Ai O iinaRetribution. (OTOaY 0o "M N oNuQUO.) At thé. point vIiere dia Nonquo Bilver empties into Lakhe Seugog, ni t0re h»- doue much for the iimter. vide erpanse of rushes sud wild rlce0 Oltà «Ierde cd the ourrent forme a i tic abode for vator fowlof every kin whalelu ia hecool depths cf Lthe dar bigLe vatér, the Musealnge snd gains: Blsck Basa lire lu perfect harmen; with thoir anivereal motier. Seeking cuLt, viti natural instinct these rare places ou tha earth beet sait cd ta lhis primitive purpoaes, tha Indiai loug ago buil is wigwam in ti region, sud baves tte i ay a tinga hie sonality thueugli Lb. eubtla in flueuca of nomenclature. Nonquei vws what b, called hie meagre attempi M ta village on the bauk cf dia rivei about a mile from taLsmneth, sud Non. quon iL romained (or rather "Tii. Non. con,"% se new 00mars tarmad it> tili ion, aftcm the white man had'assume" tie ap'erogatii e cf bis race, sud the 1-Jta idr.qui y moved on. 0f late yaars the post offica authorities, with more prsotiaality disu poetry, have dubbac 18 soniething wiiich Loe iiassy sound moroe ivilizod, but which to ni certan- ly sogude laus musical. At th. tissa of whiob wa write, how- ever, IJue'despoiler b.d net yet seL bis mark on tha place, sud IL wus fret the Nouquon village LhaL a etsivaut yeung white man stopped eut eue spriug mornlng vith an axe over hiesiihouldar, aud entered s pieca of woode on the bauk cf the. river. Tii. clear ringing blows cf th. aie wara soon heard ache. lng aoeoug the ssII treas, sud tha Sound came baek pleasantly toe ii. osu f the snug Itte housewife ha bai left lu their obanty waahiug the. breakfast diaee. But puesently the sound gteppad, sud dia chopper turned bis besd fret his work Le sea, appmoachiig arnong the. trocs, the figure cf s emaller man whom ha evidantly knew. ",Hello, Pets," said ha "What's Lb. ne vs this rnornlng ?" ",Oh, nothin' muci," respondod b. new arrivai, apparently iii at eue fer soeareasen. The yonng tan watcbed hlm ratiier caualesly for a moment, eîPecting something further sud Liion went on cbepping. The otier, aftar etaudiug in hesitation tlIII the 1og was cuL Lhmugh, Said in a constrained way : "Lije, I guess you1ll har Lo coma. with me. I'va got a warrant for yen. " Pet. vas the constable, sud luetsntly there arose lu dia young man'e mind the meMomy cf varions fing axpeaa tions b, b.d taken cf late witb jack- light sud spear, whicii cfcurse vus against tha iaw at tdis sasen. Ail Neuquon w-ent fishiug lu that way, sud i18wuasesldet a aenîprit vas t.aken. Thara vua feeling ameng the people that the. law as a little ont cf its element in this particular, sud aveu the constable vas accnstomod Le clos- ing bis riçht oye maaniugly viien talk- iug to intimata frionde on the suhject. Lije knew thiand sud a surprised et hie vieilt tai moruing, but geod-hunmorodfly submîtted Le ciroumstaucas. " Ail right, Pte ; coma along. Let'. go up by tbe abanty so, I eau put avay My axe, sud tlil Maudy.", As tiay wsîked tevard dia village, the conabboe eeîued the. more worried of the tvo. Whau Lthe shanty vas part. "Peor liftt, girIl" hp said, tendeuly, as tbe two walked away. ,«Bhe goLs scarod se essly ; tle bailthlng upats her lately." 6Lij,9it affiit theéfial," mss Ld b-con- stable unesuily, viieu they were ont cf esu-shot cf the, shanty. "$Whtà t do yen tmean Pl' asked Lija, lookln lot bina quickly. Il dut care te Bey nythliag about 1tit MIafter we had gel avây freti Mandy, bus iie, tIi.warrant, rasyo are î0lng te appeau for fcrgr. man, stopng sudd.nly anW&puttlng hi& biand con tue oonatable'ssouldder,* me if te maké surebh.bail hoaMrýd gt, "Pet, baven't yen made mcme anletke.1 lu your nia-? Yeun mue my nmme,, on tbat warratr' "O 4.,'ie, it's yeur nmese <meugl. 