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Whitby Chronicle, 1 Mar 1895, p. 7

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-'-I )vEFD 0- E MISES L STREUT NTARIO BAN>A rblc kvîrS en t, HeadstOfl'- à le ter; N~ b shAÀmen ,C3fl ana ,Granites. d Sale Staies ,t., \Vhîthý, RT, Proprictor ibetall hitI t AL le aguili t ' t 1(ý? Ai i UIl,.'i,ý CII 1VI II ' t r i r , t ' PEAT cln i i 1taîtî l Ktî t t %0t vuî tittiI, t a 11 et f 11t tu f, t. thîrti fottr (!i n atr Lýj 'a uirsît -C,( lr.i:ng or dvi ng , t S. Mttý ANNS Agrnt. 'LI"&Accident Co., Toronto ick Ite Dutran N ncty pe r cenit. of a., ,It.. is rot Urried tu t il er t a t Il %v 1rî tt 1)t T lS T' nge- St. Toronto, patonte Il ii1 a i t 11 î his l tes iii r i 1t b i rold and tiliver t;till,i rat-cla8e Olteraters rit rates fil tile cit3 111 andI let mea ixar, %kte lOexra cltarc, nt sou th aast ce rul,r Toron tt. S TA TIONtI TICA OTHER. AYIER'. ],air VIGOF Reste..natuzr eeior te the hat. and @iso prevau it faUing out, Mr H. W. Fenwtek,1 Digby, N. B.,sayt ',A little moi than Lwo yearti ag npy haî he(%ga IVE9- -m -to tur s Ir, ta re. 1 re Ir n y al n )t out. Ai use o enw huttie f, ofver's IUnir Vigor mi 11 . \Vd5i-st;red to its originà C aidct-aseti falling out. Ar 1) t loir in guod coriitiofl1.'-Mrs Il. 1". FEýNWIcI, Digby, N. S. Orowth of Hair. 1-i.ht vpars agn, I lid the v'lrio- lt i lil y hair, mwhîch, prt' N«1- I \ Squite abundaTît.I tried :1% t'Y Of t repar.tioit s, hit withi- i*,1iLectt.týretult, UUi1beganrito s')Mîhi lîe pernianently Laid. A i Tynofths ago, MN ' husbund t1 a bottie ef Ayer's H~~~n 1 2r tî began at once tI) t. lu a short time, rew hair Z ýu1 tt) appeair, and 'tr s now M A W'r~-u IolynuÀia -,New O.rloazs, La. AYER'S HAIR VIGOR PREPARED BY OR. 1. C. AYER & CO., LOWELL, MASS., U -S. & A Ver'la PUIs cure Sick Headaehe4 t. OOMPLETELy PARALYZED, PHYSICIAINS ARE ASTONISHE] BY A PECULIAR CASE. f/i ine Table ANI) lUDLANI, WESTWABD. Mail.:18..... t r<uriday ...911 ar x'îîSn:opm ,lot SUL 9:85 Il2:87 "6:40 D.962 *1 SM p m D A Young Oanadian Strieken With Par. alysis While in New York-Re- turned te Hie Home at London, Ont., as He Belxeved to Die-The Meane of Renewed HeaILli Point- ed Out by a Clergyman wbo VieiL- ed Him. Stricken with Landry's Paralysie and yet cured. That meane but little ta the average lsyman, but it mean8 a miracle to a physician. Snob is the experience of 0. E. Dallimore, ait pre. sent a resident of Madison, N.J., and a rare experience it is. "Yen, ita tr-ue that 1 had Landry's paralysie, esaid Mr. Dallimore to the reporter, "or esthe moet ceiobrated physiciane of London were mistaken. That I have been cured ie clearly ape parent. Wîitli this lie straightened up as sturdy and prornieing a son oif Brut- ain as ever trod Ainerican soul. **It was on the I5th of March last he continued, -%bon I was in New York city, that I firat feitt syoeptome Of my trouble. 1 ezperienced difficulLy in go- iug Up Bairs, M3. legs fadling te support me. I consulted a physician Who in- formed mue that 1 had every symptom of locomotor ataxia, but as the case de. veloped be pronounc.d it a case of Landry's paralysie sud knowing the nature cf the disase advîsed me to etart for my bomne and friends. 1 gave Up my work ,and on April let started for London, Ont. A well known pby- sician waacoosuited but I grew rapidly worse anud on Satnrday, April 7th, eev- oral physiciane held a consultation on may case sud inforrned me thatt I wae at *deatb'e door, baving but three Co six daye ta live, still I lingered on, by this time cempletely paralyzed, my hande and feet being dead.