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Whitby Chronicle, 1 Mar 1895, p. 6

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of titis betors a great wbiio." "tp la oynko "ese There lio teck ill cf intermittent foyer, "'Wby should tbey? And viset on Ada. sud speut soveral veeka ln the hespital, eartb cas poeibly mar thoir bappi "Tal r cn't aeJn elaving it vben stili vry -shaky and te- esas?" aeked another, net 0s eH el uru bisa horso' e ad oad on.Lring te hie homne' nOrllia. - Be voreed un tise ways cf tise vorld I vaut te, put my arme around pap' bas been working u i hi neighboriood~ "Whaî Thse on. great power-the neck, tell hirn my secret aud svin b is 5t wèeek theo commandant of, bear'a demande. A love nette 0b. ual- W hi A Battery, Major Drury, sent- a roqueot' iefied by filial or parental affection; "And betray another'e Fiory ?1" te Constable A. Clark te, arrest 'God- Iliac l is at viido il," vwu the sage ."e, o, e ' growu very vise at! snch. This vas dozis, sud on Tues-ý rowevera year pan*edby and nolli- tlaucmee rsud nd o 1 h Alittl ho ilo afler Capt. Arden sat lt ing happensd te Mar Ospt- Arden'1 Or lunlhie library looking anylhing, but Ipriaoset' te Kingston. Fiory's Ispineea. At lb. end cf tisai i syven hbisnDok i'wmsenrld byIMra. Chas, MoPliersi et i.wt>' ime a ug man caîse, brling lVa a nd ',su ite, aked aiTes~vrY painful seoid4nolitestWodùMday- letter of introduotioD (rom hisefaIger, oom0o leri e ii; vening. 5h. vas..pulling do*rî,ibo ose of Capt. Ardon'm friende. Tis Papa, wliat la lis. reùson you snd 1 lianging lamp > over 1 IIê dtnin g rocut, young mas wae not cnly weloomed are net jnst as issppy aM ve used10t tblvised-tise' booôk in thisclis with greal cordialily, but Ospt. Arden i>e 2 hlding W -caoant eut the 1. lp îiWsted ltaI dnring bila stay in tise ctt « ed j.,hr ,àthn is. raat .1 raukg1,Tsobl- he shnld beomae hie gnoat "a sÎt: m deoid9sett ,Mo>hr Se il vas chat Fred Fuitos --*a, "You are asure w r orytir 0o iSse tlsrovn n lt hosoceelyof Flory, a v«7> Jing " -- .dfiuy1r.M hemnisdl$ u dangerous ling for tise p.aM.o oilnbd Peu'fe4l7 80, Qa. F'rank no ineed uotinox 111V., OIt cf both. Âuy ose seeing ibeas two "WbatmonI dao ezake Y"u s0,M y gamem,but inet beforeiMr. migbî know Lb.y voe re u ulove méhachcut!?17 b.le I . son iarigis i m'assdad Se& isn lls oîber. ,Flory, fafr$«#e, vus golden "#Pa&is, do ve tipi bolS iof s wan&te Iy Iurntv 8Sh, ýsff#r.de*al hair and aature eyes, sU Mér*yse shirt!, 4iuolte Mie compait w. mUdsya ps1n, ýbàtla 4o asel asfià1 hati aUhalir life s passion a for black o7 ' xMo r. I*cp1sri ryo and rayon lochs. Bo tise rois «Iydjj$iuiij' *)àW z o onu % bu*.vr.11,i~ Pred, 's jst ueisaherôma&Ubloid. Ob,p, jon kixuo#4ý nt girls are ase. to dremuaboit. To do snt! 1 wuat1e*ëM&bcIuW patum tise apirt !tsitoaaes teallpg owerimr sgs and rayrt«woudbave. huler- ih*lib7 sait avy b b hm :or- set îa6f 1,spisks mhuru " ho«u ha t othse dti. of -bisp. von"itThs e noU bqs&t- tlg wsa t or ptap&e one.ais. ioco=6 and! bLLb5 aLW i",; '- lftâïnÈThecom ut oon ah. camo.. But> misst'toi Plory's "Tes, papa; yen wlftu k. ber EratngTh Copuo. h.oute fb Ma nabe e promis.a~e t 1h6a4 100k. a o main fr. -"There s 58a fine catch for ornes huh~aotbnsigPdtm poiet uebo n ecaifr <a.Iwon?&er ho buasremazned a wid-sheart 1 Dail ho grew doarer.over 2 0w~ mc1og. t e oerIbr. ems red's vilt -wu atawing nearIls O atohlng lier «quiohly and proaig lPce lits wifo's deatb. ooe.Afo aysproviens 10 big bler te hhim heart, (Osptain &Arden went ouae Austin, it jes ot vi bit of loaving hoe found Flory alone andAbtho ut. Flory bord hlm enter thse drew. use for youtl t t a that window and told lier bis beart's stery. But, poor lng mrd. An' "Mur aftor *ho reîurned WaOh -Clapt. Arden as lie passes . Hofeo1, hie ho p osrooeived a ver sud- and sald : WU 26wr ary'edon check. 