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Whitby Chronicle, 15 Mar 1895, p. 4

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There u only one way n i the ýworld to mak e a pure, t. trOng and hoafthful Bàking -P, Poer. That, le by.,uhng tho 41pureet nreiexaaâ. W. .~un pure Oream Tarter and îù " Inn Sdalumakinig fI This Powd bonains 1no Aluin, Ammonia, nor any- thiug, injurieus. W. garw- anteit tobe the boit Bak. .~ing Powder in the market. 25c. per lb, de Eu WIL LiS, Chemi8t if Druggi8t, M edical Hall, Drook Street, c: si SE ai cc te th fu cis neq tha pec thii hiff he ig subi ta and hav sa adi cou coui ttyï ada frai Ami b. advi leIl Mr. the T.]E poin in E te t man gain into Asn statn ouS Whltby.1 c84eaïeand3he amoùiuet oIX.aseta*id lia. blItfies. Lace of apitâI catsaed tfie failV ures than al ouher. circumstances. In, Quebec flag out out of 704 failures were frorn lack of capital. 'tue'record Wo On- tario la: Lack of capital, §32; inconupet- ence. 91; disaster, 74; neglect, 31 ; fraud, 14 ; fatinre of others, - 4 ; unwlse credita, 10; inexperience, 9; spieculation, 6; ctnu- pttion, 5. Extravagan!ce Is blank, but .we are seriousýy Incllnéd o the opinion that extravaganit habIte, personal anid do- mestic, enter làn.to the causes'imore largely than is reported. The progis In surgery bau been s0 great that operations are now -trcquently porfommed Which ln pasu ycars would be decmced Inconsistent with the presciva- tdon of life. rhus, large portions of or- gana 1. U the brain, liver and lungs and the entre kldney and spleen have been remnoved. A recent case, ia which nearly the whole stornach usas removed, ta get rid of a malignant growth, la rcported la the Medical News, Philadeiphia, Feb. z6th. Says the News, "The newly-form- cd stomacb had R capiacity corresponding to the volume of a hen's egg. Atter the third day the patient wss able ta take meat, and when dismissed, aftcr the lapse of severai weeks, she had gained twenty- two pounds lu weîgh, although In the lu. terlm she bad beeu attacked with pneu- moula. LARGE MEETING 0F DELEGATES RRE ON * ATURDAY LA5T.-GRKAT INTEREfT AND EXCITEMEP4T DISPLAYED IN Till BALLOT. fNG.-FOWKE, KING AffO BLRNETUEil STEONO CANDIDATES. - THSE LATTERt Q[~1 ifhnffryflggll The Liberas met haie on Saturday for the R #*itbg V(£# Ao '4t41. purpose ai selccîing a candidate ta bear their ______________________________standard in the cornug elecuon to the Hanse of Commous. There are thirtyone pail FRIDÂY, MAROHI 15, 1895 sudviin in te outand cach of ubeeg wasdloed ivedeegaeseveyanc of ___________________________wbich waa preset, or cisc a subtltue. Sev. eral hundreda of lades and gentlemen attended To AvnrU»irs. ta watcb the proceedingi, sud listen ta the spceches-which foilowed. Ths following points are weil wortby of The foliawiug la the lst of delegates : Port the consideratian ai advertisers : Perry-L Seber, W L Marshall. Murray The CHRONICLE has a larger circula- Coates, A J Harringtot. J Powers. J M tio inthecouuy f Otaro tan aveDivis, W Rasa, John 8tonehouse, W Rod- tio inthecouty f Otaro tan aveman, J H Brown,Jas Carnegie, Bd WWiamat any other four local papers combined. Tbos Conhin, W H Hayes, 1 Bradlay. The CIIRONcLE bas a larger circulation rawnship of Re.ac-H Mclntyre, A Stev- ens, M Wilkiuson, Robt Walker, W Hl Smith au the foiiowing post offices than has any F Dobson, A McGregor, S Page, G Hart, 1' other paper in the world : Whitby, Osh. Hart, Jas Allin, J Clyde.. j Darward, R Wat- awa BroklnColumbus, Foley, Taun- son. las Waxsou. T Crag. M A Stone.,1J awa BoocîoHerron, J Town, Dr Parke, E Bac, J Leaskc,« ton, Enfield, Raglan, Kinsale, Audley, 1 Watson, A Orchard. A Miller, R Brown, J Balsarn, Myrtie, Ashiburn, Greenwood, Jiolman, G W Suili. JaS McCulloch, J Sutliff, Mancestr. tica