'EIijb J. L.ndger1" red 1n ,*Cm lie warrant. 1 #4RtM, thére aln't sotier ectuale hi4uaton Ues w taIoum s"e m OI 0f course ho knows their signature We edI . inbai wen onough on secount 0' deslin' with we them se mach but i wcnld n't la, "De't know, mebbe, eue teck 11k., theu t tfLqje. P eg-Dock." onl 1 Hev t bey auy witn.see "Peencki Tiie mon gîsncad w*ùidée à a- ,yes, one, Steve peennck ; esys h% ilyt as"eh er. The. sh*nty refa. A seen him do it." rej te wus thieue in whioh Steve onl "If Steve Peenuok is a wituees sg'n claimned te have seen Lije commit thé Itk I4e, it'll go bard witii hum. Stars forgery. id lh'ain't forgot hew Lije eut hum ent sud "And don't yen knew the. other Ak teck Mandy Page away from him sud oue.? IY maruied heu." "-Don' know, mebbe, big man, look- VY &Mandy would u't 'a' maruied Steve like La'dger, don' know." at nyway-toH]lrs wasa ssensation b atir even the 3t "ITbat dou't make ne difference. Ilep gronp cf listbners. But the ma. it Steve thinka sha wonld ; se it's ail thae ji ity nscodrfeten, and ghs nD sasse te him, and I'd hate te ha in that Andy muet b. itknen that do Lije's shees.' it wue beat net te get cxcit8d on the. of The sequel showad that the sat evidance prasented. That Liijansd 3- speaker'& suspicions were welI fonund- Seve were really living t.cgetb.r tbey n ed. cenld net houleva, for the. conviation t Whap the. County court met at bad long ago eattled itaeof amcng the r Whitby, about tbirty miles froim the Non quonites that Steve bad sworu - Nonquon, Lije's case was the meet im- fas wvien be sent Lije te the peni- i-portant oyant cf the session. teune . g There saemed to be rather a weak Hewever. iL turnad out that Audy ýe case against the pr' ner, ÙUI the lut wa@ right ; mie tue rmen oerLainly oo. n wîtness wau callec. cupied tb. shanty iu company. sa "Bring in Stephen Peenuok," a;aid "Weîl, Steve ie a bigger feel than I e the lawyer, sud a emaîl, aeut, wiry- vrgv i rdt o opthrsl d lokin iniviualtoo th stnd. in Lije's bande itg that way. He'll bea 1 The clark went ovar the. regular. for- deadman inside e' ne imne." This was mula with tha witnass, but seemed to Lhe expression cf oeaof the viniagere, throw more than ordinary emphasis sud the general sentiment cf ail cof inte it. hm 8 ,D yousolenly wearthatthe But the dire prediotiion provede aevidence yen ara about te giva lu this amies. Tii. summner paeeed away, tbe Case is the. truth, the. whole truth, aud laU cameansd Lje snd Steve were liv- notbing but tb. trutii, gse hld ye ng napaet-amnya auo' Qed 1" Lningapret. mz a ucei ,I do," said Steve, kisstnheiabook. Lnig ý The th lwye bean One merning early in October ~e "Do yen know the. prisener at testpdncfLhe hatytsdlot,& 1bar ?" aL the weaLiier, csiled back indeors : "I o.""Steve, thia le goin' t: bea good day "Wbt l he nsse?"for dueks. Get your gun sud leae gou 'Elt s ije aud e" down, Lo the. meu nLseeeif we cau't i "Wbere were yen on Lb. nigbt of gLaeaka eae hr. May 2nd ?", Steve cama Ont wltb bis gun under c "In the loft cf a ernali shanty on the hie arn, sud, looking at Lije, said: 0 bank cf the Nenquon River, abouL half "Whar'e ye urs V" a il fetiL mut.""Oh,, I won't shoot any lilr "lWas tdie anyoue else in the. juiL row dia boat sud let yen pop thae<G shanLy ?' birds." Y "Tee" Stve fellewed Lijo down tbe river tl "Who 2 with a sert of air thaL seani-11 "Lija Landgau." ed te ha gro'wiug on him of late. s "Did lha know yen wore there 2" Wben Liiey stepped into the boat ha ,,No." t.ziad te taka the cars, but witbout s 9 IlWhbat did you âge hum do 