1Fîory disiqd 1m "h a promieed, Flory, Help me wi ove oeryoyen nor sny othor solernnly delaringsge.Sbould nover tliank lier for makiug us happy.', w amn. Hie 1f. je devoted 10 hie _____misera diuglitor" re urnod sasieter apinster, S6rd e a syvr isrbe hof aai osthe ad sont anud Flory's oye. grew sad. Rer father hor'e atcinglb.hansono aPliain, grew very uneaey and declared se fll 1 T a h r but'long sio. liad adoptod tbe prov i.musî ho ill. ge te reliev. ber fatber's ing opinion tisaI CapI. Ardonwol anxietyFl~ory feigued a happy ntood- nover xrarry aga.ln. . But somehow lier efforts wore cf lit tle A few moments after the above conu avail. Capt. Arden's jokos grew bs vOrèatiou Capt. Arden entered tse -re frequent and bie merry lacmgh was se&" Option reont 0f a ycung ladies' somin- dom ahoard. Even Fie 's winning lit- ary. Soarco had lie seated lîimself tde ways failed te atisf or make him wbon bis Dok was euoirciod by fond, bvy o0liuging am u a seoet face preesed hraappchng close te bis. After regurning bis ovrulthe onerapylithane ousebod UA R e1* darling'e careeo, Capt. Arden iookedod "Wtee aylite buFhlrdJR'I, earnestly a moment into ber beautiful su "Wha reubM e te r tapa F wre th" ~ ~ W iii oye.S and thon ased, with great &flxj bongbtsWhiagi-ltpa ? e lue telt h q e ty s t lvSmh both. T t E: Miv "Wha leit, rnylov? Smeting je Ada Austin was tb. ouly wise eue of~ troubling yen. Corne, tell papa, what thetre h kew eieotg leh paao' oe ebotr h what the trouble vas wit.h the captaiu, "Ohpap, ye loe m boter hanas well as; Flory. For how could she anybody in tb. world, de yeu net ?" mistake the devotion cf Capt. Arden's "Indoed I do, my owu» eu&Imauner to eeof? Many tintes wben "O)h, Papa, papal1 but wili oua W5ys d '0 s? hirddnlraiBing ber oyne, Be.bad seeen 4'WY, itte grlwha do himgaziug earueetly and admirably on OY VENTILATED -COL 'Wylitl ir, ha o ye ber. Thon quickly they would seekBA Y IfU L dFlory, sud with a sigis aud a depreciat- NCNAC IL A"Oh, yen do net say yen alwaye w'11- îng look, ho would lebaethe roont. Yet AND CNTAC 111 And t i tre vsaIUtcgirs PlI 5v.Ada tunderstood &Uailaut the trouble, Oh, Papa!1 you will marry sensebody, aud resolved te put the mindsocf ho-r OSA sente cf lsea. days; aud thon I will trieuds aIl rigbt. Tiseir hearts were DSAE ouly bave a littie mite cf your beart." just as tbey sb ould be. "Yen eîlly 11111e love. Corne we will Oue evening wheu out for a drive, au malte a eclomu compact. Flory. Nwopruiy a rentdfrA te give me yotir baud-. New, Ipoisepsipen rtuiy'waseye eod o r a- Paine's Celerv uomnpouna nolver te wed auy wontan, uer te eeek 'self. te Wiunlthe love cf any, as ion g a y Tboy were nearing a fine oid nman- Cleanses the Blood and daugbter romaine true te ber fatber. isien te which Fiory pcinted sud said: Kep upSr gh ýWblIe you arewme I ask for noti "Wbat a grand oid place that jeKesupSrnt ing more. We wiJJ live for each other How I should like te own il t n1V"lv Flory. What say yeu ? Will yen pro "I thiuk it a very gloomy lookingan tliv mia this, tee?', place, aud would like a home cf more "Gladly, papa," Flory auswered with 1citeerful aspect," replied Ada. another fend embrace. Thon, with a - "Well, it bas a very gloomy look. It Banishes Langour, Despon- "utlk, epa, yu eantatirn But thon there are etrange folks living dency and Iri itability. "But paa, yu man hat mn lui it-enly an old bacholor and oid Dot cars for any mac save yen1 Tisat maid. They soldent bave visitors, and - is it, it il not ?" a bright flush mount- on ly livo for o ach other. Tise servants iugte erfai bew beaus, apa ~tell of thoîr being te saddest couple Tise majonity cf our publice chool love Ada Foster dearly. She was oeelever seen," eaid Flory. teachers maie and femelle, bave mauy Of MY soboolmates last year. Now slle "I de not wonder. I've heard the, dangers