- I could hardiy whisper my vante and could enly swali iew lquida. Oh, the. mies' c0tose moments are beyondail eription snd desth woold really have been a weicoee' visiter. "'Nov cormes the part hat buana- .Lounded the. physuelane. Be,. Ur.1 ~Gundly, a cleruyinanwho viit.d me in1 my luît.hours, as be supposed, told me1 cf LIJe marveilouo cure. cf paralysiethat1 had bean performed by Dr. Wiam,' Pink PUil for Pale People. 1 started te take the. pilla &boutÂApril 28aod a wemk aftt. that felt an improvemount in rny condition. There vas a wam, titigling sensaton in tb. limbe that, hud been eotirely dead and I swon began to mcve My feet sud bands. The, e- provement oontinned until May 28, wben I wus tuken out of bed for a rve snd drove tiherses myelf., By obeginning et Joly 1I vws abis to akupsiairs alon, sud paid a visit to lb6t nrI gand my old .th andm l.v u ondon br Wv or.ouOoo anlsd -b.. silgmr.wow.ksa à-on Oolobe , Ou"d01 lindq'a P&Maysieun oofm bis a be>rrsU blt Mu,. DUuo uuel. U offèessubtiltutes liis fom10 t id te, defrand yen sud shouml'40b5vod4 The publieare iseoatlund i .sIet &Il othè-r so eafld blood bie1 u nerve tonios, put uip iii similar forni u. tended to d.oeive. Tii.y ar, al imt. tions whose makers hope to reap'a peounlsry advantage from thé. Wonder- fui reputation ao ieved by Dr. wil- liams' Pink Pille. Atk yonr dealer for Dr. Williams" Pink Pilla for Pale Peo. ple sud refuse aIl imitations andd mb. These Pilla are manufâctured by the. Dr William'a Medicine Comnpany Brook- ville, Ontario, snd Schenectady, N. -y.$ and are sold only in baxes bearing the firm's trade mark sud wrapper, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50. They may be hadl fromn any dealer, or will be sent by mail on rfceipt of price. Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla may be had of ail druggies or direct by Mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Oompany fromn oither addresses. The price aty which pille are sold make a course of treat. ment comparstively inempenaive se oompared with other remedies or medi. esi treatment. Woman. WRITTEN FOR1 TlS CERONIOLE. Iu our laet wceudeavored te correci s few wreng impressions rcgardîng wo. man~. To-day we will hold a quiet cou. fidential taik with mothere. _ Mothers, you have a high commis sien. Your iglit8 and privileges are such as ne onc has any right te inter- fere with. Set a preper value upon yourself, for a womau's influence je much more powerfuily feit when she underetande lier real wertb. The firet step towards disrespeot is in setting toc îow an esimate upon yourseIf. Gare. fuliy sveid assumiug the duty Liiatbe. longs te some oeelse. As accu as yen become over-taied yeu ourtail your ueefuiuess, Kecp your guide book ever near you, sud look te the proper Que for guidance, sud He wiil neyer disap. peint you. Your firet duty is te ebare your hnsband's lot, whcther in siokucess or licaîli, proeperity or adversity. No matter what your former position wae. s soon as yen became hie wife yen as- suwcd li, position. Yen undertook your prosent position simply becanse yen cousidered it the beet thiug te do. If yonr decision lias proved a wise oe be tbankful, sud should you be disap- pointcd in hie not coming up te yonr expectation don't live upon the dieap. pointment, but do the duty cf ech day aud leave te merrow's duty for te-mer row, kecping the little bright star hope ever in view. Your uext duty je te your oidren, teacli thern-"Courtesy to ail, rever. eLce te some snunnsweriug obedi- eue wothyself." Yes, teacli your chuldreu obedieuce, if yen fail to do that the world will teaoh thcm and she is a sterc teaclier. A child net Lau g lt te bear the yoke in youth will findi i bard te yield when doty telle hirm he muet. Neyer shlow the distrons ides te get possession cf your mind that cbildreu learu obedionce by instinct, au ides slwaye followcd by bad resuite; but let obedieuce be tanght frcm lhe beginning. Children understand thie mnch eoiner than je generally eup- posed Lot s child geL eue step abcad sud ycu will find it a mnch more diffi- cuit taek Le recail that step than yen' anticipated. Iu Lesching principle let tiere be ne scale ci gradation, but let the distinc-. tien between right sud wroug be taught very minutely by precept s well as ex.