2 Lija reached for tiiem sud wae socu "Ha teck a piaca of paper eut cf biseepig tbe boat down the river, viLla C pocket with the. Damaeof 'Boiter & Stvestting in tbe stemq hie gun lying P, ~Brown' lu writiu' on iL, sud titan tried acreeshus kuaca, aud hie eyes avoiding d, te copy tha naine on soe blsuk paper. the. open countanance cf Lb. uower. a H. practised writzn' it a great mauy IL was stilI earîy in the moruing, aud Pl timas, sud than Lora Lh. paper np sud tha plash cf Lb. ous, alternating with ti tbraw it under the. table." the. grating ef Lb, rowlocka, echoed "Ara these the tomn bite cf papar yen ovar tii. watar sud among the raado on f boa haro ? the bank, etartiug loto aotivity ceunt- "Tee." leas numnier of blackbirde, who flutter- IlWhat did ha do thon 2 ed away chattering vigerouely lu theiu "Ha teck a long slip cf paper sud fligbt. An occasiona s! on e dova wroteaua order ou it for a big buhW cf ont cf sight aL their approach, sud sev- geode ou oeaof Lth. stores lu Port eral tixias a stnail fleck of ducks rosa ni Perry." sud flew rapidly toward the lake. A "Would yen know that ordar if yen cold raaking vapor hung over the watem tn saw iL ?ansd flltered up Lhrough 8h.e rushes, sud ce 6"Yes2' the air wus fiII.d with s pungent, in "l18 Lus it ?"tiiugh netunupleasant, edor from 8h. Ot "«It is." herbe growing in the soft blaek loam "Wbat naît2"oundathere.. "H.eset the signature cf 'Baxter & oeentud. Brown' lu front of hlm, snd bookin' (ob ohne. close at iL, be copied iL te the erder as o near as lha could imitate itiLnluhise wu BURKETOiq. baud." The conce rt given by the. Bail Family of Thara was ntense excitement in the jubilee singers was a decided sucoss. The court root. church was well filled and the. audience was "Tou positively evear te tue f&ct ?," delighted with the programme rendered.w tobaceer." -- RE IMREDCZ It vs. his fluet appearance since thae EEFOM H A A~ morning wbau the constabi, luternpt- Three Tears cf Snfforiug eadache ela ohpping dowu by the. river. Evr asd ne Relief froas "«Km yen tell me where My wifa's Doctors or Medicine until B.B.B. foîka live ?" lao asked cf tii.e tere-keep- made s Complete Cure. au. )sen S'n,-I had serere Headacbe for "ILire rigbt erer there inu thei. me tii, past thue. yesrs.asd wss net irse roas place," wasthe. anaver. it -a inugla day. I used doatore' meIdane "WeII I gnous 1'11 go over sud ait 1 sud ail others 1 oould tblnk cf, but iL dud ne 9 Z ne good. MycousinasudI unat try B.B.13.i, 'quainted with my little girl." And fte beaa'ùse it la dia but medicine evrr madý.' sauutered out, sud I tcok dire. bottles et iL, wlth thé reb. Hie lita. grl" as uw iearly th" kBurdock BoBi mé olMr or h ead. seven ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~v teu l. sd a If ansd as a blood Purifier, jesthe best -li tbis blousom as a moment. of ber lo e h , sd s gadt rommed'10 1 'Plia hisv W..aa s.. .. ..... .~ ...____w vum ovre,&l esso u - y tn imPisom.nt sdut ti. el blow of hi. Mii LOEÂUDSL f 'lbeviy on lt.e4licase 0111NousuaOnt. jt at br oritiomi Mo M t.The prisonuBerti Ir"s a »uikhe anoyer rutlved. . She did vu euuc4 ftm t Bshso te eM his "M Bae lhsp ha, obelips. alpsoonstrdsr form the. radets of yg eubeppr tbai 1 vu gladl modà PR towacy = irefromi Los Mdau #o4 Npons 1)ablky, Nigbt LaSsesVauioe leimpoteucysud the rusuits et youh*folUy, partlculaus ,cf a simple sud luexp a mlet" os folf.auzrewbh afferhb. iug hnmbntgged and lmposed upon for years by quacksand patent medine shankés, cured we in a few weeks. I bave nothing te sul or Rive away, uer amn I advertising any patent medicine business, but. will be pleasad to hear from any