PrnceAlbet, ortA Willams, R M Haltby, I Vernon, T Baret Mancestr. UcaPrine Abert Potasd E Wihliams. Perry, Shirley, Scugog, SeaRrave, Saint- East Wiby-R Macile, R Hinton, lasf field, Wick, Laybon, Pinedale, Green. -Crowell, Jas Drew,J Mcu.iregor, R W Grier. bank, Fpsom.Son, J Sheard, John Luke, S Stockes,Rr Lank, Fpsom.An gle, J P [-aruden. W L Ormiston,J Bray, There are two papers published in Osh. G Leach, E S Dearboru, E Mothersoli, Chas awa, and the CHRoNrcLE bas a larger cir. Stone, J E Hinkson, B W Hiukson, W Pur- culation au Oshawa poatoffice than either. vis, W B Guy. Jas Stocktes, sen., R Hugo, M S r'here are two papers published in Port WhoibT ow-Dlaro, asLn y erry, and the. CHRON[CLE bas a harger Ormiston, Jas Foley, W Brown, C F Stew E irculation through the Port Perry postart 1J Ferguson, J Shaw, 1 Campbell, D M t tha boh cmbied.McMilian, G Cormack, H Rosa, J Mclntyre, iffice G Y Smithp F H Anues. G A Rosa, W M Vn Psarties wiahing to advertise farms for valkenburg. R L Huggard, T G Jackson, Wm h ýae or ta rent, live stock for service or for Morecombe. J W Palmer, 1 E Willla, Jasa &le, auction sales, credit sales, estray Henry, Franku Match, lt 8 Taylor. ZrI ,nimals orlbat articles, ahouid bear in E Lick. W Hood, H W Wilcox, S Beale, D w 2ind that there la scarceiy a bouse lu the Halliday, j Underbali, las Bell, R Michael, Pl Oun to hM' h the CMNII.&.de N Rogers, W AHallidsy, F Scott, Dr Starr,M unty ~ ~ ~ - wF It.,d Pi..iV Davidson, J Lawrenc, JKent, J et ot enter. If there î3 any advouage la Bafor ,W Par& dwetllng'*'can give lit, Oshawa-Dr Rae. J Henry, L K Murton, th Wc maire-thc CHRONICLE equalhy la- F L Fowke., M Finaigan. P Lyons, O 0 hi HenrY, M S Bowman, M 0'Driscoll. J j 1Ma- 'restin9 ta Our readers ia every part of Lsigbiin, F R Robsnn, L Hall, E NI Eeury, th e country, sud (bus give advertiscrs the D Keitb, A Mackie, E Mundy, J Currie, J F s. Il benefit of a well-resd paper. Tambivu, E S Edmoudson. A R McLean, B bc j Rogers, F A Guy, W Lauchland, A Brodie, Ei Inlpre«bleIr. . Gin. Lick, J Lick. G Symmonda, G Hall and sa IrrPr.ubl F.W.Gls. John Thompson. B.th Mr. F. W. Gien, Brooklyn, N. Y., exer- Sougog-Is;aac Rodman, GeoJackaon, Wjl- le ses isemmnd powerfully about Canada. sonu (erow, Chas Gerow, Peter Young. ey The most of thc ante-convcntiou talkcecntrcd fol s of old his mind turne; ta new ideas and ou Chas King, F L Fowke aud L Burnett; th, w thinga every week. W. doubt not witb some mention oif R R Mowbray. J Iar au where lie is known ia Canada the. Davidson, R J Macicie and L T Baý-rclay fe The first ballot reaulted as folows : Burnet, th aple will b. leasý anxious ta hear any. 6, Fowke 56, King a6. Barclay 6 ake4 u ng~~~~~ ~~~ abuZi u t asc nitr .R. Mowtiray 3, Dr. Rae .3, J. 1. Davidson hi:, ting duck that one con bardly dlsnis a1. As soon as the figures werc annaunce n from thc mindIatwiIl. la other words Mr. Fowkc suaed that hg wished ta with-n wlll flot down . la continualîy wrft- draw, Second baiio-Burnett 65. Fowke 9. 0 a series of Icuters ta Uic presan saine King '7, Barclay 6. Mawbray 9. Mackie 6, Wc bject.Davidacu . . 1: ow became obvious , that IMc n regard ta, tardf matters lie assumes boue but King and Bumnett bad wny chance, las know tbe wholc business off b er n h uugebcm agl n caenhi I while he advises the United States to theccommercial delegates for the former, and W î'c no traffic with Canada until Uic latter the agi culturists for thc latter. To sorn ecx. tut aii discard the Union Jack, Ille, on the tent it was alsa a struggle betwcen the uarth 1 er hand, telle Canada that Do young and soutu. Third ballot.