- ample. Fer exampie yen teach ycur ohdldren in playing marbies, or the. lit- Lie t rading speeiatione in whioh they engage, that it i8 wrong te take any undue advsntage. Impres it as etrongy a yen like; then let thaî ohid- stand quietly by aud ses yen mako your pound o! butter one bal! once short, and yen have given hlm a lesson lu dieheueeuy that, time vill neyer eradicate. Yen have alse brokeD tie cbild'e confidence in youreeif.I (ancy I hear someone say that ti le asamail thiug. Ye, in ilseif il is a email thing; se vas eating the. forbid- den fruit a emaîl tbing, but were th. cusequences email? Let me tell yvou ,iust ber. liaIt the Jack of prinoipilý e the gresisourceof lb.henrds rmery If lhe nie distinction between rgn sud wrong, were therengbly inder- stod, and more tbreughly inculeat.d, sccu enr prison doors would bang thiok vith eob vebe, and th. voil of .mWsry b. changed ie osonge cf u'joiCing. Cortainly ne eue sbould lt 1.xis take the place cf Wg r nsmo.'whe is juet smu{i mo8 os ut viU hiiç ao hidren their m -aa.In teaebxug priuezpl. yen, are Preparing 'i z I ssingle 04e. Tour influtence Vri b. rnh morepows.,fauly feit inrectifyng the. wrengs.of gevernment by incoloat. Ing in YOur fam!ilY _ue patriotie senti- Ment; at Ibe @ame time inspiring tbem wlth courage to stand for the. right in the defelace of their country no ruatter What sacrifice it May ot. A mnother.neyer looke more motherly thîkn when going quietiy about her duty, whatevér that duty msy be, whether it i s nurhing the sick or pre- psarin*g the meal for her family. She je JUat s dignified ecrubbing ber kitchen floor au wheu teachiug her objîdren their Sunday schcoi leeson ; for it is net the kiud of work, but whether duty dictstes the werk or net. There are ai. ways opportunitjee for comforting some negleoted once, witheut searching for them. These are golden opportunities, whioh neyer shrould be sllewed to pais. But don'î expend your energies on those whc have ne dlaim upon your care, when it je at the expense cf your o wu household. This je in aillcases mistakien zeal, sud will surely be at- tcnded by bad reeulta. Cultivate ini yeurself gentieneas ai well s affection, for whcn these qualities are laoking the brightePs ns arcemsaing frem the casket ele. But beare lest gen- tieness aerate jute weakneessuad make yon excuse faulta that really need cerrectiug, weskcning the ohild's char- acter sud enceuraging efishuese which lava the foundation for a disappointed lie heu the litttlc accidents occur te which ail childreu are hiable, allevi- ste the euffering tendcrly, but don't magnify it. Teach tl4em how much better it is te bear than ield te every little uupleaiantness. There le much need for the cultivation of braver y without which your chiid will be badlyi fortified for ife'e realities, which a 1 for iL every day in the humbiest spiieres. Dr. Paten, the hero of the New Hebrides, wheu facing death sud danger steod at hie peet sud now secs whole isîsuda christianized. Herein lay Paul 'e power defying persecution ofd the worst kmnd. Noue preaohed the gospel more fearlessly than Peter, aftcr going through the purifying procesa. Som may make objection te this by- sayahg that this bravery wse given freai above. Truc ; but the Almighty neyer emnploya a coward te do a work requir- ing bravery. To be s truc moither je net te be ar- rived at in self indulgence sud case. You rnay expeot te make great sacri- fices sud self deniais, and te, experfence disappointmnents but neyer let that discourage