sufferer anxicua t find a cure for bis complalut. tw wbom inwllexplain confiden- tlally how and by what meaus I wss cured, Hundreda have been cured throbugh my ad- vice. Coits notbiug to learu what I paid bun. dreds cf dollars to find out. Address confi. dentiaily and enclose stamp if conveulent. D. G. OWEN. Toronto, Ont. Riverside F.. The Montreal Hockey Club defeated Queen's University ove goals te one in Sat- urdsy's gsmne for the Stanley Cup. Pimple may be permanently cured by the coutinued use of Eseljay's Liver Lozenges. Siok Headache eau be oured in the simp. lest way by using Eseljay's Lîver Lozengea, A pale or sallow complexion maý be over- corne by the use of Eseljay's Liver LozenRzeti. Tbey purify the. blood and gîve tone to, the complexion. A habit of constipation moat dangerous to tbe besltb. Taire eeljay's Li ver Lozenget. Tbsy are plansant te taire. Ufr. John Beattie of Fergus bas been elected presîdent cf the Mutual Pire Under- writers'Aooçiation of Ontario. ove Thom A Chanoe 8 That ia te say your lunga. Alsooab your breathini macblnery. Very wouderfula- cbluery it is. Net ouly the larger air-pas- sages, but the. th ousand of little tubes and cavities leadiug froin these. Wben tiies are dlo gged sud choked with natter wbicb ought net to, b. there your lungs canuothaif do their work, Aoc? wbat bhey do, tbey cannot do weIll Oallït cold, cough, croup, pheumnonia iatsrrh, consumption or any ef the family of throat sud nos. and bead and lung oh- etructions, aIl are bad, Ail ougbht te be 'got rid of. ~here ia just eue sure way te get rid cf thein. That is te takre Boacheela Germsu Srup, vbièb sny druggit will soei !ou at 75 cents a bottie. Even if every- bhing else b.d failed you, yen may depaud ipon ti for certain The yacht Ailsa wau disabled by acaident st the start cf Saturday 's race and did net go over the course. The modern Way. Comnmende itself te the well-termed, to do pleasantly and effectuslly wbat was formerly loue in the crudeat manuer sud disagreesbly ne weli. To cleanse the s"stem snd bren k up colds,hbeadacbe aud forer. witbout un- 'lassint after effects, use tbe deligbtf ni laxa- Live rexnedy, Syrup of Bige. The total cf the Board cf Werks estinates for the yeur la 81,448, 054. Einard's Liniment Cures Dsndruff- Major C. N. S pooner, Couservative nemi- oe in Frontena, bas retired. The Coughing sud wbeezing of pereons trubled with bronobitis or the astbrna is ex. essively barsasig te theuiselve sud annoy- [g te, otbers. DiL THoiIÂs' BoLlUruo OiL ibviates ail tus entirely, safely sud speedily, md ia a benigu remedy for lamenaus are, ajuries, piles, kidney anrd spinal troubles. Mfr. Charles, Fairbairu, M.P., was nemi- iatod by the Conservatives cf South Victoria na Saturdsy. Ybssî Baby us Malkus gave her Castorta. Vhan she wus a Chlld, ch. crIed for CaUStola When she bhsd Cblmrenhe ge1rtam katla ifyou must draw tUhe Une andhae lfitotisaudsof food prepart w th.iteti is te ~mxndyou. tha t tIi, a- e ëean, -delicate, and :ealthful vegetable -36rt L JOHN E.FARXWELL, QC.t Barrister, Oou.uty Crown Attorn ciSu ounty Solicitor. Offie- South zng gaof Court Ilouse, Whltby. JAIES KÃJTLEDGE, Barrister, etc. Office formerly ocoupie by~ ~ ~~~10 Pirwl uldgnx oa oel, Brock St., Whitby. DAVID OREUISTONq B. A., Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in Chanoery, COflveyanoer, etc. Oflice-lu the Office south of the Post Office, in mcMdilan's Block, Brock Street, Whitby. G. YOUJNG SMITH. ILL. B., larrister etc. ,-Money to Loau. Issuer of Marrl'ge 'Licenos. Office - Smiith'sa Block, South of Market, Bi ock St., Whitby DOW & Mc(GILEIVRAY, Barristers, Solicitors iu Chancery, etc. Office ini Mathison & Hawken's newo block Brook St., W hitbY, South of Ontario bank D. P. BOGART, M.