-Burnett 78 King Y* antry can compete 1.ntalth te aru d ayL2, Mowbray g, Rae 1. It was Intries Ofth world, ecd of which la ond a:bth Btrnett andi King had more Ch ing to force its surplus pracmucta ton han & a jaritOfath c5$ delegatea, aud that 8 ani rmarkets. Thus Mr. Glen advises deà1 tomany bad Voteti. Therefore upon motion a to take th. course lcading fartbest anather ballot was taken amiti great excite- tu aunexation, whilc he wauts the ment. Result-Burnett 82, King 71. Chair. encans ta farce (bat upon us. ît mutat nuMowbray dectared Mr. Leonard Burnet an impartial mincI, ladeed, which cel te choice of a majarity, and upon motion of of1 luse two clients Usat both thelr it seMcssr. Kiag and Mackîe it was make unani- lu antagonizlng each other. iieet mous, and ]Mn. King sheeved thc candidate ta, se]l loweerwha wesetout. t, sy aoutthe platfornu. [owcer, t w stout ta ss aout Mr. Burnet id that be would have to be Gle latil jui OW le i asUring mare than human if l idd not ledl a lule D Ameticans that boUs tthe C. P. R. and G. diffidesce ln Standing before sucis an audienceDe R.t ar"aurptadWllsoOu fal anto to Accept their nanulnatloa-.o taise thc place bande of -Ainenicans. He drops a oocupd by sa =10Y ilnustrious Liberals. we iter Usai Oco. Gould's yachting exploits Stulîe'ace<~poo f candidate. 1 Gr England last.sumasner were carnled on &m called a jpatiof. WOhl, 1 have no obj=ec- e brow people oiftishe scent, whist lie don to thse Patrons becaâne si.7 have adopuct Cot nipuhated railway matters 80 as to soon dLtherai ýplafprm. Aluhougi n ostn- * n ostrol of our great railwmays. co, hhtlatpinfonsl-PrvMairl cter , lace UieAmericaus goiluold "of I $he e h.belleves la ev«y lackasrgad Lonn r s au tra1sc (romu the West wui i turned ion matera. SUPPOM es as brouglit ont be. fa« >New York, usd * Usa ontrasi w111 h. cause ha Iianforume.. Faimers (ce thi thtie -'Z *ia.ned 1pvc17 slsortly afterwatds. rsho0=M t ldd ha oerthron. bi boue of Mr. Glen s pasi propheuies la mreWhc bey profflsed prospesiy 1sud lfsoeaedý ard to Canadahave b= een lod., cor Population It Wu Mflto beh.fo»md, (.o«qra. id "nY chance of h $0 fuas qppermcn tir ÜfflýP do e o miàmniii br. haino doubt as (0 what the.resuit. wilI Mr. Burnett bas ,inÀhY advstnagea. I stands on a platforMf of ptinolàlea.,' sbould Join in a formidable attaic upôn t eflery. We are ail ready for tlïe gfih, W point and ai. Hon. John Dryden met a splendid r ception, and ini- return, stated, the pleau it gives hum to addreass the electors South Ontario. Was also delighted wi the show of cntiiuulasrn and hirrmoi which appeared to Vreil. Such a di play of Intereat augura .well for the ou cena of the Party Id' the coming election Il would be said that lie. as no ljgblt meddle -in Dominion politica, and be hi been accuscd of electing Mr. Davldson 11~ <1 want té teli the Consçrvatiyl that I amn going' to try to elct Mr. Bu nett. 1I daim the right as a fariner ln thi riding, as a citizen of this country, to vp or wo: k for whoever wiIl buat conserve 1 lntereuts."1 He'reforred to the candidai as being a relative of bis, and said r doubt the Conservatives would also mai a handie of this. This was to be a fair au square fight, and be believed Mr. Burne would corne down from Reach with a voi that would astonish the most sanguine 4 his supporters; and the reason for it wl be that the farmers see their Incarnes ge ting. amaller each year, wbile, uth courntry' expenses were golng up. Havlog nothin new ta offer the Toles aliack on th "told policy." lut can b. exptsined in foy -words-ncreaaed taxation, lavish, expe: diture. It is Snid the policy of the Liberi party will Injure the manufacturer. H diaims the National Policy làau in>ury t the manufacturer, as well as beîeng am ainst the Interests of the mechanic an, laborer. Shops were continually bein, tioscd down, or handa put on short houri rues the Conservatives dlaim they sav the -home market for the farmer. Wel wbat have they doue