîy of Ontario than otiter four local papers combineÈ Thte CHRONICLE has a lax-ger ci aI lite f ollowing post offices thar other paper in the woxld :Wht awa, Brooklin, Columbus, Folt ton. Enfield, Raglan, Kinsale, ]ealsaxn, Myrtle, Ashburn, Grt Manchester, Utica Prince MbI Pex-xy, Shirley, Scugog. Seagrai field, Wlck. Iaytoa. Pinedale, bank, Epsonm. There are two papers pnblished awa, and the CHRONICLE, has a la culation at Oshawa postoffice thai There are two papers published Perrv, and the CHRONIcLE has circulation through the Port Pe office than both coxnbiued. Parties wishing bo advextise fa sale or to rent, live stock for s for sale, auction sales, credit sales aniniaIs, or losi articles, shouît 2 mind that tere is scarcely a hous County int which the CHRoN1< not enter. If thex-e is aay advat advertising we can give il. We mate.lte CHRONICLE equ texesting 10 our readers in ever3 the county, sud thus give advertii full benefi of awelîread pape-. Mr. Thos. McMillarm, of Seafor addressed the fax-mers' institute -Monday, la a young man, but b. ed somne views worth the conaidet eux- (armers. H. says each mamn tate 1o something special, sud tl * sîudy, enex-gy sud persex-vance' vetoping thai lin.. No perses ei ceeded ln the woxld lu any other i la obvious te Mr. McMilian or w else that oux- fariners are merely along. Grain growiug for profit longer to b. Ihougbî cf, sud th merely atm aining the soi! for notil few bave lthe rigbî or profitablei feeding stock, sud soi ose ip fiv mte poultry, dairviag or fruit suif streug te b. able te part wit $,cm eacb year. Thme CHRONIcLia always speaks te (armers, but thme laesttling in th, we weuld tiia of would b. te gîvet We are contiuually îold ltaI fari lime backbene cf the country, sud tl for -th. farmer we would ail have tc s living. htany tannera have m their own business, se tey belie have goe. laiepelitica te tackle as witich bas baffled te wisest cf men Titey have gel iti nIe Ihei bead lte reasos lte farta doesut't psy la I te country las ot governed ightî. lepe gel lte atart of the thrtitr awsthey tint. Dentagogneago1 lug titis tetent ai! the wile. Thoi watiedte (armera' votes bave flra blowu ail sorts of stufif Ibtis x their ears, and an honeat inuwl tentheit rutit, sud urged ltenm » lieve ltaI auylig but their ew, would benefit them, conld Set n titeir support. We would lite te cail! atentlce (set that farmiug la the culy busiuéa country witicb I s ebadly beii times that lustructors sud lecturer te he sent round at lte counlry's e. to rub te ruatoff it. Mes ln even caling have te find eut the point tem calliug as best titey enaundsu psy for tite constant educatiof cf mer swelI. Tte adoption of bit. 1McMUIau' lte working np cf eatbitlm-hs tt tbin¶ç whicm wili gave fammingfo ciar brad Bc trate ftaadt ing, but Upou second thought MXX Mc.ý STOCK 2RICZptG N<4D IEDLNG. Cart1hy was sellt to take their aide-o0kethe Mr. Thos-; MeMillan, Seaforthh aidlect tu~e, [t flOW begins to lie apparent what ! this subject..fRe te a rehdy ^speaker?,- poeýlicy cf the Dominion government orctical breeder and feeder, aend'a care wiIi be on this question. Whatever the bevr He said tits in meeting law cales upDt them t do in behalf of the ilosre.. . innrt -fXntb wilIl be carrled out. 8spke well for tbç interest taken 'by lake a pure, If it be',fou.nd that the Cat2olcs...bave a (armets of this victlity in their business. f ul Baking legal evance the government wm catSil He, lad always 1 eard ýthat tbis was the by - ping trPon the Manitoba governin to redressl'niost fertile part1 of 'the Province of On- tent, W ~t 'Failn<gtha±1 measuÏes wiiliento tarlto, and -that the farinera were of the ttaa t reedythecase- m iost advanced clas. lHe expeced te Tarter and le exactiy the saute as the separate scitool mr oeheetaihewodlfpat making matter in Ontario. The constitution of To be succesaful in a calling- one'musi the Province guaranteed the Roman Catht- make a study of specl nes. Sonie talge S olies certain rlights aà to, schools and they one breed of cattie, some another, the w rmust b. accorcaed, even thougit detriment- samin hurses, sheep, swine, poultry,,0r ai to the general interests. In Manitoba anythlag else. Tbey ,devIelop > tat hue seParate achools are a worse nuisance and maire a SUCCOe _ I t, ivbichoneïans Miains n than in Ontario, b ut the Provincial charter profit in the end. We find that. fWmera gurnedthena, and they