*D., L.D.u Ph Ysica., Surgeon and Accoucher, etc. Office and Besidence nezt to Ail Saint'. Churoh, Dundas St., Whitby. N. B. - Dentsl Surgery in ail its branches promlpt- ly attended to. W. B. YARNOLD, De Le Se, Cou suverad Drainage Fagineer, A. A POST, Architeet late with Laugley, Langley & Burke, ¶oronto. Designs for Churches, Villas and Cottages a specialty. Draw- ings prepared for reznodeliug enistiug structures, Office-First fiat o'ver W. B Hlowse's ding store. geP O Box 202Y Whitby. WX. CALVERLEY, RAMZE"B MÂKEB, WHITBY. Having moved into our new, we are propared te extend the range of business. Ail work pertaiuinç to the har- ness-makiug snd saddlery business wiil ho done to satisfaction. Collars a specialty. Cali and see my shop and stock. W. CALVEBLEY, Second door west of old shop. Dandas Street, Whitby. FPOR SAME OR TO RENT. New bouse, 8 rooins;3 acre of garden, well feuoed. Good locality on Front street in South Ward. Apply to, B. WORFORK, ,on the adjoining lot, or at the CirnoNîcLu office. Whitby, March 7th, '9'. GOAL GOAL!i (The undarsignad has just r.- Ceived a large qnantity cf First Glass Coal direct from the mines, sud 15 pre- pared te furnisb alsires, dry sud dean, including several hnndred tons cf the OELBRATED NO. 4 a meat popula msaz between Store sud Chestnut. U'Leave:your order at once sud get very lowast quptation. Terms Cash. H- B. TAYLORs OfficHoSesBok Wbithy, july zstb, 1894. Drs. Warren i, Mooe J. J. Moore, M. D., Office licurs 9~s* ni. 'REMO0VED -o- NE W PREMI82 SOUTH 0F ONTARIO BANK Whltby Marbieh orKr8# Manufacturr@cf MapbIB Mdonumeflt8, tHoadBtofleD importera ai Scotch, SweedlshArlicBPand J.anadian OraJlIteB, Ail paitis wishng work wçuid do voel csl onun usbelote purahseig. Ail wok gubr 60ed sud P ces f 1tIia lovout. NvLivsry ai -sais, Stablos Dundas -St., 'Whitby, J. T. NEWPORT,, ProprieWo commnercial men libera4lWstwith Teamng doe et reaonible priceei reight ad Baggae hued stres able prices. A4 eU solicited. W~J. IL UXIK MÂCHINIST, WHITBY, Has opened a Bepair Shop ini onnectio 'with the Cooper Shop ately carried on by his father, opposite AUl Saint' Church asud wildo Il kinds c4 Bepýaing. ewiug M chines a specialty. Lavu Mowora, Bicy- cles, Ph'earma, Loks, SoIe, 01 *thes Wringers, Wa!shig Machines, &e. 85w leiin - katsSaluer, Knivez, Clippers &osarpen4an repaire&.. AIl kiuds e 0 Cooper 'Work made aud repajrçd. Shop opposite AUl Saints' Chnrait, Dunda. Street,Whitby 1H08. PEAT 0f Bowmanvijîa, intends visiting Wh!i.tby once a fOrtmight, to collect clotbing from gentt s to" clean or dye. Garments, when -finished wi look as good as new. If they fà u to bago Winl flot charge for my trouble.,If they su My charge is $1.2S for cleaning.audnicel pressing a suit of clediing-; for dyiýno* a sui z. 50. Overcoats cleanedand pressad 750, û dyed for si. For cleaning oz- dying gants. hats 25C.. -_;' THOS. >MlcÇA"N,Agu, Bowzanville, lly 6, 1892 LI FE. IN SU RA NCE, Manutaturee Life &:Accident Insuranoe Co., Tôronto Largest Capital Stock Lit. usurala -G on the continent. Ninety per c-.ot. of SI accumultions O0Fsuriplus l rutd ta th polieY holder.Anl alà is-are pid vth delY or disenunt on proof ul doath- m5turitY of adowment J. B. POWELLý IDENTISt.'r ()or. King & Yonge lt. roroflto. For three- montil amgvun special attenio o ,aiets *Ir'0U -a tane.,'Am stkl p!~a* iubrq ,s , e e f lu to i a # 1 0. - G é l ns d 0 e X > u work crévuIng by f&t*cIaswoertxa the M'nt. reo1able rà ;tate;ii hl l -4v.i,8X F.Warren,gKs D Office ptc lame yo Yod 17 8 h oi on au 1~ s J. 'i e 'z ', 7