you. Let hope point yen te the reward which meet aisurcdly you will reoeive if found worthy. Yen may feel yourseif an ineignificant atom, but you will net ho hcld respeîasibe fer more talent than je given you. If you put forth your energies te the utmeet yen will have donc your best in your nation's intereet. Your children's ephere may be very limitcd, but with that you have nothing te, do. Your epitaph will be like that of the widow who contributed tthe mite, "She bath doue what she could." Nerveus people And those wbo are aul tired eut sud have that tired feeling or sick beadache eau be re- lieved of ail these sytuptom@ by taking Houti's Sarisaparilla, whîcb givea nerve, mental snd' bodily istrenp'tb sud tboroultbly purifies the blood. IL aise cratus a good appetitio, cure. indigestion, heartburu sud dyspepos.1 Hood'a Pille are easy te tare, eay in act- ion snd sure in affect.- 25o. The Budget Cemmittee of the. Gemau Reichstag bas voted estimate. for four niev arrnored crunaers. "A crickIn luthe bacir," a pain- under the, shoulder-blades, water brash, bliusneue, sud constipation are syanptoms of disorder. ed stomacb, kidueve,!ier, sud bowele. For aul alimente orignatiug in a derangement cf these orgaus, tae. yer's Pilla, Mr. P. Mabcn died on Ssturday from In- jurisreMved in falingcoff a Ledof hay la Puslinch. Oold l inte heoad-Nsal Balm givea instant relief ;,spe.dily cures, -Neyer fails, Mr,. Wmn Patersn, M. P., viii ep»ak at Leamlngton to.morrov .negt. si'K; w t. OuvWA"mskIa »i..... ite"ual mdicltaqulré& Oumestelleri pseema, teh, aIl eruphiens on- the. face ham& -nom &o mkIevzug mm .skia dean witl a ehh.IÈra e a!fl a~ Lord Roisbey in auffrlgfronui but la lixiproWving uovly cf O ifasio WI D Lry SA m Consum-ption, was formerly proztounced incurable. Now it is not. in au of the early stages of the disease §eoj.s Emulsion will effect a cure quieker than any other, kflown speciflo. Scott's Emulsion p:ro- motes the making of healthy lung-tisoue,, relieves inflammation, overcomes the excess- ive waste of the. disease and gives vital strengthà. For Oougb., Qolda, Weak Lungye, osThzoat, 3ronohitisOonsmptiI1Sorofila, Ânomia, Lois of Fle8h and Wasting Diseus of Ohidrsn. Buiy only the genuine with our trade- "Ab MA0L mark on lalmon-colored wratter.' Smdfopamphlet m S&ott': .&suzrion. FREE. Soott&£Bowne, Bollevlile. AliDruggiste. SOc. and $f.t,, Pm* iytàw. Bood, correct ailDisorders of the. LXVEP., BrOXL0H, tiainETSa AND EOWELS. Th"y invigorate aud rStore to halth Debilitat.d (ohaUttutlous,.and arn kvaluable in &B> Complainte incidentai to Feinales of al sg . or chilen and the aged they are P=:e!es Manufactured 01117 at 78, NEW OXFORD STREET (lats 55,OXFORID STREET), LNOads by ail Medicine Vndors tbrugothe World. aa gr Purchâsers should look to the label on thuW Boxes and Pot.. I the addreoe&U. oIlOxtordgbtret London, they auptuioua - Y INACCOUNTAL LOSIN:FLESI4 - Is FUSINS TO TAKE ITS FOOD LIS1rLESS ADDBUAE IWIL HELP WONDERPULLy OXFORD WOOD...FURNAE " COALn *FOR ALL SIZES 0F DUILINOS ~Capacity from 10,000 Io *80,00 Cubte ¶ eet G4ýfYQflONB Mi~L RADIATORI :We have the. Finest Selectian in tcwn et those BEAUTIFUL AMERICAN WA L LPAPERS, Border8 to Match Corne ear4i and got firat choiee. P. B.. WARAM, Dirock et., wb:tb'y cfWdruggtswho oner luo lPlace cf this, Âuk tan C Root com2pcu, t aâkêtoý or Idc..Si s1ud 6 cents lnw, and we willmýs.useaebyr sesled partIcuýar 1lI1u, oui>', 2 stanxpé. AddÎieâ, The Cook Coà» Soid ln Whitby by'W, ILIH UAL u.uum FwPo %--Full -Ouaranteed C apacity,: imLii. ETh O INI F UN RY OUPKY Lt 4 - TOREO PT P l a a a s ai i i a a. k 1 k S A I a à. a a1 I 1 £mt1t1£14 1 i i 1 1 1 1 j a1 i -1. I PIN bDLAIr2Ai* 0040.,98 a lu 'of#* oiO:50p , 1 owffll 1 J'LoWEST :-: PRICES,

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