muet have can succeed la any lune, If skilUlstudy and nor any- their claint. This ia the probable stand perseverance be put loto IL jtInl o1 by WO gIIM' that lte Dominion goverament will taklng a special .ne and stlcklag closely best Bak3. take, and lte Oplposition will fail back t tat anfcturers alzcceed. Show imarket. upon Provincial rights. This' will *be the me a successfül man and I will ahow y ou le sition of te parties in the election in an enthusiastinlabis lhue. In breeding ay.catie we should have-three qualiies.: go Parllamenlary government la sadly on feeders, good ilkers, and-good fituera its triai these days. In the Britisht House wheii their milking days are spehi. Neyer breed from any but pure bred sires. scarcely any legisiation has been psased Not even once, for . k la beyond doubt that I ~ for many years. Aillte tiine has been once breeding to a mongrel wil affect L IS spent in factional fights. The present every calf dropped by the cow afierwards. session lsaistting wllhout the prospect Of It ls a miistate to use young bulle, and ps.ssing an y mensures, aithougi thonsc- beef them, at three, )uat when they bave anda of biUa are awatg their action. arrived aI an age te impart quality to pro- ggla8 I laee wos l te United States. iYeny. "Lkebegets lie." Thesa e fe Bot Congress and Senale for two yeaxs ;hat will put Iwo iba. on a halfbreed will have been a diagrace tu parliamentary p ut ibre. peundu ou a pure bred animal. .lit rule. In Prance there have, been thirty If calves are krept well t he first year they ~overnmenis upset during the last twenty generally thrlve afterwards. The best Whity. c r s. In Germany il l only by practuce la to separate thein (rom lth. cow Whity. cercin orthreatened dissolution thaï ai birth, and feed tbem mutk twice or the nation's chief advisers can induce, Ibree turnes a day from a pasu, and a little _____parliament to pas fecessary legiulation. fiaxseed. After a month or so they will In Canada our ministerB appear boath te eat a lt!.e hay and meal. Feed tbem I meet parliament with a maJ ority of 5 Or well, and keep thern fat enough for the fl-6o at their backs. The warring of facions butcher aI ail turnes. It taires no more hU as become so vigorous and uncrpuous feed te keep t hemn fil for the buicher, aud that parliamentary representaives do not lhey mature twice as fast. Loot out ____hesitate te resort to almosi anything la Ihat Ihere is a supplementary suppiy or order to bafflelte efforts of those who are oadfrai tc he atrs 0r ph ,185chagedjwith the respniilties of gov. foofr wasokter atue dyupi _____methods fer baffling mensures proposed cfor stcw eer butpose aime aly in. by the representalives of lte majority, clth t e a. ihleralutebounethem irin and as a consequence legisiation lt a teflaIihlbea e agtefis w wryofstandtiU ail over the worid. Thinga cani- years lhey. will weigh (roui12S o o 1 wo-h fnot g on ver long titis way before titere Iba. ai 23J years, and are ready lu ship to willbe an upheava1 f some sort. the old country ai any time. "W. always irculation .11 keep our cattle fi for shlpping, "said the have .nY ~ *ISKUSIUSO.lighî and have theux only ready to seii for ,d. A meeting of the South Ontario Farm- stockera when they should be shipped to irculation ers' Instltute was beid in the iewn hall Europe. An experiment by Stones, of i hs .nYbee o Mnda ateroo, te ttndac Guelph, shows that fiesh the iraI year a ha an bee o Monay ftenoo, th ate dncecost thein $3.43 per hundred, $7.97 the lby, Osh- being very fair. Mr. Elmir Lick, presi- second, and $r253 the third. We feed ley, Taun - dent, occupied the chair. regularly and liberally. Cattle have large 1Audley, HM IVN.slerachs, and meal should always be fed HOME DIRYING with bulky substances, such as cut straw eenwod, Mr. R. J. Potîer, Mono Milis, was the and hay, or chafi. The systein by which ýe- Port firsi to address the meeting, and bis after- w. will feed in winier should be laid eut re, Saint- noon speech was devoîed to discus»ing the the summner before, and the supply pre- Green- class of rnilch cows to b. used iu dairig pared carefully. "«We feed ensilage ro and general remarta about how te hanIe lIbs., chaif and sîx-aw 12, and meal 2j each dinl Oshl- them. He made it plain that there should day to an animal. Ensilage costs $1.6o rercx-be no s%.rub cows in a goodiry -l er ton te grow aud put in silo. There- quoted frorn Prof. Dean