te face in a profession tisaI i0 je ose cf aur tese bers. Somebody mueti stery cf those poor felks, eacis having nover overpaid. love ber very much uow, particularly sacrificed their heart'e beet love fer thse Many te'tchers are suffering to-day bh e obetaher is ea. is a80 sake cf tise other 1 blindly thinking ifrom maladies and diseases contracted whyeh.stas bre e tach Sh 1550they sisould fiud bappineas. This un- lui crowded and badly ventilated sebool good and wise, elder than I-by nearly natural way cf living nover bringe buildings ; the seede of fatal troubles five years-and--" eiher, only disappointmeut sud re- are taken jute thse systont front imper- "Stop a moment. How old are greta." fect drainage. and contact with child- yen ?' "Oh, Ada!1 Cas it ever beconte se ren wbo carry infections diseses front "Fourteen last birthday, papa; and witb papa, or 1 ?11 their homos. Ada ywel la li o ry euwoveuty. IFory, are yen happy now, in the At Ibis moment isundreds cf echeol fr e ll, Fboas y, yenas eu cloveyour sacrifice yen are ntaking 2" teacher are invalide or go about their friud daas uci a yo ciooe, ut "I may ho by and 'by," auswerod dutnes iu a balf-deasd way. Nervous do net lot me hear cf any ether love. Flory, trying te reprees tise tigh wiih troubles are prevalout antongst teacis- And thie voyage I shall make te ses, would cerne noverthelese. ors ; boad ache, dyspepsia, languor. irri wil b. the aset, my child. By tise "I think net, Flory; neither are yen tability sud deepoudeucy are cotsMon lim I el ack îe yarsbene, enmaking your father or poor Fred very1 troubles, and make lufe truly misgràblo. wiil be oid enough te preelde over car happy." Tise scbool teachers' friend and lif. Ites; and Les we wiIl b. separated "'Ada, tell me ; whal laetise maltere r, aino'm s Ce nsytopüe a no mre.witb papa? Do.. Le suspect my beart eue a wondrous work iun te r&nks cf A few weeks more, and Captais haae wandered a littUe front Lins ?,,jte affiioted eues. Dtaring îLhe year Arden sest Bail ou thse iyage h. bad "No, Flory; iL is sot yeur love for 1 1804 scores cf cases have corne beicre prontised sbould hoe bis last. Ho was a Fred tisaI la troubiing yonr father, Pmn our notice, of eick sud eufferiug eues ver hadmoe ms, ud ntielyte quite sure. Have yen neyer thought having boss restered te mgew 1f., Young te dedicate birussîf te, a life Of' lhe, as welI as yeu, may have taken energy snd activity througis the use cf ceiibacy. Flory's ruother Itad been te orne ose else tb share hie love ?" nature's wonderful medicino finI sund ouly love cf hieyeutb ; sdaanehalgve eaohr o aieeOlr pnd 1 ba be. s her mentory vas dearer etili tItan any- e; o wuds e r eoa bs pedgeNote true ls e eery mten acs ehoued tbivg lu -be orbd, sve berSild.LS-me-i-.T-e gret+medi&ne lisedose-it plin f a k ithcoeao umrcr-paie n d sqnd at once for a boutle cf Dr. J.,ZD Keiloirq's Dysentery Cordial snd use it according te directions. IL acte with wonderful rapidity ln subduing ihat dreadful disease that weakens the str-)ngest man and tisai destrcys the young sud deli- cale. Tie wbo have tised ibis choiera mediclue say it acti; prompîly, and neyer lails toeoffet a thorougs cure. Baron Aberdare, ai oee ure Imperial Hem e Secretary, and later Lord Pre8ideni of Lb. Couscil, le doad. H. vas seventy-nine yoars of age. Out Of Sorts.-SýI'rptomis, Headache, losa of appetite, furre1 tongue, and general ini- disposition. These symptoms, if neglected, develop jute, acute dasease. It is a trite say- ing tha au "ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure," and a littls attention at this point Lay save ruthe of sickness and large doctor's bills. For thas complaints take from two te tbree nt Parrnellea', Vegetable Pille on going te bed, and oes or two for tbree nigbts iu succession, and a cure will be effectel, South Renfrew Liberals will rneet in con- vention on March 5 te nomninate a candidate tor the Cornmono. Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator is plesant te taes; sure snd effectualinl de8- troviug worms. Many bave tried it with best roeuta. Tiie remnains ef Frederick Dougla8s, the coloured orator, were buried n Washington Monday. Vinsds Linliment Cures ]Dandruffi .No lese tItan 80 applications have been re- ceived by the London Free Library Board for the position cf Librarian. When Baby waa sick, we gave her Castoria. When ohe was a Child, she crled for Castorla. When she became Ml, she clung te Castorla. When she had Chlldren, she gave them Caetoria. The bal poudre in aid of the Ladies' Depository was beld lust evening at the Pavilion and was a great sucos. Piles Plues!1 Itching Piues. SrmpToss-Moisture ; intene itchiug and tingig;rost nt pight ; worss by eracbng. if alowved to continue tumors forin, whict. ofton bleed and ulcerate becomaing very sors. SwAYTNE,8 Ox>Tunw stops the itohing and and bleediug. tisais ulceration, and lu moat cases retnoves the tuniors. At druggiste or by mail fer 50 cents. Dr. Swayne & Son, Pblladelphia. - Lyman Sons & On., Mon- treal, Wholegle Aente. kst 15r CCI sýtudy; - eat, butj shment.' (N*btId by Requesi.). JDem,' Mr. à£ditor.:-WiII yen kiudly lu- forelieth eaders cf your Vaimable paper that lI ilsldly ed FR=B toàny sufferer frem Lest CMcoNervoua Deblllty, NIght Lasses, Varicocele, loepc(eacy sud thse rMtIts of youthfmsl folly, particulars cf a simple and luexpensive means cf self-cure whlch afîer be- lng bnmbugged and Imposed upon for years by cquacks and patent medicine sisarka, cured me in a few weeks, I bave netbing te ssen or gîve away, norarn I advertising any patent medicipe business, but wibi be pieased te hear from any sufferer anxions t find a cure for bis cempiaint. te wbom 1 viii explain confiden- lially how and by wbat. means I wss cured. Hundreds bave been cured through mny ad- vice. Coats netising te learu what 1 paid hun- dreds cf dollars toýfind eut. Address confi- deuîially and encî.,. starnp if convenient. D. G. OWEN. jToronto, Ont. Riverside PO. Rev. Mr. Lancely bas been cisossu as the next pasior of Bridge Street Metho-list Churcb, Belleville. ove Thom A ChanDCe Thât n Le say yen, lunge. Aise ail yonr breatiig [aciîery. Very vonderful ma- ciinery it le. Net oiiy Lise largeor air-Dan- sages, but Lise tbonsand cf litîýt, tubes aud cavities leading f rom Lisem. Wben Lisese are cie ggsd aud cboked vush imalter visich ougisi net te ha t bers, yonr lunge caunothaif do ibeir verk, And visai Itiso do, tey cannet do well. 'Ca i i eoid, cougis, croup, phsumonia catarris, .cenoumpîion or any cf tse family cf tbroat sud noie and Itead and lang ob- structions ail are bad. Ail eng hite S e geL rid of. Ibere in just eue sure vay to geL rid cf Lissm. Tisa inb Letakre Boscess Germas Syrnp, visicisany drnggist vill oell yen ai 75 cents a botie. Even if every- Lhing es bad failed yen, yen may depend npou ihis for certain Hon. H. G. Joly de Lotbiniere bas accept- the Liberal nomination in Porîneuf for the Cernmens. GOAL GOAL f! The undersigned lias juat re- ceived a large quntity of Firat Cim Cqal direct from the mines, and ia pre- pared to furnisi ail ses, dry andelean, includiug several hnndred tous cf the OECLEB-RÂTED NO. 4ý a mccl popubar aise beiveen Steve and Chestnut. 4WLeave.yonr order at once and gel very lowest quetatien. 10 Terms Cash., H. B. TAYLOR, Office Howses,-Block. WhiMtby, 1"ly ath, -z894 Dr8 arre ~ More#" J. T. Xoore, M;- D., T. Warren, là. D, BrookIin. Whitb. toIl.amim. REMOY- NETW NW RCEMSTISEB, OSBOUT FON TR8AN JOHN E. FARZWELL, q. c., Barbster, County Orown Attorun7 an- Connty Solicitor. Office- South is Wig of Court Hense, Whltby. JAMES ItUTLEDGE, Barrister,.etc. Office formerly occupied by Farewell & Rtntledge, nent Royal Hlotel, Brock St., Whitby. DAVID ORMISTON, B. A., Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Conveyancer, etc, Office-In the Office south of the Post Office, in McMillan'e Block, Brock Street, Whltby. G. YOUNG SMITH. LL% B., laârrister, etc. ,-Money te Loan. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Office - Smaith's Block, South of Market, Bi ock St., Whitby DOW & Mc(wi'LIVRAY, Barristers, Soliciturs lu Chancery, etc. Office in Mathison & Hawhen's new block. Brook St., W hitby, senth of Ontario baik D. P. BOGARTt BM.D.,L.D.I. Physicana, Surgeon and Accoucher, etc. Office and Residence nent to Ail Saint's Churci, Dundas St., Whitby. N.B. - Dental Surgery in ai its branches promrt- ly attended to. W. B. YARNOLD, D. L. S.. County Sur-veyer and Drainsge Engineer, Port gerry, Ont. A. A POST9 Architect, late with Langley, Langley Burke, Toronto:- Designs for Churches, Villas and Cottages a specialty. Draw- ings prepared for remodeling existing structures, Office-First flat over W.Re Howse's drug store. týeP O Box 202, Whitby. WM. CALV-ERLEY, HABNEsS BBMAKER, WHITBY. Havinig mo-ved into oux new premises, we are prepared te extend the range of business. Ail work pertaininq te the har- ness-making and saddlery business wiJi be done to satisfaction. Collars a specialty. Cail and see my shop and stock W. CALVERLEY, Second door west of old shop. Dundas Street, Whitby. FOR SALE OR TO RENT. New bouse, 8 rooms ; % acre of garden, well fenced. Good locality on Front street in South Ward. Apply te. B: WORFORK, on the adjoining lot, or at the CHRONICLIE office. Whitby, March 7th, '4. - t t Dundas St., Whitby, J. T. NEWPORLT, Proprietol Commercial mon liberalydealtwith Teaxning doue aI reasonaible prices. Freight and Baggage ha'nled st rea able prices. A cmli solicited. W Jc mi LU XE: MACHINIST, WHITBY, Rlas opened a Bepair Shop in connectio with the Cooper Shop lately carnied on by hie father, opposite Ail Sainte' Church, and will do ail kinds of Repairing. Sewing M a- chines a specialty. Lawn Mowers, Bicy- cles, Firearme Locks, Scales, Clothes Wriniers, WasLing Machines, &o. Bmw Filing Skates, Bcaoiso, uives, Clippers &o.,siarened and repaired. Ail kinds of Cooper Work made and repaired. Sbop opposite Ail Saints' Churoli, Dundas Street, Whitby THOS.. PEAT 0f Bowmanville, intends visiting Whitby once a fortnight, to collect clotbing fromn gent s to dlean or dye. Garments when fiuisbed wil look as good as new. If ti[ey faîl to be se I will flot charge for my trouble. If they suit my charge is $1.25 for cleaning and nicely pressing a suit cf clothing; for dying a sut $1.50o. Overcoats cleaned and pressed zs50, o 0 dyed for $z. For cleaning or--dyling gens bats 2.5C. THOS. tCNAu~ Bowmanville, uiy 26, 3892 LIFE INSURANCE,; Manu±aturers last& Âocident Ineuranoe Co., Toronto Y Largest Capital Stock Lif e nuran O ou the continent. lÇinety peir ceàt. Of la a6cnn1ltiofl5 ot surplus , i retusrned t. thr pDOlicY holders. Ail daims are pa!d.,withG dely or discount on pro of :of deatbi maturity of. ndowmieuî J. B. POWEL A Withýy Cor. King & Yonge 9t.- Toroit*.ý For the u:e tbree monthla 1 aiugiig special ateoin uï te io e, -die; tance. Aniii aigplateL 4mrrubber #81 celluioid !4PO. -Gol n<ivi Un workerwigb rtiaaêrl4 î the zumosi t snab Tiin- the Whenfin 1h.e ity cmli in, "le It m, éaXM ine ', te " .- 1-I niaka ne extr W a h r e., No-v. 8th, 192 $K YQLUI? 8TAÏJQNfC- i o i 'I Whltby Marbie WorKS.4 MATH ISOI AkN j4snuacturerm e Mdarbieq Monuments, Head8tofle8 &sUd al cuer CometeTY Work. M c importes c01 Scotch, 8Si eedi8h,AmetiCafl and Canadian ()ranite8,. AUl pailes ishng work wold du vol). osil on us baeore pnrchasiing- Ail vork gnarsnleed ana I.Ziffb 01 the bowesl. NOv Livery and Sale Stables i

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