for the farier ? H, quoted pricesaet diffèrent times toshow that better figures were belng reaiized fo fat stock la Buffalo and Chicago than ii Toronto. lu la the samne with wheat, bar ley and oats. He quoted Mr. Thos. Long o lngwood, wbo said at a Conservatlvi meeting recently that if the farmers wert ot prosPerous It wastheir own fault ; tha& i farinera were as industrious and thrift) as when wheat was a dollar a bushel the> zould do as well now, for the purchasig rice of a dollar had gone up as fast ai Mheat bad gone down. He would ask the armers present wbat hink of that ? Mr, Cochrane, Conservative M. P. for rorthumberland, a mani who sella his >atronage, ays: Ilif your sisters and nothers are playing pianos, don't be ever- atingly grunibling."1 Why shouid not armers have a piano or an)- other luxury? hey represent 70 per cent. of our wealth, id yet these protectionists were saying : 'What business have these farmers with a iano ?"I for that la what it means. lu is ,n lnsult to farmers, who, we ail know, rork bard enough. Mr. Dryden then re- rred to the formation of a Youug Liberal lub in Whitby as forming a powerful and luch needed adjunct ini the work of the Lrty. He concluded by saying that this ,as a most critical period in the history of ie country, and if Liberals worked in thé mne spirit as he had noticed tôday they >uid carry the riding by 400 maority. Mr. Wm. Rosa, Port Perry, believes g5r.. Irnett to be an eminently proper mazilfor ieLiberal candidature, and if he gets iactive and individual support or the W,5 ,e wbo have unanimously accepted him !re today as their standard bearer, ,be ay count upon being returned. We ust combine to, remove the shack- sof taxation. The bonus systein, hich we ail know to ou r sorrow, la like utection. W. have tried ta prop ,Up anufacturers for sixteen years, a ems they cannot stand aioue Yet. ail get the promised tall chinineys W- F eLiberals are in power, aud he wI âo best to that end.-.À Mlr. L. K. Murton, Oshawa, beliéves 'In efair method to adopt a candiddte, afid far as character is concerned does flot ieve the firat atone can be thrown at P4r. Irniett We shall ail know hlm better nu. He doca flot wish to boasM about lisas, but believes wue have an èxcel- St one to tain . Thefa rmers haae got-h1i he following circular isaued to agents Le Globe in this county speajda forjiý! TIEEZGLOB.E Toronto, March th, x8sý. S ir, Hfferewith we beg.to n'btifyv yoù týthât, bavé aPPolnted Mesurs. H lenderson & kaln, oifthe cH«ROMNIOLB, Wit1jr tra gents for the Globe for. tbe. utyoôtoutario. Du wiII therefore ini futurekladl'ftôt. Mh aUi ut, usd - wnlIn -f4J"zu~n or rThe GIlébe rOt hI4anti tthe7 wiH tàkmasJ e ots ur znuetfalw (TO MEN A ND 5 Why wear Ready-mac leav you m0aurhand E w MADEJ TO OIRDgR, ANDFYIT G*UARANTggID For the sain of $10, $l1, $11.50, $12, $13.509 $14& $15, and a pair of Pants, that are Pante, froin $ 2.59 Up. 90OYS ONt LY.) le Clothing hen you can, We stili have a few of those Corne and secure one before We can give you a pair of È( And a better pair:f AÂN DEi NW ~Oc UIIWthey are ail gone. ood Braces for 15c. for 25 ots.,1 30 ets. and 35 ots. .. . . . . . . . .d ,.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Es SBse THE NEW DR Y 00008 W. Il. O 0 o o BROCK STRL7Er WE are in reoeipt of a portion of our new Spring Hats, which we have rnarked at the very lowest possible prices. The styles are' the very latest. Our Men's Furnishings are fully assortecJ n ail 1-the-'ý Lateet Novelties of the SeasO'n. BA RGAINS. We are offering Speoi'al Bargaius SAT!RIDÂY, >ARCH 2u4.ý WJ H I WARREN, 6-4â« FRE PUMP aprayiagt reca, Gsaaaýl ihcdme *wrk- Noxon Iii IL S8TOREf whrznqy. 1-: BA RGAINS. ~ BR~ Ir ------------ à Hi ýW.&UU]ffl wi

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