that there are o re our ration la cheap. Caille should b. n either. ibree p rime requisites in dairying-the dehorned at one aud a haîf years, for lai Port righî kind of man, tb. ight kind of which process patent instruments are.ob- a larger cows, and the righîtmknd of food. Mat tainable. If dehorned they do sot require erpotfarinera used cows iu th. nummer snd let le be lied, but may run loose together in ~13 otthein go dry in winter. There la ne profit lb. stable. Tbey tbrive better ruuaing in ibis. It is by keeping up the flow of lose .arms for milk ln winîer that the profit cornes ln. EVENING SESSION. ex-vice or For winter daix-ying ht rec uiries warm. A second session was beld ln the even- set ay sabling and good food. CUows caunot Iug.at which Messrs. McMillan aud Potter dbaint brive running round a straw siact. Nor again spoke on caille breeding and dairy- I erltcan îhey turn off good quantities of milt on ing, going furtber int details, but our se la te bar. pastures aud thistles lu tbe suminer. space dues flot permit of further report. CLE does They should b. iberally fed at ail limes. A mestinîteresîing paper on the training cf. Lntage in Il la cusiomery west of Toronto te sow. fall beys le mairetem fond of the farn, was' rye 1cr eariy Ps mr nth sprlng, asil read by Mrs. J. L. Smith, who suggestu contas nuch soonier titan g s A suxajl thàt beys b. allotved le ahare la the dWdi maly l- pot t psa ud stsito~1db.sowmz for cussions sud plans.etolte (atmi, sd t y at fspplejnentary fodder durngl-ebo um hey b. even loaded, with sgm reSp [sers the muer months. Then Coraàisfortefi sibility. This plan cf making temfela seasos. If the, bora fly pest continues decided latereat and persoual responéible- farinera will b. omeletu stablç cowsneaswillb ikeb. te turn Iheir minads for a menîh or two ai midaummer. The Cdoser to their future avocation, aad :will advauîage of dairying ail 1h. year round the belter fit Ihein for farmimsg. Mdra. orh w- s taiose may couiract aI a hîgh *prile. o Smiti's paper will be published inîhe riwnsupply city familles ail the year round. goverrameat reports of mechwànlcs' inati-- here on He (Mr. Potter) made semne contracta ia tutles. exrs-Toronto n îuda t splyfailesa travn, iearndctof " Iissagar (r .serpent aleepa downia the deptts 0f ttu , ýve sudn j over eue hadred sud 4fty yeas. It cap;1 l nsc ince îws fir8t taten uP ln Germany and A moaster îs there tat wiU swaltew yen up; usfrjFrance, anddtas been a growing industry fnda lst Yun mn becaute I here emer aince. Forty years age it lad wine tbere i s rw at luit. thrOmly prcgressed seofW as te only amnaI Thure'u a eckoalaig day te coame,ynnmn mg e esveltcftt uautity Pe! a~r A isckSuingday Io coum. ui ieused lanlte worlA nAan 4.... 1. A 1meu , lt . .1.&- a ho teld et te lie- a efforts 3to. thf m5 in te [d the nu have expems ry'otiter bave te the far- BdYicS lie QUIy a Wrft - " j --.. ," , a58WUIt Ea greatluxuy.Lest -year 4,50,ooo tons of heet roted augawere stades.againal , 500,00 on ouf aitelluer kinds, sndsgr bas beconte a iaple And cheap artiçie of j oua.itold nue ail overlte world. Beel sugar le, uow lte mm ost l nsd tiri,.. Ing Iudustry fiaternisuy l' q ail lte.Ila andiffereae wbatever -belareen Ibeet sud cane augetja, dlt.e-' ýe1d ,p« Iacrelu lte saine.almost. 1_te laprovem- jmeut mtade la the qal yof boots -bà beeu seo apld, thatwhiielî t tok 2,5lbso ô beets to msuata lb.cf suar 1 weuly-4y àrM l, uoffytas-lmts w opr. HAT Se J"" You can bu~y a uP and a than wholesale AÂND» l I THE NE W DR Y w- a portion of our new Spring Hats, which we have marked at the very lowest possible prices. The styles are the very latest. io a s niver aary d:cburch"'ber.- ws AI A mù-lini, HAIS of New Hats aund Caps. at hard'-pan New Hat Jrom Cap Jrom prices. li EM ONU9,1 I5 cent, 5o cents :8:C. W1 u:RRE 3ŽW 0 o0 o 0 BROCK STREET, WHITBY. Our Men's Furnishings are fully assorted in al the Latest Novelties of the Season. BA RGA INS. BARGAINS. ,,f We are offering Special Bargains SATURÂy, JERCil2id 'wARREN iso. Titomas ,VanCauup hbau attack of 1f. u 1r Jee Truil vlsted 1Mr. fer- sevce: of 38hldo tx 0ermog »fU wmnl~,l 'A mi l e ta , sd I m -beàrt " pa1w tb ee! frein D " ea i i ig le Clr laose &iabu nAwm RocsfroL~.~.. Our first Spring consignme nt l ,j" f. fi Ail marked prices, ýs at less WE are in receipt of at hard-pan GOOD8 STORE, à E-N-

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